Billionaires Have Hearts?

By CathyJensen

924 77 44

Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy books and the Great characters you created. In this... More

Cold Calls
A Real Vision
The Truth
Jose Jr. Had Help
Finally Home
The Babies Returned
A Match Made In Heaven
An Unwanted Visitor
All Aboard The Billionaires Book
All Sold Out
More Arrested
A Lovely Wedding
How To Tell Mia
A Real Issue
A Lead We Overlooked
Major Arrests Of Medical Interns
Book 5 And 6
A Happy Ending
A New Birth

The Female Billionaire

43 3 2
By CathyJensen

Andrea Lewis
I am curious about what the interview would entail and it amazes me how detailed it is and they record it with me not wanting my name to be used. I have had many suitors, but most were after my money and I knew it. The ones who played poor after taking me to an expensive restaurant doesn't get a second date. I have learned about the various guy and what they pull on dates. I never got stuck with the bill and they regretted ordering the most expensive in hopes I would pay for the meals. It was not something that I would do. They had to come up with some way to pay for the meal. They invited me out not the other way around. So when they tried to hint about my paying for the meal I left using the ladies room as an excuse the server helped me leave the restaurant and the guy was sitting there sweating on how he was going to pay for the expensive food he had ordered. I think men dating female billionaires are far worse than the women that date male billionaires. It is just my opinion after I spoke to a few of the men. The women at least don't check out the competition around the room. They know they are arm candy and try to keep their attention on their date. The men seem to be checking the other women out during our date. I have enjoyed telling them all the terrible stories about dating as a billionaire. The more I talk the more I find a possible solution to finding true love.

We get a lot of great advice from Andrea and we decide to keep in touch and send her the story we wrote.

I think Andrea has a guy in mind and she will let us both know who she is talking about.

Susan Davis
Oh joy the wonderful dating of a female billionaire. The idea of being picked up in a ten year old rust bucket and being taken to an expensive restaurant and the guy doesn't have a suit jacket or tie on. We all enjoyed discussing the beauty of escaping through the back door of the restaurants we had dinner at. It was amazing the dates I had. We chuckled, but knew it was funny now that I thought it was funny now, but then it was  horrifying.

I listen to the thing about how mad she must have been when back then . These are the best storylines and it gives us a good idea what can happen when you have money if you are a woman. There seems to be a lot of men who go after rich women. But for the most part men are the ones who ask women out. I am then thinking about whether they were stalked and decided to ask all of them that question. The answers were in the affirmative, but the trials are not public and they want to keep it that way.

I start wondering how many women Jose Jr. did this to. I get a call from Jose Sr. and I take it. He tells me to be ready for four security people to arrive to protect me from Jose Jr. Jose sr said that his son escaped police custody and is a very dangerous threat to my safety. Susan was still with us when the call came through and the security arrived. Kate and I are staying in an apartment that Christian owns. He had our things moved out of our place and into the building he lives in with five hours. Several things were missing and found in Jose Jr.'s possession.

I tell the girls to be careful because Jose jr. is more dangerous than he appears to be. I show them the knife wound on my stomach. Anastasia has her her gun back from the cops and she shows me Samantha. I told her shoot to kill because he won't stop coming after you. She shows me her security teams and says he got through the four security before to use the knife on her. I don't tell them that he thought I was pregnant with another guys baby and tried to kill it and me for cheating on him. We merely had a business dinner and nothing else. Somehow Jose Jr. got off on all charges. We ask to use this and only under different names. I notice that Anastasia has her gun ready to shoot. We hear something from the hallway.

Jose Jr.
I slip around the security and am able to get to the door of Anastasia's and Kate's new apartment. I saw Susan's teams outside and I find a service elevator taking furniture up. I slip inside the wardrobe and hide in it. This was in Anastasia's bedroom at her old home. I was able to slide the strap back in place with a credit card. I wait an watch to see the men leave and they remove the straps and I walk out and find where the three women are chatting. I hear my name being mentioned. I bump into something and then I hear a knock at the front door.

Jose Sr.
I arrive on the scene and then go to the girls new residence and I have my security with me. All the security teams follow me and my security to the apartment the girls are living in. I see Susan Davis's security and I just know Jose Jr. is here somewhere. I am not letting Jose Jr. hurt anyone else.

Jose Jr.
I grab something sharp from the bedroom, I have no idea what it is, but I hope it does the job. I spring out from the hall way and go for Anastasia and suddenly I feel the bullet hit me in the head. I feel the blood but I can't stop thinking of killing this cheating whore. Another bullet hits the hand that's holding the sharp object and I fall to the floor. Nice carpeting and very soft, what was I doing again. I see dark figures with claws and they are dragging me into a whirlpool of flames. Can flames be a whirlpool? Suddenly the pain is excruciating and I wished they would stop pulling me through the flames. That all I see now and I feel my skin keep melting away.

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