At The End Of The Tunnel

By jaydenkingg

624K 18.4K 9.9K

[BoyxBoy] Kai Carter has been through hell and back. His parents are abusive, homophobic and don't support h... More

1) Alone
2) Bad Parenting
3) Down Memory Lane
4) The Outcast Alliance
5) Sundays
6) Friendship Unlocked
7) I Feel Important
8) Paint Me
9) End Product
10) Is That Jealousy?
11) But, It's Midnight
12) Your Parents Are Jackasses
13) Deep Breaths Damien, Deep Breaths
14) Don't Lie To Me, Kai
15) You, Me And The Guys
16) The Lake
17) A Good Stalker
18) Oui
19) Bonfire
20) The Day After
21) The Drive
22) A Little Obsessed
23) Welcome
24) Senior Field Trip (Pt.1)
25) Senior Field Trip (Pt.2)
26) Boyfriend?
27) Welcome To The Family
28) Spilling Secrets
29) Happy And Free
30) Everyone Will Know
31) I Just Wanna Be Left Alone
32) Karma Really Is A Bitch
33) Somewhere In The Distance
34) Better Off Broken
35) This Is What It Feels Like

36) Never Alone

15.9K 510 353
By jaydenkingg

Song: My Own by Whitaker

Kai Carter (POV)

"So what are you doing later? I though maybe we could hang out one last time before we leave."

"Sorry, I can't. Already made plans with Juan." Said Rob from the other side of the phone.

"Wow, so you're ditching me to hang out with your boyfriend? Some best friend you are." Said Damien.

"Oh please, don't act like you haven't done the same thing on multiple occasions. If I have to count the amount of times you ditched us for Kai, I'd lose count." Rob fired back.

"Ok, now you're overreacting and over exaggerating." Damien defended.

"Am I though?"

"Ok, maybe not, but you know we're leaving for Italy tomorrow right? And I'll not see you for an entire month." Said Damien to his best friend.

"I know, but you'll have Kai with you." Rob told him.

"Yeah, well I have to go. If I don't start parking mom is going to sacrifice me."

Rob laughed. "Ok, bro. Wouldn't want that happening. See ya." He hanged up.

So apparently, Damien, his family and I are leaving for Italy tomorrow, and he was trying to hang out with Rob one more time before we left, but Rob already had plans with his boyfriend.

School had ended only two days ago and I couldn't have been more happy. Although I used school as an escape from my old home, that doesn't mean that it was all rainbows and unicorns, in fact it was also terrible. It was just more barable than my former place of residence.

I don't know if it was purely by coincidence, or if there was interference by some outer world being, but both Damien and I ended up getting scholarships for Havard University. While my scholarship was for art, his was for football.

"Rob already has plans, so he can't hang out." Damien said to me.

"I know, I heard the entire conversation." I told him.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Nope." I said popping the 'p.' "Your phone was on speaker."

"You were still evesdropping." He said walking over to me, locking his arms around my waist.

"Maybe I should teach you a lesson." He said kissing my neck so gently, that his lips almost didn't make contact with my skin.

I placed my hands firmly on his chest and gave him a small shove away from me.

"Or how about you you go pack your suitcases, you can be horny all you want when you're done." I said gently grabbing his crotch.

Damien took in a deep breath as if he was calming himself down before rushing inside his closet and coming out with two huge suitcases.


"I'm sorry but superman is just the greatest superhero of all time." Said Topher.

"He isn't, he's the most basic superhero ever. And the best name the writers could come up with for him was 'superman' surely they could have been more creative than that." Said Damien.

Topher gasped dramatically. "How dare you call the man of steel basic? He was the first superhero. The blueprint for all the rest that came after. And calling his name uncreative and generic when your favourite superhero name is 'spiderman' is hypocrite."

"What's wrong with spiderman?"

"The name is basic. That's what's wrong with it." Said Topher. "And superman is a much better superhero."

"First of all, you can't use something I just told you against me, and secondly, there's no way superman is better than spiedy." Damien said.

"And why is that?" Questioned Topher.

"Spiderman has way better films, that's why."

"That's the only thing they have that's better, superman comics and animated movies are superior."

It was Damien's turn to gasp. "How dare you speak such lies. Let's ask Kai, whatever he says is the correct answer."

Topher crossed his arms over his chest. "Well be prepared to lose because he's going to agree with me."

Damien gave him an amused look. "Why would my boyfriend agree with you?"

"He's your boyfriend but he's my brother in law, and I'm pretty sure he prefers me."

"We'll see about that." Damien said turning to me.

"Babe, who's a better superhero, spiderman or superman."

"Superman." I answered without missing a beat.

Damien gasped dramatically and clutched his chest at the same time that Topher started doing a weird little victory dance.

"Ha" He laughed pointing at his brother. "I told you."

"Babe, how could you? How could you betray me like that and allow him to win?" Said Damien still clutching his chest as if I had just stuck my hand in his chest and ripped his heart out.

I rolled my eyes at my dramatic boyfriend. "I love you but I'll have to agree with Toph on this one." I said causing Topher to give me a fist bump.

"All of you are wrong." Said the voice of Matthew, Topher and Damiens' father, causing all of us to turn our attention to the door.

"Well Superman is alright, and spiderman is trash." He said with his arms folded. "But the best of the best is Batman, and no one better not argue with me on that, because stand by what I said."

"Come on dad, Batman is so lame. He doesn't even have good villains." Said Topher.

"The joker is one of the best, if not the best villain in comic book history. How can you even say such a thing like that." Matt argued.

"I'm assuming that you boys are done packing your bags since you'll have time to be talking about superheroes." Said Olivia coming out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I hope you boys have already packed." Said Matthew.

Olivia turned to look at her husband. "I meant you too."

"What? I though you packed for me." He said.

She smiled at him. "Of course I did."


"It's not like that's the first time you're doing it. I want you to get used to it so by the time you're ready to do your exam you'll know exactly what you're doing." Damien said.

"OK, I'll do it." I told him.

"Good, now go start the car, I'll be there in a minute." He told me.

Olivia was sending Damien and I in the supermarket to do the grocery shopping because she was rather busy, and Damien thought that it would be a great idea for me to drive.

I tried telling him that it was a bad idea, but he insisted that we would be fine, because it's not my first time driving, as I had done it that one time we went on a date and I had to get us away from the security.

Apparently he took that one single incident as me having 'experience' even if that time I was driving on the wrong side of the road.

I unlocked the black range rover and got in the drivers seat. I started the car, and waited for Damien.

"Ok babe, I'm not gonna tell you what to do, this is all you." Damien said taking a seat in the passangers seat.

"What if I'm about to make an accident?"

"Then, we die." He said casually.

"Thank you very much, that was very helpful." I told him.

"You're welcome." He said leaning over to kiss me.

I gave him a deadpanned look. "I was being sarcastic."

"I know." He said giving me a cheeky smile before giving me another quick kiss.

"Ok, start driving." He commanded.

When I first started driving, I was nervous, very nervous, and apparently it was very obvious because Damien could tell, and he assured me that he's right there if anything went wrong.

The longer I drove, the calmer I got. The views were very picturesque, it was as if the world had opened up to me, inviting me to explore its vastness. The fields of green were like a sea of emerald, stretching out to the horizon. The rolling hills were like waves, undulating in the breeze. And the sky was a canvas of blue, with fluffy white clouds that seemed to dance in the wind. I felt so alive and free, like I was part of something much bigger than myself. It was a moment that I'll always cherish.

And before I knew it, I was pulling up in the parking lot of the supermarket. After finding a parking spot and parking to the best of my ability, Damien turned to me with a smile.

"See, I told you that you could do it. I'm so proud of you Kai." He told me before kissing my lips.

When we got out of the vehicle and headed into the supermarket, I told Damien that he could go ahead and start shopping because I had to use the bathroom.

When I got out of the bathroom, and found Damien after a good five minutes of searching the store, I saw that he was talking to two girls.

"Can you get that box for me on the top shelf, I can't reach." Said the blond girl who was wearing jean shorts that was a bit too short to be outside of her house.

"Sure."Damien replied before effortlessly reaching up to the top shelf to get the box of cereal that the girl wanted.

When he handed her the box, the girl took it with an ever present blush coating her cheeks. It was obvious that she wanted Damien, who wouldn't want him? He's the living embodiment of handsome and boyfriend material, but that doesn't give people the right to constantly try to flirt with my boyfriend.

"What's you're name?" Asked the girl in a flirtatious manner.

"Hey babe, I've been looking all over for you." I said cutting in between them, snaking my arms around Damien's neck and pulling him in for a kiss, before he could even think of telling the girl his name.

Damien being Damien, instead of pulling away, he deepened the kiss, and soon enough it was a makeout session in the middle of a grocery store.

When I pulled away and looked back, the girls were gone. Mission accomplished.

"I just started shopping like you told me too." Said Damien.

A smirk then took over his face, "Did you kiss me because that girl was trying to talk to me? Were you jealous Kai?"

I shook my head. "What? Me jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

He smiled and snaked his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "I don't know babe, you tell me."


"Hey," I said lifting my head up off of Damien's chest.

It was currently nighttime, and we had just got in the bed. We needed to go to sleep earlier than usual, because tomorrow we would need to get up early for our trip to Italy.

"Are you awake?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?" He said.

"No, I'm not, I'm having this conversation with you while I'm asleep." I said causing him to laugh. I could feel the vibrations through his chest.

"Do you know what happened to Wendy?" I asked him.

"After she spread the pictures of us? I don't know, I heard rumours that she moved states, but I doubt that's true. I personally don't care what happened to her." Damien said with a yawn causing me to hum in response.

After a few minutes of silence, I called his name again, but there was no answer. Instead, I heard soft snores coming from him.

I lifted my head to see his handsome face. He looked so peaceful in his sleeping state. I gave him a kiss on the side of his jaw.

"I love you Damien." I whispered.

Apparently he wasn't fully asleep because he mumbled. "I love you."

Once upon a time, I thought that I was not meant to be happy. I thought that life was meant to be cruel, and that I was to spend the rest of my days alone, and that no one would care about me. But that all changed. That changed when someone entered my life. Damien came into my life life and took it by storm, and showed me that after all, happiness is possible. That being alone was not an option for me because he would be with me each and every step of the way.

When things were dark and there was no light to guide me, when I thought that there was no way out, Damien showed up and acted like a bright light guiding me out of the dark and narrow tunnel that was once upon a time my life. And I knew that with Damien by my side, I could do anything. And if things ever got dark like they once were, I knew that I could count on Damien to be there for me, because he is my ray of hope when all else is gone, he's the one who found me when I thought that I was too far lost.

And most importantly.

He is my bright light at the end of the tunnel.

                        The End


Guys, it's done. *sobs*

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading and being part of this amazing and wonderful journey. When I first started writing this book I didn't expect to even get a thousand reads, but my expectations were exceeded as this book has accumulated over 30k reads!

This may be the end of the journey for Damien and Kai, but it's definitely not the end of the journey for me as a writer as I am currently working on a book that I think you guys will find very exciting. The first chapter if this book will be up very soon, so stick around for it.

If you guys want me to write an epilogue for this story, please let me know.

With that being said, I will see you guys in my next story if you decide to stick around.

I love you guys.

Your Author

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