Almost Lover {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

260K 7.6K 416

As ward of the Queen, Camilla Tully was raised alongside the Princess, Rhaenyra, and the Hand of the King's d... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Two
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Part Three
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Part Four
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Seventeen

7K 262 5
By rainbowkiller0

The midday sun lit up the small inner courtyard of the Red Keep as servants, courtiers, and knights bustled around and attended to their duties The sound of grunts filled the air as the Princes trained. Camilla sat beside her husband watching as her older sons and Rhaenyra trained together under Ser Criston guidance.

Viserys chuckled as Criston instructed Aemond, turning to face his friend behind him. "This is the stuff, Lyonel. Lads that learn together, train together. Knock each other down, pick each other up. They will certainly form a lifelong bond, wouldn't you agree?"

"That is the hope, Your Grace."

Camilla restrained herself from rolling her eyes at Viserys and Lyonel's conversation. The Hand annoyed her to no end with his front of honor all while his son warmed Rhaenyra's bed. She tried to ignore her husband's presence as she focused on her second born son.

The mother beamed with pride as Aegon showed off, weaving and spinning around his opponent made of straw, knocking the figure back with a swing of his wooden sword. When it came time for the Prince's to switch, Aegon looked up at his mother, searching for assurance. Camilla smiled down at her boy before a frown pulled at her lips when she saw Prince Jacaerys purposely ramming his shoulder into Aemond's.

Aegon followed his mother's line of sight, brows furrowing in thought as he recalled his mother's words from the previous day. He turned to his elder brother who was also glaring at the brown haired princes. A silent conversation passed between the two, neither needing to speak to know they were on the same page.

"Aegon." A voice called causing them to turn around. "Daemion."

"We've won our first bout, Ser Criston." Aegon smirked. "Our opponent sues for mercy."

Daemion chuckled at his younger brother's words. "Did you not hear their cries for compassion?"

"You shall have a new opponent then, My Lord of the Straw. Let's see if you can touch me." Daemion laughed as his brother's face fell. "You and your brothers."

From her seat on the balcony overlooking the training fields, Camilla watched as Ser Criston picked up a training sword and motioned for Daemion, Aegon, and Aemond to advance on him. His eyes met hers for a moment, seeking approval. Camilla was not worried though, she trusted that no harm would come to her sons.

Aegon made the first move, advancing quickly and aggressively towards Ser Criston. Though the Knight barely budged, standing with one hand behind his back as he blocked the Prince's blows. Aemond came to his brother's aide, running straight at Ser Criston with his blade poised in front of him.

Daemion stood back, watching carefully as he took in Ser Criston's form, searching for a weak spot. His mind turned over and over, as he formed a plan. As Ser Criston pushed Aegon into Aemond, Daemion made his move. Swinging his blade, the Prince aimed for Ser Criston's unprotected side, taking the man by surprise.

Ser Criston stepped back swiftly, the wooden blade barely breezing past him. All three of the Queen's sons descended on Ser Criston, working together as a team to knock the Knight back. Though they succeeded in causing Ser Criston to try harder, all three boys were knocked over one by one, with Daemion falling last.

With Ser Criston emerging victorious against the three princes, he walked to where Princess Rhaenyra's son's stood beside Ser Harwin.

"It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention, Ser Criston." Ser Harwin called.

"You question my method of instruction, Ser?"

"I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils."

With a nod Criston grabbed Jacaerys by the chestplate, pulling the young boy across the training yard. "Eldest son against eldest son."

Following Ser Criston's instructions, Daemion raised his wooden blade. His feet spreading apart slightly as he took his position. At Ser Criston's word, the Queen's firstborn son quickly advanced on the younger Prince. His attack was relentless, pushing Jacaerys further and further back until he saw and opening and knocked the boy to the ground.

Thinking the fight was over Daemion turned to walk back to Ser Criston. Though he spun at Jacaerys' yell, his feet were quick as he dodged the attacks. Now on the defense, Daemion searched for an opening or something to help him. His prayers were answered when his foot hit the side of a wooden platform. Realizing it was one of the straw figures, Daemion knocked it over, almost catching Jace under its weight.

Pride filled Camilla at her son's quick thinking as Ser Criston and Ser Harwin jumped between the boys. Both men spoke quietly to their charges, advising their Prince on how to win.

The break didn't last long as Criston released Daemion, the young teen yelling at his nephew as he advanced on him. Once again Daemion's attack was ruthless, not giving Jace a moment to strike. Criston followed behind, shouting directions.

"Use your feet!" Daemion did as he was told, his foot landing squarely on Jacaerys' chest, knocking his nephew to the ground. "Don't let him get up."

Camilla watched as Daemion kept attacking the boy, even though he lay defenseless on the ground.

"Daemion is quite the talented swordsman, my love." Camilla spoke, turning from the fight to look at the King's Hand. "Isn't he, Lord Hand?"

"Quite, Your Grace." Lord Lyonel responded, though his voice was strained.

"Enough!" At the yell, Camilla turned back to see Ser Harwin physically stopping Daemion and throwing the Prince to the ground.

"You dare put your hands on him?!" Camilla roared, shooting to her feet.

"Camilla-" Viserys tried to stop his wife.

"No, Viserys." Camillla interrupted whatever her husband was about to say, turning to face Lord Lyonel. "You better pray my son is uninjured, Lyonel, or I shall have your son's hands."

Not waiting for Lord Lyonel's reply, Camilla rushed to the stairs. As her foot landed on the first step Ser Harwin turned and punched Ser Criston, knocking the Queen's sworn protector to the ground.

"Guards!" The white cloaks answered their Queen's call, descending on Ser Harwin and Ser Criston.

Four King's Guards were needed to pull Harwin off of ser Criston, proving just how formidable the Princess's rumored lover was. Camilla couldn't help the slight uptick of her lips, there was no way Harwin would be allowed to stay in the Red Keep now.

Though Camilla couldn't focus on that right now, her focus remained on her sons. A fierce protectiveness filled her as she gathered her boys into her arms. Her eyes traced each of their faces, searching for any sign they were hurt or scared.

"Are you alright?"

"We are uninjured, mother." Daemion answered. "But Ser Criston is not."

"I shall check on Ser Criston in a moment, but right now my worry is for you, my sons. Do not make me ask again, are you alright?" Camilla looked at each of her sons, waiting for a response.

"Yes." Daemion and Aegon groaned, annoyed by what they believed was their mother being overprotective.

Aemond merely nodded, not trusting his voice. Camilla pressed a kiss to Aemond's cheek, promising herself to check on him later.

Turning from her sons, Camilla walked to where Ser Criston still laid on the floor. The Queen knelt beside her sworn protector not caring if her dress became dirty, her eyes fluttered across his chest and face categorizing all the injuries. "Are you alright, Criston?"

"I will be alright, Your Grace." Ser Criston replied, turning his head away from Camilla and spitting up blood.

"What did you say to him?"

"I merely implied he cared for the young Princes like they were family." Criston answered, a smirk on his bloody face. "You wished the beast gone, I was merely doing what was asked of me."

A slight grin grew on Camilla's face. This would surely break the Princess's heart, it was one less ally for Rhaenyra to cling to. One more comfort gone. She wanted to break Rhaenyra, chase her from her home before placing her son on the Iron Throne.

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