Red Is The Color Of Our Lives...


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König x transftm reader "Let's be perfectly clear, shall we. The Fox is not a little orange puppy dog with do... More

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Thanksgiving Update Special
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417 15 7


2. make progress; develop in a particular manner or direction.
Opposite: stagnate



*Time skip...*

After a shower, your muscles felt easier. Simplistic. Loose.

You sighed, the feeling of loose sweat pants and a hoodie felt nice against my bruised skin.
Flesh seeped with the ache of a tensed retirement of retributions that'll never come..

Hips and spine crooning a low shudder of an ache due to the  days of absence of true rest, haunting you even in your sleep and eating now it seemed..

Glad to finally be sitting in a chair..
But the food you were *attempting* to eat had the sour pit in your  stomach not getting any better..

Eyes wearily glanced around as you kept the left side of your face covered up with your hand over your left side, where the scar was..where the entirety of your left side of your mouth was exposed.

You hated eating in front of others because of this goddamned scar..

And it showed with how you ticked your jaw and practically just poked at your food with a tired gaze in the mess sustainable something was..
And how bitter it can taste at the same time.

The mess hall is mostly empty at this time of night, but what little activity there is consists of you, König and a handful of other soldiers. König has a plate of food in front of him as he watches you. You’re seated right across from him, close enough to feel his gaze on you. König eats in silence, and so does everyone else. The whole room feels tense.

When you put your hand over the scar on your face, König notices it immediately.

Mistake number 1: Letting the beast see a weakness.

He stops eating and stares at you with those piercing emerald  eyes...
Like jaded spears piercing into your very spilling soul..tearing you out from the inside outwards.

You adverted my gaze from Königs  hard stare from behind that damned sniper hood of his..
Rolled up to his nose bridge to give him the ability to eat with difficultly.

Tucking your tongue  against the roof of your mouth with a lowered breath and straightened your spine to the point where your shoulders locked up.

Even beneath the hoodie and sweats, you pertained a small shudder as it seemed his iced stare was blearing into you like an oceans wave, just threatening to plow you down.

Like a goddamb crocodile waiting for you to move to strike..

Fork nudging another piece of food as you nipped your inner cheek, hand still pressed up against the left side of your face.

The piece of food in your mouth was swallowed with a sharpness to it. Like it was cutting you open from the inside outwards as the anxiety pooled in your  stomach like a pit.

You can almost sense the tension in the air as König continues to stare at you. His eyes never leave your face. He doesn't move or blink, not even once.

It's unsettling.

Every time you attempt to put a piece of food into your mouth, König watches you intently. A slight smile touches König's mouth as he watches you eat... When you swallow the food, König finally breaks his silence with a single phrase: "Not hungry klein?"

The word was more so an insult than anything it seemed..

With a harsh grimace daring to poke at your lips, you bit your tongue..holding it.

Your appetite seemingly disputed. Not hungry.

Eyes narrowed and teeth visibly clenched and exposed on your left side of your face.

Mistake Number two:Letting König know where to hit you to make his comments hurt.

You felt like a goddamned dog being led to be killed with a bullet between your eyes.

"What's the matter Kleine." König asks with an impish grin. He's watching you closely, enjoying your discomfort.
König can see your nerves and he's taking full advantage of that knowledge.

König takes a bite of food and starts chewing. "Or are you scared to eat in front of someone? Too embarrassed to put a little food in that empty gut of yours?" Königs tone is flat, and he still hasn't taken his eyes off your face, watching your every movement.

"Just fine Colonel"

You snapped out, teeth bared slightly..
Your werent hungry.

Without another word you stood up and tossed your food and returned your tray and practically stalked out as you left the mess hall..

Eyes narrowed and teeth visibly clenched and exposed on your left side of your scarred face.

Mistake Number three: Letting Königs comments actually hurt you in the first place..

Standard issued boots flicking against the ground as you made your way to your barracks...the door gone from the giant who had smashed it down last night with Ghosts help because of your nigh terror..
That bottle of sleeping meds wouldn't do anything.

You knew that..

You inhaled harshly as you let my spine press against the air with a shudder..
Königs comment pulsating through your ears like a sickened symphonic religious prayer that made you want to throw up..

Memories of that night of how you got the scar sprouted in your brain like a sickened family tree sprouting in your  lungs as your ribs sputtered..

You need to calm the fuck down before you completely lose it.

Your trembling in frustration. You've been treated like garbage by him  ever since he   got here, and now König had  made a mockery of you.

Frozen in the darkness of your room eyeing your environment of safety..
Like a goddamned gaurd dog.

Like a dog..
When You get nervous, You get mean.

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