Billionaires Have Hearts?

By CathyJensen

924 77 44

Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy books and the Great characters you created. In this... More

Cold Calls
A Real Vision
The Female Billionaire
The Truth
Jose Jr. Had Help
Finally Home
The Babies Returned
A Match Made In Heaven
An Unwanted Visitor
All Sold Out
More Arrested
A Lovely Wedding
How To Tell Mia
A Real Issue
A Lead We Overlooked
Major Arrests Of Medical Interns
Book 5 And 6
A Happy Ending
A New Birth

All Aboard The Billionaires Book

32 4 2
By CathyJensen

We are signing the books for various ages and Gideon is nearby assuring Mia and Angel are safe and comfortable. Christian is close by with security watching over all of us. Elliott is making sure Kate isn't being hit on by our fans. She seems to get both sexes hitting on her for some reason. They are persistent. They can't get close enough to me to hit on me or Christian steps in and tells them he is my boyfriend and I am very much taken. Children are enjoying the new childcare play areas. Mia decided that it would be great to have pleasant areas for the children to play in while their parents enjoy an hour or two of a quiet dinner. Of course it comes with the meals. It is a great idea. The one thing not so great is Mrs Lincoln arriving at the restaurant before Mia had arrived. I was in the restroom when she came in. Luckily I carry my gun loaded and the safety off and exactly where I am able to reach it. I had heard about this bitch and they toned down her scary look when they described her. I wash my hands and she shoves the door open, she isn't alone. She starts towards me with the teen boy behind her. She tells me that if I don't do as she asks me that she will kill my loved ones one at a time. I laugh and tell her I doubt she can kill either of them. She shows me them asleep in their bed. I tell her that I know that those weren't photos of my parents. It's not my parents bedroom or bed. This gets her mad and she starts towards me and tell the teen to hold me while she destroys my face. I pull my gun out and point it at her head and tell her to put the bottle on the vanity. Just then Christian and Jason arrive and they grab Elena and the teen and hand them off to other security and tell them to call the cops. Jason asks what happened and I explain it all and Elena lies and yet the bottle of apparently acid is on the sink with only her fingerprints on it. The cops arrive and I press charges against both Elena and her teen boyfriend. Later we found out he has been missing since he was 12 years old and his parents suspected the neighbor had taken off with him. So they were right.

I don't have any influence in Seattle like I do in other places. I am charged with threatening to kill her parents if she didn't do my bidding and with intending on doing grievous bodily harm to the girl. I was just going to throw acid on her face and body. She would still live. They put me in one car and Todd Stewart in the other car. I hope he doesn't talk.

Todd Stewart
I can't believe they already know who I am by the time we get to the police station. My parents are on their way. They bring out a child advocate for me. I am nervous about being here, they are thinking of charging me as an adult. They lay out the charges and ask me who Elena is to me. Finally my parents arrive and I am brought out of the cell to talk to them. They have hired an attorney and he wants to talk to me alone. I am unsure if I am glad to see my parents or not. I know they hugged me and were crying, but Elena said they signed away their right to me to her and showed the papers to me, so why are they here. I asked them about that and they said she lied about it all. They show me the missing child reports and they hadn't given up hope of finding me.

Albert Stewart
We tell him that Elena lied and we suspected she had something to do with my disappearance. I am so mad we didn't force the cops to pursue our suspicions about Elena, but I think she was paying them off.

Sherry Stewart
I can't believe I didn't stop it when I had that gut feeling she was brain washing my son. I also noticed that she would have baby car seats with a baby in them and then they were gone after she came back. I asked her and she said that it was a business partners baby. It looked newborn. When I mentioned this to the police there ears perked up like I just gave them the key to the door locks.

We had to go to the police station and press charges and make sure the bottle of acid with Elena's fingerprints on it. They are trying to get the teen to answer questions about Elena and he finally did after he spoke with his parents and an attorney. He started talking about everything he heard and everything Elena did to him and other teens. He told us where, when and about her getting the babies back to the parents and one is Mia's baby Angel. That's not happening, he has the names of the parents who bought the babies and they were taken away and they want them back. He was transported to the hospital to get medical treatment for his injuries that Elena inflicted upon him.

I joined Christian at the police department and we were finally find out what Elena was trying to do, she was trying to grab Angel from Mia. She planned on killing Mia if she had to. She had no legal claim over the child or Susan's home, but she made legal documents up to look like she did. They didn't get past the clerks office and she just used them on the staff. It was really good for the staff that she tried the wrong person to get Angel back. Anastasia called her parents to make sure they were okay. She explained everything to them. She lied about that not being her parents, it was definitely them. Elena didn't know that though being new to the area and all.

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