Yugioh 5DS: A Chance Encounte...

By SqueakyDoggy

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Madison has long admired Rex Goodwin from afar. When she gains the courage to approach him and ask for a hug... More

Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Request
Chapter 3 - A Taste of Luxury
Chapter 4 - The Bonding
Chapter 5 - The First Time
Chapter 6 - Madison's Awakening

Chapter 2 - Fateful Reunion

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By SqueakyDoggy

Madison sat alone on a weathered wooden bench in the heart of New Domino City Park. The afternoon sun warmed her face as a gentle breeze rustled the newly bloomed tulips and hyacinths surrounding her. She breathed in their sweet floral scent as she idly scrolled through her phone.

One article headline made her pause - "Rex Goodwin: The Man Behind The Public Security Bureau." Instantly, memories of her encounter with Rex weeks prior flooded her mind. She recalled his piercing jade green eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. The warmth and strength of his embrace as he held her. The hint of a smile that crossed his stoic face before he disappeared from her life as abruptly as he had entered it.

Unconsciously, Madison began to wonder if Rex also remembered their encounter, and if it meant something to him.

Lost in her daydream, Madison was startled when she heard someone approaching from behind. She turned and saw Rex Goodwin standing there, looking imposing in his pristine grey suit. Madison's heart leapt as their eyes met in a moment heavy with unspoken feelings.

"Hello again. May I join you?" Rex's voice contained a nervous edge. Madison nodded eagerly and motioned to the empty space beside her.

Rex sat upright, hands folded neatly in his lap. A thick silence settled between them. Madison's mind raced, trying to think of what to say.

Finally Rex spoke, looking straight ahead. "I often think back on our encounter. The memory stays with me."

Madison blushed, nervously running her hand over her sleeve. "I-I think about it too," she admitted softly. "I never thought we'd meet again."

Rex turned to look at her then, his expression unreadable. "Your openness that day...it surprised me. But it was also moving, in a way I struggle to describe." He paused, considering his next words. "It reminded me of human connection I've been lacking in my life."

Madison's lips turned up in a gentle smile. "I'm glad if I could remind you of that."

Rex looked out at the swaying flowers and meandering park-goers, lost in thought. "I lead a rather lonely existence. My work consumes me, leaves little room for anything else." He took a slow breath before continuing. "But your gesture that day stirred something in me. It reminded me of my own neglected needs. For care. Affection." His eyes found hers again. "Connection."

Madison nodded slowly. "We all need those things. But it's hard to ask for them."

A small smile crept onto Rex's lips. "Indeed." He turned to face her fully. "Madison, would you like to take a walk with me? And talk some more?"

Madison couldn't contain her smile. "I would love to, Director Goodwin."

Rex's expression warmed. "Please, call me Rex," he said. "Director Goodwin seems too formal now, don't you think?"

Madison giggled softly, a blush tinging her cheeks. "Okay, Rex," His name felt intimate yet natural on her lips.

She tucked her phone away and followed Rex's lead, falling into step beside him as they began their walk together.

They strolled in silence for a few minutes, simply enjoying each other's company and the beauty around them. Spring flowers were in full bloom, their vibrant colors bursting forth. Birds chirped and soared overhead.

Finally, Rex spoke, his calm voice breaking the stillness. "Tell me about yourself, Madison," he said, turning to look at her with interest. "What do you do?"

Madison hesitated, suddenly self-conscious under his intent gaze. "I work at a local bookstore," she said quietly, feeling inadequate next to Rex's impressive career.

Rex raised a curious eyebrow. "A bookstore? How fascinating. What kinds of books do you enjoy?"

Madison perked up at the chance to discuss her favorite topic. "I really like fantasy and young adult fiction," she explained eagerly. "Stories with magic, epic quests, and imaginative worlds. They're such an escape from normal life."

"I see," Rex mused. "While I never read much fiction growing up, I can appreciate the creative spirit required to build entire magical realms with just words."

Madison smiled, pleased that Rex valued her preferred literary genre. "What about you?" she asked politely.

Rex paused, considering his response. "I tend to prefer nonfiction," he finally replied, his voice thoughtful. "History, science, quantum physics - topics I find mentally stimulating."

"That sounds interesting," Madison said sincerely. Though different from her tastes, she appreciated Rex's intellectual pursuits.

Rex gave an affirmative nod. "What do you enjoy most about fantasy?" he asked. His green eyes were attentive, awaiting her response.

Madison's eyes lit up as she replied, "I love how it can transport you to a completely different world. You can escape reality for a while and immerse yourself in a story that's filled with magic, adventure, and wonder. It's like taking a journey to a place that only exists in the author's imagination."

Rex smiled, nodding in agreement. "I can see why you enjoy it so much. It's always fascinating to explore different worlds and realities, even if they are fictional."

"It really is," Madison agreed, smiling back at Rex over their shared appreciation of literature.

"Do you have family here in the city?" Rex asked, changing the subject.

"No, I just moved here recently on my own," Madison answered. "What about you?"

Rex's expression grew somber. "I'm afraid I don't have any immediate family left," he said quietly. His eyes clouded with remembrance. "I lost them long ago." After a moment, he straightened up, regaining composure.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Madison offered gently.

"It's quite alright," Rex replied. The corners of his mouth lifted in a small, brave smile. "I've made peace with it over the years and cherish the memories we shared."

Madison nodded understandingly, admiring Rex's resilience.

They walked in silence for a few moments, letting a comfortable quiet settle between them. As they rounded a corner, Madison noticed a quaint little café across the street.

"That cafe looks nice," she remarked, pointing towards its brick walls and patio dotted with small tables. "Have you been there before?"

Rex shook his head, his eyes following her gaze. "No, I can't say I have."

Madison hesitated briefly before speaking up. "Would you maybe like to stop for coffee?" she offered.

Rex's face brightened with a smile. "I'd love to," he replied in his calm, polite tone.

They made their way to the café and ordered - a vanilla latte for Madison and black coffee for Rex. Carrying their drinks, they found a table outside in the sunshine. A refreshing breeze rustled through the tree branches overhead.

Madison took a sip of her foamy latte, the sweet flavor warming her senses. "Mmm this is delicious," she murmured contently.

"Indeed, it's quite good coffee," Rex agreed after sampling his black coffee.

After a few moments of appreciative sipping, Rex spoke up in his composed voice. "You mentioned reading earlier. Do you have any other interests or hobbies?" He watched her curiously.

Madison flushed a little. "Well, there is one thing...I really enjoy playing Duel Monsters," she admitted.

Rex raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise. "Duel Monsters? What a coincidence - that's been a lifelong passion of mine as well."

"Really?" Madison's face lit up excitedly. "I've built a fairy deck with all my favorite cards. Fairies have always been my favorite type of monster."

Rex nodded thoughtfully. "Fairies have such elegant aesthetics. As for myself, I have an Inca-themed deck."

"An Inca deck sounds so unique!" Madison said.

Rex chuckled lightly. "Yes, it has some fascinating mechanics. I'll have to demonstrate it for you sometime."

Madison's eyes shone eagerly. "I've never actually dueled against Inca cards before. Would you maybe want to duel together soon? I'd love to see them in action."

Rex considered the idea, a hint of a smile on his lips. "You know, that could be enjoyable. It's been awhile since I dueled just for fun."

"It's a date then!" Madison said brightly. Realizing her word choice, a blush rose to her cheeks.

But Rex simply looked at her warmly. "It's a date," he agreed.

They exchanged a meaningful look over their coffee mugs, a new connection kindled by their shared passion. They launched into an animated discussion of deck strategies, Madison thoroughly engrossed in Rex's expertise.

After coffee at the cafe, Madison and Rex continued their leisurely stroll, Madison felt perfectly at ease conversing with Rex, as if they had known each other for years rather than just a few hours. She found herself opening up in a way she never had before, and Rex listened intently to every word, genuinely interested in what she had to say.

As the sun sank below the horizon, bathing the city in radiant amber light, Rex turned to Madison. "It's getting rather late," he remarked gently. "Please allow me to drive you home. I wouldn't feel right letting you walk alone after dark."

Madison smiled, touched by his chivalry. "That's very thoughtful of you. I'd love a ride home, thank you."

They strolled to Rex's black limousine where two stern-faced bodyguards stood waiting dutifully.

"These are my personal security team," Rex explained as they approached. "They'll be accompanying us, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Madison assured him.

The muscular guards wordlessly opened the limo's door, revealing plush leather interior and soft mood lighting within. Madison slid onto the buttery leather seat, awed by the luxurious surroundings.

As the limo glided through the city streets, Madison and Rex's lively conversation continued, covering work, hobbies, and more. The ride was over too soon when they arrived at her apartment building.

Rex met her gaze. "May I walk you to your door?" he asked politely.

Madison's heart fluttered. "I'd really like that, thank you."

They strolled up to her door together in the cool evening air. Rex turned to her with a gentle smile. "I've had an absolutely wonderful time getting to know you today, Madison."

"So have I, Rex," she replied, cheeks warm. "Thank you again for the ride."

"Of course." Rex paused before asking almost shyly, "May I have your number? I'd love to see you again, if you want."

Joy rushed through Madison. "I'd love that!" She eagerly typed her number into his phone.

When Madison handed his phone back, Rex took her hand and gently kissed her cheek. "Until next time," he said warmly.

Though taken by surprise, Madison found the gesture sweet and surprisingly natural. "Until next time," she echoed with a shy smile.

Rex gave her hand a final gentle squeeze before releasing it. "Goodnight, Madison."

"Goodnight, Rex."

With a final parting smile, Rex turned and made his way back to the waiting limo. Madison watched him go, her cheek still tingling where his lips had brushed it. Such a small gesture, yet it gave her hope that their chance meeting might kindle into something more.

Stepping inside her apartment, Madison leaned against the door with a blissful sigh. She couldn't believe the magical day she'd shared with Rex Goodwin. And he wanted to see her again! She hugged herself, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

As she readied for bed, her mind replayed their time together. The way he listened so intently as she spoke, his gentle smile and wise words. Excitement grew at the possibilities ahead, more walks in the city, long conversations over coffee, learning more about him.

Madison changed into her favorite purple pajamas, a worn but comforting pair. She crawled into bed, smelling the familiar scent of her lavender sheets as she lay her head on the pillow. Looking out the window, she thought of Rex going home in his fancy car, wondering if he was thinking of her too.

Madison turned out the light, plunging the room into darkness. She snuggled deeper under the covers, her mind filled with images of Rex. Exhaustion soon overtook her, lulling her into a peaceful slumber as dreams of Rex and their blooming connection danced in her head.

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