Same Bitches - Post Malone

By Pepepolly

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She has actively tried to get as far away from him as possible after he dumped her belongings she had left be... More

Same Bitches A/N
Bonus Chapter
New Book


138 7 0
By Pepepolly

When they get to the reception hall, Austin takes her hand and pulls her behind a building.

"What's going on?"


"You forget I know you."

"But, you don't do you?"


"You know the girl from ten years ago. I am not that girl and I..." Lux starts but her words trail off. She hates this vulnerable feeling. It's shit.

"I, what, Luxie?"



"I am scared! Ok? I am scared...fuck."

Austin frowns, she can see her words have taken the wind out of his sails. Her admission to being scared is vulnerable. Very vulnerable. Lux is not vulnerable. Austin places his hand on her chest and pushes her against the wall, holding her in place as if he is afraid she will run away. "What are you scared of, Lux?" he whispers, his face careful. Lux swallows thickly and looks away, watching the waves break on the shore, fear making the pits of her stomach swirl. If she tells Austin her fear, her real fear, she will have no cards left to play. She will be completely exposed. She feels Austin's finger brush under her jaw and she faces him again. His face grows worried when he sees tears pooling in her eyes.

"I am scared...I am scared of losing you...again. I don't know if I could do that for a second time."

Austin watches her for a moment, his eyes searching hers. "I am scared too. Because I still love you. I always have. It scares the living shit out of me...but it was ten years ago and I don't want to walk away. I want this. I want you," Austin says.


"It will take work. A lot of work. I don't trust you...but, I don't want to let you go...not again," Austin says and Lux's mind races a million miles an hour.

"Austin, I never-"

"I know you never meant to hurt me. You say that all the time, can we move on from that sentence?" Austin says, almost snapping. It's not right. He says he wants this and that means he has technically forgiven her - but he can't stomach the idea of her cheating without anger coursing through his body. He is not over her apparent cheating. He won't even let her finish a sentence, how the fuck is she suppose to tell him she never cheated if he won't let her speak.

"Austin-" she starts again, but stops when the wedding hall erupts in cheers. "Shit, we need to get back," Austin says taking a step back and taking her hand.

"We are fine. We will talk it through and work everything out tomorrow, ok?"

"Ok," Lux whispers, but it does not feel ok.

The reception is nice...ish. She is going to need to talk to Demi about her obsession with pink...and cowboys. She had not been joking about the cowboys on the beach theme wedding. But, it is Demi's wedding and she looks so fucking happy so who gives a shit - she can do whatever she wants. Lux is happy too, she is hiding in a corner sipping the glasses of wine Louis keeps passing her. She is sure he is watering them down and has accused him twice so far - he has not denied it.

Eventually, though, everything has to come to an end and so she groans when she sees the bridesmaids start to clear the dance floor and call everyone's attention. Austin walks over to her and puts out his hand without a word and a look of warning. She won't get out of this dance, he will never let their shit ruin this wedding. Lux would have a bitchy comment but honestly - she just does not have it in her right now so she takes Austin's hand and lets him lead her onto the dance floor. Demi and Shawn, along with all the other guests are looking at them with confused faces. Lux has not had enough to drink for this shit show, but it's too late, and Hailey who is now too emotional to speak hands the mic to Lux.

" are dancing for you...both...I think," Lux says and looks at Austin who nods. "Yes, both of you," she says and hands the mic to one of her uncles then takes it back, "this our speech - don't ask for anything else and I apologize for what you are all about to witness," she adds and then hands the mic back to her uncle and joins the group who are all in their positions. "Heartwarming words," Louis whispers. "Fuck off," Lux hisses.

When the music starts they break out in the ridiculous dance they had practiced. The girls had not accounted for being cupcakes so they can hardly move around - they are all shit. Except Dre who looks like he is auditioning as a backup dancer for Beyoncé. All their practice and not one of them can get a step right. But they try their best - their bend and snap is on par and Lux adds Jazz hands when Austin picks her up in an impromptu turn. Louis does a back flip while Hailey manages to land in a split after she fumbles her jump. The wedding guests shout drunken cheers and Demi is a mess of emotions while she watches, Shawn looks a little emotional too. Louis catches Lux's eye and she nearly trips when she watches him. His smile is so big - the boy is having the time of his fucking life. Fuck his ex and his brother - Louis belongs to Lux now and she will share her family with him.

They rush to the center of the dance floor and strike their final pose as the music comes to an end. Then Demi is rushing towards them all and they land up in a group hug. It's not that bad. Lux hates it. "That was the worst thing I have ever seen! I loved it so much!" Demi shouts trying to wrap her arms around everyone. Lux watches as Shawn walks up to Austin and pulls him into a tight hug. "Thank you. You have always been my boy," he says. Austin pulls him in tighter and pats his back before letting him go. "I will do anything for you," Austin says. Lux gets it. The dance was stupid, embarrassing even - but it was never about the dance. Loyalty. This group of stupid people will do anything for each other.

"If you told me all I had to do to get you to dance was to put you in a poofy pink princess dress - I would have done it a long time ago," Demi says smiling at Lux and then pulling her into a hug. "That will never happen again," Lux mumbles, but hugs Demi tighter. "Unless it's important to me," Demi says with a wink as she pulls back. "Alright! After that monstrosity, I don't think anyone will be shy about their speeches. Demi and Shawn have no set speech list so if you feel like saying a speech you can. Let's start," Rich announces into the mic. Lux groans - she fucking hates speeches. But then she smiles when Austin passes her earplugs to her. "Hey! What is tha-" she hears Louis start to say, but she gets her earplugs in before he finishes his sentence.

Louis glares at her and starts talking, she can't hear a word he says but she thinks he is telling her that it's bullshit and he wants them. When his mouth stops moving she points to her ears. "I can't hear you. I have noise-canceling earplugs in. They are wonderful," she says with a grin. Louis' frown deepens and he starts speaking rapidly, Lux just shakes her head.

"Yup, nothing."

Louis' lips start moving again even quicker - he looks highly offended. She knows he wants them, he is probably demanding she give them to him.

"You should get some. They are great."

Louis stops talking and glares at her then cocks his head in curiosity. He claps his hands next to her ear and then raises a brow.

"Nope. Nothing."

Louis raises his brows higher - impressed. He puts his finger up and it looks like he is clearing his throat. Then he puts his head back and Lux can tell he is letting out a scream - the entire wedding party spins around to look at him then he looks back at her and gives her a questioning look.

"Nope. Not a fucking thing."

Louis looks impressed then looks around for something else that would make a loud noise, but suddenly someone takes one of her earplugs out - it's Austin and he does not look happy. "Will you two stop fucking around? We would like to start the speeches," he says. Lux takes her earplug back and shoves it back into her ear. "Apologies! We are done - proceed," she shouts.

Lux watches while emotionally driven Aunts, uncles, and a few cousins pour their heartfelt speeches out - Lux is sure they are all just wonderful. Thank fuck for her earplugs. Then Demi stands and tries to read her speech from the paper she is clutching in her hands and by the way Demi is crying as well as Shawn she is again fucking thankful - these earplugs are the best gift she has ever received. When Demi finally lowers the now tear-stained paper, Shawn grabs her and shoves his tongue down her throat. Lux does not know about anyone else but she is having a great time at this wedding reception. "Very moving. Touching words," she whispers to Louis who flips her off and shoots himself with his finger gun again.

Eventually, Austin takes the earplugs out of her ears, indicating the end of the speeches. Louis takes them and shoves them in his ears. "Gross, those were just in my ears," Lux says. Louis smirks at her. "I didn't hear a fucking thing. I am keeping these. They are mine now," he says then walks off to the bar with Jessica.

There's food, drink, music, and family so the wedding reception only gets louder - Austin is at the center of it with his loud laugh, he is older but remains a social butterfly. Lux watches as Demi and Shawn cut their cake and then have their first dance, Demi does her father/daughter dance with Rich who is beaming with pride at the honor. Demi is marrying into a family who will love and cherish her - Lux could not ask for better for her sister.

Austin pulls Lux's mom on the dance floor and her grandmother pulls Jodi onto the dance floor. Lux stands and hides her sigh when Shawn puts his hand out to her, pulling her onto the dance floor. They sway softly to the music like animals in a zoo while everyone looks on.



Shawn keeps quiet for a moment then opens his mouth again. "I am not sure how to deal with you so I am just going to do what I do with my brother when he shuts me down."

"And what's that?"

"Ignore him and keep talking. I have a limited understanding of boundaries."

"You and Demi both."

"I think you need to tell Austin the truth."

"And what truth is that?"

"You never cheated."

Lux rolls her eyes and sighs. If only it was that easy. "You believe I never cheated?  What if I am lying? It's been ten one will know."

"True...but I always had a feeling that you didn't cheat. You are not the type. That news never sat quiet right."

"But, you took your brother's side..."

"Of course I did. If the tables were turned - you would have taken Demi's side...and I would have been dead."



"I have tried. He won't hear me out."

"Keep trying."


"Love and... that's all just love."


"He is unhappy. I see it. He has made a name for himself, made a success of his life. He has everything he worked hard for, but...he is unhappy, Lux."

Lux opens her mouth to speak but she feels a tap on her shoulder, when she turns she sees both Demi and Austin. "I am glad you two are getting along but may we cut in? Please?" Demi asks. Lux smiles and steps aside then walks into Austin's waiting arms. His smile is big and there is a happy twinkle in his eye. Austin is unhappy? Guilt runs through her body. She knows Shawn was just trying to fix their shit but his words are a punch in the gut. Austin is unhappy and she is the reason.

"Are you happy?" she asks as Austin sways her. "Yes," he says with such conviction she can be forgiven for believing him. "I mean...without me. Are you happy in your life...for the past ten years? Are you happy?" Lux asks, pulling out of his chest to look up at him. Austin was a lot of things - truthful, even painfully so, was always one of them. "No," she hears him whisper, so softly she would not have heard it if she had not been listening so carefully. She does not know what to say so she nods softly in acknowledgment and then hides her face in his warm chest again.

The wedding starts slowing down when people start slipping away. First a few of their aunts and uncles, then Rich and Jody, then her mom and grandmother. Some of the cousins go too and so do Louis and Jessica. Eventually, Demi and Shawn say their goodbyes and then Demi blushes and giggles when Shawn tugs her out of the reception hall. Lux looks around for Austin and sees he is at the bar talking to a few of their uncles. They are hanging on his every word as his arms fly while he tells them an elaborate story. She can tell they all adore him.

It's always been easy for Austin to get people to like him - he just opens his mouth. He has no problem with standing up and being the center of attention. Lux can think of nothing worse - a corner, a wine, and now her earplugs and happy is what you will find her. They are two opposite sides of a coin - but a coin without an opposite side is defective and Lux feels defective without him. "Miss..." a resort worker breaks her train of thought. She looks around and sees everyone has left, the resort staff coming in to clean up. "Oh, sorry. We are leaving now," she says hopping off her chair. She walks over to Austin and taps him on the arm softly. He turns his head and smiles at her. "Ready to go, Luxie?" he asks. When she nods he downs what is left in his glass and takes her hand. "Gentleman, it's been a great time, but I gotta get my girl home," he says then tugs her out of the reception hall and to her room.

"In the past, you would have been annoyed at me asking to go. You would have demanded we have just one more drink."

"I was an asshole. Selfish. I grew up, Luxie."


"No tonight, Luxie, tomorrow. Let me play out my fantasy first."

"Fantasy?" she asks, confused.

"Princesses..." Austin says then stops walking and grins, grabbing the back of her neck and smashing their lips together. Lux tries to keep her composure and stop her brain from melting, but who is she kidding? She is royally fucked when it comes to Austin. His hand slides down her side and gets tangled up in her dress as he tries to lift it. There is too much material. "What the fuck is going on here?" Austin grunts. "You shouldn't use that type of language with a princess, sir," Lux says sweetly, batting her lashes at him as she pulls away with a grin. "Sir? Fucking hell, Luxie," Austin says, launching himself at her, his lips on her neck like a fucking vampire. "It's every man's fantasy," he mumbles.

"What? Being called sir?"

"No, well yes. But, also fucking a princess," Austin says picking her up as she squeaks and carrying her like a helpless maiden up her patio steps and over the threshold, laying her down on the bed. "Can you speak in a British accent? Really drive it home," Austin asks.

"Fuck off, Austin," Lux laughs while Austin fusses with the material around her legs - he looks like he is playing in a bowl of pink marshmallow fluff. "You get bonus points if you find my virtue," Lux says with a laugh as Austin continues to dig through her dress.

"Fucking a princess is a lot of work...AHA! Found it!" he says and then Lux feels him removing her pretty pink panties that match her dress. "Don't move, princess, I am scared to lose you in this dress again - Demi did not waste her opportunity of getting you into a poofy pink princess dress," Austin mumbles while removing his pants. "You are an idiot," Lux laughs as he crawls over her and settles between her thighs - pink marshmallows fluff billowing out on either side of them.

"You look pretty," Austin says, bracketing her head with his elbows as he smiles down at her softly. "You make me soft," Lux answers him truthfully. She will be anything he wants. "Now, if you would proceed in rescuing me from my life of duty and succession, sir, I will be forever grateful," Lux says in the fanciest British accent she can find. "Fucking yes! Prepare to be saved, milady," Austin says - his grin stretching wide before he disappears under the pink marshmallows.

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