For Her (Book 1)

By GraysonCreates

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Know where your loyalty lies, Malfoy... *************************************** Hogwarts doesn't have one Mal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Second Year

Chapter 11

851 54 26
By GraysonCreates

Dark and Cold, was all Y/n could register as he walked down the stairs, Harry being forced to stay behind him as they entered the final room. He couldn't believe that Snape would be behind all this, Why would Snape be doing this? He also wasn't completely sure why Snape would Jinx Harry's broom, so all the young Malfoy could do was brace himself to come face-to-face with whoever did this, even if that was Snape.

"You?" Harry called out as they looked at the purple clothes wrapped around Professor Quirrell's head. "It can't be," Harry continued as Quirrell turned around to face the two boys. "Snape... He..."

"Yes," Quirrell smiled as he watched the two boys. "He does seem like the type, doesn't he?" His smile only grew larger as he turned to face them. "Next to him, who would expect poor, stuttering Pro--Professor Q--Quirrell?" He mockingly raised his tone and began fidgeting with his fingers.

"But that day?" Harry spoke as he tried to walk past Y/n, only for the Malfoy to pull him behind his back more. "During the Quidditch match," Harry looked past the boy who was an inch or two taller than him, using that slight difference to shield the Boy Who Lived. "Snape tried to kill me,"

"No you dear boy," Quirrell just shook his head as he watched the two boys. "I TRIED TO KILL YOU!" Quirrell yelled as he glared at Harry, his smile falling from his face. "And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded,"

Y/n felt a smile creep on his face at the thought, Even when they were wrong Hermione had still done the smartest thing. "So Snape was chanting a counter-curse?" Y/n shook his head at the thought.

"Snape was trying to save me?" Harry seemed shocked at the realization, Y/n wasn't sure whether he was shocked that Snape was saving him or was he shocked that Snape wasn't the villain. he wanted him to be.

"I knew you were a danger to me from the off," Quirrell growled as he took his eyes off Harry for the first time, looking at Y/n. "And you!" He glared at the Malfoy for a moment before spitting. "I refused to believe it until I saw what you were capable of, that faithful Halloween night,"

"You let the troll in..." Y/n's voice was a low whisper as he looked at the man.

"Very good, Mister whatever-you-want-to-be-called..." Quirrell rolled his eyes as he stared at Y/n.

"You put countless innocent students' lives in danger..." Y/n felt a new feeling begin boiling in the pit of his stomach. "You put Hermione in danger..." Y/n felt his heart pick up speed, his head felt like it was about to explode.

Calm down...

Y/n felt something stir around as his head was filled with a sense of calm, staring at Quirrell the whole time. "Snape unfortunately wasn't fooled," Quirrell rolled his eyes as he looked at them. "While everyone else was running to the dungeon, he went to the third floor to head me off," He added. "Then imagine my surprise when I was forced to accompany him to the bathrooms to inspect a noise only to find out that you really are his son..." Quirrell glared at Y/n before turning to the mirror once more. "Snape of course, never trusted me again, never left me alone," Quirrell looked at the two boys in the mirror. "But he doesn't understand, I'm never alone,"

"Not cryptic at all..." Y/n rolled his eyes as he turned to look at Harry, who was rubbing his scar. "Okay, big bad guy, if this was a movie then we would be at the part where you say something like that and then do some sort of big reveal, my friend needs to go relax so can we kinda move this along," Y/n spoke as he twirled his hand in the air.

"How does this mirror work?" Quirrell seemed to ask himself as he stared into the large mirror. "I see what I truly desire. I see myself holding the stone, but how do I get it?" He growled as he looked around the mirror.

"Use the boy!" A hiss echoed through the walls, causing Harry and Y/n to look all around them for the source.

"Blimey, Harry!" Y/n spoke up, knowing it wasn't the best route to take but he had to. "There is a Pedophile in the walls," He let out a chuckle as did Harry.

"COME HERE, POTTER!" Quirrell yelled as he pointed at the two. "NOW!" He watched as Harry walked past Y/n.

"Harry! Don't listen to him, he's the bad guy!" Y/n reached for the idiotic boy only for an invisible force to hit him in his chest, throwing him backwards before slamming him into the steps as Y/n tried to scream in pain but felt his lungs lacking the air to make any sound come out.

Y/n watched as Harry walked past Quirrell, stopping in front of the mirror and staring into it. Y/n tried fighting the pressure and standing up but the force seemed to only grow stronger, almost crushing him.

"WHAT DO YOU SEE?" Y/n heard Quirrell shout.

"I-I," Harry began speaking, fear evident in his voice. "I see myself shaking hands with Dumbledore, I've won the house cup,"

"He lies," The hiss returned. Y/n knew that if he had the slightest bit of air right now, he would have used it to say something like 'No shit Sherlock,' because Harry was a terrible liar.

"TELL THE TRUTH!" Quirrell yelled again, Y/n was starting to get really tired of this man's need to scream so much. "WHAT DO YOU SEE?" And there it was again, Y/n however could feel his vision turning black, fading out as the lack of oxygen was finally affecting him.

However, this time when Quirrell yelled at Harry, the pressure that pushed down on Y/n slowly disappeared while Y/n gasped for air, filling his lungs with the much-needed oxygen. "Let me speak to him," The hiss spoke up once more, Y/n slowly sat up as he felt pain shoot through his entire body from the stairs.

"But master, you are not strong enough," Quirrell turned away from Harry, fidgeting with his hands as he stared at the ground.

"I have strength, enough for this," The voice spoke as Harry stepped away from Quirrell who had begun unwrapping the clothes around his head. Harry looked back to see Y/n slowly rise to his feet as he watched the Professor as well. Both boys watched the man finish his unwrapping, revealing his bald head as they looked at the reflection in the mirror. "Harry Potter! We meet again,"


In an instant Y/n was in front of Harry once more, pulling the boy behind him as adreniline shot through his body. The pain was completely blocked out as Y/n stared at the reflection in the mirror, instantly realizing who it was. "Voldemort..." Y/n hissed as he shielded the boy behind him.

"Ahh, you look just like him..." Voldemort hissed as he smiled at Y/n's reflection. "There is no question about it," He continued with his rant as he watched the boy acting like a shield. "Even have his stupid courage and loyalty, it's sickening,"

"Listen here you bald-headed freak," Y/n spat as he glared at the man in front of them. "I don't know who you think I am but if we're just going to stand here having a chat," A sarcastic smile crept onto Y/n's face. "I have something to say, there's this girl with amazing skin and if you want, I can get you her skincare routine, you look like you need it,"

"Got your mother's sharp tongue I see," He hissed once more as Quirrell just stood there, his eyes wide in shock. "Nevertheless, I am not surprised that they would tell you about them... Funny isn't it?" Voldemort seemed to mock Y/n as he spoke. "Your friend's parents gave up their life to save him while yours gave you up to save them..." He chuckled as he watched the anger burn behind Y/n's eyes.

"At least I'm not attached to someone like an unwanted testicle hair," Y/n growled back as he stared.

"I, myself am not happy at what I have become," Voldemort began his monologue as he stared at the two. "What I have to do to survive, live off another," Voldemort hissed, Y/n could feel the fear coming off Harry, he wasn't immune to fear himself but he knew he had to stay calm to protect Harry. "Be a parasite," Voldemort snapped as he glared at his own reflection. "Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own..."

"Blah blah blah," Y/n cut the dark lord off as he twirled his hands in the air once more. "Big villain speech, big bad plan, yadda yadda yadda. You want the stone to make a body... Can we just skip this STUPID, BORING monologue," Y/n pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.

"Of course, we can," Voldemort hissed. "As soon as Harry gives us what lies in his pocket,"

"NEVER!" Harry yelled as he turned to run up the stairs.

"STOP HIM!" Voldemort yelled as Quirrell snapped his fingers, lamps in the room all lit up with a bright flame as a powerful force pushed in from the entrance. Y/n turned around too late to react as Harry was hurled backwards, hitting his head against the pillar as he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Harry," Y/n yelled as he ran over to the boy and checked his pulse. "I outta kill you for that," He turned his attention towards the Professor and his parasite.

"Don't be ridiculous," Voldemort hissed as he continued to watch the boy's reflection. "Why would you do that when I can help you?" Voldemort smiled as he stared at the boy.

"Help me?" Y/n felt Harry's pocket, smiling when he felt the stone there before standing up. "How in Merlin's name would something like yourself, help me?" Y/n's smile turned into a sarcastic one as he stared at Voldemort.

"It's clear that those who are supposed to protect you are keeping you in the dark," Voldemort spoke in riddles as he smiled. "You instincts, your loyalty, your courage... Haven't you noticed that you are beyond gifted when it comes to casting charms?" Voldemort asked a rhetorical question as he watched the slightly puzzled look on the boy's face. "None of these are by accident... Every single thing is all because of the blood that flows through your veins, your family... Your real family..."

"Bloody hell, are you going to say that I am supposed to be your heir or some nonsense?" Y/n's face filled with disgust as he shifted his gaze between Voldemort and Quirrell.

"You are incredibly smart, even if I were to say yes, you wouldn't believe me," Voldemort admitted. "At least not for long but no, your bloodline goes much farther back than myself..." Voldemort hissed as Quirrell took a step closer to the two boys. "Join me and I will tell you everything you need to know, about your parents, about your gifts... About your forefather," Voldemort seemed more hesitant with the last part as Quirrell took yet another step.

"Everything?" Y/n questioned as he watched Voldemort give a slight nod. "Who my parents were? Why did they abandon me? All that and more?" Y/n watched Voldemort nod once more. Was he truly considering this? Did he really want to know all this? The answer was simple, the answer was yes and that was all he needed to say...

You said you would protect them...

The voice... It wouldn't let him forget, why was it there?

You said you would protect Harry...

Was he going insane? Was he losing his mind?

You said you would protect her...


The yellow-red ball shot out of his wand and hit the approaching Professor, Quirrell had gotten too close to them to dodge the attack and was sent hurdling backwards. He slammed into the corner of the mirror frame, rocking the giant device as he fell to the floor.

"Sorry, but I said I'd protect them and I can't go back on my word... You know? Loyalty and stuff..." Y/n shrugged his shoulders as he watched the teacher slowly get up.

"Y/n, you are making a grave mistake," Quirrell hissed as he looked at the boy. "The Dark Lord is giving you an offer most would kill for, accept it," He ordered as he glared at the boy.

"How about you accept my foot up your arse," Y/n smiled at Quirrell while the teacher growled before jumping towards the boy, floating through the air as he did so.


Y/n cast only for Quirrell to dodge the spell at the last minute and grab the boy. A familiar force knocked Y/n back as Quirrell moved next to the boy, wrapping a hand around his throat. "You dare throw away a gift from the Dark Lord," Quirrell spat as he tightened his grip around the boy's throat.

"Such a pity that your bloodline will finally be over," Voldemort hissed as he chuckled.

You need to focus, focus on your determination to protect them...

Y/n wasn't sure how that was supposed to help him, At this point the boy knew he was going insane... But the voice had a point, he needed to get Harry out of here, he needed to protect Hermione, He had to be there for Draco and Cynthia, his mother and father... Y/n felt a massive fire build up in his chest.

Ventus Furoris

Ventus Furoris!!!

Y/n yelled with as much strength as he could muster, focusing on that burning feeling as he glared at the man above him. He felt a massive surge of power course through his body, seeping out every pore on his body. Y/n pointed the tip of his wand at the dark wizard as a golden light shot out from the wand, followed by a massive force that hit Quirrell.

The Professor was launched into the air, not lightly because he actually hit the roof really hard before he began falling back down, hitting the ground with a loud thud. Y/n slowly got up as he watched the man groan in pain as he laid there.

Y/n on the other hand felt like he was completely healed, a new sense of power flowing through him as he walked over to the man. "Two sets of eyes and yet you still didn't see that one coming..." Y/n chuckled as he watched Voldemort look at the boy as Quirrell had his face buried into the ground, groaning in pain.

"That spell... How do you know it?" Voldemort looked like he had seen a ghost as he stared up at the Malfoy. "You shouldn't have known it..." He hissed as he watched the boy point his wand at the man. "What are you going to do?"

Truth be told, Y/n wasn't sure what he was going to do. Was he going to cast that spell, he could never justify using it could he? Was he going to let Dumbledore and them deal with Quirrell? Was he...


Y/n snapped out of his daydream in time to watch Quirrell aim a wand towards Harry, face still mostly on the ground as he groaned out, trying to cast a spell while Voldemort began chuckling. Y/n could hear what Quirrell was trying to cast and he didn't want to hear it.


He cast before he even realized what he had done as a blue light shot out from his wand, watching as the body below him went limb and slumped against the ground and the wand fell out of his hand.

And then it hit the boy, he felt his body go cold as he realized what he had just cast. He looked at the lifeless boy in front of him and yet his mind wasn't accepting the fact that he had done that. Before he even could try accepting that fact, smoke started coming off Quirrell's body before forming a humanoid figure, face screaming at Y/n before flying at him, It flew right through him as he fell back, hitting his head in the process.

Y/n watched as the smoke flew out of the room before he felt himself slip into a familiar blackness.

"How many times have I been knocked out this year," He muttered as he passed out.


And that's a wrap... for this chapter...

This book is just about over, are you ready?

What did you think of this chapter?

I've seen so many books where Y/n gets knocked out during the chess game and then it cuts to the final feast, I wanted to write something different and I thought this would be a good place to insert a secret LORE...

What do you think is the big secret about Y/n's family?

I wouldn't be surprised if anyone gets it right already but I feel like I did a good job just hinting at it, I think everyone has overlooked most of the hints I've dropped throughout Book 1 so far.

Just so that no one is hunting for the spell Y/n used, it's an original spell that I created to add in for future LORE and hints, Ventus Furoris is one of a few I have made for this series.

What are your thoughts on Y/n's attitude and comebacks, it might get more as he gets older.

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