Drop Dead Gorgeous

By ValkyrieJade19

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Valkyrie Cain has been shunted back to the 1600's by time traveller, Herman Grave while on a mission to track... More

A Werewolf and China Sorrows
Time Travellers and Burgers
Cliffs and a Diner
A Little Birdy and an Academy
The Cafeteria and the Shunter
The Boulder and a Piece of Paper
A Voice in her Head
Seducing and Swimming
The Walk and a Challenge
The Dance and Revenge
Engulfed and Intimidated
We Live and We Plot
Valduggery Fluff
Just Friends
The Abduction and Sable
Ride to the Rescue
Help is on the Way
The Dance
The Plan is in Motion
Confiding in a Surprise Friend
Regrets Tanith and the Werewolf
Apologies and Randy Clarke
Death and Chaos
Back to the 21st Century
The Key
The Ugly Truth
Wake up Valkyrie!
'Until the End'
The Unbelievable Truth Behind the Werewolf
Argeddion & Darquesse
The End of Argeddion

Preparation and Jewellery

277 16 7
By ValkyrieJade19

Valkyrie lay on the bed, trying her best to get some sleep. Skulduggery lay beside her, his warmth radiating off him and warming the bed. Valkyrie sighed.

"You can't sleep?" She heard him ask.

"Not really," she answered.

"Me either."

Valkyrie smiled. He was so cute. She felt the pain in her chest, right where her heart was when she thought of how she was going to lose him. What was this feeling? Was it love? No, it couldn't be! She didn't love him! Did she? Tears threatened to spill over as she sat up and looked into his green eyes.

"What would you do if, I don't know. Say you were in a situation, and you had to do something for someone that you didn't want to do, but had to to get home. Would you end up doing that thing and losing the person you love to get home?" She asked. He looked surprised.

"I'd probably do what that person says to do," he answered. "It's less drama otherwise."

Valkyrie thought to herself. He was right, in a way. But he didn't know her situation, he didn't know what she was going through. Losing her partner? Losing her best friend? Her secret love? It was too much.

"Are you ready for the dance?" He asked.

"I guess so. It's tomorrow night isn't it?"


"I think I'm ready."

"I think you're ready too."

Valkyrie woke to the sound of someone knocking on their door. She groaned and slid away from Skulduggery. Ada smiled as she peeked in.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"By all means," Valkyrie replied, sitting up and fluffing her dark hair, bringing it together before hanging it over her left shoulder. "What do you need?"

"I saw your dress for the dance. It's gorgeous," Ada said.

"Oh, thank you. Ghastly's dad made it."

"I thought that. It was very nice, which is why I brought you these."

Ada reached into a plastic bag she was holding, and pulled out a beautiful necklace with a pink diamond heart hanging from it. Valkyrie got to her feet.

"Wow," she breathed. "Ada. I couldn't possibly..."

"Hush now. You deserve it."

Valkyrie beamed, and took the necklace, admiring it in her hands.

"It's beautiful, thank you so much."

"That's not all," Ada added, pulling out a matching ring.

"Ada! I don't think I can take all this!"

"Consider it a genuine borrow. You will look amazing tonight Valkyrie. And I want to see the look on Skulduggery's face when he sees his gorgeous date."

"Thank you so much Ada. I owe you."

"Forget it honey. You are beautiful."

"Thank you," Valkyrie breathed.


Valkyrie was almost ready. She winced as Ada pulled her hair tight. She had a few stands plaited from her fringe, and Ada had generously offered to put it up for her. She had it piled up in a bun, with some strands hanging loose around her ears. She had black eyeliner and mascara and the cream dress fitted her beautifully. It complimented her figure nicely, and Ada's jewellery was hanging around her neck and the ring was on her finger. She had gold high heels that were already making her feet hurt. But as Headmistress Adeline always said, 'Beauty is Pain.'

Valkyrie walked slowly through the corridor, wanting to make a grand entrance. It was then that she realised that her ego was becoming as big as Skulduggery's. Skulduggery. Oh how she missed him. As she neared to the end of the hallway, she heard familiar voices coming from the kitchen. She walked out and stopped when she saw her friends in the house. Asaria was gorgeous, her blonde hair left flowing freely down her back, while the blue dress rested neatly on her slim shoulders. Dexter stood next to her, in a perfectly tailored suit that was dark blue, so dark that if it had been a shade darker it would've been black. His tie matched Asaria's dress, and he looked handsome.

Louisa stood with Anton, her red dress sparkled in the light, and the skirt came right down to her ankles. It flowed nicely over her figure. Anton's suit was a chocolate colour with a white tie. His dark hair was slicked back, and he looked cute.

Ambry stood with Saracen, obviously enjoying herself. Her dress was white, and she had pearl earrings to match it, and high heeled glass shoes. They reminded Valkyrie of Cinderella.

Tanith stood there too, Ghastly by her side, wearing her beautiful pink dress. Her hair was nearly pulled back into her usual ponytail.

China stood with Erskine, her pale green dress ruffled at the ends, making her look bigger and more muscular than what she really was.

Skulduggery was laughing with Dexter and Asaria, wearing a well tailored black suit with a cream tie that matched her dress. His green eyes locked on her and his expression changed. Then everyone turned to look at her. There was silence for a few moments.

"Wow Val! You look stunning!" Asaria exclaimed.

"Absolutely beautiful!" Louisa said, smiling.

"Couldn't have done a better job," Tanith commented.

"Amazing!" Ambry exclaimed.

"Thanks," Valkyrie replied. Skulduggery walked towards her, and she could see Ada and Henry smiling.

"Wow," he breathed.

"Do you, like it?" She asked hopefully.

"I don't like it," he said. Valkyrie frowned.


"I love it. I love you," he said, embracing her and kissing her full on the lips. Valkyrie's heart was pounding in her chest, and she struggled to maintain control.

He loves me, she thought. He loves me!

They broke the kiss, and Valkyrie looked at him with her brown eyes.

"You my dear Valkyrie, are drop dead gorgeous," he said, stroking her hair.

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