Shadow Of Knight

By Legends_Trilogy

309 109 0

In the beginning, our universe was dark and cold, with no life. Until the creator of the outerverse, Nova, br... More

§ Character Aesthetics §
Chapter 1 | Welcome To Alose
Chapter 2 | Deceived
Chapter 3 | Cycle
Chapter 4 | Love?
Chapter 6 | Destroy
Chapter 7 | Hope
Chapter 8 | The Voice
Chapter 9 | The Journey
Chapter 10 | The Farm
Chapter 11 | Unleashing The Darkness
Chapter 12 | Trouble
Chapter 13 | Deal
Chapter 14 | Whispers
Chapter 15 | Within The Silence
Chapter 16 | Moonlight
Chapter 17 | Long Story Short
Chapter 18 | Trusting A Demon
Chapter 19 | River Of Blood
Chapter 20 | Fear Death
Chapter 21 | Desire
Chapter 22 | Desperate Moment
Chapter 23 | External Factors
Chapter 24 | Friends?
Chapter 25 | Entertaining

Chapter 5 | Ice Storm

13 6 0
By Legends_Trilogy

"Darkness turns to dust, everyone's gone, but no ones leaving."

Hollywood's Bleeding - Post Malone


Addison's POV:

Drake and I walk through the icey cold winds, the forest trees blowing rapidly, the storm growing worse with each minute. "Where do you think they are?" I ask Drake, staying close to him, seeking his body heat. When I look at his arms, I see goosebumps on his skin, his cold, in fact freezing, and yet he still gave me his jacket. I-I, have no words to explain the hurricane of butterflies within my stomach, even though I've just met him, I feel like we've known each other for years, we easily get along and the attraction between us is strong, a searing heat.

That searing heat manages to keep my heart warm, my whole chest actually but I feel guilty seeing him so cold, it's almost like I can feel his pain. "I don't know, yet. This is the way they were supposed to come back, so we should meet up with them any minute." I'm barely able to focus on his words, all I can think about is keeping him warm. I interweave our arms and I push my body up to his, feeling his arm tense up.

"What's wrong?" he asks, stopping. "Nothing, you just look really cold, keep walking," I say, not wanting to waste any time in finding the guys. "I'm fine Addison." The way my name rolls off his tongue, it sounds like it belongs there like it's meant to be, even in this ice-cold weather, I still manage to feel warm in my heart, and directly on my clit, the heat is sensational.

I'm about to let go but he grabs my wrist, pulling me back to him. "I never said let go, come on, they should be somewhere around here." My skin erupts with heat from the contact with his, his gray eyes dilating, making them look pure black, making me lick my lips, feeling the hardness of his muscle under my arm, making my eyes roll back slightly. I nod and we continue, but I have one question on my mind and it needs to be answered. "W-Why is it so cold? It's not even winter yet." I stutter from the cold, and Drake pulls up the hood of his jacket to cover my head, giving me more warmth. "Stay warm little fox." He says and the little nickname makes me smile all cutesy. "The reason it's so cold is because an Ice Storm is on its way, They are very rare, this is the first one I'm about to experience."

An ice storm? I've never heard of it before, why now of all times? Things aren't adding up, "Why is an Ice Storm happening now?" I ask Drake, as we push on through the strong winds. "It's said there's only one thing that can bring an ice storm this powerful, the ice Demon Lord," Drake says and the name sends shivers down my spine. Demon Lords are the highest form of rank a demon can achieve, scaling to power beyond that of any mage or sorcerer, their power is on high galactic levels.

Why would the Ice Demon Lord be doing this, Alose is over 1000000 miles from his territory, and his power was able to reach this side of the earth, how the fuck are we going to win this war? The Demon Lords are unstoppable, it'll have to take another Demon Lord to defeat one, let alone 7, this world is doomed, my life is cursed. From the moment they crossed dimensions, we were all screwed, the demon race is just too powerful for us humans to handle, and it's only a matter of time before evil wins.

Besides all that negativity, let's focus on the problem at hand, we need to find the guys before the storm gets worse. Suddenly as we're walking we hear loud talking and shouting and we look to our right, and in the far distance, we see the guys.

"This is exactly why I said I should use the map! Don, ever since we were kids, was fucking shit at geography or geometry, now we're in the middle of fucking nowhere, with an Ice Storm closing in!" Dan shouts angrily, as they all pull a giant moose along the floor, that's probably the kill they were supposed to get. "Like you'd be any better, you were too busy perving over the teacher to even pay attention in class!" Don shouts back at him, whilst Jake and Tim watch in misery. Drake's friends are complete opposites towards him, not to say they're ugly, they are all fucking cute but their personalities are not on point. They are loud, rambunctious, superbly positive, and generally fun people. Drake is quiet, mature, realistic, and a very well-groomed man. How are they even best friends? The thought making me chuckle internally.

We run up to them and their eyes light up. "Drake, thank God your here, we could use some more manpower to move this fucking moose," Dan says with a husky breath, letting go of the moose. "Leave the moose, we'll come back for it tomorrow, the cold will keep it fresh, let's go," Drake says, and without questioning or hesitation, they drop the moose and come to Drakes's side. Now this is a man, someone who can lead and control in tough situations, remaining calm, but can let all their anger lose within a flash or a simple movement.

Drake nods in the direction of the cave and we begin to walk quickly, jogging at this point. My muscles ache from all the running and walking, my hands and face becoming numb from the extreme cold but I choose to ignore it, I can't be the one holding them back, I can't be dead weight. Fuck, I can't feel my legs, this ice is so cold that not even my fire magic can help keep me warm, I stop from exhaustion, barely able to breathe. Drake stops out of instinct and turns back to see me, concern washes over his face and he comes towards me.

"Addison, what's wrong?" He says, leaning down slightly. I look up at him, the dark grey sky layering shadow and depth upon his iris, the luminous look making me chew on my lip. "Yeah, I'm fine, just out of breath."  I give a small smile and he returns a toothy grin, flashing his pearly white teeth for a moment before it vanishes by the sudden alarm of a growl in the woods.

The growl is deep, loud, throaty, and aggresive. "Guys, on my six," Drake says and they all draw their bows, axes, hammers, shields and Drake simply unsheathed his long, silver sword, decorated with runes and enchantments, his black shirt clings tightly to his arms and chest, his muscles bulging out, my throat becoming dry but between my legs is very wet. The growl gets closer, and the pressure around us gets bigger, more intense. A snarling howl rips us out of focus and we all stare in different directions. The heavy footsteps approach and without warning, a large creature, coated in white fur, leaps out of the bush of the forest.

My blood runs cold at the sight of it, its large figure, razor-sharp teeth, long claws, a monster is what it should be called.

It's a Werewolf.

To Be Continued...

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