Fate/Grand Order : Order of T...

By Danialhardy

14.4K 264 87

I don't know why I'm writing this story so yeah. Inspired by Fate DXD though it's more like that fanfiction s... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chaldea Database
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Edited At The End)
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Interlude 1
Chapter 17

Chapter 1 (Edited)

1.5K 33 5
By Danialhardy

All Character Belong to Their Respective Maker that is Nasu and Hoyoverse.

Please comment for chapter ideas.


It has been a few days since Otto gave Ritsuka an offer to become a teacher at St. Freya academy.

During these few days, Ritsuka had move his stuff from his apartment upon being informed that the school his teaching have dormitory to live in.

He was walking along the road in Soukai City looking around the area with his backpack behind him wearing a black jacket and a grey pants.

"In all my life, I never actually thought that I'll become a teacher in an almost all-girl school." He mused himself.

"Wait, did he actually said where the school is?" Ritsuka said to himself.

He then heard his phone going off and saw Otto name on it. "That's actually a perfect timing. I was about to call him."

"Hey, Otto. Can you tell me where is the school is?" He asked him.

"Where am I? I think I'm somewhere near the square."

"Someone will pick me up that goes by the name Murata Himeko? How do I know who is it?"

"A red hair woman that seems to try and find love. I'll look like a madman!" He screamed making people to look at him weird.

"Seriously, do you have another way to identify her?" He silently shouted.

"If you have a picture then just send it in the first place."

"Looking for me?" He then heard a voice calling for him and saw a red hair woman.

"Forget about it. She already found me no thanks to you." He said hang up the phone.

"I pity the Valkyrie for having a boss like that." He simply said making her to chuckle.

"Don't worry about it. The Overseer's actually a serious man. I think he's just messing with you." She replied back.

"So you're the St. Freya new teacher huh?" She asked. "I admit, I was skeptical when I was told that the Overseer has hire a former mercenary to teaches the student. Except for Welt-san who everybody knew, the other's will doubted your ability as a teacher." She said to him.

"I forgot to introduce myself. Fujimaru Ritsuka, at your service." He said telling her his name.

"Murata Himeko, though you already my name given by your conversation." She said shaking his hand.

"Follow me. I'll take you to the school." Ritsuka then follows Himeko to her car and entering it.

"Hold onto something." She said stepping on the pedal making the car to immediately go fast.

As Himeko drove her car, Ritsuka took this opportunity to look at the city in interest. 'So this is how far humanity in this world had become.' A smile appeared on his face as he felt how advanced humanity have become than they once in the past.

After a while, they have arrived to a beautiful building with people walking around it. Ritsuka looks at the school after getting out of the car. "It actually look amazing than I thought." He said amazed by the view.

"Thanks for the compliment." Himeko said. "Now then, let's go to the principle office to let her know that you're here."

As they were walking to the principle office, gossip had started the moment the student laid eyes on him.

'Even in different world, high school girl is the same.' He thought as he felt a little annoyed by the gossip.

"Please bear with it a little longer, we almost arrived to the office." Himeko said trying to assure him.

The scene then change to a small girl wearing a nun outfit that was reading a comic book when she heard the door knock.

"Wait!" She shouted hiding the book before acting like she was working. "Come in."

"Theresa-san, the new teacher has arrived." Himeko said opening the door letting Ritsuka to enter.

"Hello, are you the principal?" He asked the girl.

"...I actually expected that you're going to say 'Where is your parents, little girl'." She said expecting the usual response like she had heard every time.

"There's nothing wrong to be short." He said making her mad.

"Hey. It's because your never experience what it's like for people to mistake you for a little girl!" Theresa shouted.

"Anyway, I was shocked when grandp- I mean, the Overseer suddenly said that he'll send a new teacher to teach the student." She said continuing the conversation.

"Actually, can I ask something?" Theresa nodded. "Why'd the student think that I'm a student?" He asked the girl.

"Oh, about that. I didn't announce that you're going to teach them so they just thought that you just a student joining them." She explained to him.

"I see." Ritsuka simply said before making a smile.

"What are you thinking?" Himeko asked when she saw the smile.

"Nothing. Anyway, what class will I be teaching?" He asked the principal.

He hoped that he does not have to teach something that involves explanation. He could not explain something to his daughters, for god sake! That is his cousin area of expertise.

"I was going to suggest that you're going to teach history alongside our history teacher. But the Overseer immediately ordered that you'll be teaching the Valkyrie in combat replacing Himeko as the teacher." She said.

"I see." He silently celebrated the fact that he does not have to teach something in the class.

"Anyway, you'll start teaching tomorrow. Your stuff have arrived before you and now in your room." Theresa said. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?" She asked him.

"Can you put me in the morning class for today and let me starts teaching today?" He asked making them to question him.

"I could but why?"

Before he could answered, a white-haired girl suddenly appeared behind them.

"Aunt Theresa! Is it true that a male student will be joining us today?!" The girl said.

"Kiana! How many times do I have to tell you to call me principal inside the school?!" She shouted the person.

"But-" She then stopped talking when another girl along with a little girl joins them.

"Kiana! Please wait!" The girl said to the first one.

"I can't help it, Mei-senpai. A man is going to join us and will acting like a pervert!" Kiana said pointing at Ritsuka making tick mark appeared on his head.

"Idiotka, don't immediately enter the principle office." A small gray drill-haired girl with a pale blue butterfly on her head said expressionlessly making Ritsuka curious.

'How curious. The way she talk is like a machine. Hell, even Xiang Yu doesn't talk like that. What happened that makes her to act like that? She even has prosthetics on her legs.' He said to himself after seeing how the little girl acts. 'But that butterfly... why it feels familiar?' He thought seeing the pale blue butterfly before putting up a smile.

"Well then. I suppose to start learning tomorrow but I want to get the introduction out of the way." He said making the teacher realized what he meant earlier.

'I see. He want to shocked the others that he's their teacher and not their classmate.' Himeko and Theresa thinking the same thing.

"No, no! I can't accept that a man will join us!" Kiana said in denial.

"Kiana, he was sent here because of the Overseer recommendation. That means he will be studying here to become a Knight." Theresa said going along with what Ritsuka is planning.

'I've just realized it but isn't Einherjar most suitable for man? Then again from what I know, the organization originates in Europe.'

As the argument is still going on, he catches Mei staring at him, specifically his hand. 'What is she looking at?' He thought before realizing something. 'Don't tell me-'

"Now go to your class right now. Himeko will escort him to the class after he changes." She added making Himeko bring him to his room.

As they are walking, many rumor has spread about Ritsuka in order to make him to show his true color. Unfortunately, they didn't realised that he didn't even care that they are talking about him.

'What I want to eat after this?' He thought about what he will having for lunch.

After he changes into Anniversary Blonde mystic code, Himeko then proceeded to lead him into the classroom.

"You know. It's funny when I think about it." She chuckled after saying something that on her mind for a while. "A mysterious man that student presumed is their classmate is actually their teacher. I can just see what their reaction will be."

"Anyway, I'll give you the signal to let you enter the classroom so please wait a second." She said entering the classroom leaving Ritsuka outside.

Moments before Himeko entering the classroom

We see Kiana looking frustrated over the fact that a male student will be joining the class.

"Kiana, what's wrong?" Mei asked when she saw her friend looks frustrated.

"Mei-nee sama, don't go near Idiotka or else you'll be infected by her stupidity." Bronya interjected.

"What's that, Bratnya?!" Kiana then get mad at the little girl. "Sorry, Mei-senpai. It just the male student." She replied Mei question.

"Kiana-chan, don't immediately accuses a man that he's a pervert. Not all men is a pervert." She said trying to convince her that Ritsuka is a good person.

"But what if he just hiding his true nature?!" She said with a picture of Ritsuka looking at them strange in the background.

"Mei-neesama, just give up on convincing Idiotka. Subject Kiana's too dumb to admit it." Bronya said to her.

As they go on talking, Himeko then entered the classroom stopping any conversation from going any further.

"Good morning, everyone. Today, a new student will be joining us. He's outside the class right now." She said making the mood soured.

"Everyone, keep quiet. I know that most of you have heard terrible rumour from the other Valkyries. But don't let it clouded your judgment for the new student." She said silencing the whole class.

"Well then." Himeko then turns toward the door. "You can enter the class now." She said giving Ritsuka permission to enter.

The student widen their eyes in surprise(minus the trio) by his looks. 'How handsome!' They all thought at the same time captivated by his beauty.

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. Thank you for having me." He said as he does a bow that captivated them even more.

'And very gentlemanly!'

"Is there any question you want to ask Fujimaru-san?" Himeko asked the whole class and saw no hand being raised.

"All right, you can sit right next to Kiana." She said to Ritsuka making Kiana to protest.

"EHH?! But why?!" She said her teacher.

"It can't be helped. The seat's next to you is the only one that is empty. Now be nice to him and don't cause any mishaps." She replied shutting down the conversation.

After Ritsuka have sit down, the class has now begins with Himeko teaching them with Ritsuka easily follow while Kiana struggling to follow up.

'I've already learn this thing before so it isn't hard.' He thought before looking at Kiana who had fallen asleep. 'If you have time to sleep, sleep in the nurse office.'

It is better to just fake being sick and go to nurse office to sleep than just sleep in the classroom. The teacher cannot be mad at you for that.

After the class finished, Himeko then goes towards Kiana and wake her up.

"KIANA! WAKE UP!" She slammed her book onto the table making her to suddenly wake up. "The class's already over. Now it's time for combat training."


"My god. Your exam is two weeks away and yet you're still sleeping in the class. What am I going to do with you?" Himeko sighed at Kiana behaviour for continuing to sleep in the classroom.

"Anyway wake up, it's almost time for the next class." She added making Kiana to rush out of the class with Mei and Bronya in tow.

"So combat training is her favorite class?" Ritsuka asked Himeko who are still in class.

"Well, it's more like it easier for her to ace that class. She's talented in combat but not in a normal class." She said.

"Well, combat is the most easiest thing to do. You just fight someone and win." He simply said.

"Now go. You don't any of them being suspicious." She said smiling.

"You know, this is actually the first time I ever gone to school. I was homeschooled since I was a child." He said surprising Himeko by the fact.

"Really? By the way you acting, I actually thought that you were popular in your school." She said saying what she thought.

"Yeah, me and my sisters were homeschooled before going to high school."

The scene then changes into the St. Freya training facility with Kiana stretching up her body while talking with Mei and Bronya.

"Kiana, there's a chance that you'll get hurt." Mei said trying to convince her friend to stop whatever she is planning.

"Mei-neesama, you should give up." Bronya suddenly interjected. "Idiotka's too dumb to think about her chances."

"Don't worry, Mei-senpai. It'll be easy." Kiana replied ignoring Bronya comment.

"I don't know what you're talking about but somehow I'm getting mad." They then turned around to see who talking to them and saw Ritsuka wearing a grey hakama.

'A hakama?' The students thought confused by his choice of clothing. 'Shouldn't he be wearing something more protective?'

"So, what're you talking about?" He asked them.

"Perfect timing" Kiana said going towards him. "I challenge you to a battle. The loser will follow what the winner order." She declares making everyone to look at them.

"Kiana! Don't immedia-" Ritsuka then interrupted her. "What's the challenge?" He asked.

"An one-on-one battle. You can use any weapon you want." She said making him to think for a moment.

"...Sounds like fun. Let's do it." He then raising one of his hand towards her to seal of the deal.

"Hey, stop it!" Himeko then split the two apart. "Are you two sure that you want to do this?" She asked them only to receive a serious face from the two.

Himeko sighed in resignation. "It can't be helped then." She lowered her arms. "All right, I'll be the judge of this contest to avoid any cheating involved. Understood?" She said making them know.

After a few minutes, they have readied their weapon with Kiana wielding two guns and Ritsuka have a katana on his side.

'His weapon's the same as Mei-senpai' She thought when she saw his weapon.

'She's uses two guns huh. I wonder how well she fight.' Ritsuka thought curiously.

"Are you guys ready?" Himeko asked them both. They nodded making her to raise her hand in the air before quickly lower it down. "Now, start!"

Before the match started

"You seriously want to go with this? You'll get badly injured if you do this." Himeko said as she worried about Ritsuka safety.

"Don't worry, I was a mercenary. We get injured all the time during the mission." He said trying to reassure her.

"I know that you're a former mercenary, but your opponent's a Valkyrie even though she's in training." She warns him to not be overconfident.

"Don't worry." He then walked past her. "After all, even the gods can't keep me down." He whispered making Himeko to become confused about what he meant.


After a few second, Kiana then go after him by firing bullet from her gun before...


...spark suddenly appeared when it almost near him making everyone surprise because they do not see him draw his weapon.

'What just happened?' She thought before continuing firing at him only to get the same result.

'If this doesn't work, then...' She then started to run towards him and perform a side kick to hit him only to for him to dodge it.

"Stop dodging." She said continuing to attack him with her leg while also firing some bullet at him.

'So she cooperate some close combat while fight with her gun.' He thought while dodging her all of her attack before feeling something strange. 'Look closely, it feels like she's copying the move.' He added before jumping away from her.

"I admit, you got talent in fighting like Himeko said, but..." He then immediately close the distance between them. "...You move's too easy too read." He then swung his sword that still in its sheath.

'F-Fast!' She thought before narrowly dodge it leaving a scratch mark on her face.

"Let me tell you this. If you managed to defeat me in five minutes, I'll consider that you won." He said making her to be mad at his word.

"What did you say? Don't look down on me!" She shouted continuing her assault on him by performing a fly kick making him to get out of the way.

"Stop dodging and fight." She said when she saw he's only dodging her attack. She then pointed her gun at him but before she could press the trigger, Ritsuka disappeared from her sight surprising her.

"Where is-" "You move's too direct..." She felt something on her head as Ritsuka was standing upside down using on of his hand. She immediately aimed one of her gun above her which Ritsuka kicked the gun away before jumped down from her head.

"It would work against mindless beast." He said as he kept dodging her attack. "But against a rational person and beings that relies on instinct, you wouldn't hold a candle against one."

As they continued fighting, many students had now started to bet on who would win the fight. Most of the bet were going on Kiana winning since she is overall better than them in terms of combat. But now, it seems that those who bet on her will lose their money.

Himeko took a closer look on Ritsuka as something does not add up, that is, his skill. 'Who is he? I don't even notice him move from his spot before standing on Kiana head.' She thought as that kind of thing is difficult to perform for someone who look as old as Kiana. And he does it easily.

Feeling that five minuted had passed, Ritsuka blocked Kiana kick before threw her away. "Let me shows you something that I learn from a show."

He first unsheathed his katana before slowly approached Kiana with such calmness that she felt a chill behind her back as if her brain told her to move but her body does not respond.

'W-why can't I move my body?' She could not think anything as her mind was being preoccupied by the loud step produced by Ritsuka foot.

As he moved closer, Kiana eyes lingers on his sword as she need to watch out for his attack. When he became close to her, he released his sword which Kiana eyes followed creating a first mistake as she no longer focused on him.

Seeing his opponent focused on the fallen katana, he loudly clapped his hand in front of her face producing a deafening sound causing her to be disoriented.

As she accidentally let her guard down, he quickly moved behind her back before...


...strike her body by using the sheath knocking her out cold before catching her and lays her on the ground gently.

"W-W-What just happened?!" The audiences along with Himeko shouted when they saw him performing a move that they once saw from an anime.

"Something I learned from watching the tv." He simply replied when he heard the others sudden shout.

"No, No. You just performed something out of a tv show. You literally just recreated a killing move perform in that show!" Himeko said making the other to nod.

"That was cool! That's a literal how it performed in that anime!"
"Thank god that I didn't challenge him. If I did, I would be finished."
"Scary. That was scary."

As the other comment him, Bronya started to talk to Mei who was still in shock. "Mei-neesama, are you alright?" She asked making Mei to no longer be in shock.

"Huh. Oh, yeah. I'm alright." She replied. "I was just surprise by his movement. That's all." She explained to the little girl.

"...We should check on Kiana to see if she's okay." Mei said before going towards the downed girl along with Bronya.

After a while, Kiana opens her eyes and see Mei and Bronya beside her. "What happened?" She asked.

"You got knocked down after Ritsuka hit your body." Mei said causing her to remember the fight.

"Idiotka shouldn't make that challenge in the first place." Bronya added making her annoyed but she ignored it.

"Does that mean that I've lost?" They then nodded in confirmation. "Don't feel down just because you lose. A loss in battle means gaining new experience after all." They then saw Ritsuka going towards the group with a smile

"Easy for you to say. You didn't even get hit at all." Kiana bluntly said only for him to chuckle. "In order to win, you need to have any defeat to know your weakness. And your's over reliant of your talent."

"So, what your demand?" She asked him. "I think I want you to..."

"...treat me like you treat your friend." He answered.

"...Eh?" Kiana was surprised by Ritsuka answer. "You can treat me like annoyance. But at least treat me like an annoying friend." He explained.

He noticed uncertainty on her face after hearing what his offer. "How about this then? We could try this out and then you can make your decision. You don't know me that well after all." He offered his hand which make Kiana to reluctantly accepted it.

"...All right, fine." He then pulled her up. "But if you do something weird, I immediately refused to be your friend." She warns him. "Fine by me."

"Now that's been taken care of. I need to tell you that you'll be getting a new teacher to teach you right now." Himeko said making everyone surprised. "Bye." She waves before going away.

"Wait, sensei." A student shouted out. "What do you mean by that?!"

"The Overseer decided to hire someone to teach you guys. In fact, he's here right now." She answered making everyone minus Ritsuka to look around.

"Now then. Go introduce yourself, Fujimaru-san." She ordered. "Man, Himeko. Why did you tell them?" He sighed making everyone to be shocked by the revelation.

"I'll introduce myself once more. Ritsuka Fujimaru, your new teacher. Nice to meet you." He simply said with smile making all of them to scream in shocked.


In The Evening

We see the girls was walking into a building looking tired.

"Mei-senpai, the new teacher's scary." Kiana said breaking the silence between them. "Yeah." She said before looking somewhere.

"But it's weird. How can he become a teacher? He's close to our age." Kiana added. "But Aunt Himeko may look responsible but..." She said remembered something that she wished she could forget.

"Forget it. Let's go back to our home! I want to eat Mei-senpai food!" Kiana shouted before running off causing the other to go after her. "Wait, Kiana!"

Kiana and the others then arrived at the door. As she opens it, they widen their eyes as they just saw something unexpected, or rather someone...

"W-What are you doing here?!" She shouted when she saw Ritsuka sitting on a couch making him turns around.

"Umm... Because I lives here. That's why." He simply answered back her question. "Actually, why did you ask that anyway? Do you want something?" He asked them.

"Umm... Sensei, this is our home. That's why Kiana ask you that." Mei said seeing him just sitting there with him looking at them with bla-

'Wait, black? Isn't his eyes' blue?' Mei thought when she saw his eyes is no longer blue but rather ink-black.

"Eh, is there any mistake then? Because there's no way that a school will put a guy in the same room with girl." He said confusedly. "This is real life, not an anime or some whatever manga or novel."

Himeko then arrives at the scene. "What happened? I've heard screaming here." She said heard Kiana scream from before.

"Aunt Himeko! Look!" Kiana then pointed her finger towards Ritsuka. "Why is he in here?!" She asked the red-haired woman.

"Ah. About that." She simply said remembering something. "The principal assigned him my house. The day was so chaotic that I've forgot to tell you guys." She said awkwardly scratched her head.

"No! No way! I don't want him live with us!" Kiana protested against Ritsuka living with them. "That remind me, where did Welt lives anyway? I could be his roommate." Ritsuka suggested after seeing Kiana outburst.

"Welt-san actually lives off-campus." Himeko stated. "And beside, didn't you agreed that you'll live in the campus anyway?"

"Haa, whatever. As long as I have a place to live, I couldn't care less." Ritsuka tiredly said. "What's for dinner?" He said as if he has been living there for a long time.

'That was fast.' The others thought seeing him immediately accepted it.

"Fine. But if you're going to live here, we need to make some rules." She said making Ritsuka sighed. "Fine."

"Don't look at us, don't touch us and don't breathe with us." She the started to state some outrageous rules. "The last one is basically means that go kill yourself!" He complained about the last rule. "At least let me breath outside."

"THAT'S WHAT YOU CONCERNED OF?!" The others thought when hearing Ritsuka complain.

"Okay, that's enough." Himeko then stop the conversation from going further. "As long as you don't do anything weird, you don't have to follow that rule." She compromised.

"I agreed with that rule." Mei said agreed with the rules while Bronya nodded expressionlessly.

 "But-" "Kiana, please don't immediately decided that he couldn't live here. The principal made the choice."

"I'll agree to your rules if only you say it while looking me in the eyes." Ritsuka suggested lowered himself so that his eyes met with Kiana blue eyes.

"Eas-" She then instantly froze up upon meeting his eyes. 'W-What's happening? It's as if I'm looking into the nothingness!' Kiana felt when made contact with his eyes. His eyes is so dark that she might as well be looking at a bottomless void.

A moment has passed before Ritsuka finally straighten himself up and hummed. "Very well. I agreed with that rules, Himeko-san." He said turning to the woman.

"Also, it looks like Miss Kiana isn't looking good right now. Maybe we should let her rest a bit before calling her for dinner." He added closing his eyes before smiling.

"Um, alright then." They then started to sweated up. 'He didn't say anything and yet he gave off a terrifying feeling!' They all thought with Bronya showing some expression.

Mei then entered the kitchen and started to cook up some food. Skipping the cooking process, she then served up the food on the table.

"An omurice huh. And perfectly cook one to top it off." Ritsuka commented upon seeing the dinner.

"Thanks for the food!" Kiana said before eating the food. 'It must be delicious if she acting like this.' He thought before taking a bite before widening his eyes.

"Delicious." He simply said making Kiana to brag about the food. "Right. Mei-senpai cooking is the delicious thing in the world." She stated making the girl in question to become embarrassed.

"Kiana-chan, that's not true. After all, there's way better food than mine." She said shuttering by the praise. "No, it's a delicious food when I tasted one and right now, your cooking is one of them so take it with pride." Ritsuka praised her calming her down. 'It's not a lie. I ate too many Emiya-san cooking that my mind instantly think the other food is not as good. If I praised it, then the food is the same as him.'

"Umm... Ritsuka-san? Can't I ask you something?" Mei asked in uncertainty. "What's that?" He bluntly said.

"Why-" "You want to know why is my eyes different, correct?" He stopped her from continuing talking making everyone to realize something.

"That's right. Aren't you eyes' blue? Why is it suddenly black anyway? The terrifying one to top it off." Himeko asked looking at his eyes.

"Long story short, I lose a bet and has to wear a colour lens for a year. It just a coincidence that it ended today."

"That's remind me, are you guys from Nagazora?" He asked the trio. "Subject Ritsuka, how did you guess that?" Bronya asked wanting to know how.

"I was there to go sightseeing when a horde of zombie suddenly tries to attack me." He answered making them surprised by the revelation. "Thankfully, they're too slow so it makes it easier to kill them. Though, a Honkai beast suddenly appear in front of you isn't a good surprise."

"Anyway, I heard a lightning strike and that's went I saw..." He then paused as he thinking what words he want to use. "An arrogant but very elegant girl appeared carrying a certain white-haired girl in her hand. I was distracted by the scene when a giant airship arrived." He paused letting them to sink in the information.

'I see, he was near the scene when the Third Eruption occurred.' Himeko thought before realizing something. 'Wait, if he was there the whole time, then the Eruption should have affected him to some degree but he do not have any sign of corruption. Also, did he called the destroyer of the world elegant?' She thought looking at him very closely.

"I want to go there to take a closer look but I got mobbed by some beast as usual." He continued. "When I arrived, the ship had already left the area."

"Ritsuka-san, how old are you? You look too young to be a teacher." Mei asked wanting to know his age.

"I'm 24 years old so remove any thought that I'm a student." He answered making Himeko to be surprised by his age.

"You're two years younger than me. Wait, do you want to become my drinking buddy?" She asked as she felt lonely whenever she drinking alone.

"Sure. Though don't overdrink, I don't want to deal with someone hangover." He said making Himeko to look away. 'Though following the years here, I would be younger than them physically.' He thought referring to the students he will teach.

'Why did he looks familiar?' Bronya thought before an image of a picture frames with a family in it briefly appeared in her mind.

"Well then, I'm going to bed now." He then stands up from his chair and walked into his room.

"Ah! Lock the door! I don't want you to do something while we all asleep!" Kiana shouted. "You guys the one who should close the door. It doesn't make sense for me to lock myself." Ritsuka retorted back.

Later In The Night

We see somebody was sneaking in the darkness of the night as they arrived at Ritsuka room. They quietly opened the door as they slowly approached the bed near the wall.

The figure then raised her hand emitting a silent electricity around it as they immediately performed a hand chop splitting the bed in half potentially killing the person that slept on it.

The figure was ready to get out of the room when the light suddenly turned on surprising the person before saw the bed that had no one on it. They then felt a cold metal under their neck as they turned their head and saw Ritsuka placing his katana there threatening to kill them.

"I knew that you'll go after me." Ritsuka said standing beside them. "After all, you didn't even hide the fact that you're looking on my hand during dinner. Right,..."

They then turned around to look at him with a frown on their face. "Raiden Mei."

Finally, I've finished this chapter. I also need to change something in the bio chapter because it came out when I'm still writing this chapter and trying to improve it.

Don't expect any fast chapter as I still thinking about what to write.

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