Billionaires Have Hearts?

By CathyJensen

753 65 44

Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy books and the Great characters you created. In this... More

Cold Calls
A Real Vision
The Female Billionaire
The Truth
Jose Jr. Had Help
The Babies Returned
A Match Made In Heaven
An Unwanted Visitor
All Aboard The Billionaires Book
All Sold Out
More Arrested
A Lovely Wedding
How To Tell Mia
A Real Issue
A Lead We Overlooked
Major Arrests Of Medical Interns
Book 5 And 6
A Happy Ending
A New Birth

Finally Home

28 3 2
By CathyJensen

I have been released on one huge bail amount. My security team have quit working for me. They want nothing to do with me. My family has disowned me. Law suits are being filed left and right. My home is still a crime scene. I can't find anyone to work for me. My attorney really doesn't want to defend me against all the charges against me. So he asked to be relieved of the duty to defend me. No attorney will take my calls. I am being followed everywhere by security from Gods knows who. I can't leave the state or the country.

Mia is ready to leave the hospital and she is seeing a psychiatrist for her PTSD. I have guys watching over Mia and Susan has my security team and others security teams on her. The found that she had did much more than kidnap and torture these victims, she sold the babies that were created during their sessions. Documents were found and they started digging up her gardens and found bodies. She used her yacht to transport the babies to their parents. After she was off the property a warrant to search the boats and her land was given. Her bail was revoked and she went back to jail. She had to get a public defender and pay him for his work. It was a forced issue. I and my family are making sure she lives her life in prison. We had hoped she would but some strange circumstances were in the making. She escaped on the way to the courthouse. Well we were told she had escaped. It turns out that someone wanted her dead so badly they took her out if the bus from the prison. The body was never found and we don't know what happened to her.

Jose Sr.
I think you should feel what you did to my son and to all those others before these families of those poor dead children you took for your pleasure and your profits. I hope you burn in hell. I couldn't get Jose Jr. to open up about what happened when he was kidnapped at ten years old. Now I know it was you who did that to him. You kept him under your thumb. He was never the same after you and your friends got hold of him. Gwendolyn and Nina were about to fall into the trap you set up for Anastasia and Kate. You are a very sick person. But these people want revenge and I do as well. Susan 5his is goodbye and look around the place, recognize your partners in crime? We got the DNA matches on all the babies and wow we found all your friends. Well people a cleaner crew will be here to assure nothing is traced back to any of you. You all have credible alibis. I shut the door and hear screaming as I am driven away.

Mia is finally smiling after she sees a text on her phone. I see it and it says life is better than death you can start living again and bury the ghosts of recent events now. Good luck with your new life.  That's pretty cryptic. Mia said yes it is, can we visit Bella's grave please? I agree and security drives us to the grave and Mia puts a flower on the headstone and she tells her that she will see her in heaven and hopefully she will have plenty of friends up there to keep her busy until they are together again.

The message meant that Susan and her friends, well her sadists friends are being taken care of. A body fitting Susan's description will be found mutilated. I got a final message that said hell has gained more evil doers and you can sleep peacefully for now. A smiley face with a halo on it's head. I don't know who it is, but I owe a thanks I hope. One can never trust so freely in this life. I have learned that the hard way. I keep my security close by now. Christian has hired two females and two men to keep me safe. He is sorry he didn't make sure that I took my safety precautions more serious.

Boy do we have a great story and we are running with it. We are now back in our apartment and Christian and Elliott visit quite often. Security is very tight around us and we don't have any issues with people coming up to us for photos or our story. We tell them we are writing our version of our story. We are making money off it and we can't discuss it because it is an exclusive story on both of our experiences.

Kate and I are writing this story along with the story about how difficult it is to date being billionaires. Jose Sr is allowing us to use his story for a book. The psychiatrist wants acknowledgment in the book. If I were him I wouldn't want to be known as the guy who didn't help Jose Jr.  With his PTSD. Now we have a lot more than we started out with. Kate and I are writing all the articles and all the books together. We sold all three books and the articles were sold for a huge profit. Names were changed and we used a pen name on all of them.

Jack Hyde
I wait and wait to see an opening to get to those bitches and I can't get to them. Mia is definitely not going anywhere without her security. I tried the ladies room and walked into an Amazon of a woman telling me to get out of the ladies room. I think she took a photo of me. I am walking across the street when a car stops and I am dragged into it by a huge guy. We are in a limousine and I am looking at two huge guys and then I see her. I know who she is and I should be afraid, but I am not afraid for some reason. It might be because she is smaller than her daughter. I suddenly feel her claws in my throat and I can't breathe because she is sneezing my throat and cutting off my oxygen supply.

Americus Adkins Mia's mother
Now that I have your attention mr Hyde if that is really your name, something tells me it isn't. I think you recognize me now, don't you. I mean after all your friend Susan ran complete background checks on your victims right. You made sure I was out of the country before you grabbed my Mia. You have no friends left to help you mr Hyde. These two guys are very fond of Mia and you tried to grab her once again. I have the men unzip Hyde's pants and The put a rubber glove on to pull out his penis. I shake my head and tell the boys he really doesn't need that tiny piece of male anatomy. So how many babies did you create besides my grand daughter who you chose to starve to death by starving my Mia. Boys are you sure you want to string him up by that or his balls? Your choice just get the cleaners again. No blood in our cars. Hyde we figured you would show up around Anastasia and Kate's place and you did. You definitely aren't the brains of the organization. Boys get that information to me before nightfall. Then you can play pool with him. Don't forget about leaving a message for his boss.

Tia Rodriquez
Jack hasn't completed his task and I tracked his phone to a very odd place. Dad is getting suspicious and I am trying to slip him a mickey, but the housekeeper has been watching me very closely lately. I am the only heir now and I haven't seen the will lately. The little sister who no one notices. I have helped Jose Jr. so often and I am not getting credit for what I am able to accomplish. Dad told me to find my own place to live after tonight. I jumped on his housekeeping and his cook. So I need to speed up the time table on his death and me taking all his billions and sell his company off. Hell I might just marry myself a billionaire. Gideon is looking good. Christian has fell for Anastasia. Carl Binder is available. The housekeeper rolls my suitcases out and places them by the front door. She reaches in my purse and takes out the car and house keys along with the credit cards and my checkbooks. She hands them to my father. He kisses me good bye and wishes me good luck. I am stopped and my phone is taken away as well. The five thousand dollars is still in my purse.

Jose Sr.
I have closed all your accounts and you are lucky I didn't press charges for trying to poison me tonight. I had my will changed and you only get a dollar. Your victims families are getting everything and you get a dollar. Five thousand will buy you a pair of shoes, make sure they are good because you will be walking around until you buy a car.

I walk out the door and a limo is waiting for me, Hyde texted me about getting in the back of the limo. I get inside and he isn't there. An eerie smile is on the woman's face. She looks like an older version of Mia Grey. I am soon aware that I am not going to live long.

I see you can tell that Mia is my child and you ordered her to be hurt, raped and impregnated and starved so that she lost her baby. I wished I could do that to you, but you are joining your friend Jack and life will last inky as long as you give us the people who have the babies who lived? I know this was all your idea. You sure are a sick person doing that to your own brother.

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