Yugioh 5DS: A Chance Encounte...

By SqueakyDoggy

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Madison has long admired Rex Goodwin from afar. When she gains the courage to approach him and ask for a hug... More

Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Request
Chapter 2 - Fateful Reunion
Chapter 3 - A Taste of Luxury
Chapter 5 - The First Time
Chapter 6 - Madison's Awakening

Chapter 4 - The Bonding

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By SqueakyDoggy

Madison and Rex had been seeing each other for a couple weeks. Though they were taking things slowly, a genuine closeness was blossoming between them.   

One evening, Madison's phone lit up with Rex's name lighting up the screen. She smiled and answered warmly, "Hello there." 

"Good evening, Madison," Rex replied, his gentle voice instantly soothing her. "How are you on this fine night?"

"Wonderful now that I'm talking to you," Madison said sincerely. 

She could hear the smile in Rex's voice as he chuckled softly. "I'm very glad to hear that. I was thinking, since it's such a mild, beautiful evening, perhaps you'd like to join me for a leisurely stroll along the pier?"

Madison's heart leapt at the romantic invitation. "That sounds absolutely perfect!" she responded eagerly.

"Excellent. I'll pick you up in half an hour if that works for you?" Rex offered politely.

"I'll be ready and waiting," Madison confirmed happily.

After ending the call, Madison took a deep, contented breath and made her way to her bedroom. She stood in front of her open closet for a few minutes, contemplating what stylish yet comfortable outfit would be perfect for their seaside stroll.

Eventually she decided on a chic black sleeveless blouse paired with fitted shorts that showed off her toned legs. She slipped on delicate white strappy sandals and spent extra time perfecting her wavy chestnut hair and natural makeup, adding a swipe of mascara to make her brown eyes pop. Satisfied, she sprayed on a light, summery perfume.

Precisely on time, she heard Rex knock at her door. Madison's heart fluttered with anticipation as she went to answer it. When she opened the door, Rex's green eyes lit up at the sight of her.

"Madison, you look absolutely stunning this evening," he remarked, admiring her from head to toe.

Madison felt a rosy blush rise to her cheeks at the flattering compliment. "Thank you, Rex. You look very handsome as always," she replied warmly.

When they arrived at the pier, Rex's chauffeur smoothly parked the limousine and came around to open Madison's door. The refreshing salty sea breeze and soothing sound of the ocean waves washing beneath the wooden planks greeted them as they stepped out. 

"Let's walk all the way to the end of the pier if you'd like," Rex suggested, gently taking Madison's hand and linking his fingers with hers.

Madison's heart swelled happily at the casual intimacy of holding his hand. They strolled leisurely down the pier, the boards creaking gently under their steps. Madison took in the magnificent sun-kissed ocean vista spread out before them. Seagulls cried overhead as the glowing golden light of dusk reflected off the shimmering turquoise water.

In the distance, the incomplete Daedalus Bridge stretched partially across the bay, an ever-present reminder of the segregation between the utopian city and Satellite's residents. Someday, Madison dreamed, the bridge would unite both sides.

They chatted about the small yet meaningful moments of their day and shared stories from their past, laughing together as memories surfaced. 

As Madison and Rex reached the end of the pier, they settled onto a wooden bench facing the sunset's vibrant glow reflecting off the shimmering waves.

Rex softly draped his arm around Madison's shoulders, inviting her to nestle against his firm yet comforting embrace. Madison happily obliged, resting her head in the nook of his shoulder.

After a few moments, Rex spoke in a hushed tone. "I know we've only known each other a short while, and yet I feel as though I've known you forever."

Madison's heart swelled at his meaningful words. "I feel the same way," she replied sincerely, touched by the depth of his emotions.

Rex shifted to look into Madison's deep brown eyes, gently tucking back a strand of her wind-tousled chestnut hair behind her ear. Madison's gaze flitted down to Rex's lips then back up to meet his green eyes as she gave a faint smile.

Slowly, Rex lifted his hand to cradle Madison's delicate face, his thumb tenderly caressing her flushed cheek. He leaned in closer, eyes searching hers for a moment before he gently pressed his lips to hers in a soft, lingering kiss.

Madison's eyes fluttered shut as she leaned into the kiss, sighing contentedly. Her hands came to rest on his shoulders while one of Rex's hands slid to the nape of her neck, long fingers entwining themselves in her silky hair.

As the kiss deepened, Madison felt as though she were melting into Rex's arms. When they finally and reluctantly parted, Rex kept his forehead resting against hers, his thumb continuing to stroke her cheek.

"How was that for you?" he asked softly, a subtle smile playing on his lips.

Madison glanced down shyly, a rosy blush blooming on her cheeks. "It was wonderful. My first kiss actually..." she admitted.

Rex's eyes widened slightly in surprise before softening with affection. "Then I'm sincerely honored to have been your first," he said, his voice rich with emotion. "And I hope not your last."

Madison shook her head, smiling bashfully as Rex tenderly pulled her close once more.

As dusk deepened into night, Madison rested her head against Rex's sturdy shoulder. He casually wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping her tucked protectively into his side.

They sat in tranquil silence as the vibrant colors of sunset shifted to twilight's rich purples and blues. A refreshing ocean breeze caressed Madison's skin as she nestled deeper into the security of Rex's warmth.

Rex's thumb gently stroked her arm, eliciting a pleasant shiver down her spine. She glanced up at him and they exchanged a soft, knowing smile.

Slowly, Madison laced her slender fingers through Rex's, relishing the contrast of his cloth glove against her skin. In response, Rex gave her hand a tender, affectionate squeeze. They turned their attention back to the darkening horizon just as the full moon began to crest luminously above the glittering ocean swells.

As darkness fell over the pier, the streetlamps flickered on one by one, bathing Rex and Madison in a soft glow.

Rex and Madison reluctantly stood from the weathered bench, though their hands remained clasped, neither wanting to end their romantic time together just yet.

"I wish we could stay here on this pier forever, just like this," Madison said wistfully as they resumed their leisurely stroll.

Rex gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "We have tonight," he pointed out gently. "And hopefully many more nights after this one, if you'll still have me."

Madison grinned up at him. "I think I just might," she replied playfully.

When they finally reached the end of the pier, Rex's limousine was still waiting patiently for them, his chauffeur standing dutifully at attention by the rear door.

Before getting in, Rex turned to face Madison, taking both her delicate hands in his. "Would you like to come back to my home for a bit? We could spend a little more time together, perhaps talk...or not talk," he added with a slightly bashful half-smile.

Madison felt her heart flutter at the invitation. "I'd really love that," she answered sincerely.

Rex's smile widened. He gallantly opened the limo door and gestured for Madison to slide across the plush leather interior. Once she was settled, he followed and sat close beside her, signaling the chauffeur they were ready.

As the limousine pulled smoothly away into the night, Rex wrapped his arm around Madison's shoulders and held her against him. She rested her head contentedly on his sturdy shoulder, inhaling his subtle, intoxicating scent.

Together they looked out at the glittering city lights slipping by, both contemplating what potential the rest of the night and their future together might hold. But for now, simply being in this perfect moment together was everything that mattered. 

When they arrived at Rex's sprawling mansion estate, the chauffeur pressed a remote control to open the grand gated entrance before gliding the limo up the long driveway.

He promptly walked around to open Rex's door first, followed by Madison's, with a courteous gesture.

"Welcome to my home, Madison," Rex said warmly, taking her hand.

Madison looked around in awe at the immense foyer with polished marble floors, glittering crystal chandeliers, and opulent furnishings. Elegant paintings and sculptures decorated the walls. A grand staircase swept up to the second level.

"Rex, your home is absolutely incredible!" Madison exclaimed.

Rex smiled, pleased to share it with her. "Let me give you a tour." He extended his arm to Madison.

Madison looped her arm through his eagerly. "I'd love to see more."

Rex first showed her the grand foyer and living room with its plush sofas, marble fireplace, and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the gardens.

Next, they walked through the formal dining room with a long mahogany table carved with ornate details and surrounded by high-backed chairs upholstered in emerald green velvet. A crystal chandelier hung above.

"This room is so cool," Madison remarked, admiring the decor.

Rex smiled and led her towards a hallway lined with paintings. "Down here is my office and the library."

He opened a set of dark wooden double doors to reveal an office furnished with leather chairs and a massive oak desk. The library beside it had built-in mahogany shelves holding thousands of books.

"I could spend hours in here reading," Madison said in awe, trailing her fingers along the spines of old leather-bound books.

"Feel free to borrow any book you'd like," Rex offered graciously.

Next he showed her the indoor pool and adjoining fitness room equipped with exercise machines and a sauna.

Finally, they ascended the grand staircase. Rex showed Madison several elegantly decorated guest bedrooms before pausing in front of a set of double doors with a condor symbol like the one on his shirt.

"And this is my room," he said, opening the doors to reveal a massive bedroom suite.

"It's fit for a king," Madison remarked. Rex chuckled as they continued the tour, marveling at the size and luxury of his home. Yet he hoped Madison could feel comfortable here too.

After the tour, they settled together on an ornate loveseat in the living room. Madison snuggled against Rex's side.

"Thank you for the tour," she said. "Your home is amazing but you make it feel warm and inviting."

Rex smiled and dropped a kiss on her forehead. "I'm glad you feel that way. I want this to be a place of comfort for us both."

Madison tilted her face up towards his. "Anywhere is home when I'm with you," she said softly before meeting his lips in a tender kiss.

After a few moments, Rex slowly pulled back, affection shining in his eyes. "I want to show you something," he said.

Curiosity reflected in Madison's brown eyes. Rex pulled a deck box from his pocket and carefully retrieved his Duel Monsters cards. With a flourish, he fanned them out to display before her.

"This is my Inca-themed deck," he began eagerly. "It contains some of my most treasured cards like Sun Dragon Inti and Moon Dragon Quilla."       

Rex continued explaining the details of his deck to Madison as she listened with interest. Madison smiled inwardly, cherishing this glimpse into his interests that he was sharing so openly with her.

"Wow Rex, your deck is awesome!" she remarked, looking through the cards. "I can tell how much thought and strategy you put into building it."

Rex's expression softened at her genuine interest. "I'm really glad you like it," he replied, looking pleased. He neatly returned the cards to their protective box and set it aside on the coffee table.

Madison's eyes drifted to his hands as he slid the cards into place. For as long as she had known him, Rex had always worn white gloves, even on warm sunny days. She hesitated, unsure whether to ask. But her curiosity got the better of her.

Gathering her courage, she asked gently, "Rex, can I ask you something?"

He turned to her, his green eyes attentive. "Of course Madison, what's on your mind?" he prompted.

She gestured delicately toward his gloved hands. "I've always wondered...why do you always wear those gloves, even in such warm weather?"

A shadow flickered over Rex's expression. Madison immediately regretted asking, afraid she had overstepped some boundary. But then Rex reached out and took both of her hands in his reassuringly. Looking into her eyes, he said in a low voice, "You deserve the truth, Madison. This hand of mine..."

He slowly removed the glove from his left hand. In place of flesh, gleaming metal fingers were revealed. Madison's eyes widened in surprise.

"How did it happen?" she asked softly, unable to contain her curiosity.

Rex clenched his fist. His eyes shifted, clouded by memories. He took a deep breath before beginning his story.        

"It all started seventeen years ago when I lived on the coastal part of Satellite and constructed my Duel Runner," Rex began, his voice carrying a touch of nostalgia. "I used to spend my days staring across the waters, longing to bridge the divide between Satellite and New Domino City."

Madison listened attentively, her eyes never leaving his.

"One day, I decided to turn my vision into reality. I began constructing a bridge, despite the skepticism and doubts of others. At first, people thought I was crazy, but as they saw my progress and determination, some began to help me," Rex continued, a hint of pride evident in his voice.

He paused for a moment, his expression becoming somber. "However, not everyone shared our vision. Some people frowned upon the idea and forced the construction to halt. I became wanted by Sector Security, and my helpers abandoned the project, fearing the consequences."

Madison's eyes widened with empathy, understanding the challenges Rex must have faced during that time.

"Then, one day, I found myself cornered by Sector Security. I realized that if I were to be caught, I would spend the rest of my life at the Facility," Rex continued. "In that crucial moment, I made a choice. I rode my Duel Runner along the incomplete bridge and launched myself into the open sea, leaving Satellite behind."

Madison gasped. She could only imagine the bravery it took for him to take such a daring leap.

"The act of my escape caused me to lose my left arm," Rex revealed.

Madison's eyes widened with surprise.

"Most people never knew what became of me. They regarded me as a legend, a mysterious figure," Rex concluded, a sense of melancholy in his tone. "Meanwhile, I managed to survive, replacing my lost arm with a mechanical one."

"Rex, you've been through so much crazy stuff. Losing your arm, getting branded a criminal, having to go into exile," said Madison, looking at him with admiration. "But you didn't let any of that stop you. You kept fighting for your goals, found ways to adapt and rebuild, and got what you wanted in the end."  

Rex nodded solemnly. "Thank you Madison, that means more to me than you know," he said, his green eyes meeting her warm brown ones. "It was not an easy journey, but I had no choice but to keep moving forward."

"I can't imagine going through all that," Madison admitted.

"When something matters enough to you, you find a way to make it happen, no matter the sacrifice required," said Rex simply.

"I'm glad you had the courage to try and go for your dream," Madison replied.

Rex's smile widened slightly in response. "Thank you, Madison," he said. "It was a long journey, but it was worth it. And one day, perhaps I will be able to finish that bridge and bring Satellite and New Domino City closer together."  

"That would be great!" said Madison excitedly, her eyes lighting up at the prospect. "I have no doubt that if anyone can make it happen, it's you."  

"Thanks for listening and trusting me, Madison," Rex said warmly. "It really means a lot that you cared enough to try and understand where I'm coming from." 

Madison smiled. "Of course. I'm glad you felt okay opening up about your past."

Rex gave Madison a grateful smile, touched by her kindness and empathy. In that moment, he felt a closeness to her that he had never experienced with anyone before. The gloves suddenly seemed like an unnecessary barrier, hiding his true self. 

"Madison," he said softly, "you have shown me such compassion. It makes me want to open myself up and share more of who I am with you."  

With that, he removed his other glove, revealing his flesh hand beneath. Gently, he reached out and caressed Madison's cheek, his warm palm grazing her soft skin.

Madison's breath quickened at his tender touch. She looked into his eyes, reading the emotion swirling within them.

He slowly leaned in, never breaking eye contact. Madison's eyes fluttered closed as he gently pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was hesitant at first, then deepened as Madison kissed him back, pouring all of her affection into that moment. 

They eventually parted, looking at one another in wonder. He gently wrapped both arms around her waist, the metal fingers of his prosthetic hand carefully curling around her back. Madison rested her head against his shoulder and let out a long, contented sigh.       

They stayed like that holding each other. Rex began delicately stroking Madison's hair with one hand, while the other rubbed soft circles on her lower back.  

Madison lifted a hand to grasp the fabric of his suit jacket, keeping him close. They found an easy rhythm, their breathing synchronizing.

"I never want to let you go," Madison murmured, clinging tightly.

Rex kissed the top of her head reassuringly. "I'm right here, Madison. I'm not going anywhere," he promised.

Madison hugged him even tighter. "I know. But let's stay like this a little longer..."

Rex cradled the back of her head with his mechanical hand while his other arm remained firmly around her waist. "Then I'll hold you for as long as you need," he murmured.

The two of them embraced for several minutes, content in each other's arms, in no rush for the moment to end.

Eventually, Rex pulled away from Madison's embrace. He looked at her with a soft smile on his face, "Madison, I know it's getting late, but would you like to stay for dinner?"

Madison's heart leapt. "Yes, I'd love that," she breathed.

Rex smiled and took her hand, "Great. Follow me."

Rex led Madison through the expansive mansion to the large gourmet kitchen, where a chef in a crisp white uniform was busy prepping ingredients.

"Chef Pierre, could you prepare something special for dinner tonight?" Rex asked.

"But of course, Monsieur Goodwin," the chef responded in a thick French accent. "What would you and the mademoiselle like?"

Rex turned to Madison. "What do you feel like having?"

Madison pondered for a moment. "Hmm...something warm and comforting like roast chicken and mashed potatoes sounds perfect."

Rex nodded approvingly. "Excellent choice. Chef, please prepare roast chicken and potatoes for two."

"Right away, monsieur," Chef Pierre replied, immediately gathering chicken, potatoes, garlic and fresh herbs.

Rex offered his arm to Madison. "Shall we head to the dining room while Chef Pierre works his magic?"

Madison looped her arm through Rex's. "Lead the way."

He escorted her to an ornate dining room with a long oak table, gleaming silver candlesticks and a sparkling crystal chandelier overhead. Rex pulled out a chair for Madison before seating himself across from her.

"This has been such a wonderful evening already," Madison remarked as they waited for their meal.

"It really has," Rex agreed, his green eyes warm. "I'm delighted we decided to spend it together here."

Soon Chef Pierre arrived pushing a brass trolley loaded with aromatic dishes - golden roasted chicken on a bed of herbs, fluffy whipped potatoes, glazed carrots and buttery rolls. He uncorked a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and poured two glasses.

"Bon appétit," the chef proclaimed before giving them privacy.

Rex and Madison began eating, savoring the succulent flavors. The tender chicken, smooth potatoes and hints of garlic and rosemary filled the room with cozy aromas.
"This is incredible." Madison exclaimed after a few bites. "Your chef is so talented."

"I'll be sure to tell him you enjoyed it," Rex replied, smiling. "Though the true pleasure is getting to share this with you."

They continued their leisurely meal, talking and laughing together between sips of wine. Once the last morsels were gone, Rex took Madison's hand, running his thumb over her knuckles.

"Shall we go relax in the living room?" he suggested.

Madison nodded, cheeks rosy from the wine and warmth of the evening. "That sounds great."

After their meal, Rex and Madison made their way to the plush leather couch in the living room. Rex added a log to the fireplace, stoking the flames until they roared with a warm, golden glow.

Madison sank into the soft cushions, and Rex settled close beside her so their legs lightly touched. Madison leaned her head contentedly on Rex's sturdy shoulder with a satisfied sigh. "Dinner was so good." she said.

Rex put his arm around her, holding her close. "It was. But the company makes it even better."

Madison lifted her head to give Rex a soft, lingering kiss. As they parted, she said, "Being here with you just feels so right."

Rex tenderly kissed her forehead. "It does," he agreed wholeheartedly. "I want to make many more memories like this together, if you'll allow me."

Madison smiled brightly. "I'd like that."

Madison curled into Rex's side, inhaling his familiar scent as his arm wrapped around her shoulders. After several quiet moments listening to the fire pop and hiss, she tilted her chin up to meet his gaze.      

"Could I rest my head in your lap?" she asked softly.

"Of course," Rex smiled. He adjusted his position to make room for her. 

Madison slowly lowered herself, exhaling as the back of her head met his suit pants. Rex began gently combing his fingers through her long silky hair.

"Mmm that feels nice," Madison murmured, her eyes falling shut.  

Rex's hands then moved to her shoulders, kneading the tight muscles beneath her thin shirt. "How's that?" he asked.

"Wonderful," Madison sighed, surrendering fully to his touch. The rhythmic massage, warmth of the fire, and Rex's soothing presence began to lull her into a state of heightened relaxation and intimacy.  

She let out a contented sigh and nestled closer, not wanting this peaceful moment to end.

As the fire dwindled, Madison's breaths grew slower and deeper. She shifted incrementally closer, nestling her head more firmly into Rex's lap while his fingers threaded through her hair.   

Before long, Madison drifted off to sleep. Rex looked fondly at her sleeping form, a soft smile playing on his lips. He admired her tranquil expression, continuing the comforting motions until his own eyes closed and he joined her in sleep.

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