Izuku: Siren's Soul

By IndigosDen

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After the visit to the quirk doctor at four years old. Izuku was despised by both Inko and Toshinori. ( I kno... More

important stuff
part 1 - Doctors
Part 2-Neglectance
part 4 - Accident
Part 3 - Confrontation
part 5- Bullying
part 5 - oh no
part 6 - Torture
Part 7- Experiments
part 8 - Rescue
part 9 - Home
part 10 - Complication
Part 11 - Help you cope
part 12 - Training Part 1
Part 13 - Training Part 2
Updated Info
part 15 - A new housemate
part 16 - School and A new house
part 17 - 1st Day
part 18 - New selves
part 19 - USJ Incident
part 20 - USJ ( Other POV's )
Part 21 - Little Day part 1
part 22 - Little Day part 2 - The end?

part 14 - Rest and Reunions

320 4 0
By IndigosDen

Shina's POV - At the house - 3 days later.

I woke up to Izumi clearly in littlespace and still wearing the noise cancelling Raphael made for her. The quirk drawbacks should dissipate in about 10 minutes, wo wearing those should practically make her deaf.

I got up and she noticed I was awake. She pounced on me, clearly wanting cuddles so I complied and picked her up with relative ease.

Somehow, me and Sho got strong and a little taller than her so we can pick her up easily.

I got Raphael to put her into a onesie and took her downstairs.

'Hey Ranga and Shion could you leave Izumi's shadow and into mine? Just in case I need your help.'

'Of course!'

'Happy to!'

They both materialised and I finally got a look at Shion.

"Wow. You're beautiful!" I admired,

"Aww, thank you! You're just soo adorable! Who would ever want to hurt you? Anyways, whenever you need us, just call our names and we will be here faster than you know!"

I nod and they both slip into my shadow as I readjust Izumi and walk downstairs.

"Morning Shina,Izumi./Little listeners!" Uncle Zawa and Zashi said respectively.

I give them a tired nod and head for the couch. I land on it with Izumi giggling and playing with my fingers. I smile fondly at her and give her my hand to play with, when she suddenly turns to me and gives me a kiss on my cheek. I blush intensely at this and she just looks proud of herself and goes back to play with my hand.

After about 10 minutes, Rimuru appears, falling about a foot from the ground.

"Where have you been?" Zawa questioned, like the good dad he is.

"I was in my old world. I have been rebuilding the entire thing. I finally got all the species and now I just need to remake the landscape."

"I thought it took you about 8 years to get here?"

"My physical body, yes. But once I got here, I made a warp spot here so I can teleport here from any point in existence. I have one at my old world too so I can travel back and forth easily." Rimuru explained for me.

I give a hum and turn back to my little bunny on my lap. She is sucking on her thumb and looking tired.

'Raphael can you get or make a pacifier for her?'

'Yes. It will appear in front of you in 3 seconds'

I held out my hand, and 3 seconds later, a silver/teal pacifier fell from a few centimetres above my hand. I put it to Izumi's lips and she took it, sucking on it happily.

She dozed off and I tried to leave, only for her to grip me like I was a lifeline.

I tried the pressure point I used on Sho but it wouldnt work so I just sat down.

"Just tell me when breakfast's done and I'll wake her up and attempt to get her out of the headspace." I hear an ok and start combing my fingers through her hair as I know she loves it.

She practically purrs and leans into my touch in her sleep which leaves me smiling.

A few minutes later, Uncle Zawa calls us for breakfast and I lightly shook Izumi and made sure she knew she was safe.

Waking up in places other than our bedroom is always scary for her.

When she woke up she was obviously out of the headspace but still tired so I carried her to the table and placed her into a chair.

"You still little Izumi?" Zashi says, hesitant of his tone.

She shakes her head and he reaponds by placing a bowl of cereal in front of her.

At some points, Sho had gotten here.

"Sho? When'd you get here?" I asked curiously.

"Souei has been teaching me shadow movement. I got here a few seconds ago."

"He is quite talented for any skill relating to shadows or darkness." Souei praised, momentarily exiting his shadow before returning.

"You got praise from Souei?! Man you have to be good." Rimuru states in disbelief.

"So, we have a few things to do today. We want to try to reintroduce you to your families. Now, I know Izumi's parents arent good people but her other sister is and I'm sure that she would want to see you. And Enji and Rei have felt soo bad about not protecting you and all they want is to see you again. Would you be okay with that?"

We all agree. What's the worst that could happen?

'The worst possible outcome would be-'

Rhetorical question Raphael!

We all finish our food and Izumi notices she's still in a onesie and changes with the assistance of Raphael.

She wore a cute periwinkle skirt aswell as a white shirt and red cardigan. Me and Sho couldnt help but blush because she is adorable.

We get into the car and then drive into a direction that is somehow familiar to the three of us.

We stop outside of a traditional japanese style house and are met at the door by 5 people I that, when I saw them, gave me flashbacks and all the memories came flooding into my head.

It seems to have happened to the others too because we all said in unison,

"Mom? Dad? Touya? Fuyumi? Natsu?" It was barely over a whisper but we are sure they heard it, because their eyes lit up.

We all ran to them and hugged them all with Rei, Touya and Fuyumi crying and Enji and Natsu just holding us tightly.

Later in the day - Todoroki living room - 3rd person POV

"So. Would you like to continue living with the Yama-Zawa's or live with us?" Rei asked hesitantly, as she knew we were attached to our unofficial uncles. "Or we could make some sort of system where you could stay with them some of the time and with us some of the time?"

At the first question, Izumi, Shoto and Shina all got sad and panicked at the prospect of choosing. But at the idea of staying with them sometimes took it away.

"Could- could we stay here some times and at Uncle Zawa and Zashi's sometime?' Shina asked shakily.

"Of course! How about every other week you stay here and the weeks inbetween, you stay at your uncles' house?" Rei suggested warmly.

The three nodded at that, but Rimuru decided to speak up.

"Would you let me stay aswell?"

"You said that you were Izumi's sister right? That makes us your parents. We arent your real parents, but we took in Izumi when she was still a boy, when she got kicked out for her quirk. For what we are concerned, you are our daughter just as much as Shina is!"

Rimuru teared up at this and hugged Rei, who hugged back.

4PM - In front of the Yagi household - Izumi's POV

"Alright Izumi. This might be overwhelming. If you want to leave at any time, tell Raphael to warp you to the house. We will cover up your exit, so dont worry." I nod to Zawa and he knocks three times on the door.

I hear a man yelling about us being here and for people to come down.

A few seconds later, a skeleton-like man was standing in front of us, bright smile on his face.

( Toshinori doesnt know about Izumi being female btw )

"I thought you were bringing my child back to me Shota?" He asks with a not-amused look on his face.

"This is your child. Unfortunately" he mumbled the last bit, "This is Izumi Tempest, Formerly Izuku Yagi."

"That's a lie! I had a son not a daughter!"

"Your son was experimented on and had his gender permanently changed to female. And Tempest is her new name. Disrespect the name and you will face the wrath of 7 God-like entities."

"I am the God-like entity here! You cant beat me in a 1v1 fight and these kids would be lucky to gove me a single bruise!" He laughs, amusingly.

Suddenly, a wave of memories flash through my mind, similarly to what happened to me when I was 4.

I was suddenly enraged. My aura started leaking out at dangerously high concentration levels, and everyone around my fell to their knees.

"Izu- mi! Your siren aur- a! Control yoursel- f-!" Zawa begged.

I finally realised what I was doing and stopped.

This man in front of us stood up shakily.

"That aura...only izuku had that distinct presence...Izuku? Is that really you?"

"It's Tempest to you, Yagi. I'm only here to see my other sister."

I heard some commotion coming from the house, then saw a woman I didnt ever want to see again.

Inko. Yagi.

She tried to pounce on me in a hug, but I let Ranga out and he curled his body around my back protectivly, using his menace skill slightly.

The woman let out a small scream and backed away.

I could feel a familiar presence approaching me so I let Ranga and the others know, via thought communication, that this next person wasnt a threat.

A few seconds later, Iruki came bounding down the stairs and leaping across the space, towards me.

I embraced her in a hug, for Ranga to catch me as I was still not strong enough to stop us from falling.

"Izuku- sorry, I meant Izumi! I've missed you soo much!" She practically screamed in my ear.

"I've missed you aswell." I said flatly, but managed to get the point over that I was starting to get tired and that I did mean it. I didn't want to be rude.

"Wait-. Didnt you say 'other sister'? I'm your sister so why the 'other'?"

"oh yeah. You see, we have an older sister. Her name is Rimuru Tempest, as my name is now Izumi Tempest. It's a long story so we can tell you another time."

After getting an excited okay, Iruki tried to showcase her strength by attempting to lift my old parents, but failing and only moving them about a foot before dropping them.

I didn't even notice that they were on the ground.

"Allow me sis~ mmm~" I hummed, lifting the two without it phasing me.

I threw them into the floor close to the living room couch and watched as Iruki went wide eyed.

"H- h- how did you do that?! Shouldnt you be like weak after not using your quirk ever?!"

Her question caused everyone but her to laugh.

"Haha~. Dont be to surprised and keep this under wraps. Me, Shi, Sho, Uncle Zawa and Zashi and Nezu are practically demi-gods and Rimuru is a god."

She looked like she was going to faint but just brushed it off and motioned for us to come into the living room, where I had thrown the two fake "heroes".

I'm working on the next chapter rn

Have a nice day/night


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