The Saviour of the Xenos

By dom3114

638 26 42

What if a boy who wanted to be a hero decided to help the same monster who hunted humans since the start of t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

325 13 9
By dom3114

Hello before we start i want to tell you a little about this story this will heavily involve the Xenos and what would happen if Bell was alone when trying to help the Xenos during their Arc Bell will be the same as the beginning of the Xenos arc level three this story will only have one chapter while I plan more of it out  

And like Lost light I want to know who you think should be Bells pair in this story 

Hope you enjoy 

I want to be a Hero.

Meet a beautiful girl and rescue her from waves of monsters where the only thing heard are blades colliding, the air filled with death screeches coming from monsters as I finish the last one. All that remains is a girl sitting behind me, watching as I walk away from the body of the deceased monster behind me, now standing over her, grabbing her hand and carrying her away, but what if I told you all stories don't happen the way you think what if instead of a pretty girl you were seen helping a monster then ended up being hated by everyone for protecting. The thing that has hunted and killed humans since the beginning of time, the same monsters that the gods can't even save, but what if a boy who defies the will of the gods and the way of that world decide he could change all of it and decide he wants to rescue those same monsters who have been seen as the enemy of the world and decide he will be their hero

The Dungeon on the nineteenth floor is our young adventurer, Bell Cranel, with his party. All of his familia can be seen doing their daily Dungeon run, fighting monster after monster, but this day everything will change.

"Hey Welf, are you ok over there?"

"I'm ok, Bell, but we are getting far today. Let's start to head back with the others soon."

"You are right. There seemed to be more monsters than usual."

As both sheathed their weapons. A scream can be heard from a distance without a second thought. The white-haired boy can be seen running off toward the cry. As he ran, he yelled at Welf,

"Go get everyone ready to leave. I will see what happened

as the blacksmith saw his friend run away. He returned with their group."

"Sure thing; if it is really that bad, come get us; ill let them know we might have to leave in a rush."

All that could be heard was a yell saying thank you.

As our young adventurer was seen running, he stumbled upon someone being attacked by a firebird. He hurried, hoping it was not too late, but as he came up to the locate, all could be seen was a small girl crying. Still, before he could help, he saw the Firebird and decided to go on the offensive and ran at the Firebird; while dodging its attacks quickly, he approached using one knife to fake the bird out. In contrast, the Hestia knife was aimed at the magic stone, successfully hitting its target and turning the Firebird into dust. As he calms himself, he turns to the origin of the scream, a small girl. Still, as he gets closer, he realizes it was a small vouivre that was the cause of the crying and screaming, 

but this one was not the same as the other monsters. She wasn't trying to attack him; she seemed afraid she was crying, stunned by what he had just seen. It took him a while to regain his thought until a group of adventurers could be heard yelling from a distance.

"I saw the vouivre head this way."

As they sounded like they were getting closer, more talk could be heard.

"I can't wait to get my hands on that gem they have"

As the group almost reached Bell. He turned to see the vouivere scared. Still, he instinctively took his cloak and covered the vouirve seeing her not as a monster but as a small girl who was afraid.

"It's ok; ill protect you; they won't harm you."

As he said those words, a group began to appear,

"It's the Little Rookie."

One said. Then what looked like the leader of the group appeared. A giant man with a tattoo on one side of his eye stepped forward.

"Hey, kid, have you seen a small vouirve running around here? We were chasing it until another group of monsters came and attacked us."

But Bell quickly answered.

"No, I haven't, but do you all have a potion you can spare for my friend?"

Bell moved closer to cover the small monster, but as the group leader got closer, he looked around and asked.

"How is your friend our problem?"

Out came one of the other members

"Hey, I think I heard a noise from over there."

"You heard him. Everyone head that way."

Before he left, he shot a look at Bell before leaving

"See you later, Little Rookie"

As he had the group run past, looking for the small monster now gone, he got closer to the scared monster. As he lifted her hood, she got frightened and backed off. Still, once again, he lifted her hood, but this time he smiled, asking her to trust him while giving her his hand as he said,

"it is ok. I won't hurt, so please come with me."

After a little, the viouvre accepted the hand of the adventurer that protected her. Both went on their way out of the Dungeon together.

As the pair are seen walking out of the Dungeon, the familia of Bell focuses their sights on the short figure behind him.

"Bell-Dono, who is that behind you?"

He didn't say a word, then the blacksmith joined in.

"Friend, who is that girl."

He gained confidence Only to say

"She needed help, and I helped her from a monster."

But then the support of his familia came closer.

"Bell-Sama, who is this girl."

She then approached the girl, trying to reach her hood. Still, out of fear, she walked backward, and without realizing it, she tripped on a stone, causing her to fall, thus making the hood fall off, showing the small viouvre girl the Hestia familia back up, pulling out their weapons.

"Bell, get away from it."

He didn't listen and had his back towards the viouvre protecting her.

"Everyone, calm down and put your weapons down."

"Bell-Sama is a monster. Get away from it."

"Bell-Dono, a monster, is a monster. Please move"

Growing tired, he raised his voice.

"I said everyone calms down; you're not doing anything to her, so put down your weapons."

But then crying was heard behind him. He turned to see the little vouirve shaking, scared of those who took their weapons at her. Seeing her fear, the young adventurer approached, not worrying about the four members behind him, and got closer to the vouivre

"It's ok. I said I would protect you and promise I won't let anyone harm you."

Then something unexpected happened he vouivre started to move her mouth.

"T-Thank you"

Everyone was now stunned at what they had just seen, but there was one who had his mind cleared. Our Rabbit reached out his hand with a smile.

"Please trust me. I will keep my promise."

Unlike before, the small monster quickly trusted the young adventurer, thus taking his hand and getting up from the floor she fell on. Still behind him was his family, that are still skeptical of the little monster, with their head filled with distrust, only staying a distance from him and the monster

"Bell-Sama, even if she can talk, a monster is a monster. They are not to be trusted."

"Friend, I have to agree with Lily. This is not a good idea."

"Master Bell, please reconsider and leave it in the Dungeon."

"Lady Haruhime, stay behind me. You never know when they could attack."

One after the other, they kept asking to leave her, but Bell only saw a little girl scared of everyone trying to hurt her for being a monster or the money from her stone. He then decided

"No, we will take her home, decide from there, and see what Kami-Sama decides."

All looked at the monster with distrust but couldn't say anything to their captain. With those final words, they headed towards the Hearth Manor, but there were no words spoken between the group, while the monster girl only stuck close to Bell, scared of the one who raised their weapons, but never the less she trusted the white-haired adventurer and all made their way home.

While the adventurers head back to their home in a dark room hidden beneath the guild, a god and a cloaked figure speak about the situation that is about to be brought to Orario, starting with the escape of a monster leaving the Dungeon.

"Ouranos, it seems that one of the intelligent monsters has found its way to an adventurer and is now on the surface."

"Do you know who the adventurer is that found the monster?"

"Yes, it is Bell Cranel of the Hestia Familia."

The God pondered for a second

"The little rookie, huh."

"What will we do? Ouranos, the Hestia Familia, has been in the spotlight recently due to Bell Cranel."

The God decided

"I want to see if they can be their hope to save their race, but only observe for now."

"But the specter informs him."

"It seems only Bell Cranel has taken care of the vouivre. The rest of his Familia wants to dispose of the monster."

"This will be a problem, Fels . . . . do you think he will go against his own family's wishes to protect the monster"

After thinking, the specter spoke up.

"I don't know this, Ouranos, but only time can tell."

As God and his dependents thought about the outcomes of this situation back at the home of the Hestia familia, there seemed to be an argument among the Hestia Familia.

After a small journey of going through Orario while trying to hide the small vouivre girl, they were able to make it home now in front of their Goddess, but this won't go the way he thinks it would go.

"Bell, I can't say I approve of this? Having a monster in our home is going too far, but you say you want to take care of this monster until it's safe."

"Yes, Kami-Sama, I want to keep . . . ."

He turned to the vouivre with a confused looked

"Um. Do you have a name?"

Confused, the little vouivre tilted her head and said the one name she heard.

"Name? . . . . Bell"

"No, that's my name . . . . how about i give you a name"

The vouivre looked excited at the suggestion.

"yes, please"

"ok, how about Wiene?"

but in his mind, he was bashing himself. Why do I have to relate everything to hero stories or fairy tales? I almost gave her a name like Wilusine, but then he heard someone speak.

"Weine . . .? me . . . Wiene?"

Excited at her new name, she jumps towards Bell hugging him, but he hears his Goddess yell in that exact second.


As he looked up, all his family once again raised their weapons to the vouivre stuck by Bell's side.

"Goddess, what is this"

The Goddess could only look at him with sadness

"Bell, we should take her back to the Dungeon and forget this happened."

Not believing the words, his Goddess, he looked down, but compared to them, he didn't see a monster; instead, he saw a small girl crying and scared behind him.

"I'm sorry Kami-Sama, but I won't allow it."


"I promised I would protect her, and I plan to keep that promise even if I alone have to take care of her."

Everyone knew how Bell was once he had set a goal, but this was crazy helping a monster, the enemy of humans.

"Bell-Kun, I'm sorry, but I can't agree and will not help with the monster and will not force it on anyone else."

Seeing his family against his idea, he only accepted what his Goddess said

"I understand, Kami, but I will uphold my promise, so if you'll excuse me, I will take Weine to my room, and she will be in my care."

He got up to see the Vouivre still sitting because everyone still had their weapons pointing at her.

"Everyone, put away your weapons. I'm taking Wiene to my room, so you don't need to worry. We're leaving."

While his family only slightly lowered their weapons, he looked at the little vouirve

"They won't harm; ill take you my room so you can rest."

Once again, he showed a smile that showed a pure-hearted desire to protect


Standing from the seat, she followed Bell while exiting the room leaving the rest of the familia leaving them in their thought until the Goddess made a request.

"Everyone, I want you to watch Bell and the Monster if anything happens and she hurts him."

Everyone agreed while the support of their familia spoke

"Lily thinks we should get rid of her quickly."

The Goddess nodded at the suggestion but said her thought

"Until something or she hurts Bell, I want everyone to keep an eye and hope he doesn't take too much for the monster."

Welf came up and spoke

"Do you think we should tell someone else in case something happens"

"Welf-Dono is right, but it must be someone really close so as not to leak the information of a monster on the surface."

Once again, the Goddess intervened.

"For now, everyone, get rest, and tomorrow we will see who to tell as some of us watches the monster."

Everyone agreed to rest, but all were still very cautious of the monster in their home.

In the halls of the Harth Manor, we can find a White-haired boy with a small girl with blue skin, long nails, with a red gem at the center of her forehead, more known as a vouivre to all the adventurers who may have killed them in the Dungeon. Still, this time it was different, no fighting, no blood, only a scared little girl in the middle of the hall following the white-haired boy as they fast approached the room Bell, but the little girl stopped and only asked the boy one question.

"A-Are they scared of me."

The boy can only look at her with a smile but with sadness behind it.

". . . . Yes"

Wiene could only show sadness on her face, but Bell tried to reassure her

"Please give them time I promise they will come around; they are just cautious; we haven't been through anything like this."

Looking up at the boy, she says

"But they keep pointing those sharp things at me and smell like blood."

Still to no avail, he couldn't cheer her up, but then an idea came to his mind.

"Hey, how about this tomorrow let's have a picnic."

She looked up and tilted her head like a confused puppy


"Yes, it is when we go outside and eat in the sun."

Still, with a confused look, she asked

"The Sun"

He realized this would continue if he went on

"Tomorrow, when we do it, ill explain. I'm sure you'll like it."

With a smile, she replied

"If you think ill like it, I believe you."

"Then how about we go to sleep, and ill get everything ready in the morning."

Excited about the day to come, she was unsure of something

"Bell, where will I sleep."

He didn't think this far since the idea was that he would just give her a room beside his, but Hestia's room was on one side and Lily on the other, but then he had an idea.

"You can sleep on my bed, Wiene. I have a sleeping bag that Mikoto gave me, just in case I ever needed it."


"Come in, and ill show you."

Walking in, the Wiene was curious about everything that seemed normal to Bell, like his mirror and furniture, but she had never seen. For the next hour, Bell stayed up with her showing her and explaining everything he could to help fulfill Weine's curiosity.

After the hour with Wiene, she began to get tired, slowly falling asleep. Seeing this, Bell decided to pick her up and take her to bed.

"I think it's time for you to get some sleep Wiene."

She gave one last thanks as he placed her on the bed and tucked her in before falling asleep.

"Thank you for saving me, Bell."

After falling asleep, Bell was left alone, standing over Weine with a smile.

"I'll protect you no matter what, Wiene."

Walking away, he looked outside to see the pitch-black sky. He thought it would also be a good idea to go to sleep since he has a picnic to prepare early in the morning.

After a night of sleep, it was now five in the morning. Some might seem early, but Bell had always been an early riser. As he began to get out of the sleeping bag, he got up to stretch before he looked at his bed, where Weine could be seen peacefully sleeping.

Having left the room, Bell could be seen in the kitchen getting everything ready, like the basket of food he would bring, but before he could finish, someone came down the stairs and appeared behind him.

"Master Bell"

"Hello, Haruhime"

Seeing he thought of something, she is never up this early

"Haruhime, why are you up so early."

"Oh, I heard a noise and thought I should see what it is."

"I see. I'm sorry for waking you."

"It's fine, Master Bell," She noticed that he had a basket full of food

"Are you having a picnic today"

"Yes, I asked Wiene if she would like to have one so she could see the sun and enjoy the outside."

With fear, Haruhime spoke.

"Master Bell, be careful you don't know. That monster may attack when. . . . . "

But before she could finish the sentence, Bell interrupted with a voice of some irritation.

"Her name is Wiene, and she won't do anything, so please, can you leave me she should be waking up soon"

"I'm sorry."

With her head down, she left the kitchen.

He finished fixing the basket and returned to his room, where he found Wiene waking up.

"Good morning Wiene."


walking over to her and patting her on the head, he asks

"Did you have a good sleep"

"Yes, the bed is really comfy."

"That's good, so do you want to have the picnic now I have everything ready."

Showing a big smile. Wiene had been excited since last night

"Yes, please"

With a smile of his own, he reciprocated her excitement

"Then let's go."

Both could be seen exiting the Manor with their baskets going beside a tree, staying away from the areas where they could be seen. After a few minutes of setting everything up, both sat on the blanket he had brought. Now both sitting down, he finally opened the basket with plenty of food for the both of them.

"here, Wiene, why don't you try this? It's a fresh apple. You'll like it."

"Hmm, ok, I try it."

After taking a bit from it, she quickly ate the piece and took another bite.

"Bell, it's delicious."

"That's great. I'm glad you liked it."

As she finished the apple, she looked through the basket, pulling out something with her other hand

"What's this"

"It's a rice ball wiene. Try it."


consuming the rice ball, which she also enjoyed. After finishing a couple of them, she became stuffed and then jumped to Bell so she could rest on his arm while holding him, but as she grabbed hold of his arm, a yell was heard from a window


Scaring the young girl, she became frightened, moving her hand in a way that her sharp nails would cause deep gashes on Bell's arm, causing him to yell.


Seeing how she injured the boy who protected her, she backed up, but what she didn't notice was Welf and Mikoto were running at the scared girl with their weapons in tole, but before reaching the girl, someone stood in front of them showing a face full of rage while yelling at the two.


The blacksmith decides to respond, nervous, never seeing his friend act like this.

". . . . . She just tried to attack you, so we thought to come out here and defend you."

"Defend me, look at her, and tell me she looks like she was trying to attack me."

Looking past the boy Welf looked at the girl on the floor crying, holding her hand, scared at what she did.

"Bell, I still don't trust her."

"Well, I do, and that's more than enough for me."

"Bell-Dono, please reconsider. It was a mistake to help her. We shouldn't have brought her to the surface."

Struck by her words, he looked at them like he never had before

"None of you brought her to the surface. It was me and only me, so this is an order from your captain. She no longer concerns any of you and will be in my care."

As he turned his back on his friends, getting closer to the scared girl, before he could reach her, the doors of the Manor slammed open by his Goddess and supported Lili.

"Bell-Kun, get away from that monster."

With a simple reply, he said


"Bell-sama, please look at your arm and tell me this is ok."

"Goddess Lili, like I said, I trust her and will protect her. The only reason this happened to my arm is cause she was frightened by something, so please, can you all leave us"

As he turned once again, even if they were talking, he didn't hear him. He had one thought in his head, and it was to see how Wiene was, but as he got closer, she tried to back, scared she would hurt him again, but eventually, he caught up to her, grabbing her hand, and showed a big smile.

"Look, Wiene, I'm fine, so please don't cry."

Seeing the boy she hurt, she could only say one thing

"I'm sorry, Bell."

"It's fine. Come on, I think it's time to go back inside."

Still, with tears in her eyes, she nodded.

"Please don't cry. You can help patch me up. Just let me get the first aid."


As he got up to leave, he picked up Wiene like someone carrying their daughter, but the Goddess of his Familia called his name as the pair went.


There was no response. Bell kept walking with Wiene in his arms, and before they could call out his name again, he entered the Manor, and went up to his room.

After spending most of the day in his room, only coming out to bring the both of them food and telling Wiene to take a shower, then having to explain to her how to take a shower only to have her come out of the shower completely wet and still having soap in her hair he decides to rinse her hair.

Now the dead of night, as he was going to tuck Wiene in once again, she made a request.


"Yes, Wiene"

"Can you sleep with me tonight"

Confused why she brought this up, he asked why

"I can, but why Wiene."

". . . . I had a scary dream."

With a small smile, he looked at her

"Of course, I can then."

As Bell was seen getting in bed with Wiene, he asked her about the nightmare.

"Weine, what was your nightmare about."

"I was back there again."

"Do you mean the Dungeon"

She only nodded at his question

"All I saw was red and people running away screaming."

Begin to tear up, she tells Bell

"I don't want to go back there, Bell, that bad dream."

Bringing Wiene closer to him, he tells her.

"Wiene, it ok ill try my hardest to help you so you don't have to be scared anymore."


"So go to sleep. Everything will be fine."

Now lying there, both can be seen going to sleep without a care in the world, but they don't know that it will only get more complicated from here on out.

In a Runied home, a peached hair God and his dependents can be seen looking at a letter from Ouranos.

"Talking monster, damn it, Ouranos, what do you have doing on under the guilds nose."

Letting out a long sigh, he only hoped for one thing

"Shit, I hope Bell is not gonna get involved in all this 

I hope you Enjoy the first chapter of this new story and decide to support it 

Any opinions would be appreciated 

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