Toby's Sister (1)

By derekhalekolmlover

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Mike Montgomery x OC Season 1-4 Book 1 of 2 ©️ derekhalekolmlover More

Toby's sister
Book covers
Act 1
1) Pilot
2) The Jenna thing
3) To kill a Mocking Girl
4) Can you hear me now
5) Reality bites me
6) There's no place like homecoming
7) The homecoming hangover
8) Please do talk about me when im gone
9) Detective Jerk
10) keep your friends close
11) moments later
12) official
13) know your frenemies
14) dance a thon
15) date night
16) apologies
17) the new normal
18) more clues
19) person of interest
20) someone to watch over me
21) Monsters in the end
22) for whom the bell tolls
Act II
1) therapy
2) The goodbye look
3) movie date
4) secrets always come out
5) daddy
6) Never letting go
7) surface tension
8) hospital... again
9) homes
10) the stepsissy to be
11) I must confess
12) over my dead body
13) the first secret
15) A hot piece of A
16) let the water hold me down
17) the accident
18) A kiss before lying
19) The Naked Truth
20) the meeting
21) Breaking the code
22) father daughter dance
23) eye of the beholder
24) if these dolls could talk
25) unmasked
1) It happened
2) Blood is the new black
3) Kingdom of the blind
4) Birds of a Feather
5) That Girl is poison
6) anniversary
7) crazy
8) Maya's website
9) The Kahn game
10) what lies beneath
11) Single Fright Female
12) The lady killer
13) This is a dark ride
14) she's better now
15) Mona - Mania
16) Misery loves company
17) Out of the frying pan into the inferno
18) dead to me
19) under the weather
20) accidents
21) close call
22) she's not herself
23) the body
24) A dangerous game
Act IV

14) through many dangers, toils, and snares

444 21 0
By derekhalekolmlover

Ava, Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily were doing community service by picking up trash.

"Only an hour and thirty minutes to go" Hanna said. "I think it's more like two hours but who's counting" Aria said.

"How many hours you got left a dark-haired girl asked the short hair girl on the bench. "Six months" she said.

"But your momma's not a big shot lawyer getting you and your pals community service for tampering with evidence" the dark-haired girl said, and Ava went to go hit her when Aria stopped her shaking her head.

Ava glared at the girl before going back to work. "I thought you said they killed somebody" the short hair girl said.

"That's what the cops think but the cops can't prove it" the dark-haired girl said. "Cops are stupid" the short hair girl said. "We didn't do anything" Emily said.

"Oh, so Em can talk to them, but I can't show them what I'm made of yeah cool" Ava said. "Don't talk to them" Spencer told Emily.

"I'll talk to anybody I want to" Emily said. "No, you won't" Spencer said. "And who's gonna stop me" Emily asked. "Both of you just shut up I don't wanna hear it anymore" Aria said.

"Did you at least think about my idea" Emily asked Spencer. "It was a bad idea when they arrested us it's a bad idea now" Spencer said.

"We finally have something solid" Emily said. "Why won't you use it" Emily asked.

"Because you can't make a deal with a rattlesnake" Spencer said. "You can if you have something the rattlesnake wants" Emily said.

"Can we stop talking about snakes" Hanna asked. "And maybe just focus on our community service please" Ava asked.

"Listen to me we're not going to be making any kind of deal with A that's final" Spencer said.

"Maybe for you the rest of us don't have lawyers for parents" Emily said.

"Meaning what" Spencer asked. "Meaning your mom may have gotten us a deal but if they ever figure out a way to charge us for killing Ali, she'll throw the rest of us under the bus to save you and you'd let her" Emily said turning around when Spencer threw her bag at her.

Emily gasped before going to Spencer and the two started fighting. Ava, Aria, and Hanna tried to get them to stop but wouldn't ending up with the cops pulling them apart.


"You know what happened with Spencer and Emily" Jason asked Ava as she came downstairs.

"No not really" Ava said, and Jason gave her a look.

"I promise I don't okay and even if I tried to stop it things would have gotten worse" Ava said and Jason sighed.

"Okay" Jason said. "Are we good can I go" Ava asked. "I'm late to meet Mike and Aria" Ava said. "Yeah go" Jason said and Ava smiled before leaving.


Ava caught up with Mike and Aria and tapped Mike on the shoulder. "Oh, there's my girl" Mike said giving her a quick kiss before putting his arm around her.

"Sorry I could barely get away from Jason" Ava said. "It's fine at least your here now we were just talking about Mike's therapist" Aria said and Ava nodded.

"So do you like this guy" Aria asked Mike. "He's okay I mean he's really old but he's not a jerk he doesn't make those listening noises like my first therapist he dialed down my meds and he doesn't look at me like I'm a bobblehead the way I catch mom and dad sometimes" Mike said.

"They do not look at you like you're a bobblehead" Aria said.

"Really I still catch them looking and you too, the only one who doesn't is Ava" Mike said. "Yeah, well I still worry" Ava said.

"We just want you to be okay" Aria told Mike. "Well, that's tough to do with people waiting for you to turn into a zombie or something" Mike said.

"Hmm it's funny I always saw you as more of the cute werewolf type" Aria said.

"Me too plus the werewolves are way hotter" Ava said and Mike smiled before kissing Ava's forehead.

Ezra Fitz came out and went towards Ava, Mike, and Aria. "Hello" Mike said. "Hey Mike, Ava, Aria" Ezra said. "Hi" Aria said back to him.

"Haven't seen you in a while" Ezra told Aria. "Yeah, I um I don't really get over to Hollis much anymore have things to do around here so I still have that Ivy Dunbar book that you lent me the essays I know that you said it's pretty rare, so you probably want that back" Aria said.

"No, no it's okay uh no rush as long as I know you have it" Ezra said.

"I do I really like her writing" Aria said. "Yeah, I knew you would" Ezra said. "Mike would you and Ava go" Aria asked and Mike knew what she meant.

"Sure" Mike said and left with Ava not once moving his arm away from around her throwing Aria's cup away before returning to her.

"Well, we gotta go" Aria said. "Yeah, I gotta go too it was great seeing you Mike, Ava" Ezra said. "Mr Fitz" Mike said. "Bye" Aria said to Ezra. "Bye" Ezra said back to her.


"Hey what's going on with Emily and Spencer" Mike asked Ava after she got her books out of her locker.

"I don't know they just started fighting probably over something stupid" Ava said closing her locker. "Give me that" Mike said taking Ava's books.

"No Mike no I can" Ava tried to say but Mike already grabbed her books. "I wish for once you let me carry my own stuff" Ava said.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did that" Mike said and Ava just glared at him. "I love you" Mike said. "Yeah, I love you too" Ava said. "Come on" Mike said using his free hand to hold Ava's hand and they headed off to class.


Ava saw Toby outside and smiled and ran to him hugging him. Toby smiled and hugged her back.

Ava eventually broke from the hug and looked at Toby. "Waiting for Spencer" Ava asked. "Yea but I was also hoping to run into my baby sister" Toby said and Ava smiled.

"How do you like living with Jason" Toby asked. "It's great but not as fun as it was living with my brother" Ava said.

"Don't worry you'll be back before you know it" Toby said.

"And then it's back to every other week with Jason" Ava said. "Yes, but hey he does care about you" Toby said. "Yeah, you're right" Ava said. "But I still miss you" Ava told Toby.

"I miss you too" Toby said and Ava gave Toby a kiss on the cheek on a sisterly way before leaving.


Aria, Ava, Hanna, Emily, and Spencer met up late that night in secret and Emily gave Aria her phone.

"You were always my favorite want to make a deal" Aria said reading the message. "A took the bait" Emily said smiling. "Gotta, say I didn't expect that to work" Ava said.

"We pulled it off" Hanna said. "A totally thinks we're not friends anymore" Emily said and Aria gave her, her phone back.

"They think that we have a real evidence" Spencer said. "Look does it bother anybody that we don't actually have anything we're just making it up" Hanna asked.

"But Jenna and Garrett don't know that" Aria said. "It's the best plan we got" Ava said.

"I don't know it just scares me that Emily's doing this alone" Hanna said. "No, no she's not gonna be alone we'll be outside" Aria said.

"Yeah, but it's just the five of us" Hanna said. "Hanna every time we ask someone for help, they end up collateral damage like Dr Sullivan" Emily said.

"Or a traitor like Garrett" Aria said. "Look I don't know about you, but I want to keep both my boyfriend, my brother and everyone else I care about safe" Ava said.

"It was so creepy to have to talk to him, but it was totally worth it to rattle the cage" Spencer said.

"So tomorrow and everyone's that's watching is gonna believe that Emily totally went rogue and that she wants the box that Jason gave me" Aria said. "The one with the evidence" Spencer said.

"That doesn't really exist" Ava added. "Are you sure that A is gonna follow Emily" Hanna asked.

"Absolutely" Spencer said. "I'm the weakest link and the weakest link wants some payback" Emily said.


Ava was at her locker when Toby walked up to her. "Hey bro what brings you by" Ava asked. "Do you know what's going on with Spencer" Toby asked.

"Toby whatever is going on with you and Spencer is between you and her" Ava said. "Ava" Toby said.

"I don't know I promise" Ava said. "Okay" Toby said sighing. "I'm sorry" Ava said. "It's okay maybe Emily knows" Toby said. "Maybe" Ava told Toby. "I gotta go but talk soon okay" Ava said and left.


Hanna and Ava made it to Spencer in the cafeteria prepared for the showdown with Emily that was supposed to happen.

"It's last event, the last heat" Hanna said. "Where is Aria" Spencer asked.

"We said that we were gonna do this together" Spencer said. "She'll be here Spence she probably got caught up with something" Ava said and Aria came over. "I'm sorry it's complicated" Aria said.

"So is this" Spencer said. "I'm here okay" Aria said, and people started coming in. "Showtime" Ava said.

They all saw Emily and pretended to be mad at her. Emily made her way to them, and Spencer turned to leave but Emily turned her back around.

"Okay it's every man for himself I want the box that Jason gave Aria" Emily said.

"Well, you're not gonna get it" Spencer said. "Guys Spencer's only looking out for herself we have to cut a deal with" Emily said.

"Shut up Emily" Spencer said. "Where is it" Emily asked. "It's safe" Spencer said. "Where" Emily asked. "Don't tell her it's hidden and it stays hidden until I want it found" Spencer said.

"You forget we all learned how to keep secrets from the same person I bet I know where it is good luck" Emily said and left.

"Let's get out of here" Spencer said and left with Hanna, Ava, and Aria.


Mike and Ava went downstairs going to get something to drink but stopped once they saw Ezra, Aria, Ella, and Bryon. "Mike you should go back upstairs take Ava with you" Ella said.

Ava was confused till she saw the look on Ella's and Bryon's faces. "I wanted you to know that this started before Aria was assigned to my class" Ezra said.

"What started" Ella asked. "Wait what do you mean before she was assigned to your class" Bryon asked.

"She wasn't my student then" Ezra said. "She wasn't your student then" Bryon asked.

"This can't be true" Ella said. "It is really" Aria said and held Ezra's hand. "I love him" Aria said.

"This was going on" Ella said getting up. "This happened while you were her teacher" Ella asked Ezra.

"Yes" Ezra said, and Bryon got up. "Do you understand what you're saying" Bryon asked Ezra. "Yes, I do" Ezra said. "No, I don't think you do if you did you wouldn't be standing here you wouldn't dare" Ella said.

"Aria go upstairs take Mike and Ava with you" Bryon told Aria. "No, no I'm staying here" Aria said.

"If this is true what you're telling us" Bryon said. "It is" Ezra said. "No" Ella said.

"What I'm hoping can happen is that" Ezra said. "No what is gonna happen is you are gonna leave this house right now" Bryon said. "Mr. Montgomery" Ezra said.

"End of conversation" Bryon said. "Dad just" Aria said. "Aria no" Ella said. "Bryon" Ezra said.

"I am not asking you I am telling you" Bryon said and suddenly Mike punched Ezra.

"Mike" Bryon and Aria both said with Bryon taking Mike to the side with Ava going to them ignoring Aria making sure Mike was okay.

"I'm fine Avs" Mike said and opened the door. "Maybe you should go" Aria told Ezra and Ezra left with Mike closing the door behind him.


Ava was Mike in his room checking him for injuries. "I told you I'm fine" Mike said. "Just double checking" Ava said.

"Did you know" Mike asked her. "Yes, but before you get mad, I didn't support it and it wasn't my secret to tell" Ava said.

"I wish I could be mad but it's impossible to stay mad at you" Mike said and Ava smiled.

"That was a little hot what you did down there" Ava said. "What me punching a grown man" Mike asked.

"Yeah, it was" Ava said and took a moment. "Sexy" Ava finally said, and Mike smiled at her.

"Really" Mike said. "Really" Ava said and smiled. Mike gave her a quick kiss and Ava smiled once again. "Your kisses are addicting" Ava said.

"Good cause their never gonna stop" Mike said. "Can you stay with me for tonight" Mike asked putting his hand on her thigh. "Uh" Ava said hesitantly worried about Emily.

"Please" Mike said. "Sure" Ava said giving in knowing she'd do anything for Mike even with everything that was going on. "Thanks" Mike said, and Ava gave him a small smile.

"I just have to do something first, but I'll be back" Ava said and Mike nodded. Ava got up kissed Mike's cheek and left.


Aria and Emily found Spencer just in time stopping A from hurting Emily.

Spencer shown up beside them and they all grabbed a weapon heading towards A.

A shattered the glass causing the girls to suck giving A time to run away. "Are you okay" Aria asked Emily helping her up. Emily, Aria, Ava, and Spencer ran after A.

"You guys come on" Spencer told Aria, Ava, and Emily. "Hanna" Spencer said causing Hanna to run with them.

The girls all stopped running once they lost A. "My god I don't believe this" Spencer said. "Hey, you okay" Aria asked Emily. "Yeah, I think so" Emily said.

"Did I just hit what I think I did" Hanna asked. "Yes, and now they're gone we've got nothing, we've got nothing" Spencer said and the girls started walking back.

"Was it Garrett or Jenna" Hanna asked. "How could it be Jenna" Spencer asked. "I couldn't tell" Emily said.

"Well, was it a boy or a girl" Hanna asked. "I don't know" Emily said. "Han easy" Ava said. "Any sense of boobs" Hanna asked.

"Hanna" Spencer said, and they all looked at Hanna. "What it could be a clue" Hanna said.

Spencer and Ava looked down to the ground and saw the phone. "Spence" Ava said. "Yeah, I see it" Spencer said and they all walked to the phone.

"That's not mine" Spencer said. "It's not mine" Emily said. "Me either" Ava said. "It's none of ours" Hanna said. "Do you think when A bounced off the car" Aria asked. "That's A's cell phone" Spencer said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

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