My Stalker's an Alien!

By kishata

312 16 7

Meet Charle "Chachi" Kim, the 2nd child of the famous V company owner in south korea, who decides to run away... More



47 4 2
By kishata

It was 5 in the morning when I left the boarding house.

Why? Because,

1. I need to go back to all the places I went to yesterday to look for my bracelette

2. To avoid that rapist driver

I mean, who goes driving around town at 5 in the morning?

And I wanted to look for it last night but Max didn't let me. He said it was already late and that I should just hide from that rapist driver


Okay, I have been like, walking for 3 hours and I still didn't find my bracelet. Oh nooo. I need to find it! It's my only memento of my mom!

But, it's like, 8 in the morning that's why I decided to go to Max's resto and have breakfast there

I opened the door and my grumbling stomach felt relieved when I smelled some pancakes and coffee

" hey chachi!" I looked at the counter and saw Max waving at me then talking back to a guy with blonde/orangish hair.

I walked up to them and smiled at Max


You won't believe it.

" Princess! "


" oh, so you guys know each other or something? Max asked

" MAX! HE'S THE GODDAMN RAPIST/DRIVER I TOLD YOU ABOUT! " max and the rapist's eyes widened

" WHAT?! "

" hey! Who're you calling a rapist?" the rapist said as he crossed his arms and pouted

Suddenly, Max burst out laughing

" hey chachi, I think you got it wrong. This dude's no rapist. He's a friend of mine"

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped

" yeah! How could you possibly think this goddamned hot driver is a rapist? " he said as he gestured towards himself

" You were like, waiting down the road for me the whole day! "

" Told you I'd wait for you, didn't I? "

I just glared at him and gave Max my what the hell is going on?! Face and he sighed as he chuckled

" This dude here is Kian. I met him a long time ago"

" And since I got extra money, I decided to give myself a feast! " the rapist/driver said while he threw his arms in the air

" great. Just great. " I said while rolling my eyes

" So, what can I do for you? " Max asked

" I'll have the breakfast combo no. 2 please. Oh, and, with extra syrup! "

" got it. Have a seat" Max winked and started to cook my order. I was about to sit faaaaaaar awaaaaaay from the counter so I could stay away from this rapist driver when Max spoke again

" by the way, did you find it yet? " my face plastered a frown as I sighed and looked down the ground

" nope"

" Don't worry. You'll find it" Max assured

" I hope so" I said while rubbing my arm

" what? What are you looking for? " The rapist dude suddenly asked

" your brain" I answered him and went to sit at the corner of the resto. After a while, my order came up and I happily ate my breakfast until rapist dude came

" woah, I don't know if I should call you princess or pig at the moment" he commented as he saw me hogging down the food on my table

" I don't know if I should call you rapist or idiot" I replied giving off a I don't care look

" hey what's with you calling me rapist? " he said as he pouted

" your face says it all" I bluntly replied

" WHAT?! THIS FACE?! I could even be a model if I want to! " he answered acting offended. I almost choked and ended up bursting out in laughter

" Yeah right! You can reeeaaally be a model with those dirty clothes and worn out slippers"

" hey hey, don't make fun of my ootd" he said with a frown
(ootd means out fit of the day)

" well, it's the same ootd you wore yesterday" I scoffed

" you didn't even take a bath, did you? " I suddenly eyed him and he looked embarrassed for a moment before plastering a smirk on his face

" I'm still irresistible even if I didn't. Besides, the ladies love my manly smell" he said proudly and my brows furrowed in disgust

" Well?! How about you?! Look at you with your disgustingly clean white shirt, nice pants and horribly black shoes! Are you a student or something? " he said eyeing me from head to foot with his fingers on his chin

I scoffed and raised my brow

" yes oh and, thanks for the compliment "

He suddenly cupped my face and looked at me intently before shrieking like a little girl

He said while making a disgusted face

I rolled my eyes and hit his head

" We have the same hair color, you idiot! And Hayley is awesome so, I don't mind imitating her"

" I know. But I look better in it than you and her" he said while grinning which showed his rectangular smile and not to mention, perfect white teeth

" H-hey! What are you-" he said but I ignored him as I opened his mouth and observed his teeth. After a few seconds I let go and sat back on my chair

" What the he-"

" I was just checking if your teeth are real." I told him while I continued eating my breakfast

" What? You think these are fake? Sorry hun but, I'm the type of guy who was blessed with everything" he said while gesturing around himself

" everything except clean clothes and nice slippers " I teased

" What is it with you and my ootd? " he said with crossed arms as he laid back on his chair

" I dunno, I guess I'm fascinated with them. I mean, can you even still use those? " I said pointing at his slippers which looked half eaten by a rat

" I'm using them right now" he said proudly

" why don't you buy a new one? "

He looked at me with his brow raised

" Do you think money grows on trees princess? Do I look like someone who could waste money on something that I already have? "

I looked at him with a blank expression before nodding in agreement. I mean, he did have a point there. I know How hard it is to budget your money especially when it's not much and you need to split it up for a lot of things

" Glad we finally agreed on something. In fact, were already having a nice conversation! " he said while grinning

" By the way, I'm Kian, as if you didn't know who I am, you are? "
He said as he held out his hand

" Chachi V- I mean, Chachi Cruz" I replied as I shook his hand

Yeah well, Cruz is actually my mom's family name. She and my dad divorced a long time ago and she left me with dad but I would often visit her where I'd live with her for weeks. 4 years ago, she died from cancer. I can't risk using my real name cause my identity will be recognized. That's why I use my Nickname and mom's Family name.

" I Hope we have fun, Princess! " I furrowed my brow and frowned at him

" I already told you my name. Stop calling me princess."

" sorry princess but, I call you what I want to " he said as he raised his eyebrows up and down

" why do you even call me that? " I asked annoyed

" No reason. I just had this impression of you that you were like a princess when we first met. A princess in distress "

" seriously? " I scoffed

I'm not a princess in distress. Just a teenager who's depressed with her life

" how long are you going to stay here? " I asked annoyed

'' I don't know, maybe like, the whole day?? '' he said while grinning

" By standers are not allowed here" I scolded him

" Now get out. Go drive and make some money, you idiot " I said as I pointed towards the door while cleaning up the table

" aawwweee. I'll see you later princess! " he said as he waved goodbye and walked out the door

Finally his gone! I can now work in peace

" Where's kian?" Max asked while holding an empty tray

" he went to work" I said while walking pass by him and returning the cleaning materials

" oh. I thought he wanted to- Never mind. Anyway, let's get to work! Its almost 9, things are gonna get busy"

I just nodded in agreement


" I'll have the double Dutch extreme" I said pointing at the menu

" Okay, please wait for 10 minutes"
The dude said as he went to make my order. It was already my break so I went out to look for my bracelet and got tired from walking around town so I decided to take a break

I sat on a nearby bench while I waited for my order so I took my phone out and was about to call Max when my screen showed the picture of my mom. I never really realized it but I ended up staring at it

" woah, she's pretty! " I looked up and saw Mr. Rapist who leaned in and looked closer at my phone.

" Yeah. She is" I said while a smile formed on my lips

" She's like a queen! No wonder your so pretty princess " he commented. I laughed a bit before staring at her picture again

" Really? "

" Yep! SOLID CARBON COPY " he said with his thumbs-up.

I don't know why but I was really happy when he told me that. I always wanted to be like her

" I miss her" I said unconsciously

" Why don't you go visit her? I can give you a ride if you want to"

I shook my head and gave him a weak smile " I can't. Atleast not now"

" But whyyyy? It's free, I swear I won't let you pay. It's not that faraway, right? " he asked

I just shook my head and stared at her picture

" you seem like you badly want to visit her. Where is she anyway? "

I bit my lower lip and looked at him with a sad smile

" Up there" I said while pointing towards the sky

" oh.." he said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly

I just nodded and silence fell on us until -

" wait- what?! No way! You're mom's an Angel?! How cool is that!" he said as he threw his arms in the air

I just laughed at his reaction. I'm actually glad he found a way remove the heavy atmosphere

" Idiot rapist! " I said as he was now running around in circles while pretending to fly.

He stopped and frowned at me
" I told you not to call me that"

I just ignored him and eventually, he started laughing with me. So now we were laughing like idiots while people started to look at us.

Our little happy moment was cut off when my order came up

" Thank you" I said as I handed my payment. I turned around and saw him staring at me- or, more like my ice cream

I smirked and held the ice cream closer to him " want some? "

He was about to say yes when I pulled it away and stuck my tounge out

" Sorry, but you can't " I teased as I took a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth

He got embarrassed and looked away

" W-Who said I wanted one? " he said as he crossed his arms

I just laughed at his childish act


I stared at him as he turned red from embarrassment

Geez this kid


" So, what do you do in life? " he asked me as we were now sitting on the bench while eating ice-cream.

" I work so I can go to school. You? " I replied while staring at the sky. It was amazingly blue right now

" I drive my baby over there" he said as he pointed towards his tricycle
" I can't let my family starve you know" he added

My eyes widened and I looked at him with shock


He looked at me for a moment before laughing

" Yep! A daddy of 12 kids! " he said while smiling proudly

" Seriously?! How irresponsible are you? And 12?! How old are you anyway?!? And-" he stopped me from talking when he put his finger on my lips to shut it

" Relax princess. I'm 20 and they're not my real kids" he said while chuckling

" oh.. " I said dumb founded

" So, you adopted them?" I added

He shook his head and looked at me

" Nope. They're at an orphanage. I can't adopt them cause I can't give them their needs. So I just visit there and act like their dad" he paused and chuckled

" I mean, they're just kids. At least I could fill in the gap they have in their hearts because of being parentless." he said while smiling at the ground.

" You're not planning on doing adultery to one of them, are you? " I teased him

He frowned " seriously? Why do you keep accusing me of criminality? "

I just laughed at him and sighed

" Well, I guess your not as bad as you look"

" What?! See this face?? This is the face of an angel! "

I frowned and looked behind him. Pretending to look for another person

" What Angel? I don't see one at all"

He acted to get offended and put his hand on his chest

" Are you blind princess?! "

" Nope, your just narcissistic "

He ended up ranting about his face and why I couldn't see the beauty of it while I just pretended to ignore him and look up the sky

" Oops. My break's over. Gotta go" I said as I stood up

" Want me to give you a ride? " he offered and I raised my brow

" Dude, it's like, just down the street" he stood up and walked towards me

" I know. But, who cares? Its free! Come on! " he said as he dragged me to his tricycle

" oookaaay, ready?? " he asked as he pretended to gear up and make car noises

" wow. Your bike has an engine, amazing" I said sarcastically and he just grinned at me

" HOLY- WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!! " I exclaimed as he drove through the street, not the highway

" Her Majesty deserves a VIP route! " he said as he was now picking up the pace

He was driving or biking too fast! A lot of people almost got hit. It would either be us who would avoid them or they would jump out of the way.

" I AM GOING TO KILL YOU! " I shouted as I covered my eyes. I feel like we'll crash any moment now

" were heeeeeereeeee!!! " he shouted as he made a drifting stop.

Dafuq?! How can he even do that using a bike?!

"oh, Chachi your here" Max said as he opened the door

" I was about to go look for you since your break's over"

" well, here I am! " I said faking a grin and making jazz hands.

" I'll see you later princess!" Mr. Rapist said as he started to drive away

" Oh it would be a pleasure if you won't " I mumbled

" what did he do now? " Max asked chuckling as we went in the resto

" separate my soul from my body" I answered while rolling my eyes

Max just laughed and we continued with our work

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