By GemFot_supremacy

9.3K 478 150

I hate the fact that i can't hate you More



373 29 5
By GemFot_supremacy

Fourth is given a week off after his solo events, he got many gifts on his events, he appreciate all the fans gift, he even make a room for the gift he received in his house and keep them altogether in that room

Sometimes he felt guilty for the expensive gift his fans gave him, he don't want them to spent so much money, he even asked them not to give such expensive gift, but the fans insist on doing it

He received shoes, watch, branded cloths that a bit too expensive, plushie, teddy bear, bracelet and necklace, and many more

He will still be happy even if they don't give anything, their presence on the event and showing that they support him was more than enough for him


The first day of his week off, Fourth was just lazing around, he woke up late since he can't sleep last night and he don't need to work today, he don't want to go out and he's too lazy to cook, he order food and he spend his day watching movies, playing games and just lazing around

On his second day, he tidy up his house and in the evening, he went out to have dinner with Mark and Nanon, it was not new to them, Mark and Nanon were friends since a long time ago, Nanon and Fourth bacame close from their LOL concert, they used to go out together once in a while, Fourth was adored by almost all of his senior in Gmm, he's already grown up but they still adored him like the early period of him joining the company

They were chatting while having their dinner, when they're done with their dinner, Mark leave first since he still need to return to work

Nanon and Fourth decided to walk to a nearby park, talking about work and life

" Phi, can I ask you something? " Fourth ask while watching the sky and waiting for Nanon's response

"Ok.. What do you want to ask? " Nanon said looking at Fourth

"Phi, do you think Phi Ohm hate me? " Fourth ask

"I don't think so, I never know him hating someone ever since I know him, just maybe a little disappointed, why do you asked? " Nanon really don't know anyone Ohm has hated, he knows him for a long time and being his close friend, he never know it even once, even when he has a big fight with someone once that was a long time ago, and that person made up story and spread false rumour, that time, the rumours effect his work and that he need to stop working on the movie he was starring, even at that time, he never hate that person or let alone curse at him

"I don't know Phi, he never start a conversation with me now, even if I talk to him, he just give me a short reply, he look like he don't want to talk to me" Fourth share his thoughts, he don't understand why Ohm was like that to him, before they would play and tease each other and they used to hangout with others, but after Gem left, he stop talking to him and the way he look at him, he can't explain it

"Fourth, don't think too much, everything will be ok, maybe it's just your thoughts, or he just have some problem, it will be ok" Nanon don't know much about what's going on with them, but he believes that it will be ok soon

"I hope so Phi" Fourth really hope that that's the reason, cause he don't want to lose another good friend, but it's going on for too long now that he's afraid that he do something that offense Ohm and that they will never be like before

They call it a night, it was now 11p.m. and split there since they both bring their own car, Fourth drive home immediately, when he reach his house, he took a shower and get to bed, his mind drift back to the conversation he has with Nanon

He think about the time they used to hang out, Ohm and Nanon, Gemini and him, they were closed to each other, maybe they are closed because they have much similarities with them, Ohm and Nanon were best friend and him and Gemini were also like best friend or he think so, Fourth was close with Nanon, and Ohm and Gemini were also closed to each other

Ohm and Gemini became so close that Fourth sometimes a bit jealous, because Gemini share his problem more to Ohm and they hang out together often, if he don't know them specifically he may thought that they are dating, but be knows them both precisely so he know that they are just good friend, but he still get jealous sometime

When Gem was disappeared just like that and can't contact, the first person that came to his mind was Ohm, he asked him if he knows anything about Gem, Ohm told him he knows nothing, when he think about it again, it was around that time Ohm's change towards him

He just wish that everything will be okay


Hello (*'∇')ノ

Have you listen Fourth's solo

Is it just me that think the lyrics are talking about Gem😂😂

And the MV video too, with those puzzle, it gives the MSP vibes

And why did Fourth tag Gem on his post of him holding hands with his model🤔🤔

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