Sleeping Beauty

By We2etge6

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Disclaimer: This is not my story, I saw it on FanFiction.Net and I thought I should hate it with you guys on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

1K 54 0
By We2etge6

For the next couple of days, Bonnie spent the majority of her time with Freya. The two of them worked on cleaning the green house and setting up a potion's lab. While Klaus and Hope occupied themselves with decorating her room, Bonnie and Freya worked on the potion that would cure the Mikaelson siblings. Freya was very knowledgeable and she enjoyed sharing that knowledge with Bonnie; showing her how to cut the different ingredients, teaching her how to predict when the brew was ready for the next step and the proper way in which the mixture had to be stirred. Bonnie had never been much of a potion making witch but under Freya's careful tutelage and sharp eyes, she learned about the different herbs and roots needed for the potent cure Freya had come up with in order to save her family.

"The final ingredient will be your blood," Freya explained one afternoon after another day of hard work.

"It's going to be ready soon, isn't it?" Bonnie stared at the grey smoke rising from the cauldron, it was lighter than the day before.

Freya smiled. "Yes. The smoke will turn white soon, signaling that the potion is ready. Once that happens, I will add a vial of your blood to it and then we shall test it on one of my siblings." With any luck, a vial of Bonnie's blood would be all they would need. "Elijah and I will leave tomorrow to get their coffins."

"Are they far away from here?"

"They're inside an old church in France," Freya told her. "Only a Mikaelson witch can get them out of the vault which is why I'm going with Elijah to get them. It shouldn't take us long."

"Klaus mentioned that you had a vision about the Hollow," Bonnie said suddenly. "That's how you came to believe that my blood is the cure."

"Yes," Freya gave her a curious look.

"Is that one of your powers, to see the past?" Bonnie wondered.

"All witches can see the past or the future or even things that are happening in the present," Freya explained in a calm voice. "I used a very specific spell though."

"A spell?"

"One of Dahlia's creation."

"Oh." In the small amount of time Bonnie had come to know Freya, she had learned that Dahlia was a sore subject still, one Freya didn't particularly like to discuss unless she absolutely had to. Dahlia was the evil aunt that had kidnapped Freya as a child and had eventually returned to do the same to Hope. She had been defeated by Klaus and his siblings but Freya still bore the scars of being raised by her. Bonnie didn't even think Klaus knew the full extent of the suffering Freya had endured at her aunt's hands.

"Dahlia had many enemies and she created a spell that allowed her to see things about them, their weaknesses, their history, anything of importance that she could use to kill them." Freya stared into Bonnie's eyes as she spoke, her voice was calm but Bonnie could see the sadness in her gaze; talking about Dahlia affected her. "I used that spell to gather information on the Hollow. It hasn't been easy though. The clearest image I got was Pauline Bennett giving her life to lock the Hollow in the prison world."

"And the rest?"

"It's like getting different pieces of a puzzle," Freya responded. "I'm certain there is a connection between your family and the Hollow."

"I think you are on to something," Bonnie said. "I have been thinking about it lately, on why my blood is the cure..." she paused to gather her thoughts. "You know, when the Hollow possessed Daniel at the sanctuary, he didn't attack me. He's a powerful warlock but he asked me to step aside so he could take Hope. I don't know why but I got the sense that he couldn't come after me. Does that make any sense?"

"He was afraid of you?"

"I wouldn't say he was afraid," Bonnie responded. "He wanted to attack me. He would have killed me if given the chance but for some reason he didn't." she chewed on her bottom lip before continuing. "It was like something was holding him back."


"Another possessed witch actually attacked me. Hope gave me her blood and healed me. There was a momentary link between us that we used to escape from Daniel. That could have been one of the reasons he was reluctant to attack because he knew I had Hope's blood in my system...he was fascinated by Hope's abilities but..." She sighed. "I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking things."

"No, I don't think you are," Freya said in a firm voice. "I meant what I said the other day Bonnie, there is incredible power in you. The Hollow fears you, and your family too. It's why it has done everything in its power to end your line."

There was a long moment of silence after that.

The potion continued to brew while both witches got lost in thought.

"Do you think..." Bonnie began after a while. "That we could try that spell of yours again?"

Freya's eyes lit up.

"Maybe between the two of us we could see more, learn more about the Hollow and the connection to my family," Bonnie suggested.

"Absolutely." Freya was mentally kicking herself for not having thought about it before. "I think that's a brilliant idea."

They both shared excited smiles.

• • • •

Mystic Falls

Mystic Falls, Virginia was the quintessential small town.

Boring was the word that came to Marcel's mind while he and Vincent walked through the cemetery. Mystic Falls lacked the charm, the music, the art, and the electric vibe that New Orleans had. It was a beautiful town, with gorgeous architecture, and filled with history (much of it deeply tied to the supernatural) but still, Marcel couldn't imagine living in a place like this his whole life. He couldn't imagine living anywhere else but New Orleans actually.

They stopped at a prudent distance, under a shadow of a tree; neither wanted to disturb the small group of people paying their respects.

Abby Bennett's funeral was very small. Her ashes were buried next to her ex-husband by friends of her daughter which included the town's sheriff-Matt Donovan, he had been the one to identify Abby's charred remains and arrange everything for her burial.

"Why isn't she buried with the other Bennetts?" Marcel asked curiously.

"She was a vampire."


"Witches have to be buried with witches," Vincent responded solemnly. "Abby Bennett ceased to be a witch the moment she was turned. A fucking sin."

"What is?" Marcel asked with mild curiosity. He was more preoccupied about the small currents of power in the air, it was subtle but it was there. Living in New Orleans for over a hundred years had made him aware of those almost invisible tendrils that marked a place with ancient magic. The Mystic Fall's cemetery was surrounded by it.

"A witch being turned into a vampire," Vincent responded. "For many that is the biggest sin imaginable." His eyes landed on the small group of people paying their respects to the former witch. "A Bennett witch becoming a vampire is a sacrilege."

"Because they're an old witch family?" Marcel had heard whispers of the Bennett witches for almost as long as he had been a vampire, he knew the name carried a lot of weight and influence in the supernatural world. The Bennett witches were as ancient as the Mikaelson family, maybe even more. Vincent certainly spoke about them with reverence.

"Because they are the beginning of magic itself," Vincent acknowledged. "It's a tragedy that the family line has pretty much died down." He sounded sad and troubled by it.

"You said Abby had a daughter."

"Sheriff Donovan was a friend of hers in high school, according to him she fell into a coma and never woke up."

"No chance of getting any information from her then."

"I'm afraid not." No one even knew where she was or if she was even still alive. Vincent had not been able to find any trace of her.

"What about her friends? You think they might be persuaded to help?" Before Vincent could give Marcel a response, the vampire's cell phone rang, an unknown number flashed across the screen. "I have to take this," he said and excused himself. He used his vampire speed to move far away from any unwanted ears before answering with a simple, "hello."


"Klaus," Marcel responded with a smile.

• • • •

Safe house

Hope closed her eyes and extended her arms, a tornado of dried leaves swirled around her. She peaked one eye open and beamed.

"Good job!" Bonnie clapped, feeling proud of the control Hope was showing over her magic. It was amazing what having confidence in herself and her powers could do.

A mischievous grin formed on the corner of Hope's lips. She waved one hand to the side and the leaves suddenly swirled towards Bonnie.

"Ahhh!" Bonnie shrieked as the leaves engulfed her in a tornado of different brown and red colors. She laughed and allowed the tornado to spin around her for a couple of seconds before flicking her wrist and lifting the leaves into the air, right above Hope's head.

Hope giggled. "That was fun," she murmured and threw her arms around Bonnie. "I like practicing magic with you."

"Me too." Bonnie hugged her tightly. Even though she spent most of her time working with Freya on the potion, she always made it a point to spent time with Hope. They practiced magic, they played games, or sometimes they simply sat by the fire after dinner, reading a book or watching a movie in Freya's computer. While Hope loved working with her father and fixing her room, she also loved to spend time with Bonnie practicing magic or simply walking around the property. She had also made sure to let Klaus and Bonnie know that her favorite part of the day was in the afternoons when they did something together or after dinner, when she got to snuggle by the fire with the two of them.

"You should wear your hat," Bonnie said when they pulled apart. "It's cold." She took the hat from Hope's coat pocket and placed in on her head, pulling it down so it would cover her ears. "You can get sick."

"I never get sick."

"Never?" Bonnie questioned while tapping her nose. "Your nose is red, it's going to turn to ice soon."

"Nope." Hope laughed and shook her head. "I've never had a cold."

"The chicken pox?"

"No. I'm a Mikaelson." she lifted her chin proudly. "We never get sick."

"More of a witch thing," Bonnie said. "I rarely got sick as a child and I never had the chicken pox either."

"A witch thing, I like it."

"In your case it's a hybrid thing, love."

"Daddy!" Hope ran straight into her father's arms. "Did you see what I did with the leaves?" she asked excitedly. "Next time, I'll try and burn them."

"You should practice some more before you try that," Klaus suggested and picked her up in his arms.

"I'm ready!" Hope replied but then she recalled what happened at school when she tried to light up a candle. "I should wait though." She didn't want to lose control of her powers again. "Bonnie's been teaching me how to control my magic better. I like practicing with her, it's always fun." She leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "I like it better than when I practice with aunt Freya, but don't say anything. Okay?"

"Your secret is safe with me, sweetheart." Klaus kissed her cheek.

Bonnie smiled at the two of them, enjoying their banter and how sweet they looked together. It always made her heart melt.

"Freya is almost done with dinner." Klaus placed Hope on the ground. "Go wash your hands and help set the dinner the table."

"Okay," Hope happily trotted back inside the house.

Klaus watched her go with a smile on his face, which dashed away as soon as he turned to face Bonnie.

The happiness inside Bonnie burst and a sudden feeling of dread invaded the pit of her stomach. "What's wrong?"

"Walk with me," Klaus suggested and took her hand in his. Bonnie gave him a nervous look but allowed him to guide her down the wooded path.

They walked far away from the house, far away from Hope's or Elijah's super hearing abilities. It was getting dark and the temperature had dropped considerably, heading into the woods with so little light was not the best idea but Bonnie felt safe with Klaus and she could always use her magic to keep her warm. She tried to guess what he would say but his face was a blank mask.

"Klaus, what's going on?" She finally asked when they stopped by a small creek.

"I was finally able to speak with one of the elders at the sanctuary," Klaus began in a somber voice. He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles before announcing, "Diana is dead."

"Oh my god." Bonnie felt her heart sink. "How? When-"

"The elders found her dead body a couple of days ago, it looks like she died the same day we left."

Bonnie squeezed her eyes shut. Poor Diana, she thought sadly. She had been kind to her and had helped Klaus and Hope so much. She felt deeply sadden by her passing.

"That's not all," Klaus continued in a grave voice. "Daniel and Drusilla are missing, no one has seen them since that day either."

Bonnie felt suddenly horrified. "You don't think-" her stomach turned with the awful possibility.

"That Drusilla like her brother could be possessed by the Hollow?" Klaus finished for her. "I wouldn't be surprised to be honest." Diana and her children had paid a heavy price for helping them.

"I hoped that the Hollow would leave Daniel alone once we left the sanctuary."

"Daniel is powerful and so is Drusilla, the Hollow won't leave such valuable hosts."

Bonnie stared at the trail that led to the house, she could see the smoke rising from the chimney and could easily picture Hope setting the dishes on the table, she usually used her magic in order to do it, because it was fun and it helped her practice her control. Her heart constricted with fear. "They'll be coming for us."

"We're safe here."

"For how long?" Bonnie looked back at him. Klaus sounded so sure, as did Freya who insisted this land had kept her safe from her evil aunt but Bonnie wasn't so trusting. "The Hollow is not going to give up, it's going to find a way and-"

"The potion is almost done," Klaus reminded her. "If they come for us, we'll be ready." He squeezed her fingers, tugging at her arm until she stepped closer to him.

"There is more," Bonnie whispered. Klaus was really good at masking his emotions but she could tell he was holding something back. She was almost afraid to find out what other bad news he had in store for her.

Klaus nodded and cupped her cheek with his free hand. Her skin was cold to the touch and her eyes seemed a darker shade of green. She looked lovely although a bit apprehensive of what he had to say. He caressed her face with incredible tenderness wishing that he could postpone the inevitable.

"Klaus." Bonnie arched an eyebrow and waited.

"I just spoke with Marcel, he's in Mystic Falls."

"Mystic Falls?" Bonnie frowned. "Doesn't he live in New Orleans?" Through Hope and Klaus, she had come to learn that Marcel was a vampire and Klaus's adoptive son, he ruled New Orleans since the Mikaelson family left. "What is he doing there?"

"He got a tip that a vampire was disturbing your family's graves."

"The Hollow," Bonnie spat bitterly. She didn't need to be a genius to realize that. She couldn't wait to do the spell with Freya and find out once and for all what that evil entity had against her family. Something flickered across Klaus's eyes, it immediately put her on edge. "What else?"

"The vampire was identified as Abby Bennett."

Bonnie's eyes went wide and she felt a cold chill run down her spine. "...What..." she stammered. She must have heard wrong. "No," she said. It couldn't be Abby. There was no way the Hollow got to her too.

"She's dead," Klaus said softly. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

It was like being plunged into the open sea in the middle of a raging storm, that was the only way Bonnie could describe how she felt in that moment.

• • • •

Klaus waited for her face to crumble, for the tears that would sure to follow. He had seen the devastation on her face when he informed her of her father's death shortly after she woke up from her coma and he had heard her sobs too. Bonnie had cried until there had been no tears left inside her. This time however, Bonnie's face was completely devoid of any emotion. It was almost as if the news had not registered with her. "Bonnie," he squeezed her fingers once more and held her face gently.

Bonnie let out a shaky breath and pulled away from him completely. "How exactly did she die?" her voice was surprisingly calm. It took every bit of self-control she possessed not to break down.

"She tried to dig up your ancestors' graves and whatever magic protecting their remains burned her."

"She was possessed."

Klaus nodded.

Bonnie looked down towards the creek. Her eyes got lost on the clear water rushing down the stream. She bit her lip and curled her hands into tight fists. Don't cry, she told herself. Just breathe.

"Love," Klaus placed a hand on her arm.

Bonnie flinched.

Klaus dropped his hand and watched her carefully. Her green eyes turned to him then, there was sadness reflected there but there was something else too, anger. Klaus was taken back by the fury he saw in her gaze.

"How many Bennetts has the Hollow killed?" she wondered. "How many of my family members have been hunted down like animals and..." she swallowed the lump in her throat and took a big gulp of air. She was losing control, she could feel it. Keep it together, Bonnie.

But she couldn't.

Klaus let out a hiss when he felt the blast of power she unintentionally released. It didn't hurt him, it slid through him like a gust of wind but the entire forest vibrated by the force of it.

A flock of birds flew away in panic.

A nearby tree caught fire.

Steam rose from the water in the creek.

Dark clouds descended over the grounds and the clear rumble of thunder followed.

"Bonnie," Klaus said.


Her entire body was shaking so Klaus did the only thing he could do to keep her calm and contain that raw power from exploding...he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly to his chest. She was on the verge of losing control of her magic, because of her grief, or her anger, or both Klaus wasn't sure but he knew how dangerous that could be.

Bonnie buried her head against his neck, seeking his warmth and his comfort. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her magic retracted immediately.

The flames died down.

The creek's water returned to normal and the storm disappeared as quickly as it had come.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled against his skin.

"Don't be," Klaus rubbed circles over her back.

"I never really thought about her," she whispered on the verge of tears. "Since I woke up from my coma, I never gave much thought to her whereabouts..." she felt guilty for not reaching out to Abby, for not telling her she had woken up. "I didn't even feel the need to call her or find out how she was doing or tell her that I was awake..." she shivered. "She was my mom and now she's dead and I..." she choked back a sob and struggled to find the right words. She was sad that her mother was dead but she also felt really angry that the Hollow had ripped another family member from her. It hurt to know that her last living relative, the woman who birthed her had died. There was a tightness in her chest but despite the sadness she felt, the devastation wasn't the same as when she found out she lost her father. It was conflicting to realize that she had felt more grief when she was informed of her father's passing. In many ways, Bonnie had lost her mother long before now, years ago when she was a small child and Abby had chosen to walk out of her life...something that her father, despite his faults had not done.

"Your friend Matt, he arranged the funeral. She was buried today, next to your father."

"Matt?" Bonnie pulled her head back so she could look at his face. "He still lives in Mystic Falls?"

"He's the town's sheriff actually."

Despite the dull ache in her heart, she found herself smiling at the news. Matt was a cop; a Sheriff and he had been kind enough to give her mother a proper burial.

"Marcel is trying to find the connection between your family and the Hollow," Klaus informed her. He rubbed her arms gently, doing his best to offer as much comfort as possible. "He thinks there might be some clues in Mystic Falls."

"What kind of clues?"

"He's not even sure but he and Vincent- the witch helping him, are intrigued about the Hollow disturbing the Crescent graves and now your family's."

"Did it take anything from the Bennett graves?"

"No." Klaus gave her a thoughtful look. "The Hollow couldn't get to them, not even by possessing a Bennett witch."

But Abby was no longer a witch, she had been a vampire which had probably made it easier for the Hollow to use her.

"Freya has a spell your aunt Dahlia created, it's how she was able to have visions about the Hollow." She suppressed a sniffle. "I suggested we try it together; with any luck between the two of us we can find out more."

"It's a good plan."

"You should go back inside," Bonnie suggested abruptly. "Hope and Freya will be waiting for dinner." And Elijah, but Bonnie didn't mention him. She and Klaus's brother had been pretty much ignoring each other since their arrival at the safe house.

"I'm not going anywhere," Klaus gave her a knowing look.

"I just need a minute," her voice broke a bit. "I..." her bottom lip trembled. "I'm fine really, I just-"

Klaus pulled her against him once more. "Whatever you need," he murmured against her ear. "I'm here, love." He kissed her temple. "I'm right here and I don't plan on going anywhere."

This time, Bonnie couldn't hold back any longer. She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him as if her life depended on it. The tears she had kept at bay spilled freely down her cheeks. She couldn't contain them any longer; she couldn't keep pushing away the sadness and pain she felt. She had no choice but to let it out. "Just hold me," she mumbled through her sobs. "I just need you to hold me."

Klaus did exactly that.

• • • •

Drusilla was on her knees, on the floor of an abandoned house, chanting under her breath.

Daniel watched warily from the corner of the room. The house had no electricity, so the empty living room was surrounded by candles. Smoke filled the room and Daniel coughed. It smelled like death.

Drusilla's face was covered in sweat and her eyes were tightly shut while she chanted in an ancient language. There was an old copper bowl in front of her, filled with water, rose petals, and the dirt and bones that had been dug up from the Crescent burial ground. The items had finally arrived earlier that morning and the Hollow had wasted no time in using them.

Daniel didn't know what kind of ritual his sister was preforming saved that it had come from the journal that was stolen from the Crescents. He waited patiently in the shadows. It was an odd thing to have lucid thoughts, to be himself or an echo of his real self at least. The Hollow was using most of its power in this ritual which meant that the hold on him had lessen to a degree. It was almost like pulling his head out of the water and finally be allowed to breathe again. His eyes suddenly noticed the blood on his sister's shoulder. "Dru," he called worriedly but she ignored him. He took a step forward.

Away, the Hollow hissed inside his mind.

Daniel found himself frozen in the corner. The Hollow was always there on the surface of his consciousness, always keeping him restrained. He groaned and forced his body to relax under the heavy weight of the Hollow's dark power. It was best not to fight it, he had learned that the hard way.

Drusilla kept chanting, completely lost in the moment.

Daniel didn't understand all the words coming out of her mouth saved for one...

There was one word he heard clearly and it sent shivers down his spine,


• • • •

That night

"Are you sure you want to do this now?" Freya asked Bonnie. Elijah had informed her of Abby Bennett's passing earlier that night. She had given Bonnie her support and offered her condolences but the young Bennett witch hadn't want to talk about her mother. She didn't even have dinner with them, locking herself in her room and wanting some alone time to grieve for her mother. She had eventually come to Freya's room wanting to do the spell. "If you want to wait for tomorrow..."

"Don't you have to go with Elijah to get the coffins?"

"Yes, but-"

"The sooner we do this the better," Bonnie interrupted. She had cried for her mother, she had grieved for her and Diana, and the other witches the Hollow had murdered. She didn't want to stay in her room and bury herself in misery. She needed to do something, she needed to fight back, and this was the only way she knew how. She needed this. "We need to know more, we need to get ahead of the Hollow." Her voice was filled with melancholy and her eyes were deeply sad but she was also filled with steely determination.

Freya nodded and couldn't help but admire Bonnie's resilience. She also agreed with her that they needed to do this now, before she was to leave with Elijah. Their siblings were inside a church in France and they needed to bring them to the safe house before the full moon as that was when the cure would be ready to use. She finished arranging the different colored rocks into a circle. "You can step in now." Inside the circle of rocks was a single white candle.

Bonnie took a seat on the floor, right in front of the white candle. "Why do we need the circle of rocks?" she asked while staring at the pretty rocks Freya had arranged. They were different shades of blue and green and red, and they radiated power. There was magic inside them, Bonnie could feel it.

"These rocks are made of magic." Freya smiled and completed the pretty circle. "Being inside the circle will keep us safe." She looked into Bonnie's eyes. "The spell is a form of astral projection," she explained. "Our spirits will travel through time and space. Doing that is very dangerous, it leaves our bodies vulnerable but remaining inside the circle will protect us from any physical harm." She stepped inside the circle and took a seat on the floor, right across from Bonnie. "There is no guarantee that we will learn anything useful," she warned. "The spell works differently every time, sometimes I see actual images, other times just flashes of things that I have to put together like pieces of a puzzle." She looked down at the candle in between them. "However," she stretched her hand and motioned for Bonnie to take it. "I think doing the spell with you will generate better results." She held Bonnie's hand and stared at her fingers. "Do you mind?"

"Go ahead."

Freya used her magic to pinch Bonnie's index finger. Bonnie hissed and watched as a single drop of blood came out from the small cut. It landed right on the candle; the power in her blood created a spark and the candle lit up.

Freya grinned. "Yes," she murmured feeling quite pleased. "I definitely think we will get plenty of answers tonight."

"Good." Bonnie licked her index finger and sealed the small wound with her magic before taking both of Freya's hands. "I'm ready."

"Remember that this spell takes time. We can be here for minutes or even hours," Freya told her. "It depends how far into the past we travel and how detailed the images we get are. This spell can be very taxing as well. If at any time you feel tired or out of breath, we can stop the spell. Don't push yourself too hard alright?"


"Do you remember the incantation I wrote for you?"

"Yes." While Freya had been preparing everything for the spell, Bonnie had been practicing the incantation. She had already memorized what she had to say.

"Close your eyes," Freya instructed. "Clear your mind, let your body relax, and focus on breathing in and out."

Bonnie did as she was told. Her fingertips felt warm, she could feel Freya's magic reaching for her, seeking to connect with her own magic.

"Allow our powers to connect, and allow me to guide you. Don't be afraid, you might feel cold at first but that's okay, just focus on your breathing and please don't push me away, if you resist it could hurt. Open your mind and your magic to me."


"On the count of three..." Freya's voice was gentle but firm. She was in control of the situation, she had done this spell plenty of times before and knew what needed to be done to achieve the best result. "One..."



They chanted the spell at the same time.

• • • •

"It's time for bed, sweetheart."

Hope ignored her father and continued to stare out of the window.


"Do you hear that?" She finally turned to face him.

"What?" Klaus came to stand next to her.


Klaus looked out of the window, superior eyes and ears searching for any whispering but there was nothing. He couldn't hear or see anything out of the ordinary. He could hear Elijah on the phone downstairs and he knew Bonnie was in Freya's room trying Dahlia's spell. Other than a couple of animals in the woods and the steady beating of Hope's heart, he heard nothing else. "Do you hear it outside the house?" He questioned his daughter. He knew better than to dismiss her, Hope was a very intuitive child whose senses could rival his own.

"I don't know," Hope scrunched her face, concentrating hard. "I can hear it but I don't know where it's coming from."

Klaus didn't know how long they stood by the window, waiting for what exactly, he wasn't sure but finally Hope made her way towards her bed.

"Do you still hear it?"

"Kind of." She scratched her shoulder and made a face; her birthmark had been itching for a while now.

After tucking her in, Klaus sat on the bed and wrapped an arm around her. "How about a story?"

Hope shook her head.

Klaus grew worried, she had never refused any of his stories before.

"Would you stay with me a little bit longer?" she asked in a small voice.

"Of course," Klaus didn't like the vulnerability in her voice, she almost sounded afraid. "Is everything alright?"

"I feel kind of funny," Hope admitted in a low murmur. She looked around her bedroom, feeling proud of the progress they made in the past couple of days. The walls had been stripped of the wallpaper and painted into a soft lilac color which she had helped her father do, they had also refinished her dresser and placed new curtains on the window. She had new clothes now but was still waiting on the things they had left at the sanctuary which her father had promised they would get soon. She was finally starting to like the house and her room but the strange whispering and the funny feeling in her belly made her nervous. She felt like something bad was about to happen. She frowned when her father touched her forehead.

"You don't feel warm."

She pushed his hand away. "I'm not sick."

"You and Bonnie spent a lot of time outside today, it was really cold."

"I never get sick remember."

Klaus was still watching her carefully. "Do you still hear the whispering?"

Hope concentrated. "No...but..." she couldn't really explain the funny feeling in her belly. "Just stay with me okay." She snuggled closer to his side, resting her head on his chest. In her father's arms she always felt safe, she knew nothing bad would ever happen with him protecting her.

"Always," Klaus kissed the top of her head. "Are you sure you don't want a story?"

Hope's lips twitched. "How about Sleeping Beauty?"

Klaus grinned. "Of course." He cleared his throat. "Now, how does this story go..." he pretended to think about it. "Let me see, I think there is a dragon involved...and a witch or was it a fairy?"

"Daddy!" Hope exclaimed. "You know how the story goes, silly."

Klaus laughed, feeling relieved that she seemed to be back to her old self. He was still planning to stay in her room and watch over her while she slept though. He didn't want to take any chances and leave her alone. "Ah yes, once upon a time..." he began.

Hope smiled.

• • • •

Bonnie shivered when she felt a cold sensation creeping into her bones. There was a spark of power in between them which made Bonnie tremble all over but she kept her eyes closed and focused on her breathing.

For a long time, nothing happened.

It was almost like meditating.

Finally, an image came to Bonnie's mind.

A beautiful full moon.

She could see it perfectly.

Then came the chanting.

Bonnie didn't know where it was coming from but it grew louder and louder; dread invaded the pit the of her stomach. Something was wrong.

"Traitor..." voices hissed inside her mind.

"You were blessed with incredible power and you abused it...used it for your own gain..."

It took a moment for Bonnie to realize that the voices were not speaking to her but to someone else. They were angry because they felt betrayed.


There was so much darkness, it was hard to see, to understand.

The moon hid behind a cloud and the cold wind slashed her skin open.

She and Freya pushed with their magic, seeking a clearer picture.

A wolf howled in the distance.

Bonnie shivered.

A woman with long dark hair was being persecuted by a bunch of wolves. She waved her hand left and right and escaped from them.

The chanting grew stronger.

The earth shook and roots sprung from the ground and made the woman trip and fall down.

A mystical noose was put around her neck.

Bonnie gasped, the air was suddenly knocked out of her lungs.

The woman was now on the ground, screaming, cursing, and using her incredible power to fight back.

Her tribe surrounded her, chanting in their secret language, restraining her with all the power they possessed.

"Bonnie..." a pained cry interrupted the vision.

No, Bonnie thought as she felt herself being pulled away from the vision. I want to see more, show me more. Bonnie pushed against whatever force was trying to pull her back into reality. Show me, she commanded her magic.

A tall, hooded figure approached the group.

The woman continued to lay on the ground, limbs twisting in agony. Her magic managed to send a couple of the elders flying back but the mystical ropes holding her down tightened around her body, keeping her restrained.

The figure pushed her hood back to reveal dark hair, sparkling green eyes, and a heart shaped face.

Bonnie gasped. Her magic hummed excitedly, feeling the familiar current of power surrounding the woman in her vision.

A Bennett witch, she was.

She raised her right hand and began chanting in Latin.

"You will regret this," the woman on the ground snarled.

Her tribe kept chanting around her. The struggle they faced at keeping her restrained showed on their pained faces but they did not break the ritual.

"I will hunt you down," the woman hissed. "I will destroy all of you."

"Your reign of terror ends tonight, Inadu." The Bennett witch raised her hand and called upon the power of her ancestors. "I strip you of your magic and condemn your soul to an eternity of penance," she declared.

Inadu glared at her people and chanted something in their tongue.

One by one the tribe elders began to fall to the ground, screaming in pain as the bones in their bodies began breaking. The rest of the group gasped and took fearful steps back.

The Bennett witch watched in horror as the elders transformed into beasts.

Inadu laughed and sat up, without the elders' ritual keeping her in place, she could move once more.

"What have you done?"

"I cursed them," she proclaimed proudly. "Bound to the moon they will be...beasts who thirst for blood...they have become the very same animals they used to hunt me down." She stood up. "As for you," she raised her hand and sent a powerful wave of magic.

It was deflected with ease.

"I am the daughter of Qetsiyah," the witched snapped proudly. "You won't defeat me."

"We shall see about that," Inadu hissed.

There was a blinding flash of light.

A piercing scream followed.


Bonnie cried out when she was forcibly pulled out of the vision. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she struggled to regain her senses. The first person she saw was Klaus standing by the door. "What-" the words died on her lips when he noticed Freya. "Oh my god! Freya!" Bonnie stood up and froze at the look Elijah gave her. He was holding his sister in his arms and she was shaking uncontrollably. It was scary how pale and sickly she looked.

"What the hell were you doing?"

"Elijah," Klaus warned in a dangerously calm voice. They had both heard Freya struggling and had rushed to see what was going on with the spell. Elijah clearly thought Bonnie was the one at fault and Klaus was more than ready to defend her.

"What happened?" Bonnie asked them.

Freya was not only deathly pale but there was blood coming out of her nose and dripping down her chin. She looked like she was in a lot of pain.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll live," Freya wiped the blood on her nose with her hand. She squeezed her eyes shut and rested her head against Elijah's chest, feeling grateful for his support. Elijah whispered something to her in their mother's tongue, soothing her pain.

"Are you alright, love?" Klaus materialized next to Bonnie, looking her up and down for any signs of injury.

"I'm fine." She still wasn't sure what had happened though. "We tried the spell, we wanted to learn more about the Hollow," she explained, glancing quickly at Elijah's furious face before turning to Klaus once more.

"How the hell can you even stand?" Freya questioned her.

"What do you mean?"

"Bonnie, it's been hours since we started the spell."

Bonnie's eyes went wide. "What?"

"It's well past midnight," Klaus confirmed.

"I didn't realize..." Bonnie looked at Freya once more. The spell had clearly drained her but Bonnie felt perfectly fine. It was weird, it hadn't felt that long for her either.

"You didn't feel the effects of the spell," Freya noted. The color was slowly returning to her cheeks and she was able to stand on her own now. Elijah still kept an arm around her waist though. "It nearly killed me but you..." she shook her head and let out a bitter laugh. "Damn," she muttered under breath. What the bloody hell were the Bennett witches made of?

"I'm sorry," Bonnie apologized quickly. "I didn't realize the spell was hurting you, I shouldn't have pushed to see more."

"It's fine."

"What did you see?" Elijah and Klaus asked at the same time.

"A woman being chased by wolves," Bonnie responded. "Her tribe restrained her with magic ropes, there was lots of chanting, it was a ritual of sorts. There was a Bennett witch there too, she was helping them."

Freya cursed. "You saw all that?"

"You didn't?" Bonnie asked confused.

"I heard the wolves. I saw the moon. I saw a woman with dark hair running through the forest but the spell took a toll, all I saw after that were a bunch of blurry figures," she paused. "The woman's tribe, I presume." But she hadn't been able to see anything else. "I felt like someone was choking me, I couldn't hold the spell but you did..." she was still amazed by it. "You kept going, even without me."

Bonnie didn't know what to say. "I'm-"

"There is no need to apologize," Klaus cut her off. "You are an extraordinary witch."

Bonnie felt the heat on her cheeks at the compliment and a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

Freya nodded, although she felt a twinge of envy. "I always assumed the spell had limitations but I guess the one with the limitations is me."

"You've done this spell countless of times before," Elijah said to her in a proud voice. He still had his arm around her, in case she needed to lean on him. "Because of you we have found valuable information about the Hollow and how to cure our siblings from their predicament."

Bonnie bit her lip. She could see that Freya felt upset that she had not been able to keep going and see more even if she was trying not to show it.

"You really saw a Bennett witch?" Freya asked curiously.

"I saw her face and I felt her power, she said she was Qetsiyah's daughter."

"What else did you see?" Klaus asked intrigued.

"I think the hollow was killed by my ancestor." She held Klaus's hand, enjoying the warmth he provided. The spell had left her feeling really cold and unsettled. "Her tribe was holding her down but she cursed them and she fought Qetsiyah's daughter." No wonder the Hollow hated her family, they had stopped her twice before already. Once when it was human and then again when Pauline locked her in the prison world. Now it's my turn, Bonnie thought.

"Did you see anything else that caught your attention?" Freya asked. "Any detail it's important."



"That was her name," Bonnie told them. "The Hollow's real name is Inadu. She was a native American witch and she was killed by her tribe because she was deemed a traitor. They felt that she had abused the power bestowed upon her."

"You said that before she died, she cursed her people," Elijah waited for her to elaborate.

Bonnie nodded. "She bound her tribe to the moon. She cursed them to become the very animals they used to hunt her down."

"Wolves," Freya realized with horror.


"The Hollow created the werewolf curse," Klaus muttered and let out a string of curses under his breath.

Even Elijah was taken back by the revelation. "How many?" he asked suddenly.


"How many people were cursed?"

Bonnie shrugged. "I don't know, six maybe seven, they were the elders of her tribe. The ones performing the ritual, the others seemed fine."

Klaus and Elijah shared knowing looks.

"The seven original werewolf bloodlines," Klaus hissed.

Bonnie looked back and forth between the two of them.

"Klaus and Hayley descend from two of those wolf bloodlines," Freya explained to her.

"Wait..." Something dawned on her. "If the elders of Inadu's tribe became the first werewolves and Klaus and Hayley descend from them...that means Hope does too and..." she looked into Klaus's eyes. "Hope and the Hollow are related!" Bonnie exclaimed with horror.

"That's why it wants her," Freya added. "That's why Hope is the perfect vessel."

"They must be from the same bloodline," Klaus growled.

Bonnie swallowed hard.

A pin could have been dropped inside Freya's room and they all could have heard it. Everything had clicked into place. The Hollow finally had a name, a story, and her motivations were much clearer now.

The silence that engulfed them was unexpectedly pierced by a heart wrenching scream.

It came directly from Hope's room.

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