Red Love

By imaginef1

13.4K 341 4

The hardest decision in her life is choosing between two people she loves. Carlos Sainz or Charles Leclerc? F... More

Home ride
Old him
Anti Hero ~ Carlos
Self hate ~ Charles
Second Homeride
Next moring ~ Carlos
Freaked out ~Charles
Spanish ego
Golf teacher

Boat trip ~ Carlos

1.4K 35 0
By imaginef1

I wake up from a phone call. Slowly I open my eyes and grab my phone which is laying on the bedside table. On the phone disappears „Lord Perceval". Why is Charles calling me? Wait fuck is he pissed because I drove his girl home yesterday. I am now full awake. What should I do? Ah Fuck it what should happen right?

„Hello?" I pick up.

„Mate are you still in Monaco?" Charles sounds happy so I guess he will not kill me or anything.

„Uhm yes I will be staying here till tomorrow morning why are you asking?" I am not sure what is going on right now. Is he playing this and kills me after or is he fr?

„A few friends and I are going to a little boat trip later. Your on?"

„Yeah sure. What time?" I have nothing to do and a boat trip is a fun thing to do.

„Great mate! We will go at 10 a.m . We will meet at my yacht I will send you the location." Charles sounds exiting which is confusing me.

„Okay see you Lord Perceval" I laugh at the phone and I can tell he is smiling.

„Alright see you chili" He hang up and I look at the time. It's 8 a.m so I should better hurry up if I will make it on time.

I make my way to the location Charl send me a few minutes ago. On the way threw the long landing stage I look at all the expensive boats around here. One more beautiful than the other. It reminds me on my little boat at home in Spain. This is nothing when I see all theses boats. But I love my little „Antonio" that's what I call my boat. I named it after my grandpa. He is one of the important people in my life. Family is a big thing for me.

Finally I made it to the location. Charles is a big thing here in Monaco if not the biggest thing. So is his yacht. A big black boat with his racing number 16 and his initials are right in front of me.
Some voices are coming out of the yacht. I'm hopping on and walk in the direction where the voices are coming.
„Are we ready to go?" I hear Andrea Charles trainer.
„Now we can go" I step in.
„Hello mate" Charles turns around and we made our handshake. It became our thing every time we see each other. No idea how it started is just did.
„We are waiting for two other friends of mine and then we are ready to go I guess" While Charles is speaking I greet Andrea. Behind Andrea a small girl with brown hair appears. It was y/n. I didn't know she is coming today but I have nothing against it. She is not like those many girl. She can stand up for herself and doesn't take things that serious. You can laugh with her about stupid jokes and do stupid things. She is not typical girly. I like that. Charles made a good catch with her ntg.
Her green blue eyes meet mine. „Hi" I say and the atmosphere between us goes awkward pretty fast.
„Hi" she whisper and I swear to god I have seen a smile on her face. She seems a bit pissed. Maybe yesterday they got into a fight. Idk and it's none of my business.

Charles other friends arrived. I know them. We went parting a long time ago and they were funny as hell. We drive out to the sea a few kilometers. We drop the anchor out of the yacht so we can hang out without driving it. I take my shirt of because of the heat. It is so freaking hot in Monaco. It is time for cooling. Luckily I have my trunks already on so I can jump right into the water. Charles and I are climbing to the top of the yacht to jump. The other are standing a few floor underneath to watch us jumping.

„You go first" Charles arm is laying on my shoulder. I look down and look back at him. „ No you go first." I say. We are not really sure who should go first because both of us don't want to be the first person who jumps down.
„What are you scared!" y/n is screaming to us. We look at her and then we look at each other.
„Ok I will go first" Charles and I say it at the same time. It was silence for a second.
„Let's do rock paper scissors" Charles offers me. I nod and we make our hand to a fist ready to go.
„Rock paper scissors shoot!" we say. Fuck. I have paper and Charles scissor. I'm a little bit pissed. It seems like I am a pussy not jumping down first. Charles get ready to go and take a few steps back to have a good jump. With his head first he dives into the water. The others are clapping and screaming. Now it was my turn. I also take a few steps back to have a good star-up. I run and jump right next to Charles who is still in the sea. Shit that was freaking amazing. The others are joining us.

We spent a few hours in the water having some fun. Sometimes I catch myself looking at y/n. But before I look at her she already looks at me. She is always on Charles side and I think I was wrong about earlier. To me they look fine just like a normal couple. Good for them. I guess.
It is already afternoon and the sun is about to go. I take a beer and go to the rooftop and watch the sunset. The other are talking listen to some music and have fun. I need just a moment for me. I take a breath and watch the sunset. This all reminds me of how lucky I am. I am so thankful for this life. Suddenly I fell a warm hand on my shoulder.
„Ah look who it is" I say after turning around „Miss Bella" I smile at y/n. I move a bit so she can sit down. „Stop calling me that you idiot" she smiles back and sits down. „Why? Charli is calling you that" My eyes are now on her and not on the sunset anymore. Her eyes are more prettier then the sunset tbh. I can watch at this eyes for hours and not getting bored.
„Yeah but Charles is my boyfriend" She says and it brings me back to reality. She is right. She is already taken. My eyes are back at the real sunset. „ I didn't know you are coming with us today actually." I say something ignoring the conversation we just had.
„What a surprise because I had no idea that you guys are coming." Y/n takes a big breath.
„Charli boy didn't told you?" Why didn't he told her that? „Nope" she looks down and I can see the disappointment.
„Shit. I am sorry" next to me was another beer „Do you want a beer maybe it makes you feel better." I try to cheer her up. „Yeah why not" she takes the beer out of my hand and we cheer.
„Bella sit down with me. Let's watch the sunset together." Charles shouts to y/n. She looks at me and than to Charles. „Uhm thank for the beer" She stands up and walks down to Charles. They are laying at the front. I can easily see them from my spot. Charles has a blanket around them. Arm in arm they are sitting down there to watching the sunset. It makes me mad. Idk why I am happy for Charles actually.

After the sun is down I stand up. At the same time Charles any y/n also standing up. He kisses her and Charles is looking straight at me and winks. What was that. Is he jealous or scared that I am gonna steal his girl? Is he Fr. He knows me I would never do something like that.
We need to go back to the Harbor so we pulling the anchor back up. Charles drives us back. On the way back y/n is always next to Charles and is no more looking at me. She only has eyes for him now.

Why am I so disappointed? She is his boyfriend why would she have only eyes for me? What's wrong with me? Get yourself together Carlos!

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