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็”ฑ Elijah_tvdvx

7.4K 439 383

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." LEGACIES 1-4 FATE THE WINX SAGA 1-2 MALE OC X RA... ๆ›ดๅคš

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1.2K 80 143
็”ฑ Elijah_tvdvx

New Faces
━ 01. This is the part where you run

Sitting in his bed Kolton flipped through his grimoire while his dimmed blue eyes scanned those ancient papers. He wore a black tight fitted turtleneck, dark ripped jeans and a pair of black boots with a simple black Jean jacket.

Dangling from his neck were two separate necklaces, an obsidian styled fang that was attached to a black leather string and a jade green stone that was centered around a silver chain. He played with them while he continued to read when the door opened.

"Fin." Called his sister, making him snap his eyes over toward her noticing her attire. He lifted an eyebrow suspicious of what she was about to ask of him,

"What is it Andrea."

"We got a new lead—the new kid? It's a werewolf." She informed him, making him nod jumping out of his bed before the twins exited the room.

"What do we know about em so far?" He questioned.

"Names Rafael Waithe, 17 African American, foster child." Hope shrugged, pushing open the doors to Alaric's office where the man stood grabbing ahold of his duffle bag.

"Ready?" He asked the twins.

"Yeah—we're waiting for your old ass to get up, let's go, I wanna be back before breakfast." Spinning on his heels Kolton walked out of the door followed by his sister and headmaster.

"You're snappy this morning." Alaric commented.

"Yeah—well I just broke your daughter's heart last night and she thought it was a good idea to set my painting equipment on fire so I'm trying to do this new thing called be nice so I don't rip her heart out." Kolton shrugged entering the front seat.

"Y-yeah let's not rip my daughter's heart out." Alaric nodded.

"So why did you break up with blondie?" Hope asked, leaning her head against the seat.

"I wasn't feeling it—how can I say this without sounding mean? She's a bit too obsessed." He put it lightly making Hope nod.

"Given she's a virgin but I'm not really sure I want to pop her cherry."

"Please let's not talk about popping anyone's cherry, especially my daughters." Alaric shot Kolton a look which the boy ignored.

"By the way you owe me an entire new painting set, you're lucky she didn't burn my painting or I would be destroying this school." Grumbling, he leaned his head against the window.

"How's the whole emotional thing going?" Hope asked, referring to his special gifts that he had.

"Do you know how hard it is to block out everyone's emotions? I literally wanted to throw up this morning because I felt Alyssa Changs sadness about Jed not liking her." He rolled his eyes.

"Poor Jed." Hope mumbled.

"Poor me damn him." Kol pushed her head into the back seat before he stared out into the road.

Eventually his eyes fell heavy, eventually falling asleep due to his lack of sleep he's been getting.


Hope stared at her sleeping twin as she watched his face twitch uncomfortably. She looked at Alaric who noticed that he began to hyperventilate in his sleep causing him to nudge him.


Kolton didn't budge—his fingers twitching while thick droplets of sweat dripped from his forehead before eventually Alaric shook him again, making his eyes snap open.

His eyes were glowing with a mythical purple hue around them before they slowly lightened into a bright yellow before dimming to his normal blue eyes.

"W-what the hell happened?" He questioned looking at his sister who placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You were having a nightmare."

"Bloody hell—it's that same dream every time, fire lots and lots of fire. Just swirling around me like a vortex but before I could actually see what's going on I woke up."

"Maybe you should talk to Emma when we return." Alaric suggested.

"No—I'm fine, let's just do this mission." He says opening the door with Hope following after him.

The twins walked up toward the door where Hope paused, seeing a dark haired boy arising from his seat staring at her with a shocked expression.


"Landon?" She questioned with a small chuckle. She hadn't seen the boy in two years since the death of their father so seeing him was kind of a surprise.

"You two know each other?" Alaric came up toward them carrying his crossbow making Hope look back at him.

"Long story."

Their conversation was cut off with a loud scream gaining their attention where Kol raised his eyebrow at the door.

"Dr. Saltzman." He called out making the man sprint toward the door trying to open it but a thick layer of chains prevented him from doing so.

"The doors are locked."

"Dissera portus." Holding out her hands Hope yanked them apart allowing the doors to burst open with the chains shattering on impact.

"You're going to want to stay out here Landon, trust me." Hope told the human boy while they walked inside the church where two humans and a priest were.

"Shut down the priest would you?"

"Ad somnum." Closing his fist tightly the three humans dropped to the ground all unconscious while Rafael continued to scream—his bones breaking, sweat dripping from his head and his body developing a large sum of fur.

"Should we do it now?" Alaric looked at Kolton who looked at Rafael.

"No, he's not comfortable enough for us to put the chain around him." Walking slowly toward Raf who growled at him while moaning in pain.

"H-help me." He pleaded, making Kolton sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder as his eyes glowed violet. Dark veins traveled up his arm allowing him to siphon the pain from the transforming werewolf.

"Do it now!"

Sprinting into action Alaric and Hope set up the chains that would tie Rafael together so he wouldn't hurt anybody—by the time they got finished the 17-year old boy was known as a fully large black wolf.

"Easy does it." Alaric muttered while Hope looked at Landon who stared at Rafael in complete horror.

"What the actual fuck."


Back inside the jeep Kolton sat near the right side of the car with a sleeping Rafael on his shoulder while Hope sat in front with Landon behind her.

"So how do you two know each other?" Alaric broke the silence staring at the two teenagers.

"He used to serve us Milkshakes at the Mystic Grill." Hope answered, making Landon look at her.

"Peanut butter blast whipped cream at the bottom." He recalled her order which was weird in Kolton's mind because how do you remember something from two years ago?

"And Kolton loved the Oreo cheesecake milkshake, always ordering extra chocolate syrup and brownie crumbles on top." Landon looked at Kol.

"Weirdo." He mumbled with a roll of his eyes, that was just weird to him. Why do you know his order? Stalker much.

"We danced once." Landon brought up earning a scoff from the young Mikaelson woman.

"We tried—we failed."

"Yeah." Landon nodded.

"Then you moved away." Hope looked out the window with a little hurt expression.

"Yeah—and then you blew a damn door open with your mind care to explain that? Also your brother rendered a group of people unconscious with a simple word what the hell was that?" Landon questions.

"It's called none of your business." Kolton tells him when he felt something stir away on his shoulder making him look at Rafael who blinked at him.

"Hello." Kolton greeted him with a smirk.

"Hi—sorry I drooled on your shoulder." Rafael apologized, making him shrug.

"It's cool—I'll just have to wash this jacket."

"So where are we going?" Landon questions again, making Kolton look at him.

"Alaric calls it somewhere safe, I call it the gateway to hell."

"Very accurate description Kolton." Alaric sarcastically commented.

"Why thank you sir—I always aim to please."


Standing next to Hope Kolton stared at the blonde and brunette haired twins who smiled at Rafael who had just woken up again staring at them confused.

"We're your tour guides." Lizzie the blonde twin smiled too much in Kolton's opinion.

"I'm Josie."

"I'm Lizzie."



"Fraternal. Obvs." Lizzie finished their little speech making Kolton yawn.

"I'm sleepy."

"Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon." Alaric told the werewolf who stared at the twins confused.

"Morning Hope, Kolton." The twins greeted the other twins well, one twin while the male counterpart had disappeared without anyone noticing.

"Morning, girls." Hope falsely smiled at them.

"More like Despair." Lizzie whispers in Rafael's ear who whipped his head over toward Hope.

"I heard that."

"No you didn't."

"Didn't have to."

"Everyone behave." Alaric sighed looking between the girls.

"Love you dad." The girls called back with smiles when Alaric looked over toward Hope.

"Where's your evil counterpart?"

"He ditched you after the twins started doing their little speech." Hope rolled her eyes walking off, making Alaric follow after her.

Kolton entered his bedroom with a sigh kicking off his boots before he flopped onto his bed with a peaceful sigh closing his eyes.

He needed sleep and lists of it not some bullshit ass tour with the new students he didn't care about all of that all he wanted was to get away.

Nobody here understood him—he literally didn't fit in any faction. He couldn't even fit in a faction with his own twin sister because he was different and he could do things that no other person could do.

It started with the plants—he could grow them from the dirt and manipulate them, then water flooded his dorm room in the second grade when he got angry then next was fire lighting the barn house into flames almost burning everything inside it.

Lastly was mind hr could pick up on everyone's emotions, thoughts and desires it was the most annoying feeling in the world not to mention he could generate electricity out of his hands if he tried hard enough.

So yeah Kolton Mikaelson was the freak of the Salvatore Boarding school and everyone always teased him about it so he stayed away from people much for his own good and others.

But he did have a few friends or associates that he could be himself around and they never judged him. But he mostly kept to himself, being trapped inside his room.

Eventually getting tired of his own thoughts Kolton soon fell asleep for once he wasn't haunted by his nightmares at least for now.


Lizzie and Josie eventually lead Rafael to his dorm room where Lizzie sighed looking at the male with an expression of pity.

"I feel sorry that you have to share a room with Lord Voldemort." Knocking on the door Lizzie sighed while Josie rolled her eyes at the nickname.

"He's not that bad—you just get on his nerves." Pushing open the door they were met with the quiet silence as Kolton was fast asleep.

"He actually sleeps surprisingly." Lizzie mutters, dropping Rafael off who placed his bags on the other bed that was separated by a bookshelf.

"Well when he wakes up he can tell you how everything works around him—he's practically the student aid." Josie smiled at him before she walked off followed by her twin.

Rafael looked around the room and it was mostly covered in plants which gave it a very beautiful aesthetic. Kolton's side of the room was neatly decorated with a simple black and gray style of furniture.

"Werewolf huh." Raf mumbled to himself before he looked at Kolton when he noticed he was hyperventilating as sweat dripped from his face.

"Stop." The young hybrid mumbled in his sleep, confusing Raf.

"Hey, dude you okay?" He questioned the sleeping boy who twitched in his sleep.

"Hey, Kol." He shook his shoulder when the boy shot up from the bed emitting a shockwave from his body that threw Rafael across the room.

"W-what the hell are you doing in here?" Running a hand through his hair he stared at Rafael in shock.

"I-I'm your dorm mate." He groaned, making Kolton stare at him in disbelief.

"I didn't know I was even up to having a roommate—I swear they didn't tell me anything, just started dumping the pups on me." Standing up out of his bed.

"Look I don't want any trouble—"

"Please you're not even that much of a challenge. I could break you by flicking you with my finger. It's Alaric Saltzman that I have a problem with."

"Make yourself at home but I have a teacher to punch." He walked out of the dorm leaving Rafael stunned.



"Since when was me having a roommate up for debate?" Kolton huffed, punching Alaric in the chest before he flipped over the man's shoulder.

"You need to socialize. Having Rafael paired with you will give you a chance to open up to somebody other than your sister." Alaric sent a punch to his face which he blocked.

"You locked his brother in a cellar which was stupid by the way I mean what the hell is this game of thrones?" He sent a swift kick toward Alarics which he blocked.

"Where else was I supposed to put him?" Alarics questioned in disbelief.

"Are you serious? There's about a hundred different rooms here pick one." He maneuvered out of the way of Alaric's punch who sent one toward his face.

"Block with your hand."

"I got it." He pushed Alaric's hand away from his face while Hope watched with a chuckle.

"If you had it I wouldn't need to remind you." Alaric rolled his eyes before he sent another punch with Kolton grabbing his fist before kneeing him in the stomach.

"Damn—not too aggressive eh?" Alaric looked at him, making the boy shrug with a grin.

He did a spin kick with Alaric blocking before he sent a strike toward his head with Alaric grabbing his arm before he bent it before his shoulder.

"Now if I were to twist this I would break your arm." Alaric whispered in his ear.

"Not even on my worst day could you beat me Alaric." Kolton used his head before he head-butted Alaric in the nose making it crack before he slid underneath his legs swirling his feet clipping the man onto the ground before he pushed himself off his hand landing on his feet.

"What was that about breaking my arm?"

"That's cheating." Alaric huffed, making him grin.

"I think I would prefer a vampire doing my training you're running out of limbs for me to break." Kolton helped him up before Hope took over for him.

"So you and Landon have a thing or something?" He questioned the younger twin as they began training.

"I don't have things." Hope answers by punching his fist making the man chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm well aware of your quest to avoid all emotional intimacy."

"And your brother's quest of being the head supernatural in charge of the school." Alaric commented.

"I know like hell you didn't just quote that one movie from Netflix." Kolton looked at him.

"I'm just saying there's obviously something." The human shrugged.

"I liked him." Hope kicked his hand.

"He's normal."

"Well, let's keep him that way." Alaric says, catching her fist.

"We survive here because we follow the rules—we can't get sloppy about it." Alaric reminded them.

"You're the one that's always telling us that we need to get out more." Hope rebutted.

"I told you two you need to stop locking yourself in your dorm binge-watching Cutthroat Kitchen, and to stop painting Masterpieces." He looked at the twins.

"I did not tell you two to go out and fraternize with the human locals." He pointed toward the direction of the school.

"Theoretically you're a human local so why are we socializing with you again?" Kolton lifted an eyebrow.


"I know."

"You know, you can just be our headmaster, all this other stuff isn't in the job description." Hope told him

"Yeah—apparently we suck at keeping parents alive so better count your days." Kolton follows up.

"Attempt to make an actual friend and we could reevaluate this relationship." Alaric told them.

"Stop making it seem like we're dating, not even if you were the last person on earth." Kolton shook his head when Josie walked up to them.


"Clean up on aisle L." She leant against the tree making Alaric sigh looking at the twins before walking off.

"And there goes my peaceful afternoon." Kolton grumbled walking away.


Staring at a blank Canvas, Kolton sighed as he tried to figure out what to paint but his mind was blank; he had too many thoughts running through them.

"Is that what you do? Paint your problems away?" Rafael commented watching him from the bed.

"Do you just watch people you don't know? Because if that's the case let me tell you something buddy, you need a new hobby." Kol told him shortly.

"And I can't write anything because my damn mind won't rest." Huffing annoyed he threw out his hand letting the paint scatter against the canvas telekinetically.

"So you're a witch." Rafael noted watching as Kolton took his jacket, throwing it on.

"I'm a lot of things—no I will not tell you what those things are, and no I do not care about your dead girlfriend." Turning to Rafael who stared at him in disbelief.

"H-how did you know what I was about to ask?"

"The same reason as I know you're about to ask me for a favor and the answer is now, you're cute but not that cute." He walked out of the room passing Jed.

"Hey, Kol are you coming to the party?!" He shouted at the hybrid grin.

"Later—I need to do something first." Nodding his head he'd walked off making him sigh before he walked further into the woods.

Closing his eyes he focused his energy throughout his body allowing his eyes to shine with a bright amber glow letting a growl slip past his lips his bones cracked while he fell to the ground.

He soon morphed into a giant black and gray wolf that rushed off into the woods away from the party.


Kolton had stayed in wolf form longer than he had anticipated but everything just felt much better when he was a wolf—he had a clear mind when running through the woods, the dirt against his paws the wind running through his fur there was no greater feeling.

He entered the kitchen where he found Penelope Park and Milton making him grin, lifting an eyebrow.

"What are you two cuties up too." Grabbing a bottle of vodka he poured half a glass before walking toward the two supernatural teens.

"I'm trying to rock MG's world but he's being a feminist." Penelope rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong baby vamp? Can't handle your urges?" He smirked, making MG stare at him.

"No, I just don't want to get in trouble." MG shook his head, making Kolton roll his eyes.

"That's the entire point Milton but you're a vampire, live in the urges." He tells him.

"For once, we're not supposed to. For two aren't you both into girls? And for three-"

"For three shut the hell up." Kolton rolled his eyes.

"Exactly nobody asked you to bring math into this." Penelope added.

"You know what I mean." MG stared at them.

"Well, let's use your method then." Kolton hopped off the table walking toward MG.

"One, rules are meant to be broken." He followed up.

"For two your binary assumptions about sexuality they're dated for a feminist." Penelope shrugged.

"Three, nobody cares what three was, are you going to keep talking or are you going to take the change of a lifetime?" Kolton whispered in his ear.

He loved having fun, it was just a much better experience than trying to do everything the right way because why do that when you only had one life?

He leaned forward making MG watch his lips before he pressed them against his in a soft kiss before backing up with a grin.

"Have you ever tasted blood from all three species?" Grinning, Kolton tilted his head.

MG stared at his neck with his eyes visibly changing with their vampiric feature before pressing his lips onto Kolton's in a rough kiss as they both began to heavily make out.

He grabbed the back of his neck kissing down it as his fangs emerged—Kolton smiled at Penelope grabbing her by the neck as their lips met and he moaned feeling MG's fangs enter his neck making him kiss the witch harder feeling MG suck him dry.

"MG?" Called out a quiet shocked voice making the trio pause staring at Josie who stood there shocked.

"Aw did we hurt her feelings?" Kol tilted his head watching her run out while he wiped away the blood from his neck before sucking it.

"You have soft lips MG, when you want a round two just come find me." He smiled before walking out of the kitchen.

"So threesomes we're at the top of your bucket list?" Turning his head he stared at Jed who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Eh, murdering everyone in this school was at the top of that but hey, I never will pass up the opportunity for sexual pleasure." He shrugged.

"So what I'm hearing is there's an opportunity?" Jed smirked, making him shake his head.

"Not even on my last day on earth will I sleep with you." Turning around he walked toward his dorm room.



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