Taking Over Me || Rhea Ripley...

By cuznmiller

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Proclaimed singer Sofia Daddio-Andrea, or better known on stage as Sofia Ann has just been offered a deal to... More

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𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞 || 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

523 16 0
By cuznmiller

It was now the next monday as I was in the locker room getting ready for Monday Night Raw. I was going to be apart of Liv and Dominick's promo where she called me out. Not only was I going to be debuting new gear but I was also debuting a new theme song. As I got changed I looked in the mirror checking out my new gear.

|| The new gear, the style of ripped mesh represents the ripped and broken bond between her and liv ;) ||

There was then a knock on the door, "Sofia, you're up." a producer said through the door. I walked out of the locker room earning a few stares with my fresh gear as I went to the curtain to wait. Liv was on the mic talking with Dominick by her side.

"And you know, if Sofia is as tough as you all think she is, then won't she come out and meet me?" There was a pause. "See, I told you guys from the start that-" She was cut off by a song nobody recognized as a theme. Backstabber by Kesha played [Theme starts at 0:30]

Now I know exactly what you're all about (What you're all about)

This is what you're all about

There was a pause as smoke filled the entrance. The chorus hit and I came walking out.  I stood at the top of the ramp for a minute basking in the crowd as they loved the new theme. I mouthed the lyrics looking at Liv. I began my walk to the ring as the song faded out. I entered through the middle rope smiling at Liv.

"You see Liv there's one thing I don't understand about this call out." I paused looking to the crowd who cheered.

"You call me out, you call me weak, but.. don't you remember?" I said smirking. "Not only did you have your little boy toy assault his team and betray them. No, but you, YOU turned on your own sister. Your own blood. YET, you preach that you are the strongest sister, YOU are the better sister but Liv; let's jog your memory." Liv looked pissed as she went to raise the microphone to silence the crowd Dominick pushed it down shaking his head.

"Liv, sis, don't you remember when I saved you from Nia Jax? Or the time I again saved you from Alexa Bliss. Or what about the time I came out and protected you from Stephanie infront of all of the WWE Universe knowing damn well I could get fired. Maybe you remember the time I saved you from having Rhea destroy you and run your ass straight into the ground." I kept a smile on my face as the crowd went wild with the last line.

"You didn't save me, I never needed saving, I NEVER MADE YOU SAVE ME. You could've just sat there-" Liv responded as I cut her off.

"Oh? Sit there and watch like you did when Rhea attacked me from behind after Summer Slam? Sit there and watch like YOU DID WHEN CHARLOTTE FLAIR THREW ME OFF THE STEEL CAGE?" I paused as I calmed myself down. My Scottish Accent was beginning to slip out. I kept it at bay when I was in character. I swear though, the crowd got louder when it started to slip. This gave me an idea. "Liv, maybe I should've sat there and watched. I should've sat there and watched like you did when I moved to Scotland. I was away and you made no attempt to see me or talk to me, Liv. Why was that? Was I not worth your time now that I wasn't near you. I was only 3 Liv. But you know what Liv, I learned something while in Scotland." I looked to the crowd with a smirk.

"Chan eil an cunt seo airidh air ach truaighe airson na rinn i dhomh." -This cunt deserves nothing but misery for what she did to me.- || IDC IF THE TRANSLATIONS WRONG KIDS GAELIC IS HARD TO TRANSLATE. || I smirked as the whore cunt was the only word that was understandable from the English dialect.

"What did you just say?" Liv asked infuriated. I turned to her with a smile, "A bheil thu bodhar? Nach eil fios agad ciamar a dh'èisteas tu? Thuirt mi gur e cunt a th' annad." [ENGLISH] - Are you deaf? Don't you know how to listen? I said you're a cunt. -

Liv slapped me across the face making me stumble back and drop my microphone. My back was to the side of the ring that faced the ramp and stage. She walked over and started kicking me while I was under the bottom rope. Dominick came up and did the same. "Say it again!" Liv screamed at me.


This single sound was almost echoed around the arena as the crowd had one of the loudest pops I've ever heard. "You've got to be kidding me." Liv mumbled while meanwhile the commentary table was going wild. "And what is going on here Corey?? I mean, I knew Rhea spared Sofia but this? My god this is different behavior from the Eradicator, Rhea Bloody Ripley."

Rhea ran down to ringside followed by Damian and Finn as she grabbed me from under the bottom rope and pulled me out the ring. I fell down clinching my stomach and groaning in pain. "You leave her alone!" Rhea yelled at Liv. "Stay out of our business, Rhea!" Liv yelled back. Rhea kneeled down as Damian and Finn got into the ring backing Liv and Dominick up while trash talking them. "You good?" Rhea asked kneeling over me, to which I just responded with a groan and a nod. Some Medical staff ran up along with security guards and a few refs. The medical staff helped me up as Rhea was asking me if I was okay. "I'll be fine, I hope." I said to her. She nodded as I stumbled backstage with the medical staff. They took me to the Medical Bay backstage where they examined me. Of course, I was staged to get attacked but injuries sometimes just happen. 

As they pushed on my stomach I groaned out in pain. Rhea knew that I was seriously injured by the fact I didn't say anything in character like usual, I just groaned in pain. Liv could tell by Rhea's expression that something was wrong as well. As I laid backstage I heard the door open and in walked Rhea and Liv. "Sis, you okay?" Liv ran up by my side. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine." I brushed off the injury as if it was nothing though I knew it could be serious. The trainer pushed down on my ribs again this time harder making my scream in pain, "AH FUCK DUDE!" I rolled to my side facing Liv. Rhea walked up next to Liv and surprisingly looked a little small bit concerned. I grabbed Liv's hand for morale support. "I need to continue the test." The trained said. I nodded laying back flat on my back. He pushed down again making me squeeze Liv's hand hard. "Ow, fuck Sofia." Liv pulled her hand free shaking it as it was red. "Don't be a wuss Liv. Your sister needs you." Rhea said chuckling, "Yeah, well my sister has the grip strength of a grown man who deadlifts for a living." Liv said still shaking her hand. Rhea just rolled her hand and grabbed my hand as the Trainer proceeded with the test.

I tried not to think about the fact Rhea was literally holding my hand but it was quite hard. I felt shivers all down my body when she initially decided to grab it. The trained pushed one more time as I squeezed Rhea's hand and tried to conceal a tear that ran down my face. "Alright, I'm pretty sure I know what it is.." The trainer said looking to me, "It seems as if you have a fractured rib. It's not the worst, It'll take most likely around 6-10 weeks to fully heal depending on what an X-Ray shows."

 I nodded as another tear ran down my face. Not from pain but from the emotional pain of not being able to wrestle for awhile. Rhea gave my hand a quick squeeze before she let go of it. With that some EMT's arrived and placed me on the stretcher. "I'm so sorry sis, I didn't mean for this to happen." Liv grabbed my shoulders. "No, don't, it happens we're wrestlers we should expect this shit to happen every once in awhile." I smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug the best I could without hurting myself further. "I'll see y'all in uh.. 6-10 weeks I guess." I laughed as the EMT's rolled me out of the medical bay. There were a bunch of wrestlers hanging around as the show had just ended and we had to go through all of the main hallways to get to the ambulance. Which sadly was parked out where the fans would be across the street. As we rolled down the hall almost every superstar turned and gave me a fist bump or a high five of some sort with some words of encouragement.

We reached Bianca to where I made them stop for a second. Bianca grabbed my hand as she spoke, "You're strong I know you are. You'll get through this injury and come back better." Becky walked up after her and connected our foreheads, "You're one of the toughest gal's I know. You're gonna be okay trust me. I know it's scary the thought of not wrestling but take the time to watch film, think, and just improve yourself overall so you can come back and kick ass." Becky gave me a peck on the cheek in a friendly manner before hugging me as the EMT's then moved along.

We reached outside where multiple fans were across the street. It was a pathetic sight to see honestly. Me on a stretcher strapped down with my stomach fully tapped and padded on one side with an IV in my arm for pain killers. "It's Sofia!!" Someone yelled which got everyone's attentions as they all started yelling for me. I just raised my hand and waved as I was placed in the back of the ambulance and as the doors shut I took a deep breath. I realized I'd be coming a little before the Rumble. I was going to come back and win that fucking Royal Rumble no matter what it took in me.

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