Kiara Cartier (Fred Weasley L...

Od FredWeasleyismyking

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๐—•๐—ผ๐—ผ๐—ธ ๐Ÿฏ The Wizarding World is at war, with Lord Voldemort at power once more, reigning terror and fear... Vรญce

Ch. 1: The Mission
Ch. 2: Staying Behind
Ch. 3: Fears
Ch. 4: Decisions
Ch. 5: The Last Will and Testament of Albus Dumbledore
Ch. 6: Bill and Fleur's Wedding
Ch. 7: Wedding Crashers
Ch. 8: Battle Scars
Ch. 9: Muggle Disguise
Ch. 10: The First Visit
Ch. 11: Jealousy
Ch. 12: Wanted
Ch. 13: The Send-Off
Ch. 14: Stuffed Toys
Ch. 15: Date Night
Ch. 16: Dinner at the Burrow
Ch. 17: Shell Cottage
Ch. 18: Potterwatch
Ch. 19: Earth and Air
Ch. 20: Kidnapping on the Platform
Ch. 21: Awkward Encounters
Ch. 22: Recognised
Ch. 23: The Sleepover
Ch. 24: Making Up
Ch. 25: Confessions
Ch. 26: A Different Christmas
Ch. 27: To The Unknown
Ch. 28: Locked Up
Ch. 30: Time for Decisions
Ch. 31: Air Vents
Ch. 32: Floating on Feathers
Ch. 33: The Contingency
Ch. 34: Blank Space
Ch. 35: Clean Slate
Ch. 36: Noah Thompson

Ch. 29: Unlikely Friendships

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Od FredWeasleyismyking

"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 29: Unlikely Friendships

The morning after he spoke with his sister, Draco paced up and down in his bedroom for over an hour. He went back and forth so many times that he had lost count. He was considering and contemplating different options for him to leave Malfoy Manor to speak with Fred Weasley, of all the people in the world. The request, albeit simple, was not an easy one for him to pull off.

He faced a very large challenge in agreeing to do this task for his sister. He was not able to come and go from the Manor as he pleased. There would be questions and he could not tell anyone the truth. It was increasingly more difficult for him to lie, even though he had practiced and perfected Occlumency with his Aunt Bellatrix last year so that Dumbledore and Snape couldn't read his mind. If and when Draco lied, it increased his anxiety and nervousness tenfold that someone would discover his secrets. And if they did, he was not sure how harshly he would be punished, but he knew it would be severe. He had seen the punishment that some of the Death Eaters had faced when they failed the Dark Lord. And this wasn't even failure to follow orders. It was betrayal. Draco knew how high the stakes were by doing this for Kiara.

If Draco was to pull this off, he had to do so without anyone noticing. He had to leave Malfoy Manor and return without arousing any suspicion. There couldn't be the slightest doubt of his whereabouts. That seemed almost impossible. He was constantly watched and bothered by people in his own home daily. Each thought that he came up with was more unlikely with a worse off result than the last, forcing Draco to kick the wooden chair by his desk and fall backwards on his bed with an exasperated sigh.

He lazily rested his arm across his forehead, closing his eyes for a moment. The old Draco would never have gotten himself into this position in the first place. He would have refused the request from his sister outright without a second thought. But he had changed as a person. There was a time where he wouldn't have even spoken with his sister either without distaste and dislike but now, he was risking his life to speak with her and help her.

His feelings towards the Weasel remained unchanged, even though he was dating his sister. He had not forgotten the countless pranks that Fred and George had pulled on him for five years, including vanishing his shirt and pants in the middle of dinner in the Great Hall or sending a group of ferrets into his dormitory. He couldn't work out why his sister loved the bloke as much as she did. When they had broken up, he thought that she finally saw some proper sense. Even Cameron Harrison wasn't that bad of a decision in his eyes. At least he was a Slytherin. But, she did truly love Fred Weasley and it was incredibly important to her that he gave her this ring so he knew that she was alive and well.

Draco couldn't ignore his feelings of guilt as well. He knew somewhat the Dark Lord was planning to do with his sister. He had overheard the hushed and broken whispers of his father and Bellatrix when they captured her. While it was not the full story, he knew that they were going to force Kiara to change sides to help them win this war – whether she wanted to or not. He knew they would stop at nothing to make Kiara join the Death Eaters.

There was a soft knock on his door. Draco sat up abruptly, staring at the closed door with a hard look. His home was never the same these days, crawling with Death Eaters and Snatchers at every corner. It was never the house warmly type, the one with family pictures and inspiring quotes on the walls and furniture, but it was the only home that he had ever known. It infuriated him knowing that it was no longer the same, and being used as a headquarters for Voldemort and his army.

"Who is it?" Draco asked coldly. He didn't know who to expect, even though the knock was softer than he was used too. It was more often than he liked that it was his Aunt Bellatrix or his father who banged erratically on his door, questioning him about whether anyone had mentioned Potter's name at Hogwarts or if he had any clue as to his whereabouts. If they weren't asking about Harry Potter, then they were asking about Kiara. His answer was always the same: no, in an emotionless tone. He didn't want either of him to be found, despite his dislike for Potter. He knew that if Harry was found, then he would be killed and the war would be over. It might sound good to some but to Draco, he wasn't quite sure anymore whether he wanted Voldemort to win though.

His expression softened when the door opened slightly, revealing his mother. She was the only person that he was pleased to speak with nowadays. He had never seen his mother looked so stressed than the last few months. She looked worse than she did when his father was locked in Azkaban. She barely spoke much these days either. Draco wondered what she could possibly do to keep herself busy nowadays, given that she could no longer relax in her own home with Death Eaters and Snatchers meeting at the Manor weekly.

"Draco? I heard a bang from downstairs." Narcissa asked, her eyes lingering on the chair that lay on the floor. She looked at him worriedly. "Is everything okay?"

"I didn't mean to worry you, mother," Draco said quietly, sitting up. He ran a hand through his hair. "I have a lot on my mind."

Narcissa walked across his room and picked up the chair, fixing it back to its rightful place. She knew that they were unable to talk about his burdens, even within the privacy of Draco's bedroom. She knew that his anxieties related to his sister who was imprisoned in the basement, but there were too many ears in their home now who could and would betray them. She didn't want to think about the degree of punishment that they would receive for speaking with Kiara. She was a prisoner, and it was an unspoken rule that no one was allowed to associate with the prisoners without permission from the Dark Lord.

"Thank you, mother. You don't need to do that for me," Draco said, not wanting her to worry. He knew that most of her worries revolved around her children, and he didn't want to add to that. She deserved better than that.

Narcissa reached the doorway. Her hand rested on the doorknob as she hesitated for a moment. "You should have a warm bath to relax. You can ask the House Elves to prepare and stand by the door and no one will bother you."

"Thank you, mother," Draco repeated, giving her a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. The suggestion, although sincere, would not solve his problems.

"And, Draco... Please be careful when you go downstairs... There are people watching," Narcissa whispered, her voice barely audible but Draco heard every word. His eyes widened. She knew somehow that he visited Kiara last night, she must've overheard him speaking with her. He didn't realise how easy it was for someone to notice that he was in the basement when he shouldn't be, let alone to hear him speaking with her.

The door shut quietly behind his mother, leaving Draco alone with his silence and problems with no solutions once more. He sighed in frustration. All that he got from his mother was an unhelpful suggestion that he should take a bath to relax and unwind.

Draco's eyes snapped wide open. The lightbulb in his mind lit up brighter than ever. Narcissa gave him the solution that he needed to get him out of Malfoy Manor, without anyone noticing. He would have some undisturbed time to himself and an excuse to sneak away. "Pimley," Draco whispered, summoning one of the many House-Elves of Malfoy Manor.

A crack resounded through the room. A House-Elf with large brown eyes and bat-like ears appeared in front of Draco, wearing an old hand towel wrapped around her small body. Pimley bowed low to the ground, acknowledging her master. "Master Malfoy, how may I assist you?"

"I would like you to draw up a bath for me," Draco requested politely. He spent many years being rude and degrading to the House-Elves of Malfoy Manor. It's how his father treated them, so he had grown up doing the same and thinking that was the right thing to do. More recently, as he began to realise that his father was not a good man, he focussed on changing his actions and behaviour. With every day, Draco became less and less like Lucius Malfoy. The eleven-year-old arrogant and condescending version of himself would be ashamed of his future self and the person that he was becoming.

"Yes, Master Malfoy," Pimley answered, bowing deeply once more. "Is there anything else?"

"I do not want to be disturbed by anyone. That includes my father and anyone else. Is that okay?" Draco said flatly. He walked over to the side table next to his bed and opened the drawer. He pulled out the ring that Kiara gave him the night before and pocketed it. He heard Pimley squeak a "yes, Master Malfoy" in response but he didn't pay much attention as she scampered into the bathroom. He heard the valves of the bath turning and water gushing through the pipes as she prepared his bath. He saw the steam wafting through the doorway while Pimley unfolded a fluffy towel and hung it on the towel rack for him.

"It's ready for you," Pimley announced, bowing her head one final time.

"Thank you, Pimley," Draco called out as the door shut behind her. He heard her lock the door, providing him with the privacy that he needed. Without wasting any time, he went into the bathroom and closed the door. He hoped that the sound of him apparating would be muffled, although he doubted that Pimley would be suspicious in any way. He exhaled deeply and closed his eyes, picturing the alleyway next to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes before he turned and disapparated.

When Draco could breathe freely, he knew that he had arrived at his destination. He appeared behind a bin, hiding his body from the view of Diagon Alley. He wasn't concerned about anyone spotting him, considering that Diagon Alley was a ghost town with only the rare one to two customers rushing between stores. Snatchers were everywhere though, but he knew that he only needed to lift his left sleeve and they would leave him alone at once. It was still risky to be seen though, considering that he was meant to be relaxing in a bathtub in his ensuite.

Draco stepped out slowly from the alleyway. There was a group of Snatchers heading in the opposite direction. He knew that they were not Death Eaters, based on their robes. Death Eaters wore distinct black robes and theirs were mismatched. He didn't want to take any chances though, even with Snatchers who may recognise who he was, so he decided to walk along the wall of the shop and open the locked front door with a simple "Alohomora".

Draco's haste to enter the store without being seen caused him to overlook the obvious problems with the store. If he had spent an extra few seconds to look at the store, he would've realised that there was something abnormal and off, starting with the unlocked front door.

When he stepped over the threshold though, his eyes widened. He never entered the store before. He had only ever seen the store through the front window several times, but even then, he didn't recognise it. The store was no longer illuminated with bright and colourful lighting, mixed with the rambunctious sound of laughter and happy conversation. It was dead silent, almost eerie like, because it was completely out of the ordinary. The shelves were barren of any products with some random boxes and packaging discarded on the floor. Some of the shelves were pushed over, as if someone had rummaged through the store to look for something or they had left in a hurry. The windows were boarded up with planks of wood, preventing anyone from looking through the window. The store was unrecognisable.

There was no one at the store, it was completely deserted. He swore under his breath. It was abandoned by the two Weasels. They had both left, presumably straight after Kiara was taken from them. He would never be able to find them now, because they were likely in hiding. They hid a fugitive for months. They were lucky to still be alive, but he knew that Kiara negotiated their lives for her capture. He wondered if they were blindly attempting to locate Kiara to rescue her.

There was no point wasting any more time here. The more unnecessary time that he spent at the absent store, the more likely that someone would realise that he was not at home as he should be.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco didn't have time to react, as his wand was thrown out of his hand and spun to the other side of the empty room. Except, it was no longer empty and he was completely defenceless.

"Well, well, look who came into our store, Freddie," George said bitterly, walking out from a door that was disguised as a wall. Draco was only able to recognise him from the missing ear on the left side of his head. Before today, he had only ever been able to recognise the Weasley Twins if Kiara was with them, because he could see which twin looked at Kiara differently with longing and adoring eyes. He always thought it was sickening and he wondered how they only managed to start dating in their Fifth Year.

Now, he could tell the difference between the twins because he had heard about the curse by Snape from the Death Eaters after they had tried to capture Harry when he left the Muggle household. That, and Mad-Eye's death, were their only achievements from that night.

"He must've hit his head on the ground as he walked past, because I don't remember welcoming any gits at our store," Fred snarled, his wand pointed at Draco as he stepped out from behind him.

"I think we should hold him for ransom – one Malfoy for the other," an unfamiliar voice suggested, his tone cold. Draco recognised him when he walked out behind Fred. It was a fellow Slytherin that he had only ever spoken to once or twice before - Cameron Harrison. The one who also had a thing for his sister.

"We're not kidnappers," Fred exhaled in frustration. His eyes darkened as he considered the thought for a split second. "But, perhaps we could become them to get Kiara back. I'd torture this ferret if it means I can have her with us again."

"Kiara is-," Draco went to say but suddenly, he was cut off by a rope that wrapped around his throat. He fell to his knees, caught off by the shocking suffocation. He reached to the rope around his neck, trying to pull it away. He gasped and choked.

"Fred!" George said warningly, noticing the way that Fred stared down darkly at Draco who was struggling on the ground. He didn't seem to show any sign of remorse or guilt for causing Draco pain, and it concerned him. His twin brother hadn't been the same since Kiara was taken from them. He hadn't seen him smile once. His eyes were lifeless, void of any emotion that wasn't anger, rage or sadness. He was worried that Fred lost a part of himself when he lost Kiara. It wasn't the same as when they were broken up. At that time, at least Fred knew that Kiara was alive and safe from harm. This time, they didn't know anything about her. They knew she was alive, because Voldemort needed for her to be alive, but they didn't know if she was okay. The extent of Fred's rage may cause him to snap and kill someone, even if it was Draco.

Fred lifted the spell. The sound of George's voice forced him to come to his senses. He stared at Draco indifferently as he spluttered, rubbing his sore neck with his hands. "Get out, Malfoy," Fred said quietly, but menacingly.

"What about exchanging him for Kiara?" Cameron asked in surprise. The only good thing to come out of Kiara's kidnapping was that Cameron and Fred had managed to become closer, which was a completely foreign concept to everyone. George thought they would've murdered each other by this point with the mutual tempers running so high, but it shocked him more than ever that they were getting along so well. It didn't bother either of them that their mutual interest in getting Kiara back was due to the fact that they both shared feelings for the same girl, which only one of them was dating. Instead, they were bonding over brainstorming plans and ideas to find Kiara and bring her back in their safe company. A small part of George wished Kiara was there solely so she could see it. He knew that she would be happy.

"He's not worth breathing the same air as us," Fred said coldly. He put his hands in his pocket and walked away, not wanting to be around that ferret for any minute longer.

"Fred, wait!" Draco gasped out. Fred ignored him and continued walking. Even though they were not identical, Fred couldn't deny the small similarities between Kiara and Draco. The reminder of her was causing his heart to ache. "Kiara sent me to find you!"

Fred stopped in his tracks, his heart beat racing. He turned to Draco quickly. "What did you say?"

"You're lying," Cameron said loudly with narrow eyes, poking his wand fiercely at Draco's chest. "Kiara is gone. You couldn't have spoken to her. He's lying, Fred. We can't listen to him."

"I don't believe him either, he's a snake," George said, staring at Draco skeptically. "You can't believe anything he says."

"Get him out of here," Fred asked, not wanting to hear Kiara's name anymore. The pain was too much for him. Cameron and George nodded, noticing the hurt on his face.

"No!" Draco argued, finally catching his breath properly once more. He pulled out the ring with the sapphire stone from his pocket and held it in his outstretched hand. Despite three pairs of eyes staring at it, he knew that only one person recognised the gold band because he was the one who had given it to her.

"Kiara..." Fred breathed softly, his eyes widening. He looked at Draco. He knew that Kiara had given the ring to Draco. There was no other reason to explain why he had the ring. "She's given this to you. You've spoken to her?"

"Is the ring hers?" Cameron asked, lowering his wand to his side. Fred nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He remembered the day he saw it for the first time in the shop window. He found it in a Muggle store, but he thought it was perfect. He didn't even check the price. The sapphire stone instantly reminded him of Kiara's original eye colour – the ocean blue colour that made him fall in love with her. There was a small sign of relief in all of their faces, until they realised something. They didn't know if she was okay, or even if she was alive. This ring, absent any other information, meant very little to them.

"She's alive," Draco answered their unasked questions. He saw the reflection of worry in their eyes, as they began to spiral into their anxieties and fears. It was hard not to fall into that trap. He pulled himself up to his feet and dusted his clothes.

"How is she?" Fred asked, taking the ring from Draco. He rubbed the ring between his thumb and finger. It gave him the slightest hint of comfort to have something that belonged to Kiara but it was nothing compared to having Kiara back in his arms. "What do they want with her?"

Draco sighed. He couldn't sugarcoat the truth from them. He knew it wasn't right by his sister, despite the fact that he was not friends with the twins. "She's locked up in a cell." Fred's face hardened, his fist squeezed tight at his side. Cameron's jaw clenched. "I've only spoken to her once. She's conscious and okay. More importantly, she's strong, stronger than most, but I don't know how long she can hold out."

"What do they want with her?" Fred repeated, but he already knew the answer. He heard the prophecy with her when she discovered its existence. He had always known since then why Voldemort was after her. He wanted her to join him in the Wizarding War.

"He just wants her."

Fred swore loudly. They knew who "he" was. "We need to get her out of there. We need to save her. Where are they keeping her?"

Draco didn't answer. He knew that if he told them, they would march to Malfoy Manor within minutes, intending to rescue and save Kiara. It was a suicide mission, and it would only cause more issues. Kiara would never forgive him, and that's if he survived the wrath and punishment if anyone ever found out that it was him who told them.

"Malfoy," Cameron said menacingly, noticing that Draco hadn't answered the question yet. "Where is Kiara?"

"I can't tell you."

Draco knew his response would cause an uproar, and it certainly did. Cameron and George swore at him and started threatening to cut off body parts that he much rather preferred to keep. Cameron's wand was back to its original position, pointing directly at Draco. Their reaction was nothing compared to Fred's however.

Fred was blinded by rage. He was no longer emotionless, because he knew that the love of his life was alive. The unknown possibility that she could've been dead had caused him to feel nothing. Now that he knew the truth, he felt pure rage that he was so close to finding her and bringing her back to him. He could find her if he knew where she was and the only thing stopping him was the twin of Kiara who stood directly in front of him.

Fred's tight fists were clutching Draco's collar as he threw him forcefully against the wall. Draco's head and back collided painfully with the wall. He exhaled sharply. Fred's hands were shaking with fury but he didn't care. "Tell me where she is Malfoy or I will make you pay for it!" Fred spat.

He was surprised to see that Draco didn't look worried or scared of Fred. He didn't even cry aloud or complain about the pain that he felt. Instead, he stared back at him with no emotion. "I can't tell you," Draco repeated. His voice was calm, despite the fact that he was being threatened with physical harm by three armed wizards.

"Malfoy, we just want Kiara back! We don't want to hurt anyone," Cameron snarled from over Fred's shoulder.

"We don't want to have to hurt you," George threatened, pointing his wand at him menacingly. "But, we will if we don't have a choice."

Draco ignored both of them. Instead, he stared firmly at Fred, who was glaring at him. "I don't have a choice here either."

Fred's eyes darkened as he tightened his grip on Draco's collar, pushing him higher and harder against the wall. Although Fred hadn't played Quidditch as a Beater since his Seventh Year at Hogwarts, his Beater arms did not fail him in holding the weight of someone like Draco. "That's rubbish and you know it. You're just lying to save your own skin, you foul cockroach," he roared, causing Cameron and George to look at him in concern. They weren't expecting such a loud outburst, particularly as the shop was meant to be deserted. But, Fred did not care anymore. He wanted the Death Eaters to come. He would hurt all of them until someone told him where Kiara was. He didn't care if that made him a bad person. He only wanted her back.

"Fred, lower your voice," George said lowly, staring at the front door apprehensively. The last thing that they needed right now was someone overhearing the source of the commotion and coming to investigate. They couldn't take risks of getting caught.

"I am not just trying to save my own skin!" Draco shouted, reaching the end of his patience. He was sick of people assuming that he was selfish, as he used to be. Fred stared at him, his face stone cold, without breaking any eye contact. "I'm trying to save yours as well, Fred!"

It was the first time ever that one of them had ever used their first name, rather than speaking on a last name basis. The peculiarity caused Fred to loosen his grip on Draco and drop him to his feet. Before Fred could respond however, they heard a shout from outside that made the hair on the back of their necks stand on edge.

"Oi! I heard something from over here!"

Cameron swore under his breath. "They heard us! We need to hide!"

Fred didn't move or acknowledge the danger. Instead, he stared at Draco oddly.

"Fred!" George urged. He could hear footsteps approaching the shop. They needed to hire or fight, and hiding would be a lot easier and less risky. "We need to hide behind the door."

His twin finally listened, hearing the desperation in his words. "Quick!"

Fred went to follow Cameron and George but hesitated when he noticed that he was the straggler. Draco did not make any movement. He merely stood there, accepting the fact that he was going to get caught by a group of Snatchers. He would show them his Dark Mark, and they would hopefully leave him alone without a struggle.

Suddenly, Draco jumped when a hand gripped his shoulder. "Come on," Fred encouraged, urging him to come with him. Draco felt stunned at his willingness to help him but nodded, the footsteps and jeers becoming louder.

"Fred, what the-," George hissed but Fred pushed past him, Draco hot on his heels. Cameron quickly pushed the disguised door shut with a click behind them as the front door swung open forcefully. The four of them stood huddled closely together at the foot of the stairs to the flat, protected by a Fidelius Charm. Fred and George shared the role of SecretKeepers because they didn't want to leave the flat just yet, incase Kiara managed to escape wherever she was and return home.

"Honey, we're home!" They heard a Snatcher taunt as they stepped over the threshold.

"We know you're in here!" Another hooted. They stood in silence, holding their breath as they heard someone push something to the floor with a bang.

"Search the joint," One demanded, as they quickly realised that the room was empty. They searched the room desperately, wanting to fill their pockets with gold and silver once they took their captives to the Ministry. Fred heard the sound of them rummaging through the store desperately. The back room was hidden behind a disguised door as well, to keep the remaining products safe and secure.

Suddenly, there was silence. They had clearly finished their rummaging through the empty store. They were unsuccessful in finding the disguised doors.

"I heard something, I'm telling ya!" The other snapped.

"There's nothing here," One grunted disappointedly. "Let's get out of here."

Fred heard the dragging of feet before the front door slammed shut behind them. Cameron went to open the door but Fred stopped him.

"Not that way. They might come back. Let's go upstairs."

"What do we do with him?" Cameron nodded at Draco, who walked behind them hesitantly as they walked up the stairs. "Toss him out on the road? Hang him out to dry?"

Fred didn't answer. He stepped into the living room, thinking over Draco's words earlier. Draco glanced around the living room, trying to hide his surprise at the size of it. He expected a room that was smaller than a toilet, but it was the size of his bedroom. It was full of warmth and he knew Kiara was behind some of the decorations.

"Why are you trying to save my life?" Fred asked, noticing the way that Draco looked around the room. He couldn't wait for the answer anymore. He wanted to be suspicious, but he didn't have the unnerving feeling associated with goosebumps. It made him wonder whether Draco was being genuine to him, for the first time.

"It's not just you," Draco answered, no longer feeling the urge to raise his voice at Fred after they were nearly caught. "I'm trying to save all of you," Draco gestured to George and Cameron, who looked at him skeptically. "If you know where she is, you will go there and you will be tortured and killed. They will use you to make her do whatever they want. Do you want to give them the only leverage they need to force Kiara to do their bidding?"

Fred was silent. He merely stared at Draco, trying to see through his words to find the lies underneath. But, there was nothing. There was no deceit or falsity.

"How can we trust him?" George said with narrowed eyes.

"I don't trust him at all," Cameron barked. "Fred?"

Fred was silent for a moment. He was still staring at Draco, searching for any signs of deception. Draco didn't look away. He wasn't lying. He had nothing to hide.

"Fred?" George repeated.

"Let it go," Fred said quietly.

"But... Kiara-,"

"He's telling the truth," Fred shot down George and Cameron's protests. "Do you really think You-Know-Who would send him here to give me Kiara's ring, so I know she's alive? He'd want us to come there."

George and Cameron sighed, realising that he was right. Although it was completely unheard of, and flabbergasting at the same time, they could see that Draco's intentions were good.

"So, what do we do now?" Cameron asked, looking between Fred and George. They were still at square one of their problems, since they didn't have a clue where Kiara was. The only positive was that they knew she was alive.

Fred looked at Draco with determination in his eyes. "I'm not going to stop looking for her."

Draco smiled, which caught Fred off guard. It was the first time that Fred had ever seen a smile on Draco's face that wasn't a smirk or sneer. It was unfamiliar, but it reached his eyes. Fred didn't expect Draco to understand him, but he knew that he loved Kiara and cared for her deeply. There was nothing that he could say or do to convince him to stop trying to find her. Draco only wished that one day, he would experience that same sort of love. "I'd be surprised if you didn't."

"We will keep searching," George added.

"She can get out though... Wherever she is," Cameron said hopefully but Draco shook his head. He knew his own home better than anyone. They had planned her capture for a very long time, which meant that they had planned to keep her as secure as possible without any opportunity for her to escape. He could lie, and give them the slightest hope that she would get out. But, he couldn't do it. He had to tell them the truth.

"It's impossible to escape. They've planned it for people like her."

Fred sighed in disappointment, despite the fact that he knew deep down that it was true. "Kiara is stronger than anyone I've ever met. If anyone is going to be able to overcome the impossible, it's her."

Draco shrugged his shoulders. Perhaps, Fred was always going to have hope that Kiara will come back to him and even the actual reality of the situation wouldn't change him. Hope was the only thing that any of them had anymore. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear, and that's the world that they lived in now.

Thinking of fear made Draco remember an urging truth. "I need to get going before anyone notices that I am missing. No one knows that I'm gone."

George and Cameron didn't say anything. Draco could tell that they were having a hard time trusting him, unlike Fred who had realised that Draco did have Kiara's interest at heart. It may not be his best interest, but he certainly thought of her as well.

"Malf-, I mean Draco," Fred stopped him as he took out his wand, ready to Disapparate. "Please, where you can, look after her." George and Cameron nodded in agreement, despite their scepticism.

Draco looked at the three of them. "Kiara is my sister too. And I want to see her out of there as much as you. If the opportunity is there, I will get her out. I promise."

Fred grinned, feeling happy with the outcome of their interaction. He stretched his hand, indicating for Draco to shake it before he Disapparated. "You know, I never thought I'd get along with another Malfoy."

Draco laughed, for the first time in what felt like years. Maybe it was, he couldn't remember the last time that someone made him laugh like that. He would never admit it to anyone, but both Fred and George always made him laugh to himself at Hogwarts when they weren't playing pranks on him. He could see why Kiara enjoyed spending so much time with them since they always were full of laughs. "You're alright yourself mate, for a Weasel." And without another word, Draco apparated back to the Manor.


Something very different! Draco's point of view and I loved writing it. Thoughts?


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Mohlo by se ti lรญbit

3.4M 94.3K 99
Draco Malfoy fic in a Hogwarts universe where Voldy doesn't exist and everyone is alive and well. โœฉ ๐™’๐™Š๐™‰๐˜ฟ๐™€๐™๐™’๐˜ผ๐™‡๐™‡: Somebody who is the reason...
1.2M 30.7K 71
โ๐๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ ๐จโž Y/N Larkspur arrives at Hogwarts with a disgraceful family name to be sorted into the house her father scorns. Her world suddenly co...
173 0 20
A powerful witch named Hestia Blackwell is left in the ruins and rebuilding since The Battle Of Hogwarts. She reunites with friends and fights to bec...
342K 7.1K 26
Hermione Granger; brightest witch of her age, muggle-born, best friends with Harry Potter, Lord Voldemorts long lost daughter? Before the start of he...