Party for Disaster

By Sam-a-lama-ding-dong

427 30 132

The Three Warriors have to take care of Meg's kids while she has tonsillitis and Chad has the flu. More

The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note
Song Credit
A Good Cast is Worth Repeating

Chapter 16

16 1 4
By Sam-a-lama-ding-dong

"Sam, I still can't believe Idina drove" said Dick.

"Dickie, listen. If you could just have Bruce loan us the bail money..." said Sam.

"And when he hears why we need it?" said Dick.

"It's still worth a try" said Sam with a stressed sigh.

Dick stared into space and grimaced. "Sam, a horrible thought strikes me."

"What's that?" 

"Can Chad trust us?" said Dick.

"That thought strikes me too. He's had a really rough couple of days, and we seem to be making 'em worse" said Sam.

"Way worse. I mean, his wife goes into the operating room, he gets the flu and now his kids are green and jailed" said Dick.

"And how are we gonna handle Kristen in a Japanese restaurant? They cook our food in front of us; we might burn her" said Sam.

"Then let's not" said Dick. 

Sam half-smiled and looked down.

"Look, babe. We could at least try. You're a cop and I'm a dad. Besides, your crew and the Beatles are going to the same restaurant tonight" said Dick.

"If the Beatles are going, we could give Paul some practice. I trust him better than me" said Sam.

"Hardly seems like we'd be talking care of Kristen then" said Dick.

"Maybe. But Chad might trust the lads better than me too" said Sam.

"Yeah, given what happened today, you might be right" said Dick.

"Let's go tell him our plan" said Sam.

Outside, Chad was sitting on a park bench cradling Kristen. 

The baby was staring at her father, who was looking down and letting tears roll down his cheeks.

"Chad? We're really really really sorry" said Charles Wallace.

"Yeah. You have every right to yell at us" said Calvin.

"I'm not going to yell at you, Calvin. Mostly because it hurts my belly" said Chad.

Charles Wallace and Calvin looked at each other guiltily. 

"My poor Idina. There must be a way to get her out" said Chad. 

"Let's ask Bruce Wayne for the bail money" said Charles Wallace.

"I had that talk with Sam. He wouldn't believe why" said Calvin.

"Oh dear... oh dear..." Chad whispered.

"I hope Dick and Sam are better sitters than us" said Charles Wallace.

"I doubt it. They're taking Kristen on a date" said Calvin.

"Calvin, please don't frighten me. I'm ill enough as it is" said Chad. 

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