Lusting For Elliot

By YvieOluoch

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Human beings are sane, rational people. Necessities take up prime attention and wants are the temptations we... More

:Part One
:Part One: Chapter One
:Part One: Chapter Two
:Part One: Chapter Three
:Part One: Chapter Four
: Part One: Chapter Five
:Part One: Chapter Six
:Part One: Chapter Seven
:Part One: Chapter Eight
: Part One: Chapter Nine
:Part One: Chapter Ten
:Part One: Chapter Twelve
:Part One: Chapter Thirteen
:Part Two
:Part Two: Chapter Fourteen
:Part Two: Chapter Fifteen
:Part Two: Chapter Sixteen
:Part Two: Chapter Seventeen
:Part Two: Chapter Eighteen
:Part Two: Chapter Nineteen
:Part Two: Chapter Twenty
:Part Two: Chapter Twenty-One
:Part Three
:Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Two
:Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Three
:Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Four
:Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Five
:Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Six
:Part Three: Chapter Twenty-Seven

:Part One: Chapter Eleven

231 17 0
By YvieOluoch

~Chapter Eleven~

It was times like these that I wanted to kill him.

Standing at the front of the school, I had been waiting for the second new student, who had a nearly similar schedule to mine. The student and teachers committee had determined it wiser to apply him to someone whose schedule wouldn't be interfered with.

But watching the same blue-eyed, blonde haired boy walk up the stairs, arrogantly and leisurely, I determined death would be the best solution to get rid of him. Filled with fury and determined to lash out at him, I ignored the obvious.

"What do you think you're doing?" I snapped as I walked right up to him.

He stopped, reeling back in surprised. "Excuse me?"

My brows shot up. "Excuse you? Excuse you?" I demanded. "This is not funny. Your acts, your words, your irresponsibility is not funny. I've wasted my first period waiting for the new student to come, and I do not find it funny that you come in parading as some newbie when in fact you're still the same jerk."

He pushed his hands out. "Excuse me, but I think you have the wrong person."

I scoffed. "Right, wrong person," I flipped through the papers and pulled out his supposed name. "Dupree, right?" I asked.

Eyes wide, he realized the game was up. "Um, yeah."

"So I have the wrong person?" I asked cynically. The guy looked ready to bolt, but that was so unlike Elliot. No, it was him still trying to play with my head. "Tell me something, how did you pull it off? How did you make this come out so well I didn't notice it until the very end? Was this a ruse to play with my mind or is this payment for using my brother? Well?"

"Morning, Shorty," Elliot said from my side, completely amused.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at him. "Not now, Elliot," I snapped, and one corner of his lips tilted up. "I'm busy scolding you right now." I turned back to Elliot. "You are in trouble. I don't know how you managed to pull this off, but I'm calling the principal, the superintendent and the school committee for you. You haven't gotten detention? How about a proper expulsion to..."

I trailed off. One and two finally came together and I took an astounded step back. Chris was laughing, as usual, eyes glistening with moist. Elliot had his arms crossed and was watching me with one of his cheeky, rare smiles. He looked good, too good.

And finally, the newbie was definitely not Elliot. Finally, important details filtered into my mind and a clear picture was captured. His hair was more sandy than buttery. His blue eyes were a clear aquamarine, not the shards of ice I was used to seeing.

I took another step back, eyes going wide as both 'Elliot' smirked. This couldn't be possible, they looked so identical, but not identical. The same chiselled jaws, the same dimples, the same thick brows and the stare, the knowing stares were a sharp blade to my already whirling thoughts.

"There's two of you?" I shrieked. My mouth dropped open as the realisation struck. I waited for it to fade away, for someone to jump out of... somewhere and tell me I was being tricked. Nope, it stuck to my head. I shook my head and glanced back down at the paper in hand, and there was the clue I'd forgotten. Elijah Dupree: associations to the school: Elliot Dupree.

"Since you've made a complete mess of this," Elijah glared at his brother, who rolled his eyes, but still remained amused. "My name is Elijah Dupree, but do call me Eli."

I nodded as he offered me a hand. I was astounded. Elliot never introduced himself. "Are you quite certain you are related?" I went on at the shared confused glances. "I can already tell I'm going to like you. You have manners, manners I admire."

Eli blushed, Elliot scowled, and Chris snickered. I reached for his hand, and was even more marvelled at the gentle but firm shake. "And I am Chrystal Jenkins, but do call me Chrys," I said, smiling charmingly. "Charmed to make your acquaintance."

Eli grinned, bent over and kissed the back of my fingers, all while holding my gaze. "How do you do?" he said. Oh, yes, I was doomed indeed.

Elliot decided to cut in then, yanking Eli from my grasp. I blinked cheeks red hot from blushing. But I wasn't embarrassed. From all the parties I'd been forced to go to, very rarely did a hand shake have my blood singing. It was a melodious tune I liked to hear again.

"Stop embarrassing me, Eli," Elliot growled. "If you're done being a complete idiot, let's go."

Idiot. I felt the stab shoot down my spine, and up came back anger. He called his brother an idiot for charming me? He'd insulted me yet again.

"You," I said, meeting his gaze. "Have no authority to show a newbie around, Elliot."

Elliot rolled his eyes. "He's my brother, that's all the shit I need."

I blushed, rolling my eyes. "How is your uncle a lawyer?" I asked stupefied, while Chris snickered. Elliot glared at him then at me. "I wonder how you can keep up. A thought must rotate in that empty shell-head of yours, knocking here and slowly, oh so mind gratingly slowly, flying to the other side, before you can process it. I pity you, Elliot."

Elliot looked murderous, while Eli and Chris laughed behind him. I knew I'd gone too far, and it was my chance to leave. "Eli, it will be my pleasure to show you around," I offered sweetly.

Eli nodded, much to his brother's annoyance. "Sorry, bro, but I'm sticking to the girl," I was more than proud, to tell you the truth. It made a certain chin tilt higher as I turned around snootily and started a path into the school.

Elijah followed trustingly.

"I had the best guide when I arrived, and I always remember faces and facts for future references," I bragged, feeling flashed I was even doing it. But Elijah followed by, the sweetest guy I'd met so far.

No, there was Morgan Snoad, but doubted he remembered me anymore.

"It's why I'm here at this moment, guiding you around," I said. Elijah nodded. "We have a pretty laid back staff, but there's a sort of treaty where the students have to work. The uniform stays strictly school uniform and tidy studentsare awarded marks by the teachers."

I kept up a nice stream of information, Elijah interjecting once in a while, throwing in a flirtation that caused me to blush, a comment that made me laugh, and a smile that certainly made me feel all bubbly inside.

I noticed the differences as we went along, thirty good minutes into my second period. Elijah was just as physically adept as his brother, he had the same nose shape, but I couldn't help but notice Elijah's smirk didn't carry the same deadly spark as Elliot's.

The humour wasn't as dark like Elliot's and I realised I was having fun with him, holding on to a completely airy mood, but I liked the feel between Elliot and I more.


I was going to punish my younger brother for his unwarranted injection into my life.

"Well, here's the third period," I said, watching students flying left and right. We'd completely missed two periods. "And, one more advice: tardiness is something no teacher likes."

Elijah blushed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I, uh, sort of slept in," he said.

I shook my head humouredly. "Boys will be boys."

Suddenly, Elaine's voice carried over his chuckle and the rustle of ten minute student buzz all around us. People kept on glancing at Elijah, probably wondering why he and I were talking like buddies.

I refused to say something, biting my lower lip as I kept a grin from splitting out. Elaine rushed straight at me excitedly, Meredith and Mathew behind her, eyeing Elijah's quaint behaviour.

"Is it true? Is it true? Is it true?" she grabbed my hand as she jumped up and down eagerly.

I glanced at Elijah and found him watching her peculiarly. I coughed out the clog in my throat. "Depends on this week's rumour," I said.

Elaine rolled her eyes as Meredith stepped in. "There's a rumour flying around that you and Elliot snuck class to go shuck behind the labs."

Immediately, a reddish hue flushed my cheeks from my ears and down to my stomach. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard, or what I'd just been interjected into. And right behind Matthew was Duke, whose brows had shot up in astonishment, and then narrowed in to my blush, and right behind him was Elliot himself with an ever laughing Chris.

Elijah couldn't help out the guffaw he let out, gradually bringing attention to himself.

"A-and who started that?" I stammered out.

Elaine rolled her eyes again. Her fists flew to her waist and I tried not to look behind to him. "Um, say that you weren't in class, for two whole periods," she said. "I checked your attendance record: it's perfect to an 'L's curl. Really, the only reason I could imagine you'd blotch that record's because of Mr. Cool."

I gulped, unable to believe how my missing classes could stir such a wildfire. I shook my head disbelievingly, everyone waiting for my answer. Even Elijah and Chris had held off their laughter to listen to it.

I inhaled deeply, before asking. "Wasn't Elliot in class?" all three of my friends stared at me as if I'd lost a head.

Meredith snorted. "Right, of course," she mumbled, and I was very aware of the start of sarcasm. "So, you go missing for two periods, and we suddenly believe some seriously wacky, but fact confounding, rumour that you and Elliot are -"

"Don't say that word," I lifted a finger in warning, Elliot smirking behind them, eyes making me feel hot and bothered.

"-shacking like mad behind the labs, while the boy's sitting in front of us;" she ignored me. She snorted once again. "I like your deducing skills, Princess. I swear you're the next Sherlock Holmes."

I smiled politely. "You're about to get a diss, Eddie," Matthew said.

"Thank you Meredith," I said instead. About four pairs rolled their eyes at me. "So I'm supposing Dupree wasn't in class either, then, and with both of us missing everyone quickly assumed more was happening at that designated area."

Meredith gave me a stare that was questioning, Matthew shaking her head disbelievingly. "Man, can you ever step out of the good girl cycle?" he asked.

Elaine smacked his arm. "Hey, I like that," she said. "It makes her unique in a world of costumes and play acting. You go, girl."

I smiled genuinely at that, but Meredith had to ruin it, "When did you get all philosophical?" she said, her forehead wrinkling cutely. Beside me, Elijah suddenly couldn't stop staring.

I rolled my eyes. He was so different than his brother; not entirely.

"The point here," I said, pulling back the attention to myself. "I have not a wick of an idea why someone would spread such an insane rumour about me, or Elliot, for that matter, but it's all a flabbergasted lie."

Meredith rolled her eyes. Matthew scoffed. Elaine was between defending me and calling me out on a sort of jiff, and Elliot actually crossed his arms behind us. It was only Duke who noticed the nearly identical boys but he was still astounded at the similarities.

"You could have fooled us, Princess." That was Meredith. "You've been seen giving him a 'tour' around school, laughing and giggling like a pair."

Elaine finally decided, hands going to her hips again. It was odd how she wore pants but Meredith stuck to skirts. "Yeah, and someone, with a clear shot camera, saw him holding open the backdoor open for you. How is that?"

Elliot scowled behind them, Chris snickered into his hand obviously enjoying the mystery too much, and I felt the inklings of frustration. Finally, I picked it all up. "Guys, would you please-"

Meredith shook her head vigorously. "No," she said adamantly. "Start spilling, Princess, and it had better be the truth."

I shook my head again. "Before you all get started-"

Elaine nodded, firmly. "Oh, no, you don't," she said. "We want the details," suddenly a twinkle appeared in their eyes. "Was it good? Did it go far? Oh, did he go, um, somewhere?" the two oblivious girls suddenly giggled.

I was flustered and frustrated at that very moment, having been more than aware of the gathering crowd around us. The ten minutes between class was nearly up. I couldn't believe what the girls had just asked for.

Here I thought I was in trouble.

Apparently, the very reason the audience's giggles and Elliot's grin, turned cheeky, was as I blushed. I'd barley caught myself thinking of all the things I've heard sex could involve.

I'm not all perfect.

Flustered and just about ready to burst into a fried chicken, I did what I had to do in one breathe. "Everyone this is Elijah Dupree, he's new here," Elijah waved from beside me, chuckling at the suddenly quiet crowd.

Eyes went round as they all realised what I'd also failed to acknowledge when we'd met. "Yes, they appear stunningly alike," I said, now calmer, thankfully. "But I assure you Elijah Dupree is more charming, approachable and downright respectable than his twin, the ever scowling Elliot Dupree, right there, dearies."

Everyone turned to an arm crossed, scowling Elliot who wasn't enjoying the show anymore. Murmurs went around suddenly, with people's eyes unable to believe the coincidence.

Meredith and Elaine stared at each other, then at the twins doing a very good impression of paragons, before they stared back at me. "Oh!" they both said with eyes wide and cheeks starting to rise with embarrassed blushes.

Mathew was the one to laugh out loud behind them, causing both of them to duck their heads. Meredith remembered herself at the last moment, tilting her nose upward.

I nodded, smiling once again in a polite fashion. "I just have to say it's very disappointing for all of you to believe and determine that simply because Elliot Dupree and I are missing from the same class, at a supposed equal time frame, that we're, um-"

About six voices happily supplied me a word, and I blushed with each one.




"Having sex."

"Making out?"

That last was Elaine, and I smiled, grateful at her. "I'd happily use that choice, Elaine," I said, before realising how it turned out. Some people snickered. "On second thought, it let more imagination than I'd like, so none of the above."

Meredith shook her head, confused. "But wait," she said, halting people again. "There's a very hot picture of you and Elliot practically screwing each other in a kiss, down at Macy's."

I suddenly couldn't speak. A whole chorus of people suddenly started snickering, and I blushed furiously. Elijah beside me whistled. "Wow, bro, I see why now."

I couldn't think as everyone was suddenly staring between Elliot and me. The boy was just as surprised at that revelation, so this wasn't some awesome plan from him, thankfully.

Or not...?

I narrowed my gaze at him. Was this his leverage? Was this his way of making sure I would never cross another line again? Well, it sucked as he'd already disclosed it. Or he could not have been the brains behind this photo.

But it had been late at Macy's with close to no one in the store. How had that action been seen? Then again, Macy and about the last customers had seen us kiss so maybe one of them took it thinking it was cute.

Either way, it brought back the whole thing that occurred afterwards. And it was like cold ice down my spine.

I didn't answer them. I stared right back at Elliot, and he knew there was no more joking. I think, in his own weird way, he remembered what he'd done. A muscle ticked on his jaw.

I cleared my throat, glancing away from what felt to me like pleading icy eyes. Suddenly, a polite smile filtered onto my lips, and I gaily laughed off their questions.

"Guys, rumours happen, theories are explored, life goes on when all's said and done," I laughed. "And once again, may I remind you Photoshop exists?"

Suddenly, the school gossip columnist pushed through to the front. Geraldine Perry. I couldn't believe she was here. Adamantly, she asked. "Are you, Ms. Chrystal Jenkins, denying any affront of a kiss with Elliot Dupree? Are you implying this whole photo a farce?"

When two reporters fire you a question as one, use your wit, dear, mum had once said as her interrogation teachings. Be the leader. Be smarter.

"Ms. Perry, I presume?" I asked. She nodded. "We are in high school. A person could easily lie to become part of a cooler crowd, a child could easily be harassed and no one could show a wit about it, one of us could easily post a warped photograph in retaliation of an assault. I just have to say that whoever has posted this photo hopefully has a sense of decorum to feel ashamed of their actions. No matter where we are, let's all remember privacy is a matter we all strive to protect, and we must remember to respect that of others in order for that respect to be returned. I won't speak anymore on the matter and ask us all to go to classes. We are in school, after all."

And just then, the bell shrilly sounded and jarred everyone from their states of shock, disbelief or impression, reeling back Geraldine, whose eyes sparked with intrigue.

I gradually left them all behind, glancing briefly at Elliot, who, shockingly, was impressed, and entered Ms. Teheran's class, who had been watching the spectacle silently. She smiled almost... respectfully?

It must have been my imagination.

But by the time class rolled to halfway, I received a note on my desk.

Meet me at the library at lunchtime, it said. I have a proposal you just might like.

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