
By GrayLivingstone

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When a body is found burned beyond all recognition in Danvers the FBI take notice as it bares starting simila... More



88 13 13
By GrayLivingstone

Chapter 41: Niobium

"Tay!" She was ignored, "Tay!" Abby started following the blonde through the hotel, "Tay!"

"Abby, I really don't want to hear anything you have to say," Andersson carried on through to the elevator lobby.

"Agent Andersson. I need your help," Abby stood before her, "I can't wake him up."


"Drew," The brunette's voice broke, "I tried. He usually goes to sleep when he comes home and gets up about now for dinner. He was a funny color. I couldn't go any further."

"Okay, show me," Taylor followed the manager through to the residence. She took extra care to keep at a distance.

"He's in his room," Abby shook her head, knowing that Taylor wouldn't know what she was talking about, "At the back next to mine."

Andersson's heart hurt again as she recalled being in Abby's room, "Yeah, that one."

Taylor disappeared through the door.

Abby waited impatiently, pacing the living room. She kept an eye on the door. She watched as Taylor came back through. Abby knew. But asked anyway. "Is he okay?"

Andersson shook her head. "Where's Jack and your Dad?"

"I don't know," Abby was crying. "Is he..."

"Yes. I'm sorry, honey."

Abby fell into the blonde's arms in agony. Taylor embraced her. It was the human thing to do. It felt like the most awkwardly natural hug on the planet as Taylor held Abby against her and stroked her hair. She felt the younger woman's tears soak her shirt. She wanted to be the person who was here for her in moments like this. She outwardly shook her head at the internal realization that would never be the case. She softly moved Abby off her shoulder.

"Tay," Abby sought the blonde's eyes, "What do I do?"

"I'll call it in. Then an ambulance will come and take Drew away."

Abby wailed. She gripped onto Taylor again. But there was no hug this time.

"Can you not call your Dad? Or...?"

"Yeah, I'll do that. Please don't leave me here with him, though," Abby pleaded with her eyes and her mouth.

Taylor reluctantly nodded.

"I've got no one now," Abby sat on the arm of the sofa and put her head in her hands.

"Sure you do. You've got Jack," The words stabbed as she spoke them.

She looked at Abby and knew the comment had also punctured her. Taylor wanted to get away from this interaction as soon as possible, "Look, I'll go get Bailey to sit with you?"

"No. Don't leave me, Tay."

God, is this woman is such an actress? Andersson, considered the psychopath conundrum. Her thoughts un in her head.  Would she? No, so yes, she manipulated you, but you let yourself be manipulated; it doesn't make her a psycho, "Okay. I'll wait with you until the ambulance and police arrive."

"Thanks," Abby looked over, and she wanted Taylor to hold her again but was well aware that wasn't going to happen.

They sat on opposite ends of the sofa in silence. Taylor stared at the floor. Abby occasionally sneaked a glance at the blonde.

"Abby, I want to ask you a riddle," Taylor still didn't look at her, but she couldn't shift the notion from her suspicious brain.

"A riddle, seriously?"

"It might take your mind off things?"

"Okay. But I doubt it."

"A woman goes to her mother's funeral. While she is there, she meets and connects with someone. They spend the day talking and enjoying each other's company. At the end of the wake, they share a kiss. But then her taxi arrives, and she leaves. She thinks about them all the way home. She realizes she didn't get their number. So the next day, she goes out and murders her sister. Why?"

"Eh?" Abby just looks at her blankly.

Taylor looks up, catching the brunette's eyes. She's beautiful, Taylor thinks and looks away again. Too beautiful for me, "Why do you think she'd kill her sister?"

"I don't know. This is just stupid."

"It's not; just think about it if it was you?"

"Well, If I had a sister, I don't think anything would make me want to... is this your way of asking me if I killed Drew?"


"You're a liar. You think I could kill someone?"

"No. It's just a riddle."

Abby shook her head, "So I hurt you. I lied to you. It doesn't make me a killer, you know. I love my brother. Maybe you should just go get Bailey."

"Yeah, I think you should," The tall, dark-haired gentleman smiled, "And the answer to your puzzle is easy. If the person attended the mother's funeral, they'd likely attend the sisters. So you'd get to see them again."

Taylor's skin crawled. There it was, the psychopath's answer. Someone so interested in themselves and getting what they want that they would do anything to get it.

"Jack, how long have you been standing there?" Abby asked meekly.

"Long enough; your Dad's just parking the car."

"Drew. D, Drew's dead."

Jack's face didn't change. He said the right words, but he emoted nothing. Taylor watched. She was now sure he was the person responsible for killing these women. But, she had no idea how she was going to prove it.

"What are you doing here?" William Ward addressed Taylor curtly.

"Work. I am sorry to tell you this, but your son has passed away in his sleep."

"Abby, what have you done? You were meant to be looking after him. Where were you? Messing about with that, no doubt," He pointed at Taylor.

"No, I was at my desk. I came to check, and I couldn't wake him."

"Just go away; I don't want to look at you. All you had to do was look after your brother for a few hours, and you can't even do that, and now he's dead. Your such a fucking waste of space."

Abby ran in tears to her room. Jack waited with William. Taylor wanted to comfort the brunette but knew that wasn't her place.

"The ambulance and police are on their way. It's a sudden death, so the coroner must carry out a post-mortem. I'll leave you to it. I'm sorry for your loss."

Neither of the men acknowledged the statement. Taylor left the room and the residence.

She cursed herself for erasing Abby's cell number now. She wanted to make sure she was okay. That was quite an unusual reaction from everyone. Except for Abby, Jack is a psychopath, or he thinks like one anyway.

Taylor had been avoiding the station all day. She couldn't deal with looking Sarah in the eye,  she felt the guilt of knowing,  it would be impossible. She needed a cigarette. This town was turning her into a smoker, a proper smoker. She was already on her third cigarette of the day, and it was just approaching five.

"Taylor," Bailey shouted from the reception. "Mom's looking for you. Oh, and you looked incredible last night," She added with a wink as she gave her the once-over.

"Thanks," She smiled, "And what did we agree before about flirting."

Bailey laughed, "What? So now I can't even pay you a compliment."

Taylor shook her head with a grin. Bailey would be the perfect tonic to how she was feeling, but for the fact she'd promised the girl's mom.

"You looked beautiful too," Andersson responded, "But I work with your mom," The FBI agent walked to the smoker's area in the courtyard.

She pulled her cell from her pocket and noticed a missed call from Riley Thompson. She called her back and requested all of the photos taken from the Memorial Day party. She didn't mention her meeting with Eleanor. She watched as the private ambulance and the police turned up at the hotel. And wondered if Abby was still hiding in her bedroom. She wanted so much to hate her, but she couldn't. She still had the stupid urge to look after her. Even now. Maybe especially now.

She had to find a way to substantiate Eleanor's story. But short of hauling the mayor in for questioning, which she had no evidence for, she was at a dead end. Maybe she could prove Jack was involved, though. She called Dr. Freeman in Maine. While she viewed the crowd gathering to see what poor soul required the ambulance.

"Dr. Freeman, it's Agent Taylor Andersson. Please call me back asap. I think I have a suspect."

Bailey came out to join her.

"I didn't know you smoked."

"Why would you?" The receptionist smiled, "So what's going on?"

"Drew's passed away."

"Aww, shit. She'll be devastated. She used to pretend like she hated her brother. It was pretty clear she adored him."

Taylor nodded.

"She's still a wimp. I would have picked you," She smiled with her blue eyes, "He's a creep."

"There was nothing going on with Abby and me."

Bailey laughed, "Yeah, right. She's a coward. I know she's gay. We used to make out a bit in junior high. Nothing serious, but I came out, and she didn't. I moved on and dated who I wanted. She stayed in the closet; she's been there since. She was a bit mean to me. I told my mum it was bullying but more because I turned her down; I didn't want to be her secret. Jack's been about for three nearly four years. I hadn't seen him for ages, or I would have said to you. I thought they were through."

"What makes you say he's a creep?"

"Well. The story is she won't put out. Waiting until they were married. Nothing to do with her being a raging lesbian," Bailey laughed, "So he sought some attention from the girls here. Apparently, he likes it rough. Really rough. Some of the girls said that they asked him to be more gentle, and it just riled him up."

"Not good."

"No, he's just like a mini William."

"What do you mean?"

"The way he treats women, that's why Abby was left looking after Drew today. William was screwing his son's nurse, had enough, and sacked her."

"Oh, I see."

"You thought I was going to say they look alike?" Bailey smiled, "Which they do. I mean, when he and his weirdo brother first showed up, we thought maybe they were long lost sons, out to claim the family fortune," Bailey finished her cigarette.

"What weirdo, brother?"

"JJ. He's really, really weird. He just sits and stares at folk. It really creeps you out. Like make your blood run cold- creep you out." Bailey made a funny noise and literally shook off the thought as she stood up.

"I best be getting back; you really should call my mom. She sounded pissed."

"I will," Taylor smiled.

Substantiated fact one, Jack has a brother, JJ. She considered what Bailey said about them being William's son. But then, why would he allow him to marry his daughter? Unless. She recalled Tony Long telling her William always wanted a son and heir. Her cell burst into life.

"Agent Andersson?"

"Dr. Freeman, thanks for returning my call so quickly. I was hoping I could email you some images."

"Andersson. " Therapist paused then exhaled loudly, "There is no point. Claire took her own life this afternoon." She paused again before ageing, "she left you a letter. It's with the local police. But I think you'll be able to get a copy."

"What happened? She seemed to be in a better place."

"Pills. I thought she was too." The doctor sounded defeated.

Taylor exhaled, "I'm sorry. I can't help but think if we'd left her alone. She wouldn't have..."

"I don't think that's the reason, please don't think like that."

Taylor could mentally see the therapist shaking her head. "I'll get the letter. I will be in touch. Thanks for letting me know."

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