𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞 || 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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The lights went out and with that the crowd went silent. Then you could hear the start of 'Bills, Bills, Bills' just as quick as it started the music faded out into 'Cater 2 U' but again right when vocals should've started the whole room went dark again. There was a long pause now. The spotlights came on surfing around the room. You could hear a very faint beat to the song 'Jumpin', Jumping' once more the spotlights went black. Then 'Jumping', Jumping' officially started and the spotlights all landed on the three girls.

Ladies, leave your man at home
The club is full of ballers and their pockets full grown
And all you fellas, leave your girl with her friends
'Cause it's eleven thirty and the club is jumpin', jumpin'

The girls all sung in unison now as the crowd went wild.

Though he say he got a girl
Yeah, it's true, you got a man
But the party ain't gon' stop
So let's make it hot, hot

Rhea watched Sofia, as if something inside her called to her; as if it was just her and Sofia. What was Rhea thinking? She wasn't gay, nor did she even like Sofia in general; she quickly dismissed these thoughts just as quick as they started.

Last weekend, you stayed at home alone and lonely
Couldn't find your man, he was chillin' with his homies
This weekend you're goin' out
If he try to to stop you, you're goin' off
You got your hair done and your nails done too
A new outfit and your Fendi shoes
You and your crew parlayin' at the hottest spot
Tonight you're gonna find the fellas
Rollin' in the Lexus trucks and Hummers

Sofia now sung the solo interacting with the crowd as she did the choreograph. She kneeled down as she sung to one girl individually. When Sofia performed it was as if she was untouchable. As if she could get anything she asked for.

The chorus hit and the girls grouped back up to continue the choreograph. As the middle of the chorus hit the music started to cut in and out as if it was a technical issue. With this Sofia turned around acting mad with the sound crew.

"Crew, what the hell is going on back there?" That's when the tune of 'Say My Name' hit causing Sofia to turn around with a smirk. "You guy's know this? I don't think you do, here let us teach you." She motioned to the girls singing with her as they begun to sing.

Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ain't runnin' game

As the first lyrics hit Sofia made eye contact with Sonya, making sure everybody knew good and well who this song was about. Some other superstars just laughed at this; it was quite funny to see Sonya get humiliated on a bigger stage like that.

Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
Ain't callin' me baby
Why the sudden change
Say my name, say my name
If no one is around you
Say baby I love you
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
Ain't callin' me baby
Better say my name

Any other day
I would call and you would say
Baby how's your day
But today, it ain't the same

Sofia leaned down looking at the crowd as if she was telling them a story, her facial expressions matching the words.

Every other word
Is "uh-huh" yeah "okay"
Could it be that you
Are at the crib with another lady

Sofia pointed to Sonya briefly when the last lyric hit with a smirk making the crowd react with a, "Ooh!"

If you took it there
First of all, let me say
I am not the one
To sit around, and be played
So prove yourself to me
I am the girl that you claim
Why don't you say the thangs
That you said to me yesterday

Sofia stood up meeting back up with the other girls in the middle of the stage.

I know you say that I am assuming things
Something's going down that's the way it seems
Shouldn't be the reason why you're acting strange
If nobody's holding you back from me
'Cause I know how you usually do
When you say everything to me times two
Why can't you just tell the truth
If somebody's there then tell me who

The chorus now hit as the song went on, the crowd going crazier with each lyric as they've never heard this song before.

What is up with this
Tell the truth, who you with
How would you like it if
I came over with my clique
Don't try to change it now
See you gotta bounce
When two seconds ago
You said you just got in the house
It's hard to believe that you
Are at home, by yourself
When I just heard the voice
Heard the voice of someone else

The crowd went crazy with this lyric as voice calls from Sonya cheating on Sofia that got leaked previously revealed you could hear the side girl in the call.

Just this question why
Do you feel you gotta lie
Gettin' caught up in your game
When you can not say my name

As the song went on the smirk on Sofia's face only grew.

As the concert came to a close Sofia thanked the people up on stage with her along with acknowledging her sister Liv in the crowd. With that Sofia gave a mini bow and made her way off stage.

Meanwhile, Zelina looked to Liv, "Liv, why the hell have you not gotten us tickets to see her sooner?" Liv chuckled. "Yeah, you have been keeping these performances a secret? from us? really?" Becky added as Liv just laughed more. "We're gonna go to an afterparty at the rooftop bar a few blocks down, y'all coming?" Zelina asked looking around to the group around her; they all agreed on coming and so the group made their way to the bar.

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