
By veelozada

31.6K 1.2K 182

When back-alley mechanic Elijah Garret is approached by the company who destroyed his family, he has to decid... More

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Season List for Conduit
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36

Ch. 11

402 38 5
By veelozada

I passed my hands over my mouth as we slowly approached the elevator. I thought if Frank and I had full stomachs, there wouldn't be tension. We were equals and I felt like he saw that. It wasn't obvious but it was in the look in his eyes or in his actions. Now it seemed like he was hesitant because of the company, not androids. The mask he wore when we first toured the building was gone. I needed to know what was underneath.

So, when Frank pushed the call button and the elevator doors opened for us, I tried to look into his eyes. I wanted to catch his emotion and see if there was something more, something like me. Yeah, I needed to see what was up with the androids, but I wanted to learn Frank, too. We were partners after all.

Frank hovered his hand over the digital floor buttons on the side, before softly pressing his fingers on the smooth LED panel. Floor 1B. I'd told him we needed to get to business, and he agreed, but hadn't said exactly where we would start. In a way, it didn't matter. I was smart enough and could follow along without much direction, anyway.

I just needed everyone to be on the same page.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Victoria looked like she was going to say something, but the second light flooded our elevator, her eyes opened wide. Her jaw dropped. A tiny gasp slipped out from her mouth. I turned around to see what was in front of us and I had to react like she did.

Floor 1B was the first basement floor and by the look of our surroundings, it was where the androids were built and designed. Technicians in white lab coats walked around giant computers built within metal pipes positioned together in a hexagon shape. Within each space, within the shapes, were large led screens and skeletons—android skeletons without synthetic flash.

Never in my life had I ever seen so many of them in one place. Stepping out of the elevator and into 1B, I swore there had to be hundreds; each skeleton had a crew touching the metal skinless interior. They tapped the steel with lasers. Sparks erupted from every corner.

As an android geek, I felt like a kid in a candy store.

I grinned as I slowly turned to look back at Victoria, Frank, and Reggie. The three of them stepped out of the elevator, and as if immediately called, it ascended to the upper floors.

Victoria came closer and reached for my hand. Was she comforting herself? "I've never pictured android creation to be so—"

I had to admit, her disbelief was adorable. Reggie, on the other hand, had no emotional change. Why would he? He was born here. I looked back into Victoria's eyes. "You didn't think it'd be so industrial? It can be like an assembly line, sure. And for these androids," I glanced behind me as a group of technicians rolled in a large cart covered with a white tarp, "it is exactly that."

"Oh." Victoria's brows pinched together. "And what about me?"

Sighing into a smile, I gently squeezed her fingers and told her the truth. "Vicky, you're a Garret."

Victoria's lips pulled into a small grin as she closed her eyes. She knew what I meant. I'd told her so many times. She wasn't a machine to me, but family. And family were Garret's, android and human alike.

When I turned back around to get started with this place, I caught the shocked look on Frank's face, as if the nervousness he felt seconds ago faded. He came closer, scratching the side of his face. It made me laugh. "Is something bothering you?"

"No, um, I just," Frank's gaze passed over each of us, "I've never seen people and androids look so... casual. At least, not for a long time." He weakly smiled. "A real long time."

My brows shot up. Oh, it was my turn to be curious. What he said plus the smile—he was on my side. Biting my lip, I looked around at the metal skeletons and their technicians. "Where are we and where do we go from here?"

Frank perked up. "Oh, right," he said, walking past me. He motioned with one hand for the three of us to follow him. "We're on the creation floor, where every android is built from the ground up."


As much as I hated Lyons and the government they worked for, I had to admit their space, their machines were beautiful. I wanted to touch all of them. Frolic through science as if it were flowers.

With Vicky and Reggie walking on either side of me, the three of us followed Frank. He was talking, pointing, and explaining the space, but I'd lost interest in his by-the-book speeches. I wanted to learn the reality of this place, the ins, and outs, the dark secrets I knew Lyons wouldn't let me know. And, unfortunately, I knew I wasn't going to get that from Frank.

As we continued, I noticed a technician on my left. I paused as I watched the tall blonde-haired man place artificial eyeballs inside the metal skeleton in his section. Once seated in the sockets, their eyes rotated and moved. My jaw dropped. I'd seen androids being constructed—my grandfather did it from inside his garage without the big machines. Each piece a Garret created was melded and pressed together by hand, with love and care. And when the skeleton was complete occurred, my father was the one who gently layered and pressed on the synthetic flesh, like making a bed.

He always made sure to do it with a smile, too.

But this? I'd never seen it like this, in this layout, so up close.

"Morning, A," the technician said, "can you see me?"

The android's eyes moved, as well as its mouth, but no sound came out. I only heard the gentle whirring of the skeleton's components. The technician frowned. "Okay, this isn't fair. How about I start up your data, hm? This way you can answer me. How does that sound?"

The android nodded, head moving up and down in an unnatural way.

"Perfect, then. We'll do that." The technician looked back at his tablet. "I'll give you the ability to talk so you can directly answer my question." When the technician looked back at the android, there was a light in his eyes. The machine in front of him made him happy. "I hope that helps you, A."

I couldn't help it. I approached. Everything this technician did had my full attention. This was like night and day compared to the other workers I'd seen in this place. The kindness radiated off of him in waves. I knew that Vicky saw it, Reggie, too. They followed close behind.

The technician tapped his tablet again. "All right, A, try this again." He cleared his throat and straightened. "Can you see me?"

In two swift motions, the android lowered its head to look the technician in the eye. Without flesh or facial feature, I couldn't tell if it was smiling. But there was a happy sigh. Content. The technician had done something right.

"I can see you just fine, Logan. Good morning," a female voice came out from the android's mouth.

Logan let out a low, soft laugh, and I couldn't help but do the same. This was how all of Lyons' employees needed to act. This was what the androids needed to feel loved, cared for, and accepted. If Logan could do this, I knew the others could. They just needed some push and some guidance, and if I could... I'd get Logan to help me.

Was I allowed to appoint assistants for my cause? I needed to add that to the list of my ever-growing questions because I glanced at the surrounding spaces with their technicians and androids, and I didn't see the same care. Logan was one in a million. I needed him to spread.

Frank came beside me and cleared his throat. "That's Logan. He's been on probation. He doesn't necessarily follow the rules."

I glanced at Frank with furrowed brows. "You mean because he treats androids as if they're human?"

"No," Frank scoffed. He shook his hands in his defense. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm talking about standard protocol. He cuts corners and likes to get to the finish line before hitting the halfway point."

"So, he gets in trouble because he turns on an android's ability to speak?"

Frank nodded. "I mean, I get why he does it but it's against protocol. We have rules, Elijah."

Tch. Bullshit rules. I saw what would've happened to Reggie if I hadn't gotten there. He was marked for disposal before he even had a chance to try to do his assigned duties. He was considered a waste before day one.

Footsteps came from behind, the sound of shoes echoing on the floor. I glanced back as Logan approached us. He slid his long fingers through his hair, tucking blonde strands behind his ear. His bright blue eyes focused on me and for a moment, I felt flustered. His presence was powerful. I couldn't help my awkward laugh as I passed my hand over my neck.

Leaning forward slightly, Logan grinned. "Sorry, I overheard you all, and I wanted to come over and say why I turn them on. I need to hear that they're ready before I give them my stamp of approval, even if its cutting corners." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. "My name's Logan."

I know.

Logan winked. "But I don't know who you are?"

I grabbed his hand with a firm grip, gently shaking it as I grinned just as big as he did. "I'm Elijah."

"Oh." His eyes widened as leaned back and chuckled. "The android genius is here, really here." His grin spread into a toothy smile. "Shit, I've heard so much about you. It's so nice to finally meet you. Do you want to, um," he glanced back into his section and at his android who waited patiently for him, "you can join me and see how I work."

Pulling my hand from his, I excitedly pushed them into my pockets. "I'd love that."


I glanced up at the LED screen hanging beside it. The Lyons logo bounced around the screen. Placing my hands behind my back, I looked at Logan with a small smile. "This is different," I said, noting the android. "I don't think I've ever seen that material before."

"Oh!" Logan, with the biggest grin on his face, slid his hand over the android's chest. "It's definitely a newer material. Lyons wants the 800 series to be stronger than the others. Premium grade. With a skeleton like this, there's nothing that can harm or destroy them."

My brows shot up as I looked back at the android. It was interesting; Lyons' approach to android building wasn't what I expected. I was brought here to create an update to stop the machine's rebellious nature and hopefully avoid an android war. But if it happened and I failed, we wouldn't be able to win. They'd kill us with bodies like this.

Logan passed his hand over the android's other arm, then cupped its hand. "This girl here, I've been helping with her build for about a week now. And I know," he sighed, "I'm not supposed to name any of the androids, but I couldn't help it. I had to give her something. A's just a letter but once she's complete and ready to go out into the world, it can be something else. I just wanted to help give her an identity."

It had been a long time since I met someone who made me feel like I struck gold. I was twenty and his name was Ari. At the time, I was confused because I hadn't felt anything for anyone before him, but Ari helped me understand it was more than the person in front of me, but their thoughts, their heart, and their soul that I was attracted to. I loved him for him, and more. So, when Ari left me for another, I told myself, as a way to heal, he had met his destiny and I would still be on course to find mine.

Could Logan be it? I saw light in his eyes when I looked at him. The kindness emitted from him, trickling into his words and into the understanding he displayed for these machines. His thoughts and mine were more than aligned; we could form a constellation if given the opportunity. I knew it, I felt it, and the longer I looked at him, the more I wanted it even though we'd just met.

I was on a mission to make humans realize androids were more than machines. And Logan here, on his own, did what he could to make machines more human.

Logan held his tablet closer, then pointed at the screen. "Do you want to see how I upload all of their data?"

I blinked to break my stare. Moving closer, our arms bumped and I nodded. "Uh, yeah. Show me," I said, giving him my utmost attention. I followed his fingers as he swiped up and down at the tablet's touch screen, expanding and shrinking certain squares.

"Each android is assigned a base file with information for their voice, their personality, and mannerisms." Logan pressed his hand to his chest. "I like to go in and dismantle the first firewall, here." He pointed back at the screen, at a red square with white lettering. "This is what removes an android's ability to process information, about us and the world, on its own. It's supposed to be a safety feature to keep the androids cooperative but," he chuckled and scratched his head, "we can see how well that's been working. Lyons is trying to keep them in a digital prison, but I don't think that's the answer."

I took the tablet from his hands. He described a digital prison. It had to mean an android's data shouldn't be able to evolve and change shape. Was this why I was called in? Was I meant to be the warden for the new series, creating the barrier and holding the key to the lock?

Silently scrolling over the screen, I noticed a few sections with red lock icons in the corns of their squares. I bit my lip and pointed at them. "What does this mean?" I asked.

Logan looked at my finger then opened his mouth with a quiet 'ah.' "That's what prohibits technicians from adding their software into an android."

"Hm." I closed the tablet and passed it back to him. Curiosity took over. "Has that happened before or something?"

"Oh, I believe it did. Some time ago though. I was originally told it was just a rumor, but after working here for about a year, you kind of put two and two together, you know."

"What's the rumor?" I asked.

The second the words left my lips, Frank slowly approached.

That didn't stop Logan from nodding and continuing. He stroked his chin as he glanced around. "So, rumor has it, that there these mechanics working inside of Lyons. Some contractors. They were the ones who originally helped program and design Lyons' 100 series base. But these mechanics, with the help of some Lyons employees, broke into the software database and uploaded their programming. They made each of the androids happier, friendlier, and more human. They cooperated better than ever. So," Logan shrugged, "because of it, Lyons fired them and no one heard from them again. That," he shook his tablet, "is the reason that security feature was put in place."

I tried to remain calm, but my heart hammered in my chest. What he said couldn't be a rumor. The mechanics that were "fired" were my father and grandfather. And Lyons didn't just let them go, they aided in their deaths; they killed them. My family realized the androids' lack of freedom and wanted to correct it. If it had been installed, that meant it had to be somewhere dormant inside the data, and I could reawaken it. I could take back what was rightfully mine.

"Okay, enough." Frank quickly stands beside me, trying his hardest to block my view of Logan. I blinked at him, confused as he frowned. "Don't listen to him," he said.

I wasn't supposed to listen to him? The way I saw it, this man had told me the most honest truth I'd heard since I got here. He needed to keep talking.

Frank looked back at Logan. "You know the rules. Spreading rumors and lies against Lyons goes against the NDA you signed when you became an employee."

Logan's brows shot up as he smirked at Frank. "Well, hello to you, Frank. Long time no see." He licked his bottom lip.

Clenching his jaw, Frank averted his gaze. "Hi," he said flatly. "I've got business. Elijah," he looked back at me, "can we continue? There's the rest of the floor to explore and we can also head to the back where the main hub is stationed. You can probably find most of what you need in that room."

It was enticing and I knew I had to leave, but I felt like I'd learn more if I stayed next to Logan. Partially ignoring Frank, I looked back at my new blue-eyed friend. "How many rumors are there? Do you know any more?"

Logan chuckled. "Shit, I could probably write a book."

"Which you can't," Frank piped in, "as I said already, it goes against your NDA." He looked back at me. "So, let's continue, hm?"

Frank huffed as he quickly walked through the remainder of the creation floor. When his suit jacket came loose, he quickly fixed it, pushing the single button back in its place.

We reached a set of large double doors secured by the panel on its side. Frank quickly passed his Lyons badge over it, causing it to beep. I grabbed his wrist before he could open them and stepped inside. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked. "We came to this floor so that I could study and learn right?"

"And you can do a ton of that behind these doors," Frank said quietly.

"Oh?" I blinked. "I think I could've learned tons if I stayed with Logan."

"No." Frank shook his head. "Logan's a liar and a snake."

Well, those were some strong words. Did I smell hate? Anger? The amount of emotion inside Frank had me listening. He was red in the face with sweat on his brow. There was a story somewhere here and I'd give my two cents to learn it. "Okay, Frank, that's a lot. You've got to give me more than just he's a liar and a snake. I need to know why."

Frank passed his badge over the lock one more time as if it locked. It hadn't. It just blinked green twice. "You're just going to have to take my word for it," he said.

"Sorry, bud." I shrugged, slightly lifting my hands at my side. "I can't believe something unless there were some facts behind it. If that wasn't the case with me, I would've believed that aliens were the missing link in our evolution. A rumor that sounds enticing but has more holes than Swiss cheese. So, either you tell me, or he will."

"Listen..." Frank gritted his teeth. His jaw cracked. I heard the quiet sound as he turned, finally pushing the doors open. He stepped into the next room filled with computers, he drew in a long, slow breath. "Those rumors that Logan was talking about; they're true. I know that because I was the one who told him the story. In confidence. But Logan went around, spread it, and half of Lyons knew it was me."

My mouth went dry. If Frank knew about the rumors, that meant he had to know how it connected to me. He couldn't be so clueless to only know half of the story. But what did that have to do with him? How did he know?

Biting my lip, I nodded at him. "Mind telling me how you know it?"

As Victoria and Reggie made their way into the room, Frank turned and faced me. He stood there for a moment, the shadows in the room falling into his gaze. The dark brown in his eyes was suddenly black and I felt like I was staring into a void of hidden emotions. I gulped.

He passed a hand over his mouth. "In that rumor, those Lyons employees... were my parents. And they've been missing ever since."

My heart sank to my stomach. Shit. 

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