
By veelozada

31.8K 1.3K 197

When back-alley mechanic Elijah Garret is approached by the company who destroyed his family, he has to decid... More

Season List for Conduit
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
🏳️‍🌈 PRIDE (LIMITED TIME): Read for a chance to win Coins

Ch. 15

294 27 1
By veelozada

Smelling refreshed and clean, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, dressed professionally and dapper. I hadn't seen myself in any "business" type clothes since my eighth-grade graduation. Only back then, I had a bow tie and my father's handkerchief in my suit pocket. Now, as I looked at my reflection, eyeing the collar of my blazer, the perfect white glow of my button-up, and the soft glow of lotion on my light brown skin, I grinned. Shit. "Now, this is the face of a genius," I chuckled and stepped out into the living room.

Reggie and Victoria stood in the kitchen, both hovering over his tablet. Her hand gently slid over his shoulder; her head pressed against his. Androids didn't breathe, but to me, their slight movements matched each other's, synchronized.

This was more than them getting close as friends, wasn't it?

I cleared my throat.

They looked at me and Victoria stepped back with a big smile. "Well look at you," she said.

She liked it, of course, she did. She added the shirt. To appease her growing smile, I tugged at the collar of my blazer and slowly spun. "I fit the part, don't I?"

Her hands pressed over her lips as she giggled. Reggie, seemingly intrigued, turned on the kitchen stool and relaxed his arms on his legs. His cybernetic eyes brightened with blue lights, and he smiled. "I believe you look like the teacher humans need."

Well, that wasn't the look I was going for, but it did fit. So, I accepted the compliment and nodded, approaching them. I placed my hand on Reggie's shoulder. "How are you feeling today?" I asked him. It was good to ask, especially after what we saw yesterday. I felt like he needed a reminder that I wasn't like the man outside the store yesterday; I was more like Victoria, loving, caring, and here for him.

"I'm fine," he said. "Vicky gave me a tablet she found in one of the closets. She's teaching me personally."

My brows shot up as I grinned. Is she now?

Reggie smiled at my sudden expression. "Human articles are interesting. I can't find these on my own."

I peered at the open screen. Reading the page's header, a grin widened. I didn't think he was reading the tabloids. His human articles were interesting because they were fake and written for entertainment purposes only. That was why he couldn't find them; they were not government approved. Glancing at him and his curious smile, it was good to know he had a sense of humor.

I looked at Victoria and held out my hand. "Not to rush you, baby, but did you get the files into a drive for me?"

Nodding, she turned toward the counter behind her and opened the top drawer. Her hand slipped into the opening, fingers pulling out a small black device tucked between them. Pressing it into her palm, she closed her hand into a fist, shut the drawer, then turned, facing me, with her arm extended.

I blinked at her hand before I nodded. "Is this everything?" I asked, opening my hand to take what she had.

She nodded, dropping the drive into my palm. "It is every update Lyons has attempted to create since your family was forced out of the company."

Forced was a 'nice' way to say it. But I didn't see anything 'nice' in this evil company.

"All you need to do is find a computer to upload and edit the file, then you should be all set," Victoria added.

I held the drive up in front of my face before closing my fingers around it. It hit me that I'd forgotten about needing a computer. How else was I supposed to edit this? All I was allowed to have so far was a tablet, and now a phone. Neither could help me with my plan.

But I know what can help.

"This is fine." I sighed through my nose. "Next favor," I looked into her eyes, "are you able to simplify and organize my father's notes?"

"I can," she said, "but I think their layouts will benefit you more as is. You understand your father's methods. I'm afraid if I mathematically reposition them, the magic will be gone."

I pulled the phone out of my pocket, turned it on, and scrolled through my minimal contacts. I tapped Frank's name. Pressing the phone to my ear, I looked back at Victoria. "What do you mean by magic?"

"The Garret way," she said with such pride, such belief, it warmed my heart.

Moving around the counter, I listened to the ringing in my ear and kissed Victoria's cheek. Then I came back and held out my hand to fist-bump Reggie. My grin spread when he knew to bump me back.

Good shit.

As I turned for the door, Frank's voice sounded in my ear. "I see they gave you a phone," he laughed.

"They did." The door shut behind me. I tugged at my blazer, my gaze passing over the tenants of the 27th floor enjoying food in the middle lobby. "Katherine gave me a deadline of 1PM today."

"Today?" Frank gasped. "In three hours? Shit, you think after what you did yesterday, she'd be patient."

I knew it was a short window. "Yeah, but I can't expect anything different from her. Do you have any news about the androids we saved?"

"Um, yeah," Frank sighed. I thought I heard movement on his side as if he were nodding. "They're safe. I asked two technicians I trust to watch them."

I knew I could rely on him with something like this. If he trusted these people, this meant I had enough time to work on my idea, then I could follow up with the androids from yesterday. "Good, good. Thank you, Frank. This means I can work on my plan."

"Plan! Great!" Frank sounded relieved. "What are you going to do?"

Could I tell him? I felt like we were closer. We were a team in this prison, weren't we? I flipped the drive in my hand as I walked past the tables, then I lowered my voice so Frank could hear, but not anyone else. "I'm going to rewrite the original code to buy time."

Frank cleared his throat. "So, nothing new?"

"Not enough time for new. Anything different will take some time. Months, according to Vicky."

"Shit," Frank huffed on the other line. It sounded like he moved around his apartment. Or wherever he was. "You're just going to rebrand what Lyons has already made?"

"Yup, like a knockoff bag. If the stitching is good, you can't tell the difference." I stopped in front of the elevator. I could get inside but without a keycard, how could I get to where I needed to go?

"You actually can tell the difference," Frank grumbled.

Once the elevator reacted to my presence, I stepped inside of it and turned, watching the doors shut. "Hey, am I able to just go down to the Creation floor without you? I don't have keys or anything for access—"

"Do you need to be there, or do you need to see someone?"

Oh, the jealousy. It was a little of both, but I couldn't tell him that. He'd take it the wrong way. "I just need some computers, Frank. That's the one thing I don't have in my arsenal."

Nervously, he laughed. I bet he realized how ridiculous he sounded. I was here to do a job, not to find love.

"Where the buttons are, there should be an option for a pin code. Mine is 8267. That can get you anywhere you need to go," Frank said.

I followed his directions and yup, just as he said, a tiny box allowing the buttons to be accepted as a code. The numbers he said were accepted immediately and I chose my path to floor 1B.

"Will you update me if there are any issues?" Frank asked as the elevator started its descent.

I nodded, even though he couldn't see. "I will. And I'll let you know when I'm done."

I just need to find Logan first.


The second the elevator doors opened, every pair of eyes on the Creation floor fell on me. Word traveled fast, didn't it? An android attack happened, and another could be any day. I was there, I was sure they knew; to know the androids they worked on daily had already been pushed to these limits.

The hope in their eyes...

Did they know they were a part of the problem? Were they staring at me as if I was their solution? Logan viewed me as a genius he'd heard of; a compliment I accepted. But did the rest of the floor have a similar thought? Glancing at the time on my phone, I didn't have the luxury of asking everyone to figure out if they did.

I bit my tongue, tugged at my blazer, and pushed ahead. Every section was busy at work. Technicians eyed my every step. I scanned the top of their heads, looking for the blonde locks I knew would help me. I hoped he was in the same area.

He wasn't, but I guess he saw me come in. Hurrying over from the far left, Logan appeared with a grin on his face. He pushed his hands through his hair as he looked at me. "Hey, Elijah, right?"

I smirked. Cute. He played it off like he didn't really remember me.

"Yeah, uh," I looked around and behind him, before pulling a drive out of my back pocket, "remember when you showed me those menu sections on your tablet?"

Lifting his brows, he nodded. "Yeah."

"Cool." Moving closer to him, I closed my hand around the USB drive and lowered my voice. I didn't want anyone else on the floor to overhear. "Do you think you can show me your backdoor programming? There's something I need to do today, and I only have two hours to do it."

"Ah, time crunch." Logan glanced back in the direction he came from. I only saw one empty hexagon space. The android skeleton in it could be A, but without features, I wasn't sure. Then Logan's focus changed to the double doors at the back of the floor. He reached and grabbed my wrist. "I think it's best to do whatever it is you're doing out of sight of everyone else."

I blinked, both shocked and amazed. He understood the assignment without direction. Was I allowed a team of employees to be my henchmen? If I was, I would need Logan on my side.

"You've got the right idea," I said, following him as he gently pulled me down the middle row between each of the hexagon offices. Each technician followed us with their eyes, dipping their heads to the side for a closer look when we walked past.

"I do." Logan shot me a grin as he passed his keycard over the lock panel. "Whatever it is you're doing, I know it's worth it."

I hoped he was right. My overall plan would be that I had faith in my family's work. What I needed to happen was for Katherine and her team to believe the bullshit I was going to tweak and create on this drive. If she wanted a hasty job, then that's what she would get. I couldn't do it any other way.

Logan glanced around the computer room, quickly walking and checking every corner. Once he saw it was empty, he walked back to the door and locked it; the old-fashioned way with the handle on the door. A keycard couldn't unlock that.

"Okay, show me what you got." Logan held out his hands.

I stared at his fingers before pinching my brow. I wasn't giving him this data drive. I liked his determination and care for mechanical souls, but I couldn't give him the files. I was planning to pull the rug out from under her. That didn't mean I was on a suicide mission.

Peering into his eyes, I shook my head. "I just need a computer, man."

"Fair." Logan dropped his hand and motioned with his head for me to follow him. Together, we walked to the wall of computers on the far right. He touched the largest in the center of the row. "Are we uploading things into the androids? Some backdoor with a key only you have?"

Lifting my brows, I pursed my lips. He was a diabolical genius. I hadn't thought of making a back door for the androids, but it was a good idea. Just in case.

"I only need a computer to mess with the files I have here." I pulled the drive out of my pocket and shook it. "But I know whatever computers Katherine would've given me access to would block me from overwriting the original day. You," I winked at him, "would have something to dismantle that safe wall."

"Oh, that's what you need?" Logan moved to the side of the large computer. There were two bulk cables plugged in on the left. Looking back at the double doors once more, he waited for a second, eyes squinting as though he were listening out.

Then he pulled them out, thick cables dangling between his fingers.

A buzzing sound filled the air before a ping popped inside my ears.

I placed my hand on the right side of my head, pushing against the pressure as I stared at him. "What did you just do?"

Grinning at me, Logan tugged at his white technician coat. "Just severed that safe wall you were worried about. Lyons won't be able to track anything you're going to do."

Was it that easy? It couldn't be. There had to be a silent alarm going off somewhere.

As if he noticed my hesitation, Logan smirked and cocked a brow. He passed his tongue over his bottom lip. "You can't tell me you're nervous now. Are you? After all of the cool things I heard about the Elijah Garret, I thought working with a temporarily hindered computer wouldn't bother you."

I snorted, laughing quietly with a closed mouth. What he said was true. Working in these conditions normally wouldn't have bothered me. I was a back-alley mechanic. Working under the radar was what I did best. Just, being here didn't feel like I was under anything other than Katherine's thumb.

I couldn't let that bother me, though.

I sighed as I pushed the drive into the available slot beneath the computer screen. The machine read the files immediately. I was thankful for Victoria's organization. Each bit of data was categorized by year and android series.

Leaning over the keyboard, I worked on different variations of the same codes. As I did this, I glanced at Logan. "What exactly have you heard about me?"

With a small hop, Logan sat on the computer table and made himself comfortable beside the keyboard. He relaxed as he looked at me. "Everything," he said. "You know the underground mags, right?"

I nodded. I knew about them. Illegal magazines written, printed, and distributed by some guy from his basement. I'd read a few of them and picked up on a few techniques for newer models. I believed I was mentioned in them once or twice, but there wasn't enough information about me in the streets to get an accurate picture. I was a ghost to mechanics. A story they wanted to follow, find and study—like thrill hunters.

"I wrote them," he said.

I stopped typing. Midway through a coded line from five years ago, the cursor on the screen waited for me to continue. I couldn't. I focused on Logan and his growing grin. "Shit. You?" I blinked at him. "You wrote Technicians 9 Mag?"

He nodded, a very proud mhm coming from him.

I couldn't help my smirk. The man who had similar thoughts and beliefs in machines, as I did, also wrote magazines for back-alley mechanics, like me. Was there something in the air? Were we supposed to meet? I never believed in these things, but I felt like I had to.

"Keep going," Logan pointed at the screen, "time crunch, remember?"

Shit. He was right, how could I forget?

Sucking in the air between my teeth, I hunched over the keyboard and continued rewriting the codes. Picking and switching each line, year after year. There was nothing wrong with the androids. The only issue with the codes in front of me was their lazy attempt at copying my grandfather's original plan. I recognized the lines, the numbers, and the patterns that made androids work. But they were missing, lacking, vital information. Details that I knew deep down but couldn't properly code myself. Until I looked at my family's notes, I wasn't going to figure it out.

For now, this was what Katherine would get.

"Can you explain to me what you're doing at least?" Logan asked, peering at the screen. "All of these are the base files for every android out there."

"Yup," I skipped a line, added three numbers, and moved on to another, "I'm just enhancing what's already here."

Logan's brows shot up. "You can do that to this code?"

I glanced at him. "I am this code. You saw Victoria the other day, right?"

"Your Personal?"

I shook my head, looking back at the screen. "She isn't a Personal. She's family, my family. It took me a long time to get through her base code and make her more human than you or me."

Logan's jaw dropped slightly. "She did seem a lot more advanced, like a special edition model or something."

"Very special edition." I reached the last four lines. My fingers typed faster than I'd ever done before. I didn't miss a key, couldn't skip a beat. I felt like if I slowed down, I'd mess up.

"Explain." Logan leaned forward, placing his arms on his knees. "I'm intrigued."

"Well, Victoria was a custom android created by my grandfather for my father." I hit five more keys fast than the last. "My mother died, my father's rebound—"

"Rebound?" Logan's brows shot up.

"—couldn't handle the pressure of suddenly replacing a wife and caring for a boy that wasn't hers. So, in came Victoria." Enter. Shift. Delete. "The personal designed to keep my father away from loneliness and despair."

"Your father had a Personal made to keep him happy?"

Once I hit enter one more time, the screen reacted. Numbers and letters filled the screen; white font passed over a black background. I watched it until it fizzled away, the file closing back into its original encrypted state. Then I looked at Logan with raised brows. "Yup," I answered his question.

"I, uh, thought I peeped some closeness between you two. I think I assumed—"

"It isn't like that," I said, pulling the data drive out of the computer. "Vicky and I need each other. Our love is different. She saved me from loneliness and I saved her... from a trash heap."

"Someone was going to throw her out?"

I nodded. "Yup." I pocketed the drive. "Lyons."

"Shit." Seeing that I was done, Logan pushed the cables back into the side of the computer and slid off the table, wiping his hands as if they were dirty. "The more you know."

I chucked, tugging at my blazer. "True, just don't, uh," I looked at him as I walked toward the door, "don't put that in Technicians 9, hm?"

"Hey, I don't even write them anymore." He pushed his hands into his coat pockets. "If you noticed, I haven't released a new article in a while."

I shrugged. "Honestly, Logan, I didn't read them like that."

"Oh." Logan turned so he walked backward. He kept his eyes on me. When he snorted, he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. "Shame, I think if I wrote a new one, I'd mention this look." He pointed at me through the pockets. "A lot better than a dirty mechanic. Fits a genius."

I tongued my cheek as I looked away. This was the second compliment I got on this outfit. Now I felt like I needed to make it a permanent part of my wardrobe.

"Um, if you need help with anything else, doors opened, floor access." He pointed his thumb at his chest. "I'm on floor twenty-six, room nine."

"You've got computers in your room?" I asked as he turned for the door, unlocking it.

He pushed it open, glanced back at me, and winked. "No."

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