Chapter 16

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Bonnie didn't know what to expect when they made it to Hope's room.

Klaus and Elijah were the first to arrive, and to be expelled by an invisible force inside.

"What-" Freya winced when she saw both of her brothers fly past them. "Something is in there." As soon as the two of them reached the door, something pushed them back. Bonnie cried out when she hit the floor. It felt like she had been punched. Hope's screams were a dagger to her heart. She forced herself to her feet with only one thing in mind, I have to keep Hope safe.

"NO!" Hope cried out.

"Hope!" Klaus called to his little girl as he tried to push his way inside her bedroom. He couldn't. "Something is blocking us!" he yelled, his vampire face showing as he tried to get inside once more. He couldn't. "Hope!" he was desperate to reach his little girl and protect her from whatever force was attacking her. He could see her from the door, twisting on the bed, face red and covered in sweat. "Damn it!"

"I WON'T!" Hope yelled, body twisting from side to side.

"Dark magic." Elijah also tried to get inside the room but it was in vain, even with his superior strength he was easily sent back.

Freya stood up quickly, raising both of her hands and chanting in a different language. She managed to get close to the door but cried out in pain when the magic inside the room turned against her. She was sent flying back once more.

"Freya!" Elijah caught her before she could fly down the stairs. He groaned feeling the pressure of the dark magic growing inside his niece's room.

Hope continued to be tormented, screaming and kicking. "No," she kept saying. "I won't." The words were followed by heartbreaking screams.

Bonnie summoned all the strength she could muster and made her way towards her, a furious look on her face. No sooner had she reached the door when she felt it, a blast of dangerous magic pushing against her body, telling her to back away. "Don't," she hissed, standing her ground. She whimpered when she felt the magic digging into her skin and trying to lift her from the ground but Bonnie was ready this time, her magic pushed back with equal force; refusing to back down to the invisible force attacking Hope. Even though it hurt, Bonnie took another step forward, getting closer and closer to the doorway. Hold on sweetie, I'm almost there. The need to help Hope, to save her from whatever was attacking her blocked the pain and pushed her magic to fight back with all she had. She didn't care that she was in pain, all that mattered was reaching Hope and rescuing her.

Did it take hours? Or merely seconds?

Bonnie wasn't entirely sure how long it took her to reach Hope but she made it eventually.

Once she got inside the room, there was an angry hiss which made the whole room vibrate.

Somewhere in the shadows, a vengeful spirit cursed and attacked her viciously.

Bonnie squeezed her eyes shut and stood completely still. She trembled from head to toe as the dark energy pounced on her viciously.


She vaguely heard Klaus's concerned voice somewhere behind her. He was still unable to enter the room.

Bonnie touched Hope's forehead with shaky fingers. The poor girl cried out in agony. It made Bonnie so angry. How dare did the Hollow cause Hope so much pain? She was not going to tolerate it. "Let her go," Bonnie commanded while summoning all the power she could to attack the Hollow.

She's mine!

A sinister voice hissed inside her head.

An image soon followed...

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