Connor: Vol 1

Connorwells98 द्वारा

40 0 0

After coming back to school to make up for what he missed, Connor ends up through adventures he once wished h... अधिक



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Connorwells98 द्वारा

Connor was currently walking around school, looking for Cherry since Aphmau was with family when he notice her walk around a corner. Connor smiles and approach her but then stop when he heard...

"Ivan, stop, not here." Said Cherry. "Come on, we're alone...besides, who'd come looking here?" Asked Ivan. "The fatty Connor." Said Cherry. Connor stopped, feeling his world shatter. "Ha! Doubt it, besides, even if he did, I'd kick his the way, when are you going to stop hanging out with him?" Ask Ivan.

"I'll stop as soon as I get Aphmau to hate him." Said Cherry. Connor felt his heart skip, his brain began hurting, making him unable to think, "Come on, we should have some fun~." Said Ivan. The two continue talking for a bit while Connor felt his head hurting, making him feel more and more pain plus sadness from how he was used like this, even if he kind of expected something like this to happen.

As much as Connor should've known this would've happen, he had too much fun and started to let his guard down, thinking she thought of him as a actual friend. Tears drip from his eyes as he felt pain in his head and chest, his breath began going fast and tight, as if he was having a heart attack but somehow kept himself from making noise as Ivan and Cherry talked and did their "thing". Connor remembered his time with Cherry and felt more and more sadness. Suddenly, Connor couldn't take it and runs from the area, running until he was in a area of the school where he was alone.

As Connor looks falls to his knees, he felt his heart ache along with his head and chest due to the running make Connor's lungs burn. Connor pants as he felt the pain in those three areas until he took a deep breath in and scream his pain and misery away, making the quiet area echo with Connor's cry. Connor then slammed his head onto the grass, the grass making it not as hard and with it being wet from fresh water or rain, it didn't hurt Connor's already aching head. Connor pants and cries as he began screaming more and more of his pain. Connor screamed until his burning lungs burned more and he coughed uncontrollably as he also had trouble breathing since it burned every time he breathed. Connor pant for a bit before passing out.

Connor awoke to heat from the sun, the colour of the sky being a orange like colour of the sun setting. Sitting up, Connor felt the pain of his head while his heart and chest was better. Connor got up and walked to where he had his bag before. As he walked, Connor felt his phone vibrate due to him having a phone call. Taking his phone out, Connor answered the call.

"Connor! Where were you?! After lunch, no one saw you all day!" Yelled Rachael, worried. "Sorry, I...passed out and just woke up...I'm going to get my stuff and then I'll meet you at the front of the school." Said Connor. Connor hung up the phone before walking towards the last classroom he put his stuff at and once he got it, he began walking to the front of the school. As he walked, Connor saw Cherry walking to him.

"Connor! Where were you?! I've been--" Cherry cuts herself off as Connor walked past her. "Huh?" Cherry asked, confused. Cherry turns to Connor and then walked to him, wanting to talk to Connor, who ignores her. Eventually they got to the front as Cherry gave up, staying behind as he walked out, seeing his mother by the gate, his dad beside her.

"Connor!" Rachael yells. Rachael hugs Connor, which he did back. "Hey mum, sorry to worry you." Said Connor. With that, they went home. Arriving home, Connor sighs as he lays onto his bed, feeling the pain of his head slowly fade due to Connor taking some pain killers before. Connor looks at the roof before he noticed the door open and reveal his mother.

"Connor, me and your father are just going to head out for a sec, ok?" Said Rachael. "K mum." Said Connor. Rachael close his door and Connor sighs before turning and going to sleep. The next day, Connor sits up, from his bed, feeling the pain in his head was gone, making him capable to think. Because of the pain, he couldn't think straight yesterday and wanted to wait for it to pass before doing so, making Connor capable to think now.

"Cherry...why?" Connor asked himself. Suddenly, the door opened and revealed his mother. "Come on Connor, time to get ready for school." Said Rachael. Connor nods and got up as his mother left. Connor got dressed, ate breakfast and eventually, he was all ready for school. Arriving to school, Connor saw Cherry waiting for him alone, meaning Aphmau's still seeing family. Connor stared at her before walking towards the gate, aka her way, making her turn to him.

"Hey! Why didn't you--" Cherry didn't finish because Connor walked past her. Walking inside, Connor kept ignoring her, as much as she kept nagging him and try to get him to stop walking, but he nudged past her and kept walking as Cherry looked at him mad. As Connor walked around school, he noticed someone walking to him. Turning, Connor saw it was Cherry and went to walk away, when he felt Cherry's hand on his chest, shoving him back.

"What's your deal?! Why are you avoiding me?!" Asked Cherry. Connor stared at her blankly before speaking. "You're the one who said you wanted Aphmau to hate me." Said Connor. Cherry looked at Connor, shocked. "W-What?" Asked Cherry, a little scared. "I was said you were pretending to be my friend so you can make Aphmau hate me and leave me...fucking bitch." Said Connor.

Connor pushed past her, walking away and left Cherry there, looking mad, having just been disrespected for the first time since she never was disrespected before. Ever since that day...the day Connor talked back against was worse at school. Cherry began spreading more things about Connor all over the place, saying Connor stalked her, touched her hand, shoulder or other places when she didn't want it, told them that he also hit her and attempted to sexually assault her.

From that day, Connor was treated as badly as he was back at his old school, making Connor going though much more pain at school and on his way home from school. It got so bad that the police was eventually involved but due to there being no evidence, Connor wasn't arrested, though it just meant that he'd be in hell at school.

Because of how Aphmau had to see family, she wasn't there and couldn't help and Connor didn't tell her cause if the family thing involved someone passing or something happening that could make her need time to grieve, Connor wasn't going to put another problem to worry and upset her. Anyway, during her time away, Connor was beaten by students every chance they get, hurting him and making him feel the pain he once did before he met Aphmau and his friends, trying to defend him.

As time went by, Connor always beaten, stained with blood, trash, toilet water and bruises. Because of how Connor was been through this before, Connor could handle it. 2 weeks went by and Connor was currently against a wall, bleeding from his fresh beating. Connor looked down, feeling blood and tears go down his face. Just then, Connor notice someone walk towards him. Looking up, Connor saw Cherry and her new friend Hosel.

"Hey, freak, how's it going?" Asked Cherry. Connor doesn't answer, just look down. Just then, Connor notice Hosel kick him in the stomach. "Gah!!!" Connor Yelled as he held his chest as he slides from the wall and to the ground. "Answer her when she speaks." Said Hosel. Connor again doesn't answer. Connor then got up, ignoring the pain. Connor began walking to class when he was kicked again, making him fall. "Who said you could leave?" Asked Cherry. Again, Connor doesn't answer again. Just then, someone runs towards them. Connor close his eyes, expecting them to be more bullies when...

"Hey!" Connor open his eyes wide, hearing the familiar, gentle, sweet voice of Aphmau, running to them. "A-Aphmau, this isn't--" Cherry was cut off when she was pushed, going past her, kneeing down to Connor. "Connor!" Yelled Aphmau. Aphmau knees down to Connor, making him look up at Aphmau, making her look in shock at Connor's eyes. Due to the bullying, Connor's spark that shines in his eyes were gone, instead was dull, tired, dead eyes.

"Connor...your eyes." Aphmau muttered. Connor doesn't speak, just stare at her, his eyes dripping with tears. Aphmau then turns to Cherry. "Why do this?!" Yelled Aphmau. "He's a creep and a curse!" Yelled Cherry. Aphmau looks at Cherry angry before speaking. "I thought you were our friend." Said Aphmau. "I am yours, not his." Said Cherry. "Oh yeah? Now I'm not yours." Said Aphmau. Cherry then stared at Aphmau, shocked. "W-What?" Asked Cherry.

Aphmau then helped Connor up. "Come on Connor, let's get you patched up." Said Aphmau. Connor was silent, just nodding. The two walked towards the health room. Arriving at the health room, Aphmau patched Connor's wounds up. "Connor...what happened? Why did they hurt you? And why didn't you tell me?!" Asked Aphmau. Connor was silent for a moment before speaking. "Because you said you had to go to see family...I didn't want to say anything cause it'll make you more upset if you were already from the family emergency." Said Connor.

Aphmau looked in shock. "Connor..." Aphmau muttered. Connor looked down. Just then, he felt Aphmau hug him, making him feel the same warmth he felt when he was with Aphmau. "Why...are you hugging me? I get hurt by everyone so why...?" Asked Connor. Aphmau felt heart broken when she heard that. "Because your my friend." Said Aphmau. She tightens her grip, trying to not hurt him. "I'll never hurt you...ever." Said Aphmau. Connor felt tears go down his eyes as he's expression was the same. Wrapping his arms around her, he hugs back. "Warm..." Connor muttered. Connor snuggles to her as he felt the warmth of Aphmau. She goes red as she hugs him. "Come on...we should go." Said Aphmau.

Connor nods and let's go of Aphmau, the two walking out of the health room. As the two walked towards their class, everyone stared at them. The two got to class and sit down, Aphmau ignoring everyone talking to her and stop everyone who picked on Connor. Eventually, it was almost time for school to end and as Connor sits near the girls bathroom, he waits for Aphmau. As Aphmau washed her hands, she noticed Cherry walk to her.

"Aphmau, why are you stopping everyone from giving Connor what he deserves?" Asked Cherry. "Cause he doesn't deserve it...Connor is nothing like what you say he is! He's kind and gentle to everyone!" Yelled Aphmau. "You believe that? He's faking it! He's nothing but a--" Cherry was cut off. "Shut up!" Aphmau yelled. "You know nothing! He is a kind person! He's been broken and hurt so many times! I know myself...I saw him broken myself and it hurt me to see him like eyes lost his spark...he looks so dull and broken..." Said Aphmau.

Aphmau turns and began walking towards the door when Cherry grabs Aphmau's hand. "What does he have that I don't?!" Yelled Cherry. Aphmau looking down and then to her. "A heart for others even if they are not wanted." Said Aphmau. Aphmau yanks her hand away and runs out the bathroom. Looking to the side, Aphmau saw Connor against the wall. Connor got up and the two walked towards their last class for the day.

The next day, Connor and Aphmau were currently walking to class as Connor notice Aphamu looked tired. "You Ok Aphmau?" Asked Connor. Aphmau turns to Connor. "People were asking me to go with them go the disco to tomorrow night...I got someone I wanted to go with so I decline." Said Aphmau. Since it was the end of the first term, they wanted to do a disco to celebrate, which you can go by yourself or go with someone like a date. Connor didn't think he'd go since he was always alone and treated like he wanted or allowed, but then met Aphmau, making him want to go.

"Really? Who?" Connor asked, making Aphmau blush. "I-I'm not ready to say...I don't know if he wants to go with me..." Said Aphmau. Connor looks at her before smiling. "Well, I guess I can't ask." Said Connor. "Huh?" Asked Aphmau. Aphmau turns to Connor, confused. "If you had someone you'd want to go with, I can't ask you to go since you'd be with them." Said Connor. She blushes. "Y-You wanted to go? With me?" Asked Aphmau. Connor nods.

"But I won't make you, I hope the person you want to ask feels the same! I'll see you later." Said Connor. Connor walked away, leaving Aphmau, looking down before taking a breath. "Connor, you're the person I wanted to go with." Said Aphmau. It was eventually after school, and Connor walked to the entrance to see Aphmau waiting. "Hey Aphmau." Said Connor. Aphmau turns to him, smiling. "Hey Connor." Said Aphmau. "Waiting for your mum?" Asked Connor. "No...I wanted to ask you something." Said Aphmau.

"Ok? What is it?" Asked Connor. "C-Connor...remember the person I wanted to go to the disco with? Well...the person I wanted to ask...was you." Said Aphmau. "W-What?" Asked Connor. "You...left before I could tell you, but you were the person I wanted to go with." Said Aphmau.

Connor looks at Aphmau, shocked and blushing but then smiles. "Then...if your still willing...would you like to go?" Asked Connor. Aphmau smiles and nods, the two walking home afterwards and get ready for tomorrow.

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