Hence // Naruto Various x Rea...

By OtomeOfContradiction

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-CURRENT ARC: Chunin Exams\/ (Chapters 41 - N/A) [Prologue: 1 - 23 Team Assignment: 24 - 28 Land of Waves: 29... More

Ch. 1 (Revamped)| A New Chapter Begins!
Ch. 2| Travel and Learn!
Ch. 3| Questionable Cat
Ch. 4| Her Dearly Beloved, Apt. Trope!
Ch. 5| Broth
Ch. 6| New People!
Ch. 7| Uh..Heh?
Ch. 8| Like a Good Neighbor-!
Ch. 9| ooooooooooooOOOOh!
Ch. 10| She's. A. F***ing. Queen.
Ch. 11| Relaxation
Ch. 12| Ninja?
Ch. 13| Time to Enlist!
Ch. 14| Welcome!
Ch. 15| A Red Panda in the Desert
Ch. 16| I go back now? -!! I go back now.
Ch. 17| It's Peasant, Not Patient
Ch. 18| Ghosts, Gremlins, and Glares, Oh My!
Ch. 19| The Old
Ch. 20| The New
Ch. 21| To Catch a Follower
Ch. 22| Zaku's Special!
Ch. 23| Saturday
Ch. 24| Enter: Ninja- Naruto Uzumaki!!!
Ch. 25| Take the Wheel- I Don't Want It
Ch. 26| The Test of Asuma Sarutobi
Ch. 27| Game 'n Ghost Time
Ch. 29| To The Land of Waves We Go!
Ch. 30| And on His Farm He had a Cow
Ch. 31| Death is Immortal
Ch. 32| Women and Food (Battle for the Bridge Part 1)
Ch. 33| Goodbye. (Battle for the Bridge Part 2)
Ch. 34| . . .
Ch. 35| -Oh no! People!
Ch. 36| To Be Prepared
Ch. 37| Cats Really Like Konoha
Ch. 38| Exam Ti- HOLD IT!
Ch. 39| The Blessed Curse
Ch. 40| S- Who???
Ch. 41| Old Friends and...Maybe New Ones?
Ch. 42| With My ~NiNJa iNfO caRdS~
Ch. 43| To Cheat or Not To Cheat, That is the Question.
Ch. 44| A Mess of a Day That's Not Even Over!
Ch. 45| Stubborn Memories
Ch. 46| Commence the Second Exam!

Ch. 28| Just the Genin Life

611 43 13
By OtomeOfContradiction

TW: Swearing; Second Person; People Who Need a Refresher on What Personal Space Is

"Asuma-sensei? Can I help you?" You leaned against the door to your apartment. A head of blonde hair peaked out from behind you, and a head of black hair behind that.

The man glanced to your side and waved slightly to the people behind you. "We have our first mission today and I'm picking everyone up of course. Shikamaru still needed some time to get ready, so you were next."

"Let me get my equipment!" You rushed away. This left Zaku and Naruto behind. The boys stared at your sensei while he awkwardly looked around.

Zaku, who had a later mission, was currently eating a bowl of cereal. He brought a spoonful of the sugary substance to his mouth from the bowl in his hands, not taking his eyes off the older man. Naruto crossed his arms over his chest, still in his pajamas. "So you're (Y/N)'s sensei?"

Asuma nodded, sweat dipping down his neck while Naruto scrutinized him. He chuckled to ease the tension, but to no avail. The boys were pretty salty you weren't on their teams. You reappeared, prepared to leave, and said your goodbyes.

"Who's next?" You asked walking beside your sensei as he read a map. You were energized right now after eating what had to be the most sugary cereal this world could offer and wanted to get started. Walking like normal people on a normal person road did nothing for your energy levels.

"Well, looks like Ino's place is the closest. I suspect she might be at work right now though, so let's check there first," Asuma folded up the map and placed it in a pocket of his flank jacket. He retrieved a cigarette and lighter from the same pocket.

"Work?" you inquired, feeling out of the loop. 'Ino has a job...? I must've forgot since she was never really one of my favorites... she seems nice in person...'

Asuma looked at you for a moment before chuckling, "Right, I forgot you were still relatively new to the village. Ino's parents run a flower shop and she helps them out."

'Flowers huh..'


"Ino! You here?!" your sensei called out. The man scratched the back of his in confusion. The sign out front clearly said open and the front door was unlocked, yet no one was around.

You wandered a bit away, admiring the flowers and other various plants. They were very beautiful and it was clear to you that they were being well taken care of. 'Naruto likes plants... right?... he does have a bunch in his apartment... I swear he takes better care of those than he does himself... maybe I should come back later and buy him another as a gift...'

You walked about some more, hearing a faint one minute that was directed at your sensei's words. The further you went, the more normal looking plants you found instead of flowers. 'I wonder if any of these plants could help with Kimi's cough... I should do some more research at the library...'

"Asuma-sensei! Have you come to pick up some more flowers?" Ino popped out from the back of the store. She wiped some dirt from her hands onto a yellow apron she was wearing.

'More flowers aye? ...So sensei's got a love life?~ Wonder who it is.' You wiggled a brow at the man while continuing to admire the plants.

Asuma laughed nervously into his hand, rubbing his nape, "ah, no, I'll be in some other time for those.. (Y/N) and I were rounding everyone up so we could start missions today."


Ino looked around for a moment a moment before spotting you farther away. You gave a small wave, "'Morning."

She smiled brightly back, "Good morning, (Y/N)! -Let me go tell my mom and I'll be ready to go."


After picking up Ino, your little group headed towards the Akimichi household to pick up one Choji Akimichi. When you three arrived you were only greeted by a thiccc, tanned woman who claimed to be his mother. She said that his friend already got him, before rushing back to whatever she had been doing.

Asuma placed a hand under his chin as you three walked away from the house. "Shikamaru must've picked him up. That was surprisingly fast of him..." 'His mom must've gotten to him...' The man surly laughed to himself.

"But where'd they go sensei?" Ino furrowed her eyebrows together while following your sensei.

"Probably to where our first mission is, I assume," the man smirked. "I let Shikamaru know where we were going. Let's pick up the pace so we don't keep 'em waiting!"


'Genin jobs aren't that different from the odd jobs I take- except for being official-' You thought to yourself as you and your team finished up your current mission. 'I wonder how much more money I'll be making... I should really take the time to calculate all of that-'

You sighed, using your arm to get the sweat off your face. "Last one! 2 minutes till plating!!"

"2 minutes! Got it! Ready to plate!" Ino called back after finishing with some salads.

Currently, you team had been tasked with helping a pub/restaurant. According to the owner, the entire morning staff called in sick, forcing her to request help. This place wasn't anything fancy or popular, so child Genin were qualified for the job.

However, only you, Ino, and Asuma, really knew how to cook the offered dishes, so the other boys were left to serve customers. Now Choji and Shikamaru were stuck wearing blouses and waistcoats way too big for them. They honestly looked kind of cute, but when you told them that they ran away.

You sighed in relief as you passed Ino the last batch of pancakes. You were finally done with the lunch rush and got to take a break. The owner notified you all, too, if no spare employees showed up soon, she would just close until her night staff showed. You were thankful for that, since you didn't want to deal with people when they started giving out alcohol at night.

"Great work you two! I'll finish cleaning in here. You both go take your break with the boys." Asuma yelled from his spot at the dish station.

"Finally," Ino groaned and you nodded in agreement. You both peeled your aprons off before going out the dinning area where the boys were.

You and Ino plopped yourselves at a corner booth where Shikamaru already laid, asleep. You shook your head fondly and scanned the room for Choji. You watched as he delivered the last plate to a kind looking man seated at the bar. The boy quickly headed to your group, but you had become fixated on something.

A mess of silver hair that caught your attention at the bar now had your face scrunching in confusion. Black eyes met yours for a moment before they went back to looking towards the front. 'What is-'

"Hey guys... why do you look so dead..?" Choji rose a brow at you all, munching on a cookie he had in his kunai pouch.

You laughed, waving your hand dismissively, "Just tired, Cho, like you probably are. You'd be amazed at how hot that kitchen could get. I'm doing fine though. Here, take my seat, I'll be back in a bit." You rose from the booth with a smile, guiding Choji to sit.

"Thanks (Y/N). But are you sure??"

"It's fine. I'll be at the bar if you need me," you brushed off his worry and made your way over to the nearly deserted bar area.

You sat down on a stool next to a gray haired boy, leaning on the bar with your back. You weren't suppose to sit like that, but heck if your back cared right now. Back support for the win.

"I wouldn't take you as someone who eats here regularly."

Kabuto laughed a bit, turning to face you, "Really? And where would you expect me to eat?'

"You seem very particular in what you do—if our sessions have taught me anything—so you probably cook your own meals," you shrugged. You glanced at the boy from the corner of your eye before looking at a random window. "Why are you here?"

"If I'm truly that easy read, shouldn't you already know?" Kabuto hummed, taking a drink from some water he had. He put the cup of water down and turned to sit like you.

"Information, I assume. But what can you-""(Y/N), darling! There you are! I was just passing out some refreshments to your teammates! Here you go!" The owner lady popped up, giving you a bottle of water, chips, and a side of heart attack-

"-Thank you, ma'am." You sighed, forcing yourself to relax again. Kabuto chuckled to himself as you glared at him.

"Don't mention it, dear! -Oh my, and I see you've met Kabuto! How've you been, honey? Here's some napkins! Let me know how you like the food!" The woman fired out, taking some napkins from her pocket and placing them on the bar. You were left puzzled as the woman glided away to chat with other patrons.

You looked back to Kabuto as he turned back to the bar. He had a plate in front of him, but it had already been cleared of any food; what did he need napkins- oh. 'Sneaky wamen-'

Kabuto had fished out a small scroll trapped between napkins and slid it into one of his pockets. "So that kind of information..."

The boy hummed, turning to sit like you again. "There's a lot you can learn in a place like this. So, how's your new sensei? Asuma, right?"

You nodded, "Don't act like you didn't know. I might die of shock if I find out Mr.-Knows-All doesn't know all." Kabuto chuckled, shaking his head at you.

"Who do you think he is?" Ino whispered to her fellow squad-mates. All three Genin had their eyes trained on you and your mystery friend as you laughed together.

Choji frowned, laying his head on the table. "I don't know, but he looks older than us. I think he's wearing a Leaf headband too."

"Will you two give it a rest and be quiet!" Shikamaru grumbled, turning in his side of the booth. He didn't know why, but seeing you interacting with this guy was making his stomach churn.

Kabuto frowned a bit now, eyeing his glass of water in his hands. "How have things been... since the whole Mizuki incident?"

"That's right. I haven't seen you since before that," you mused, taking a drink of your own water. "It's been alright. He was a twat, but he was still smart, so I'm pretty sure he didn't say anything specific about me."

"You'd be correct."

. . . "What do you mean 'correct'?" Your brows furrowed and you locked eyes with the boy. "Kabuto, what the hell have you been doing???"

He smirked a bit and set down his glass of water. Your eyes went wide as he leaned into your personal space, caging you with one of his arms. To anyone else, it'd seem like the boy was trying to give you a kiss; in reality, his face remained unmoving by your ear. "Sorry, but your friends over there just can't seem to keep their eyes off us."

You glanced down to your side as you felt Kabuto slip something in your weapons pouch. "...why does this meeting not feel like a coincidence?" you whispered into his ear before he could turn away.

Kabuto moved his face in front of yours, your noses touching. A devilish smile played at his lips but you remained neutral. You were definitely happy your ghost friends were taking the day to relax; they thought nothing eventful could possibly happen on a boring day like today.

"I just got that info and wanted to get it to you sooner, rather than later. And I did actually need to pick up that other scroll from Madam Suka today."

You nodded lightly and Kabuto turned to sit back in his seat. You carefully glanced to your table of friends, only to see two pairs of eyes practically glued to you. You smacked the boy next to you on the arm with a huff, "You could've done all of that without putting on such a show though."

He smiled at you while placing some money on the bar, "Yeah, but teasing your teammates was too good to pass up."

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms while he got up from his stool. The boy stared at you for a moment, contemplating something. His expression gave no clues as to what was running through his mind. He leaned down to your ear again with a hand on your shoulder, "...Be careful. And read that scroll."

You hummed with a raised brow in reply. With that, Kabuto left, striding out of the pub with his hands stuffed in his pockets. You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance, 'I never know what's running through his head... no wonder he gets along with Roach; he can be so unsettling at times... definitely a teenager though, sure enough...'

You sighed quietly before fully looking to your team. Choji and Ino immediately looked away from you and pretended like they had been conversing with each other all along. You shook your head with fondness and headed back to the group, taking a note to check on the scroll later.


"Alright everyone, be safe getting home," Asuma grinned before poofing away to god knows where. You each started to go your own ways before you and Ino realized you were walking the same way. You ended up offering to walk her home. She accepted near immediately-

"So..." you attempted to break the awkward silence between you two. Ino had been fine with the silence, but you grew restless. "Your parents own a flower shop? That's cool."

Ino looked to you with big eyes as you both walked, "Yeah, it is. ..Do you like flowers?"

You smiled sweetly, "Yeah, they're all so beautiful in their own way. I prefer to see them naturally, but the ones at your shop seemed nice. ! Did you know you can use certain flowers for baking? Apparently-" You started rambling—a habit you had picked up from Naruto—after finally finding something you could talk about.

Ino watched you intensely, her eyes roaming your face as you spoke. It was like she was in a trance, listening to talk about a passion of yours. Your eyes practically sparkled, pairing well with the sunset that casted a radiant glow to your face. The girl hadn't even noticed her staring, it just pulled at her. But for some reason, she knew she didn't want to stop. She wondered if she was simply tired; yes, that had to be it.

Her eyes went wide when you grabbed her arm, snapping her out of her trance like state.

"Oh! (Y/N) and Ino! Are you two here to pick up flowers as well?? Don't tell me Mr. Asuma still has you two darlings doing missions this late?! Do you need any help???"

A neverous laughter slipped from your mouth. You released Ino's arm, the girl realizing she had almost ran into someone. "No, Miss Suka. We were just heading home. We're done for the day. Thank you though."

She nodded, the grin on her face never once disappearing. Ino cocked her head to the side as she inspected the crate the woman carried.

"Say.... I know it's late dears. But would you two be willing to help an old lady out tonight?"

Ino looked to the woman inquisitivly, "Help with what?"

"I have a large party of ninjas who reserved the pub area tonight. Completely slipped my mind- till I remembered these flowers I purchased for tonight a week ago," she lightly mused while gesturing to her crate of white cosmos and lilies. "I have enough staff for the kitchen, but I don't feel I'll be enough as a waiter tonight. You see, I'm afraid my latest night waiter quit. Such a nice young man too..."

"...So you need help waiting tables?"

The woman nodded enthusiastically, "Just till the party leaves, which will be around 8PM. That's when their reservation will be over!"

Ino's face was skeptic of this deal, but before she could say anything, you piped in, "Can whoever helps get paid appropriately?"

"Oh yes, of course!! I wouldn't dream of taking such late help for free!!! I'll even add on a free dinner as a bonus!"

"Alright, I'll help. I just need to run by my place to tell my brother," you agreed nonchalantly. Ino looked to you in shock.

"Fantastic! Thank you so much, (Y/N) dear!"

"(Y/N)-" your teammate chided, putting her hand between her lips and Miss Suka's eyes. "What are you thinking?! A pub full of alcoholics and a 13 year old?! What if something happens to you?!?!"

You smiled softly at the girl, easing only a spec of her new worries, "I'll be fine, Ino. Thank you, but don't worry, I can handle myself." 'I couldn't agree more, but extra money is always good for emergencies... I wonder if this is what it's like being an adult... The need for money is such a pain...'

She sighed, rubbing her hand down her face. "You and the boys are always getting into something!!... why do I have to be the responsible one.... I'll be helping too, Miss Suka!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"


"Oh! You two look so cute!!!!" Your face contorted in confusion as the grown woman in front of you practically squealed. "Have these too!!"

Suka rushed over to you and then Ino, placing a single white cosmo in both your top pockets. You and Ino now wore simple, salmon-pink dresses, that were honestly probably too big for both of you. The length seemed perfect though, making you concerned of how the uniforms looked on taller people. Thankfully, they left everything to the imagination; you were not taking this job and being uncomfortable.

"The party will be here any time now! So get out there as soon as you can!" The woman chirped before dashing out of the back office you were in.

Ino grunted, forcing your attention to her. She looked to you in defeat, outstretching her headband to you, "(Y/N), could you tie this for me? I can't get it..."

You picked up the headband before placing it with the rest of your clothes. "It's better if we leave those here. They're... We don't really need them for this. They give people something to ask us about, and unwanted discussions with drunks are a no for me."

"You're right," Ino nodded.

You two made your way to the dinning area just in time to see the party of ninjas arrive. You eyed them while following Ino to near the kitchen. Half of the large group adorned green flank jackets and Leaf headbands. However, the other half had headbands from another village you didn't recognize. Some of those people wore grey flank jackets, others, simple shirts and pants. All of the diners were men.

You recognized no one, not a single character.

Miss Suka was surprisingly quick at getting the rowdy men seated before she started talking with them. You and Ino decided to head to the kitchen for further instruction.

You simply watched the cooks while Ino peeked out the kitchen door, waiting for your current employer. You instinctively tilted your head to the side as a new person entered from the back of the kitchen. He wore the male version of your waiter uniforms you'd seen earlier on your teammates. But that wasn't the only thing that had your head tilting. He seemed... oddly familiar.

The man looked over everyone within the kitchen, before spotting the idle Ino and you. He strode over to you with an annoyed expression and raised brow. "Who are you two? I've never seen you here before."

You mirrored the man's expression, making him more annoyed, along with the fact it seemed like Ino didn't hear him. "We got recruited for the night by Miss Suka as waiters. ...Have we met before? I feel like I know you."

'He reminds of Kankuro... if he was older, a bit tan, and had glasses... but that can't be the only reason he seems familiar... Wait do those things even have lenses—'

"Waiters?! But you're only 8! What is that incompetent woman thinking?!"

"12 and 13, actually. Never seen a child before?"

"Alright- Misumi!! What are you doing here, darling???" Miss Suka had finally popped back in from the dinning room. She seemed just as perplexed as Ino now was by the appearance of the man.

Misumi pushed up his (fake?) glasses with a frown, "I heard you could use help tonight. I understand you needed assistance, but why are there children here?"

"They're helping me of course! Just like they did this morning. You're welcome to join!! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get these orders in!"

The man sighed as the pepped up woman glided away again. He glanced to you two with his arms crossed, "Don't get in my way tonight. I'm the adult here, so you don't do anything unless I tell you to."

"What about Miss Suka?" you questioned.

"That incompetent woman? Follow her if you want, but I guarantee you're better off sticking with me," he snidely pointed out. You couldn't say anything else, as the clearly arrogant man left for the dinning room.

"That guy was rude. Miss Suka really needs better help," Ino hummed, you nodding in argreement.

The restaurant—even though it wasn't that popular—was quick to fill with many guests. It wasn't too surprising, with couples and families wanting some cheap but decent food for dinner. Since Suka and Misumi were already handling the loud ninjas, it was left to you and Ino to work the dinning room.

You were already tired of the job the first hour in, as a child threw a fit while their family prepared to leave. He had been upset his parents wouldn't let him have ice cream. Then, when you finally came to give the check, the boy tried bargaining with you, offering you "a good time." That had gotten the kid smacked upside the head and the family immediately paid before leaving. You were left still as you wondered what era you were in.

You wandered back towards the kitchen, the laughter of the ninjas nearby drowning out the boys fit. You leaned against a wall, taking a short breather. 'At least some people here are having a good time... maybe I should take a break, read that scroll... I still wanna know how I know that guy too ...'


You jumped as the sound of broken glass reached your ears. Your eyes landed on the ninjas and Misumi. A Leaf-nin had wide eyes as they looked to your fellow waiter. The ninja's hard features turned red in embarrassment, the hair in his face dangling awkwardly not helping much. "Oops? Sorry about that, sir.."

Misumi's jaw tightened as he kept an annoyed smile on his face. His clothes were visibly ruined, covered in some purple liquid you assumed was wine. The other ninja, loud and drunk, hadn't even quieted for the mess, only the one who made it.

Misumi's eyebrow twitched, but you doubted the drunk would notice his annoyance. "It's fine."

"Oh my, Misumi!!" You heard Miss Suka gasp as she came out of the bathroom. Ino was over by you now, having heard the glass brake too. "You're a mess!!! Hurry and go get changed!! (Y/N), Ino, come clean this up please while I go get another bottle."

You and Ino nodded, you watching Misumi as he grumbled into the kitchen. The gears in your mind started to turn at closer inspection of him, but nothing clicked yet.

You and Ino were quick to clean everything up but you had cut your hand in the process. Ino was now patching you up in a small corner of the kitchen.

'I really need to be more careful-' You winced as the blonde in front of you rubbed disinfecting alcohol on your cut. 'This better heal quickly- it's always the small cuts that hurt the most...'

You dazed out as Ino started to scold you about picking up glass, eyes wandering around the kitchen. Misumi stood near the counter for orders. He seemed like he was waiting for something... yet, there were a few dishes already there.

You squinted your eyes but Misumi was quick to move, walking up to a fresh order. He looked around, before taking the plate. Your eyes followed him before being blocked by Ino. "Hey! Are you even listening right now?! Do you think Miss Suka will charge me for the dress?? It's more purple than pink now.."

Your eyes darted down to the purple areas of Ino's outfit.

'......... oh my moldy chicken strips! It's the non-sunglasses guy from Kabuto's Chunin Exam team!!! He works for Orochimaru though- what the hell is he doing here-'

You jumped from your seat, "Hey! Misumi!!"

The man lightly flinched, but turned to you quite naturally. As he moved, he slipped his hand in his pocket before fully facing you. "Yes? What is it?"

"I knew you sounded familiar! A nurse mentioned you being on Kabuto's ninja squad!" You cheered outwardly while your heart pounded in your ears. Something wasn't right. You don't simply take someone's food to a corner of the kitchen.

You could feel the thin ice you walked, and for once, you felt uninsured about how this night would go.

"You know Kabuto?" The man raised an inquisitive brow.

"No, not really," you chuckled awkwardly at the lie on your tongue. "I met him once at the hospital visiting my brother, who liked his time with him. I can never seem to find him, so could you pass along a thank you?"

The man scoffed in annoyance, "If that's all, I need to deliver this food."

"Let me help with that!" You rushed over, nearly running into a chef. You avoided the person, and attempted to trip on top of Misumi- to make him drop the plate. Unfortunately, he was able to slide away and you landed face first into the floor.

Misumi looked to you unimpressed, "I don't need help. Especially from someone so clumsy."

"(Y/N)!" Ino quickly followed in your footsteps and ran over to you. In her tunnel vision, she barely noticed she'd knocked the plate from Misumi's hand. She didn't turn back until she heard the plate shatter.

Ino's brows furrowed in guilt as she gazed at the very, very, irate man, "Sorry..."

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in agitation. Without a word, the man stomped out of the kitchen. You stared at the plate shattered on the floor as Ino guided you to stand. "Ah! You're covered in grease!! Do they seriously not clean around here?! Let's get you to the bathroom."

You waved your hand dismissively, "I can go by myself. You help Miss Suka."

Ino reluctantly agreed and stared to rush out the piling orders. You glanced at the people around you before snatching up a piece of the dropped food and walked away.

You managed to make it to the women's restroom without any more delays. You leaned against a wall and sighed, holding the piece of food you grabbed to the light. If you looked closely one could see daunting red specks on it. You weren't sure if it was something to be suspicious about, or if it was just some spice.

You pinched the bridge of your nose before looking to the ceiling, "What am I doing... Can't even follow my personal rules not to get involved with shit..."

'Would a hit I had no knowledge of really be ordered here... now... while I'm here... of all god damn fucking times...' The light above you buzzed. You threw the food you held in the toilet to flush it away. 'Stupid paranoia... I need more sleep... It's probably nothing...... I hope...'

You sighed, you couldn't go back in the dinning room like this. You decided to lean further into the wall and pull out a certain scroll you had moved to your breast pocket with your flower.

It was information about you, clearly. The document was small, neat, and professional, but clearly taken as some sort of notes; whatever you held felt like a copy of some sort. Why Kabuto had given you this, you weren't sure. You struggled to read the small print, but you could tell the text basically called you an average person, with slightly above average ninja skills.

'What was the point of giving me this?! He made it sound like some big deal!!'

Before you could barely react Misumi had barged through the door. In the seconds he took to lock the door, you threw the scroll you held in the trash. The man stomped over to you, holding you up by the collar of your dress. "You were here- chatting with Kabuto today!! What's going on here?!"

'Fucking shit- who ratted me out- oh wait... Kabuto had to pick up the thing when I was working...... I hate it when people connect dots-' "If I said I didn't know what you were talking about, would you believe me?"

You flashed a grin but the man only narrowed his eyes at you. "...yeah, I thought that might've been a stretch."

"Who do you work for?! Orochimaru?!" You blinked in worry as you could feel your feet lift slightly off the ground.

"I don't work for anyone. I just have... honesty issues?"

"Why are you here?!" the man seethed.

Your lips folded into a thin line when you could no longer feel the ground. You looked to the man. It was clear: any answer you gave would probably only confuse him and make him more upset. You sighed again, pouting. "Alright. I guess were doing this the hard way." You're hands moved in sync behind your back.

"Hard way? You-"

The man froze when something pinched the back of his neck. His hands released you before he collapsed to the ground. Another you stood there with a toothy grin and their hand raised in a crab-like formation. "Mission 'KNOCKOUT' accomplished me! Remember to thank Guy's team for taijutsu training!"

You slowly nodded and your shadow clone disappeared in a puff of smoke. It was really luck that let you knock out the man so easily; all the variables were perfect and Misumi sort of just left himself open. You thought you were going to have to fight for a second. You sighed, again, knowing such luck probably wouldn't last long.

You placed the unconscious man on your back before teleporting behind the restaurant, leaving him there. While your own life could be in jeopardy now... at least you might've saved someone else? Not to mention your scroll was ruined in the slimy trash. ....You did NOT get paid enough for this!


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