The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

69.5K 1.7K 535

Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....

428 14 6
By Zach42799


7:30 PM

145 Days to the Fall

Red Hood Pov

I walked down the alley, only a block away from the building. I texted Blake, checking on where she and Sun were. Turns out I had been so slow that they beat me there. That was embarrassing, but there's nothing that can be done about that. I peeked out of the alley, checking for anyone who would see me. Seeing no one, I ran to the other side of the road and down the adjacent alley. I slowed down and walked around the corner of the alley, seeing Blake and Sun peaking out from behind a wall. I continued down the alley, making myself known to them.

Red Hood: *Whisper* Boo!

Sun jumped and almost screamed but he caught himself. Neither of them thought it was funny but that just means their sense of humor sucks. I poked my head out from behind the wall where Blake was looking before. If the guy in the White Fang mask didn't make it apparent what was happening here, there was also a sign on the wall. Three white "claw marks" signifying who's territory this was. 

Red Hood: Looks like this was the place after all. 

Blake: Don't trust your contact?

Red Hood: No, I trust him, but he has given me bad info before so I take what he gives me with a grain of salt. 

Sun: So who's is this mysterious contact?

Red Hood: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Blake and Sun looked at each other before Sun shrugged and leaned back around the wall. The guard was was wearing a mask and sitting there, greeting people as they went in. He didn't look armed but that was probably so that he didn't draw too much attention on scare people away. He probably had a pistol or a knife at the least. Sun and I retreated back behind the wall. 

Sun: I don't get it. If you believe what your doing is right, why hide who you are?

Blake: The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.

Sun: Grimm masks.... That's kinda dark.

Blake: So was the guy who started it....

Sun: What about you, Y/n? Why do you wear a mask?

Red Hood: First, Red Hood. Don't use my name when I'm wearing the mask. Second, Plenty of reasons. Anonymity, mainly. Huntsmen and police don't like that I make them look inept so that puts a target on my back. It doesn't help that I don't concern myself with legal bullshit. 

Blake: So there's more to why you wear the mask?

Red Hood: Its a symbol, convenient, Intimidating, and just plain cool looking. I can go on for all the reasons I wear the mask, but we don't have time for all of that. 

Blake: You're right, we got to move.

Sun: *Sigh* Always sunshine and rainbows with you two....

Red Hood: Wait, before you go...

I called Blakes scroll and put connected my earpiece to the scroll. I wouldn't be able to get in, but at least I would be able to hear what was happening. Blake and Sun realized why I called and both nodded before going into the building. I took out my grapple and got up to the roof. With any luck, there would be a skylight or something I could use. 

Unfortunately, There wasn't one so I was blind as to what was happening inside. That made me all the happier that I had the foresight to call Blake so I could hear. I set my bag down and started to assemble the Javelin. Hopefully I wouldn't need it but I already knew that hoping was a waste of time. 

I had just finished getting the Javelin put together when I heard the meeting start. I loaded the rocket into the tube and set it down, waiting for either Blake and Sun to get out of there undetected, or for all hell to break loose. The man that spoke was someone I recognized immediately. 

Red Hood: ....Walker....

Walker: Thank you all for coming tonight! For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very "Special comrade" of ours. I can assure you that he is the key to obtaining what we fought for for so long! 

Within seconds, the crowd turned against the White Fang. I could only assume that it was Torchwick since he was the one presenting whatever it was that they had. I was a little concerned that he would get ripped to shreds in there. If he had any sense, he would have Neo close by with a exit strategy ready. 

Torchwick: Thank you! Thank you! Please.... Hold your applause.... And your claws....

Smooth Roman.... Real smooth.... The entirety of the crowd was up in arms wanting to kill him. The joke really didn't help his case any. Torchwick needed to turn the crowd to his side if he wanted to keep breathing. The fact that Walker hasn't tried to calm the crowd tells me that he was hoping for this to happen. Walker thrives on chaos and misery. If anything, he might even facilitate Torchwicks' demise at the crowd, just for the shits and giggles of it. The crowd was getting even louder, I can't help but ask how the hell he's going to get out of this?

Torchwick: Why I'm glad you asked, Deery! 

Well that was convenient....

Torchwick: Now, I will be the first to admit.... Humans. Are. The. Worst. Case in point, that Red Foot or Hood, what ever he calls himself! Indiscriminately hunting and killing you like animals! And he isn't the only one! So I understand why you all would love to see us locked away.... Or better yet, killed!

Sun: *Whisper* So is he going somewhere with this or....

Just wait for it. Torchwick could scam a beggar out of his last Lein. All he's got to do is keep doing what he's doing. Before they even know it, he'll have them wrapped around his finger. 

Torchwick: Not to mention that I, and all of you, share a common enemy. The ones in control. The people who are pulling the strings. The dirty, rotten humans who run our kingdoms. Government. Military. Even the schools are in on it. Their all to blame for your lot in life! And they are all pests who need to be dealt with. Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around.... No offence to any rodents in the room. 

That would be me actually but whatever you say. I looked around, making sure that there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. No White Fang posting on opposite rooftops. No Atlas preparing to come crashing down on the party. No Huntsmen who were about to start a sting operation. Nothing was coming. That was a good sign. Maybe we can get out of this without any trouble. All of a sudden, I was nearly deafened by the roar of the crowd. Whatever he just showed them must have been extraordinary.... Extraordinarily bad that is.

Sun: *Whisper* Huh.... That's a big robot....

Blake: *Whisper* How did he get that?!

Red Hood: *Whisper* Guys what does he have?

Torchwick: U-um.... Ahem.... As some of you may have heard, this is Atlas' newest line of defense against all the "Scary" things in the world. And thanks to my employer, we managed to snag a few before they... Er... Hit the shelves, so to speak. 

It was at this point that Neo sent me a text with a couple images attached. I opened the message and my blood ran cold. There's not a lot that can actually scare me much anymore. This.... This doesn't scare me.... It terrifies me.

 It was a fucking Paladin.... I had feared that this was why they didn't have a demonstration back at the square. I had also wondered what all they had on that ship. I guess I was right. Goddamnit, I hate when I'm right.... I looked at the Javelin, doing some quick calculations. My conclusion? I was going to need a lot more than just one Javelin to take that thing down.... I shook my head and read Neos' message.

Neo: 'Please tell me that you have something to take this thing down with."

Red Hood: 'No, but I'll figure something out.'

I left out the "I hope". I had no idea how I was going to destroy that thing but I needed to figure it out and fast. There was no way in hell that I was going to let them keep that thing. It's bad enough that Torchwick had said "a few" meaning more. Maybe I could send a message if I can take it down. Whatever the case, I needed Blake and Sun out of there before I could do anything drastic. I didn't want them to get caught up in the mess I was going to make. 

Torchwick: Now many of your brothers have moved down to our new operation in the south east. If you would rather stay in the city, that's fine. But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in. This is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?

Instead of questions, the crowd started to chant and cheer for Torchwick. At least I didn't need to worry about him getting killed tonight. I had heard enough. It was time for Blake and Sun to get out of there so I could get to work. 

Red Hood: We've heard enough. It's time to get out of there.

Walker: All new recruits, please step forward!

Sun: What are we going to do?

Blake: I'm thinking.

Red Hood: Guys, what's wrong?

Sun: The crowds breaking apart. We're going to get noticed at this rate.

Red Hood: You can't step back into the crowd?

Blake: Not with the crowd moving like this.

Sun: Torchwick sees us....

Red Hood: Don't worry about him, worry about Walker. 

I stood up and used my grapple gun to latch on to the side of the building. I then jumped over the side and placed a remote explosive. I had been experimenting with new things and something like this seemed useful. This wasn't how I wanted to test it but you gotta do what you gotta do. I climbed back up, unhooking the grapple and grabbed the Javelin before running, or jogging rather, toward the edge of the building.

In my free hand was the grapple gun. Firing at the opposite building, I zipped up. Before reaching the ledge, I petal burst over. There was no way I was going to be able to climb over the ledge while carrying the Javelin. I posted up and got it ready. If I got the firing angle just right, the missile will come down through the opening of the window when I detonate the explosives. It was a gamble but I wanted to be the first to strike. 

Sun: Why isn't he doing anything?

Red Hood: He's not the enemy. Tell me you found a way out.

Walker: Well look who we have here! Two Huntsmen wanted to join us tonight. 

I didn't waste any time bailing them out. I detonated the explosive and the window shattered. It had done it's job but it wasn't as powerful as I wanted it to be. The crowd erupted in a panic before a shot rang out and lights inexplicably cut out. I readied to fire, not really able to see what was going on. I then noticed something about this Javelin.... How do I turn on night sight?

I started to quickly fumble with it, trying to desperately figure it out. Before I could, Blake and Sun leaped through a window that I had blown out before turning to run. Seconds later, the Paladin burst through the wall. Now that it was exposed to the light of the moon, I wouldn't need night sight. I locked on and fired. The recoil of the rocket was extreme. For something so heavy, I wouldn't have expected it to kick so much. 

The rocket soared upwards and then back down. I wasn't expecting it to destroy the thing but I was expecting some damage. Before the rocket could reach its target, the Paladin released flares. I should have expected that the damn thing would come with a anti-missile countermeasure....

The missile was caught and detonated, leaving the Paladin unharmed and me shit out of luck. The Paladin turned to run after Blake and Sun while White Fang soldiers came rushing out of the hole in the wall. I threw the Javelin down, I needed to be mobile. The soldiers all aimed up at me and started to fire. Normally I would have fired back but I needed to keep up with Blake, Sun and whoever the hell was in the Paladin.

I sprinted after Blake and Sun, hoping that they could out run the Paladin. I had no clue how I was going to take it down since the only thing I had that could have hurt it was countered but I was sure as hell going to keep trying until I got it. I was leaping rooftop to rooftop, petal bursting to try and make up lost ground. I was worried for Blake and Sun, that worry only multiplied when the call disconnected. 

I continued to sprint and petal burst. I was starting to catch up with them but we were coming up on a highway. Blake and Sun leaped both landing on cars. I was surprised that they actually managed to stick the landing and even more so when they started to leap from car to car. The Paladin then copied them and leaped onto the highway before continuing after them. Cars were being crushed or wrecking after every step the Paladin took 

Now I was furious. Innocent people were getting caught between us and the White Fang now. I sprinted harder, my legs starting to ache from the exertion, before I leaped into the traffic. I managed to land close to Blake and Sun but I then noticed that the Paladin was still gaining. I took out my pistols, hoping that I would catch something important on the mech. 

I took a few shots and realized that even with 5.7mm I wasn't getting though any of that armor. The Paladin then took a swing at me. I jumped to the next vehicle, now trying to come up with another idea. It was looking pretty bad because I was drawing a blank. There was no way I was taking that thing down without either some serious weaponry that I don't have, or a lot of help. 

It was then that I noticed a yellow motorcycle heading our way. I guess help finally arrived. I kept leaping, not daring to hesitate when I saw a opening to jump to the next vehicle. This has to be the most insane thing I've ever done. I managed to jump to a box truck, and seconds later was joined by Sun, with Blake on a car beside us. 

I turned around to see Neptune holding on for dear life as the Paladin was trying desperately to throw him off. I couldn't help but remember when I was in the same position with a Nevermore. I was about to jump at the mech myself when Sun grabbed hold of my shoulder. I looked back, confused as to why he was stopping me. 

Sun: I got this! 

Sun spread his arms before clapping his hands together. Two golden clones burst out and started leaping at the Paladin. Sun then drew his weapon and connected it into a staff. Sun nodded which I took as a signal to go now. We both started leaping toward the Paladin. His clones exploding as they hit the Paladin, slowed it down. We both took our shots and jumped at the Mech. 

The Paladin jerked one more time, dislodging Neptunes weapon and sending him flying towards us. I petal burst past Neptune as to not get hit, while Neptune slammed into Sun, sending them both flying off the highway. I reformed and yanked out Withered Rose, hitting the vibration trigger as I neared. I slammed into the Paladin hard, but managing to get my sword planted, keeping me from being thrown off. 

I climbed up while the mech was trying to shake me off. I managed to get situated and started trying to carve the armor apart. The vibration from Withered Rose wasn't helping too much. Before I could figure out a plan B, I looked over my shoulder and saw Weiss standing in the center of traffic, ready to do something. I found out what as she stabbed Myrtenaster into the road and freezing it.

I almost panicked as I realized what was about to happen. I readied myself and the Paladin stepped on the ice. It was sent flying by its own momentum. The violence of the impact nearly knocking me loose of the Paladin. I held on, knowing that if I flew off now, I would be crushed. The Paladin skidded and crashed through the barrier of the highway. The Paladin started to fall and I ripped my sword loose and jumped. 

I landed heavily, rolling as I tried to recover from the momentum. I managed to catch myself and stood up. Everything ached after that tumble but the fight wasn't over yet. Ruby ran up to me while Weiss, Yang and Blake all dropped down from the highway. The Paladin, somehow still operational, stood and turned to us. I don't know who's controlling this thing but whoever it is isn't going to have a fun time when I get ahold of him. 

Red Hood: How are we going to take this thing down? I'm open to suggestions. 

Yang: We can overwhelm it, keep the pressure up until we bust through!

Ruby: We'll go with that then. Freezer Burn!

Ruby and I both petal burst in opposite directions while Weiss used some more ice Dust. Yang then jumped up and came down hard on the ice. The instant she made contact, she activated her semblance and the entire area was shrouded in a thick layer of steam. This effectively shielded us from any attacks while opening the Paladin up for one. The Paladin deployed laser sensors to help see through the steam. Blake and Yang were dashing around the Paladin, trying to confuse the sensors with how fast they were moving. 

I moved above the Paladin and reformed, letting gravity do it's thing. I was planning on landing on the Paladin and start wrecking the sensors on it. Before I got there, Blake and Yang caught a sensor, but didn't get away fast enough. The Paladin snapped to where Blake and Yang were and fired a energy blast. It looked like a better version of that energy cannon that was on the spider mech from the train. The blast hit the ground between the two, sending Blake and Yang flying away. Ruby emerged from the explosion and landed a heavy slash to the Mech. As it stumbled back, I landed and started hacking away at all the sensors I could. 

It was at this moment that whoever was piloting this thing got smart. Instead of trying to shake me off, it lifted the gun and fired. I came inches from being blown into a red mist. I jumped off the roof and was slapped away by it swinging the other gun at me. I slid along the ground before rolling into it and back onto my feet. The Paladins attention now completely on me. 

Ruby: Checkmate! 

Before the Paladin could attack me, Weiss and Blake came in from the side, sending a flurry of strikes into its legs. It didn't do anything other than draw attention away from me. I ran forward as Weiss managed to get a good hit on one of the lower sensors before jumping away. Blake tried to break away but found herself close to being stepped on. In a instinctual bid to keep her alive, I ripped out the grapple gun and fired. The line caught hold of her and yanked her away, barely saving her from being flattened. Blake managed to recover and twist into the line, coming loose of it and flipping onto her feet next to me. 

Blake: Thanks.

Red Hood: Thank me after we take this thing out.

We both looked back and saw the Paladin deploy rockets. Blake and I started trying to escape the salvo. Each explosion knocking us off balance as we both struggled to escape. Blake broke away from me and I used the grapple to try and use the streets above to escape. I fired up and began to rise. Getting up high, I was able to see above the smoke cloud from the explosions.... and the Paladin was aiming right at me....

Before I could react, the Paladin shot a new weapon at me. It was connected to the big one so I didn't notice it at first. I did notice it when the golden beam of energy slammed into my chest. It felt like I had a been shot with a giant burning bowling ball. I released the grapple and went flying. I landed hard on my back. I couldn't breath thanks to both the impact from the energy and the landing. I let the Lazarus energy start washing over me. 

The girls were still fighting this thing and they were doing well. Problem was that it barely had a scratch on it. Ruby broke away from the fight to come check on me. The pain was soothing but it wasn't disappearing, meaning I'm pretty fucked up. Case in point, my Aura was on the verge of shattering.  

Ruby: Are you ok!?

Red Hood: Yeah, I'm fine.... I can still fight.

I started trying to stand, with Rubys help. We needed to figure something out or we weren't going to get out of this. I started to really look over the mech. How it operated. How it moved. If the cockpit was in the front and protected by layer on top of layer of armor, then there was no reason to try and attack it. It has joints on the legs so that would have been a prime target but those are to heavily armored as well. I guess the idea was that it would be useless if the Paladin lost it's means of movement. That only leaves us with one feasible target. 

Red Hood: We need to focus on the arms.

Ruby: What? Why?

Red Hood: We aren't getting anywhere attacking it on the body and the legs were a wash too. The only place we haven't tried attacking was the arms. Maybe if we can take those out, we can buy time to figure out how to get at the pilot. 

Ruby: Well it's better than what we're doing now. You ready?

Red Hood: Yeah. Let's do it!

Ruby and I both petal burst back into the fight before reforming next to Blake. 

Ruby: Ladybug!

I knew that was coming. It's  one of the only team move that they had that really incorporated me into it. Blake, Ruby and I all ran at the Paladin. Ruby and I ran ahead of Blake. Ruby went low while I went high. I jumped up drawing the Paladins attention away from Ruby as she dashed under the Paladin, hooking her scythe on the bottom of the torso to slow her momentum. Blake and Ruby both started working in tandem as they struck at the legs. I had already figured out what Ruby was trying to do. 

She wanted to bait the Paladin into firing at one of them so it would give us a window to go for the arm. She got what she wanted as the Paladin quickly snapped to Ruby and fired. Ruby and Blake leaped up as I sprinted under the arm. As they came down, we all struck. Blake and Ruby striking downwards while I jumped up with Withered Rose, striking upwards. All of our weapons practically acting as scissors as we caught the arm between to arcs of attack. 

It's arm popped off as our weapons connected. We had finally made some progress. I kicked off the hull of the Paladin as I came down, noticing Yang coming up behind it. She jumped up and landed on top of it, positioning herself over the top of the main sensor in the front. She started wailing on it while using her gauntlets. Every strike causing a explosion. The Paladin tried to aim its arm up to shoot her like it tried with me but couldn't get a shot on her. Instead, it charged straight though the pillars holding up the highway.  

It smashed through three of them before lodging itself and Yang into a fourth. It got itself loose and as Yang was coming loose of the crater in the pillar, the arm started to merge together, making it a actual arm rather than a giant gun. As it completely formed, it punched Yang into the pillar, destroying it and sending Yang out to the other side. 

Blake: Yang!

Ruby: Don't worry. With each hit, she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back. 

Red Hood: And that's what makes her a hell of a lot scarier than this hunk of metal!

The Paladin tried to punch Yang again but she caught it, stopping it dead in its tracks. Her hair wasn't burning yet but I was sure that her eyes were red. She pushed the Paladins arm back and it tried to punch again. This time she met it with a punch of her own. With her semblance active, she was almost unstoppable. As her punch and the Paladins made contact, the Paladins arm completely exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere. The Paladin stumbled back but quickly recovered, kicking Yang. Yang flew past us as Ruby gave her next order.

Ruby: Bumblebee!

Blake through her sword, holding onto the ribbon as it flew towards Yang. Yang caught it and used her gauntlets to steer her momentum. Blake helped Yang swing in a sideways arc towards the Paladin. It noticed what was about to happen and retreated back. Yang swung by it, missing. Weiss ran up beside Ruby and I, waiting for instructions.

Red Hood: We need to slow it down!

Weiss: And how do you suppose we do that!?

Ruby: Ice Flowers!

Ruby swung her scythe planting it in the ground and popping up the scope. I followed suit by putting up Withered Rose and drawing Black and White, putting them together. Weiss summoned a ice glyph large enough for both Ruby and I to shoot through. Ruby repeatedly pulled the trigger on Crescent Rose, sending heavy ice shots at the joints. I opted to switch Black and White to full-auto and unload into the body of the Paladin. Rubys shots were more coordinated and intentionally placed than mine but she had power while I had volume of fire. We were both effective despite taking different approaches. 

Ruby managed to get a good shot on the Paladins foot, freezing it in place while I had effectively froze the body solid. Yang was coming around again for another try. About mid way through the arc, she fully activated her semblance, hair flaming and everything. We all knew that this was the end of the fight. Yang came around and came face to face with the Paladin, the body completely shattering on impact. 

The pilot was thrown when the Paladin shattered. He stood up and drew his weapon. A shotgun that then transformed into a spear. I probably should have figured it was Walker in that thing. 

Walker: How dare you! I had just gotten that paint job too!

Now that the fight was face to face, he shouldn't be a problem. I separated Blake and White and put them away, instead drawing Withered Rose again and taking the crowbar out as well. Yang dashed at him and swung hard and fast. Walker ducked under and used the end of his spear to strike Yang across the face. He was about to try and run her through when I petal burst at him and reformed mid swing. He barely had a chance to raise his spear to block.

Weiss summoned a lightning glyph, hoping to incapacitate him. I stepped back giving her a chance to let it go. Walker following suit, stepped back as well, the lightning barely missing. Yang joined in on the fight again and rushed him again. This time I joined in the fun. I ran forward, baiting him to thrust at me. When he did, I hooked his spear with the crowbar, redirecting it. I then pivoted and swung wide with Withered Rose. 

Walker jumped back, barely avoiding being decapitated. While he was off balance, Yang used the opportunity to strike him, adding her gauntlets to the attack. Walker went soaring, before he could recover, Blake threw her weapon at him. It caught onto his foot and with a solid yank, sent him face first into the ground. His Aura shattered but he still stood up to fight. The girls lowered their weapons. 

They didn't want to kill him on accident. It was already a possibility, even with Aura but with his having shattered, another one of their attacks would kill him. That didn't mean anything to me, I put Withered Rose and the crowbar away and drew Black and White. Before any of them could protest, I started firing. Walker dashed to the side, his spear transforming into a shotgun.

I petal burst as he fired. The pellets passing through me harmlessly. I reformed behind him and kicked him in the back of his knee before pistol whipping him in the back of the head. He grunted before trying to swing the shotgun around at me. I kicked it from his hands and kneed him in the face. Walker fell flat on his back. I had finally gotten him where I wanted him. I placed my foot on his chest, holding him in place before aiming my pistols at his head. 

Ruby: Wait, no! The fights over! He's done!

Red Hood: Oh, he's done alright. He's done fucking breathing!

Walker: That's it "Hero"! Show them what kind of a monster you are! *Laughter*

Just as I pulled the trigger, Blakes sword came from the side, tying my hands and moving the pistols off target. The bullet merely grazing Walkers cheek. I fought against the binding, trying desperately to free my hands or to at least get my pistols positioned where I could shoot him. With a final yank from both Blake and I, my hands came free with my pistols flying from my hands. 

Walker drew a knife and planted it into my leg. I screamed in pain before stumbling off of him. As he was getting up, I pulled the knife free of my leg and charged him with it. We were stuck in a fight for dominance, both trying to get control of the knife. Before either of us could win, Ruby petal burst forward and shoulder checked us. We both stumbled but didn't fall. We lost grip of the knife and it fell between us. I grabbed Walkers arm and twisted it, trying to trap it so he couldn't use it. He head butted me and I stumbled back. Both of us were winded and hurt, but both of us wanted to kill the other. 

Walker: You know.... It's interesting. You and that girl have the same Semblance. It's enough to make me wonder just who she is to you!

That was the final straw. I pulled Withered Rose, swinging with reckless abandon. I was getting slower while Walker was only getting faster from what it seemed. Yang ran in between us while I was in mid swing. I had barely managed to stop myself before hitting her. They were really starting to piss me off with the interference. Walker ran and grabbed his shotgun. I grabbed Yang and yanked her behind me as he fired, the pellets peppering my back. I twisted and positioned Withered Rose to shoot back. I had switched the cylinder back to .357 so I could have some range. 

The bullet pierced Walkers gut, putting him on his knees. I started walking to him, ready to finish him off. I had been after his head for months and I was about to get it. That is until all the girls rushed in front of me, ready to fight. 

Ruby: We're not going to let you kill him!

Weiss: He's already beaten. Just hand him over to the police and let them handle it!

Red Hood: After everything he's done, I'm not about to let him walk away!

Blake: Killing him won't change anything, the White Fang will just find someone else to replace him!

Red Hood: Then I'll kill them too!

Yang: So that's how it is then!? Your just going to keep killing until all the bad people are gone!? Then what about you!?

Red Hood: What about me!?

Yang: Who's going to go after you when you end up like Tai!?

I paused for a moment. Of everything I expected to hear from her, I didn't expect her to say that.  I was somewhere between calmed and insulted. How can I possibly be compared to that son of a bitch? He tortured and killed because that's how he got his kicks. I kill because the people I go after deserve it. How is that anything like him? 

I lowered my weapon slightly. I didn't know what to do. On one hand, after everything he's done, he shouldn't be given a chance to do it again, especially since his primary targets are children. But on the other hand, was I willing to go through them to get to him? Short answer was no. I didn't want to fight them at all. Before I could actually make a decision, Walker interrupted.

Walker: *Laughter* Well isn't that something.... The big bad Red Hood actually cares about what the Huntress' think about him. You must be close to them. I wonder what you would do if something happened to one of them. *Manic Laughter*

Now I was completely willing to go through them to get to him. I had seen what he does to people and I wasn't about to let him do it to them. Weiss was the first to notice what was about to happen. She stabbed her sword into the ground and used a ice glyph to freeze me in place. I fought viscously against it. Finally deciding to use Withered Rose to carve myself out. 

The whole time, Weiss kept adding more and more ice, trying to keep me away from him. Walker tried to stand up but stumbled again. The bullet clearly catching him somewhere important. Maybe if I can't get free, he'll still bleed out. I was starting to make headway with getting out when we heard the screeching of tires. We looked over and saw several vans pull up and White Fang soldiers pour out. Without hesitation, I slammed Withered Rose into the ice in the hopes that I had gotten loose enough to shatter it.  

The White Fang all started shooting, the bullets coming dangerously close to being on target. The girls used whatever they could as cover. The sheer amount of bullets flying at us was absurd. It was like the entire branch showed up to get Walker. I didn't have to think very hard to figure out how they found us. All they would have had to do was follow the trail of destruction. 

The ice trapping me shattered and I sprinted behind some debris from one of the shattered pillars that Yang was sent through. I didn't have anything on me to effectively fight them back. All I could do was watch as they grabbed Walker and dragged him to one of the vans. Loading him up, they all loaded back in and sped away. I had lost my chance at him again. 

I was beyond pissed because he not only got away but because he had threatened team RWBY. I knew that he was going to try something but I don't know how or when. I started walking around, gathering everything I had lost in the fight. Everything was starting to hurt. I had taken a pretty good beating through this. As I grabbed my grapple, the last thing I needed to collect. The girls hesitantly tried to approach me. The key word being tried. 

I didn't give them the chance to say anything. I grappled up to the highway, trying to get distance on them. I was livid about this whole thing. I made it clear that I didn't want to hear shit about me doing my thing. They knew what they were agreeing to and they still went back on it. I reached the highway and ran for the edge, grappling again. 

I was not in any condition, both physically and mentally, to even try and track Walker down. Even if I tried and succeeded, it would be short lived. I doubt I would walk away from that encounter successful. In fact, I doubt I would walk away at all. Instead I was going to head to one my safehouses. I needed a place to rest and I wanted to be left well alone. I made it to the safe house that I had taken Ruby, since it was the first to actually come to mind. 

I started to strip, every movement bringing pain as I went. I wanted to see just haw badly I was beaten up. In short, I was almost completely black and blue. My chest was the worst. The skin was completely scorched. If it wasn't for both my Aura and my armor, I wouldn't be alive right now. That blast would have burned a hole clean through me. It was going to leave a nasty scar that I was going to have to come up with a excuse for. 

I walked to the bathroom and took a shower, being careful not to irritate my injuries. Something that was a lot easier said than done. After, I dried off and laid down on the bed. It wasn't nearly as comfortable as the bed back at Beacon but I was used to uncomfortable. I let the Lazarus energy start completely washing over me. It still didn't completely take away the pain but it was noticeably soothing. 

I was exhausted and it was starting to catch up with me. It had been a while since I was in a fight like that. I closed my eyes before taking a deep breath. The pain fading with each passing moment. Whether it was from the Lazarus energy or the my consciousness fading, I didn't know, or care really. I just wanted to rest for the evening. After how things ended tonight, I don't know how things stand with the girls....

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