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love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause.

The long June twilight faded into the night, and the crickets made no noise. As the sunrise enveloped the darkness and its array of colors, the dim light of the moon shone against the pinkish and purple tints of the sky that bled into a red. It was all silent...
And on the cool rooftop, you lay splayed on your stomach, your sniper poised with your body ready to fire at any time. Any moment. Any movement. The Butt of the Gun rested in the crook of your shoulder and neck. And the barrel held in your grip and the trigger poised against your hands. The groove of it reminds you of the awareness around you.

You gaze stoic and harsh as you listened to the updates of your team moving about...flushing out the enemy toward your location....
After a few moments of the faint gun fire and yells, you saw movement, a shift in the shadows...
Your eye squinted, and within a moment, the trigger was pulled, and the body went sprawling into the light.
The man you had been after for months,the reason you have been out here for two years... And he was dead. Just like that. Satisfied you, comfimed the kill over the comms and began to make your way back to the ravendous spot to be loaded with everyone else.

"This is Bravo 12-0, confirming target is down and dead. Heading toward ravendous area now."

A few of your team members had followed alongside or behind you now, all trickled alongside you as you all made your way back to the pick-up point. Exhaust tinting your stark aware faces... and then something round had flicked its way up into the air.. and plummeted down toward your group...
You felt your heart sink as one simple word hoarded itself out of your racing chest.


And within a moment, you all had scattered, throwing yourselves behind sharpnel and anything else that would cover you from the blast....and then.. the sound of the explosion in ahead of you somewhere sparked your ears to ring raw. Everything around was muffled as you flew out of your hiding spot and fired two premised and precise shots at the two above on the balcony..watching them fall in a sprawling manner through the air before hitting the ground with a thump...

Your gaze weeded the area around your now recovering group. Sulfur and metal stained your nostrils as metallic smells crept its way into your breath and tongue thickly..sticking to you.
Then a bullet zipped past your head,and in a moment, you had thrown yourself behind rubble and now pinned behind cover once more..
Your gun held tightly in your hand as bullets flew from it, landing its mark from its chambers into the fetal parts of the men and women who stood in your way.. and you did so without a single thought as you crouched behind a crate of rubble and fired from cover as the onslaught of bullets and explosions filled your ears...

But the utter terror of soldiers wounded all alike that laid down on the field everywhere, either with dead corpses or not, they laid and cried out in agony and fear.. And the medics could only grab so many at a time.. You then felt a bullet whizz past your face, and on pure reflex, you fired a returning bullet or two and felt your adrenaline soar as you moved forward, firing and firing, reloading and reloading as you and your team.. Moved forward, choking  the area with gun fire and dead bodies on top of the already dead or wounded.

And it seemed like a repetitive cycle until the enemy fell. Until you were able to step out into the clear and breath without it being haltered.
You didn't remember who for Or why you were here. But all you was that you got here with no help, not from family, none.
All you knew was that the blood soaked your skin and dusted it, holding a sticky feeling to it. Your body heaving with breath and ache as you marched in line to the chopper, all you thought of was just stalking to the infirmary and getting your guns cleaned and put away and a shower..

Red Is The Color Of Our Lives (And Red Is The Color Of Our Blood)Where stories live. Discover now