
By theboilingdumpling7

523 13 4

Choi Boram was a normal teenage girl going to college But the only thing she doesn't know is the chaos waitin... More

'College here I come'
'New friends!!'
'First day'
'Dentation?!Oh hell nah!!'
'Teacher's pet pt.1'
'Teacher's pet pt.2'
'Twitter pt.2'
'For f#ck's sake not again'
'Damn it(changing pt.2)'
'Been too long'
'New characters'
Characters: The parents
'Who tf'
'Emergency meeting'
My bad y'all

'Stupid concert'

6 0 0
By theboilingdumpling7

Monday, who the hell loves Mondays, if you love Mondays I kindly suggest you go to therapy

But anyway, wake up, get ready, have breakfast with whoever is there already, brush your teeth and go to school wash, rinse, repeat for 5 days straight

Oh and also, don't forget to put on deodorant and perfume

Wait you guys don't even know who's talking, but it wouldn't be fun telling you so you're just have to figure it out

Anyways I hate maths.....and chemistry......and P.E.......and physics in short I hate every lesson

Except Arts and music ofcourse, who can hate such innocent and calming courses

I'm running out of things to think about, where is everyone, currently walking down the hallway and it's empty as hell, not even a roach is lingering around here, and I'm very thankful

Anyways I might hate P.E buuuuuut, since I felt sportif today I thought 'why not take a walk down the hallway' and that was the worst idea

I literally just past the elevator and I wish I could turn back, well I can but it's too far, and yes 6ft is too far argue with the wall, respectfully

You know what else I feel like doing, going back to bed, but unfortunately it's Monday, and Monday means school, and unfortunately I can't drop out, cause dropping out means getting disowned by the family members

Damn my mind is hurting cause I have to think about something to entertain myself, what time is it '6:20' school starts in exactly one hour, yaaay

Also just wondering am I the only one who makes grammar mistakes while thinking, I'm not even talking so how the fuck am I making grammatical mistakes, that is a huge shame to my people and I deeply apologize, at least I think I do

Oh here comes Jessie


Before I could answer two more people came in

JISOO: hello

Jungkook: hi!

Yoongi: hey

Jungkook: where's everyone else?

Boram: hello!

Namjoon: Morning!

Jin: Good morning

Hoseok: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii-

Taehyung: Good morning everyone

Yoongi: there's absolutely no need for all those Good mornings

Boram: I didn't say Good morning tho

Hoseok: me neither

Yoongi: same thing

Jimin: Good morning

Yoongi: Oh My days

Jessie: Anyways what do you guys want for breakfast

Jungkook: Ramen

Everyone turned to jungkook with a questioning or concerned look. Ramen? For breakfast? Is he OK? But he blocked out all those looks while staring at his phone

Jisoo: I'll make pancakes

Jessie: And I'll make coffee

Boram: And I'll get cream, sugar and.... other things

Yoongi: And I'll nap

Before Yoongi's back could collide with the pillow Jin took it and made it collide with his face instead

Jin: You woke up so you'll have to wait until school is over for the day to sleep again

Yoongi let out a groan at the fact that he can't even nap at the moment, not a morning person

Jin: and you better make sure to do your homework before even thinking of a pillow

Yoongi groaned even louder and slumped in his chair

Jessie: coffee's ready

Yoongi: YES!!

Yoongi got up with his sudden burst of energy and grabbed a cup of coffee before it could even be set on the table with a huge gummy smile decorating his face, how adorable

Jessie set the first set of coffee on the table and left to bring the second set. After a while she cane back and put the second set down

While everyone was putting sugar and cream in their cups, Taehyung seemed to be searching for something

Boram: Why aren't you taking a cup Tae?

Taehyung: oh, I don't drink coffee

He let out a soft apologetic laugh and apologized for not telling them earlier, the boys couldn't believe they forgot that detail

Jessie: no need to be sorry, there's some juice in the fridge if you want

Taehyung: that's perfect thanks!

He then got up and went to get the juice

Boram: at least this way we get to know more about eachother

Namjoon: but who's gonna drink his coffee

Yoongi: I will, I need it

Jessie: Jisoo how are the pancakes coming up

Boram: are they almost done cause I'm starving

Jisoo: they're coming up great and don't rush me I'm making pancakes not cereals

After a while of getting rushed, Jisoo brought in the hurriedly made pancakes and set them down

Even if they were made under pressure they sure were good


Student #5: did you hear about the event that will happen today

Student #87: oh yeah I wonder what it is

Student #34: who told you there was gonna be an event

Student #65: apparently someone twitted about it on the school's Twitter account

Student #45: it was probably a teacher

Jimin: an event?

Namjoon: on Twitter?

Yoongi: aren't you all on Twitter how come you didn't know

Jungkook: so you knew?

Yoongi: no

It's been around a month since school had started and this is probably the first interesting thing that's gonna happen in this school

I wonder what the even is gonna be, what ever it is it better be entertaining this school could use a 15 minutes of entertainment

And with that the gang went thier separate ways to go to their classes, some going in math, some in P.E, some in English and so on


It was the second class, and ofcourse during the 15 minutes break the schoolmates didn't miss the opportunity to pester the gang with the activities they were assigned to asking them for help

Some of the group members even had to hide on the bathrooms until the bell rang

Even after the bell rang they had to sprint there way to class to avoid anyone and anything, at this point it wouldn't be a surprise if the windows asked them for help to clean them

They were all now peacefully sitting in their individual classes, some were actually listening to their teachers while others weren't paying attention at all, and others were..... well......trying

While the teachers were speaking the intercom made a noise giving a heads up to inform everyone there was going to be a message that was given

" Attention to all individuals in the school, this afternoon there will not be any classes. Immediately after the bell for the end of lunch rings everyone is invited to join the school to a concert that will be held in the auditorium where some students will be giving different perfomances that they happily prepared for you. If this does not interest you you are free to go to the dorms. Thank you everyone for your attention"

A mix of gasps and murmurs appeared in the classroom, Jungkook and Boram looked at eachother surprised (they're in English together)

A concert? Hm! Sounds interesting enought

But if everyone has a choice to either go to the dorms and stay for the concert will there even be that much people?

Doubt it but oh well


Hoseok: so are you guys staying or are you going back to the dorms

Boram: I'm staying

Jungkook: me too

Taehyung: yeah same sounds interesting

Jimin: it does sound fun so why not I' ll stay

Jessie: you do understand that going back to the dorms gives you like 2 and a half days of weekend

Hoseok: yeah but if you think about it there really won't be much to do if we go back to the dorms, probably nothing to do even

Namjoon: yeah it will just be sitting or laying down and scrolling through our phones

Jisoo: for once human interaction seem like a better option

Jin: human interactions are always a good option..... who am I kidding, but I'm staying

Yoongi: I'll stay to

Everyone snapped their heads in Yoongi's direction, wasn't he whining about wanting to go to sleep this morning? He literally chugged to cups of coffee

Yoongi: what I don't wanna be alone in the dorms I'm sure everyone in ours will be here

Makes... sense?

Well anyway, after everyone decided on staying and enjoying the perfomances they proceeded to have their lunch and talk a bit more before the bell rang


Luckily the auditorium was big enough to hold the surprisingly large sum of students that had shown up for the perfomances, the performers must be shaking in their boots or jumping in excitment since, frankly, no-one thought there was gonna be this big of a crowd considering they had options

Host: ladies and gentleman welcome to the Annual Haneul University Concert also known as AHUC

Blablabla yadayadayada who's even listening to all this aren't we all here for the perfomances

Finally after a lot of blablas the perfomances started


Host: well that was quite an interesting perfomance let us give them another round of applause

After the clapping calmed down the host introduced the next perfomance which apparently was a group of ballerinas

The perfomance started and they were dancing to a French song called 'Dernière dance' good song really

Student #49: Ineul is really pretty

Student #32: shut up dude she's mine

Student #49: the hell do you mean bro she rejected you

Student #32: dude what's your problem

What the heck just find yourselves different girls she clearly wants none of you

The fight that had started out with just throwing words around quickly escalated and became physical, although the music was covering the huge part of the fight it was very clear there was one

Teachers and other staff members came to intervene but through all the chaos one of the boys accidentally hit Boram on the head making it collide with the wall then knocking her out

The group panicked and Jungkook picked her up then he together with the group ran out

How chaotic....




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