For Her (Book 1)

By GraysonCreates

19.5K 899 180

Know where your loyalty lies, Malfoy... *************************************** Hogwarts doesn't have one Mal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Second Year

Chapter 12

1K 53 20
By GraysonCreates

Y/n slowly opened his eyes to see Dumbledore leaving Harry's bed and slowly walked over to his bed. "Y/n, my boy, how are you feeling?" He smiled as he watched the boy sit up.

"Like I fought Who-Know-Who..." Y/n rolled his eyes as Dumbledore chuckled. "Glad to know some find it amusing," Y/n looked at the older Wizard, noticing the shocked expression on Harry's face.

"Nonsense. Harry told me about your little chat with them," Dumbledore chuckled once more. "Such a serious moment and you chose to insult them," Dumbledore watched as a smirk forced its way onto Y/n's face. "Forgive me but I must ask," Y/n's smile fell because he knew what was coming next. "How did you defeat him?"

"I used the killing curse," Y/n almost whispered as he looked at his hands, still unable to completely comprehend what he had done.

"What was that?" Dumbledore asked as he leaned in closer to the bed, his voice was louder than it needed to be for some reason. "He attempted the Killing Curse and you were able to hit him first with Bombarda and he recklessly casted the spell," Dumbledore gave Y/n a smile before turning to the door. "That's unfortunate but at least no student was harmed,"

Y/n realized what Dumbledore was doing and shook his head. "What's Ventus Furoris?" He asked as he watched the older Wizard freeze.

"Where did you hear that spell?" Dumbledore looked over his shoulder, glancing at the boy currently sitting in his hospital bed.

"I-I," Y/n wasn't sure how to explain this to Dumbledore without sounding insane. "I read about it being mentioned in a charms book but nothing else was said," Y/n wanted to slap himself for that terrible excuse, even Dumbledore knew it was a lie.

"You should be resting right now, not talking about books," Dumbledore began walking towards the door once more. "You do have a visitor though," Dumbledore mentioned before leaving the room.

Y/n smiled at the thought, finally being able to find out how they were doing after all this had happened.

"How could you be so utterly stupid," Y/n snapped out of his thoughts at the familiar voice, not a very welcoming voice though. Looking up to meet the judgemental gaze of Draco. "Cynthia is losing her mind, thinking about how you almost died to protect..." Draco didn't finish his sentence, he simply looked over at Harry before shaking his head.

Y/n walked through the halls with Draco next to him, who hadn't stopped complaining about how reckless his actions were and how he shouldn't be helping the trio so much. "You are an absolute moron and you-"

"HEY! Mal-Nutrition," Cynthia yelled as the two walked into an opening, Y/n saw Harry standing there staring while Hermione and Ron stood at the top of the stairs also watching the Malfoy trio. "I'm the only sibling that gets to tease Y/n!" She yelled as she walked towards them.

"I gotta get to class," Draco quickly excused himself as he saw the rage behind Cynthia's eyes. "Just remember where your loyalties lay, Y/n," Draco glanced at Y/n before almost running off.

"Hey there, dear Sister," Y/n smiled as he tried to diffuse the situation, knowing full well that it was impossible as Cynthia reached up and grabbed his ear once more.

"What did I tell you?" She growled as she twisted her younger brother's ear, glaring at him as he grabbed her wrist.

"That you love me and I am the best brother in the world?" Y/n smiled before feeling her twist his ear more. "That you like Cedric and he might be my Brother-in-law?" He forced another smile before feeling her twist even harder, almost ripping his ear off at this point.

"Cynthia, leave him, please," A familiar voice spoke up from behind the blonde. "He just came out of hospital and he kinda did save Harry, Maybe give him some time to recover before you put him back there," Hermione joked as she joined the two Malfoys, Harry and Ron joining after her.

"You're lucky I have a soft spot for Hermione," Cynthia glared at her brother before letting his ear go. "Since you made sure she was safe, I'll let it go this time," She warned before actually staring at the other two boys. "If anything ever happens to Hermione, I will be coming after all three of you," She warned before giving the brunette a smile and leaving the quartet standing there.

"Your sister seems to get nicer and nicer every time we see her," Ron muttered as the three boys watched the door Cynthia disappeared behind.

"Yip," Y/n nodded his head as he stood there for a moment. "So, how are you two doing?" Y/n turned to Ron and Hermione.

"I'm alright, you?" Ron answered, looking at the Malfoy.

"I've been worse," Y/n chuckled as Ron and Harry shook their heads before he turned to Hermione. "And you?" He asked the brunette who smiled at him.

"Never better."

"Another year, gone," Dumbledore spoke as he looked across the Great Hall. Y/n had to sit next to Draco at the Slytherin table as they had their last feast of the year. "And now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding," Y/n shook his head, with Snape being a professor making it almost impossible for any other house to win the cup. "And the points stand as such, in fourth place is Gryffindor with 312 points."

Y/n looked over at the trio, Ron and Harry were looking at their food while he made eye contact with Hermione who gave him a sad smile, a smile which he returned as he could almost feel the pride coming of Draco next to him.

"Third place is Hufflepuff, with 352 points," There was another soft round of applause. "Second place is Ravenclaw with 426 points,"

To say that this was annoying Y/n would be an understatement. He couldn't figure out why he would be in a house that was so unjust and unfair, They were winning the cup because of Snape's biased actions and from the looks on the students' faces, this wasn't the first year either.

"And in first place, with 472 points,"

"That no one could ever earn," Y/n muttered to himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Slytherin," There was a massive cheering from the rest of the table, Slytherin students were hugging each other and high-fiving. Y/n just sat there as he looked at the defeated look on Hermione's face as she rested her chin in her hand. Y/n felt Draco grab him to pull him into the celebration but Y/n was fast to rip himself out of Draco's grasp and shove the blond away from him before turning back to face Dumbledore. "Yes, yes, well done Slytherin,"

Y/n found himself chuckling at the thought of Dumbledore sounding quite condescending as he spoke, almost as if he had a plan... Y/n's eyes grew wide as he stared at the older wizard.

"However, recent events must be taken into account," The table fell quiet as even Snape looked at Dumbledore with panic. "And I have a few, last-minute points to award," Y/n felt a smile creep onto his face as he glanced over at the trio once more, The quartet all shared a glance and nodded, signalling that they all knew what was coming. "To Miss Hermione Granger, for her cool use of intellect," Y/n watched as Dumbledore spoke, his mind feeling slightly better as this continued. "While others were in peril, fifty points,"

Y/n looked over at the brunette to find her with the biggest smile he had ever seen, She looked over at him and he gave her a round of applause as Harry gave her a pat on the back. Y/n took note of the deadly silence amognst the Slytherin table, in fact, he was the only one clapping there.

"Second, to Mister Ronald Weasley for the best-played game of chess that Hogwarts has ever seen," Dumbledore spoke as Y/n watched the proud look on Ron's face as he looked around the table. "Fifty Points,"

"412, almost there," Y/n muttered to himself as he bit down on his knuckles, ignoring the stares from the other Slytherins.

"And Third, to Mister Harry Potter... For pure nerve and outstanding courage," Y/n and Harry looked at each other, for different reasons of course. Harry was thinking about how he was knocked out the entire time while all Y/n cared about was these might be the points they needed to win. "I award Gryffindor house, 60 points."

The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers as they clapped along with the only boy between the Slytherins. Y/n knew that this was probably Dumbledore playing favouritism but he didn't care, Snape had been doing that the entire year. Y/n knew they were tied but at least they weren't cheated out of the cup.

"Fourth, to Mister Y/n Malfoy," Y/n's face dropped as he turned to face the teachers, making direct eye contact with Dumbledore. "For his loyalty and courage, for never giving up on people, I award 20 points," The Slytherin table burst into cheering once more as Y/n just stared at Dumbledore, he glared at the older Wizard with pure anger at what he was doing, he had Gryffindor winning and rightfully so. "And Finally, it takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies,"

Y/n felt his fist tighten to the point where his knuckles hurt, on the verge of simply snapping as they turned whiter than a ghost.

"But a great deal more to stand up to your friends," Dumbledore smiled as he looked at the students. "I'm awarding 25 points to Mister Neville Longbottom,"

Y/n felt his shoulder slump and his fists loosen, taking a deep breath you as he rested his head on the table for a moment before looking up and joining the cheers and applause echoing through the Great Hall.

"Come on now, hurry up," Hagrid motioned for the students to get onto the train faster. "You're going to be late, the trains leaving," He continued as he watched students board the large locomotive.

"Come on Harry," Hermione called out to the boy as he stopped in the entrance way of the train, Y/n just behind him.

"One moment," He muttered before walking off, towards Hagrid.

"What's he on about?" Ron stuck his head out the door to watch the boy run off.

"Just saying bye to a friend," Y/n spoke as he leaned against the train, waiting for the boy with the others.

"What are your plans for the holiday, Y/n?" Hermione asked as she looked at the Malfoy, making small talk as they waited for their fourth friend.

"Just want to do some studying," Y/n smiled at the brunette before watching Ron roll his eyes. "What's your problem, Ronald?" He chuckled as he shook his head.

"You are going to study during the holidays?"

"Yes, personal things," Y/n mentioned as he watched Harry open a book Hagrid gave him. He felt the two staring at him, waiting for him to be clearer. "Back in the room with Harry and Quirrell, I used a spell that I've never even heard of and I wanted to look into it," He informed them as he looked at his hands again, remembering the final spell once more.

"What was the spell?" Hermione asked as she watched the boy.

"Ventus Furoris," Y/n looked up at the brunette, watching her mumble the spell over and over as she looked into the sky, trying to recall anything about it.

"I have heard something similar but I can't remember where," She admitted as she looked at Y/n, seemingly sad at the lack of help.

"Don't worry about it," Y/n gave the girl a calm smile. "I'll figure it out," Just then they turned to see Harry running up to them.

"Feels weird going home, doesn't it?" Hermione asked as she looked at him.

"I'm not going home," Harry smiled at the three before looking at Hagrid. "Not really," He smiled before the two boys joined the others on the train, walking through to an empty booth.

Y/n sat down next to the window as Hermione sat next to him with the boys across from them, he heard the three of them talking and laughing and yet he couldn't focus as he stared out the window, watching as the mountains and trees passed by. Seven years, it had been seven years since he ever thought about his parents, he chose to move on and stop thinking about them for his own mental state and yet here he was with those thoughts once more, who were they and why did Voldemort know them, why did Quirrell know them... 'Those meant to protect you are keeping you in the dark,"

His first year might be coming to an end but this adventure was far from over...


And with that, we end this year and this book... So I hope you are looking forward to the next book, For Her and The Chamber of Secrets...

This has to be the fastest I've ever been able to finish a book and I do hope you enjoy it. Until we meet again, have a wonderful time!

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