Tales of the alien hero

By Karnage_kult

50.4K 1.1K 518

Unlike the rest of humanity, Izuku didn't unlock his quirk at the age of 4, but instead, at the age of 10. A... More

Izuku's bio
The watch
Harem pt.1
10 months to be a hero
Ultimate beat'em up
Ultimate forms pt.1
First day + new batch
Second batch
The hunt
Looks like you've seen a ghost
Getting to know them
U.S.J smack down
Meeting Azmuth
Harem pt.2
The Festival begins
The shining prey
One is many
Beat Fire with Fire
Festival cut short
Put a name to the face
Old man wisdom
The phantom in hosu

Sound Vs Liquid

3.4K 64 54
By Karnage_kult

"Hey, did you hear about the van that got caught by someone." A group of Izuku's classmates talked with each other, and Izuku heard this."Yeah, wasn't the dude that caught the van walking across the road?"Yeah, and afterwards, the guy just disappeared. The officer didn't get a name, only that they had some weird symbol on their chest." The group continued to talk, and Izuku realised who they were talking about.'There talking about me?' Izuku thought surprised and smiled, flattered that people actually liked him, well without actually knowing it was him.

The bell rang, and the teacher entered the classroom "Alright class, today, we will be filling out forms for future applications." The teacher told the class, and a simultaneous groan was heard throughout the class."Ah, who am I kidding! I know you all want to be heroes." The teacher said, throwing the application forms into the air, sending the entire class into an uproar. "Oh please, teach. Don't put me in with these D-listers." Izuku's ex-childhood friend, Katsuki bakugo, said with a smirk.

"Oh, right, Bakugo, don't you wanna go to U.A.?" The teacher asked him, and Bakugo jumped onto his desk. "I don't want to go, I will go to U.A. cause unlike the rest of you, I actually amount to something." Bakugo said with his high and mighty ego. (I hate this mf, even after his redemption. The same is true with Endeavour, but I actually like him more than Bakugo, I'll explain at the end of the chapter.)

"Oh, that reminds me, Midoriya, don't you wanna go to U.A. too?" The teacher said, making the whole class stare at him, and Izuku flinch at the looks of his fellow pupils. They all burst out laughing. "Useless Deku, no way he could get into the hero course without a quirk." Some of his classmates said, and suddenly, Izuku was pulled up from his seat by Bakugo and held by his collar.

"What, you think you. A useless Deku can get into the top hero academy? Don't make me laugh. No way, a piece of trash like you could ever even get to the gate before getting squished like a bug." Bakugo said,"Bakugo, put Izuku down." The tea her told him, and he complied, letting Izuku go. After school ended, Izuku was packing his things up when Bakugo and his two lackeys walked up to his desk and nabbed his notebook from his hands. "What do we have here? Hero analysis book no. 13?" One of the lackeys said with a smirk."What a loser?" The other lackey said, laughing.

Bakugo grabbed the book from the lackeys' hands and blew it up in his hands and then threw it out the window. "I think you should do what that book did, and jump out the window. Maybe you and your dad can have a nice chat." Bakugo said with an evil smile and left with his two lackeys. As the three bullies were leaving, Izuku tightened his fist, and the Omnitrix burst to life, showing Izuku Goliath again, just like it had yesterday. Izuku felt an emotion he had never felt towards someone before, hatred. He also heard a voice in the back of his head call out to him to kill Bakugo, but no. Izuku would listen to his common sense and relax.

Izuku went down to the small pond his notebook had fallen into, with it being nibbled on by two koi fish. Izuku dipped his hand into the watter and pulled it out, scaring the fish away. "He's going too far." Izuku told himself as he wiped away some water off the front of the notebook. Izuku put it in his bag and left, and rather than go his normal route, Izuku decided to take a shortcut because he knew Bakugo would be taking the same route as Izuku would normally take.

Izuku was walking until he went under a bridge. He heard something burst open behind, and before he could turn around, he was ancased by a sludge villain.'What the!?' Izuku said, struggling to move around in the sludge."Don't struggle. Just make it harder for me to make you my suit." The Sludge Villain told Izuku with a crazed smile. However, a flash of light encased Izuku, and then all that was heard was high-pitched howl.

The Sludge Villain burst into millions of pieces. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, VILLAIN." Izuku turned and saw, All Might, the symbol of peace."Woah, all might!" Izuku said and pressed the Omnitrix symbol on his chest."Ah! My apologies, young man, I mistook you for a villain. Due to your monstrous appearance and because you had glowing eyes." All Might said with his iconic smile and laugh."May I ask you something? Have you seen a villain made of sludge?" All Might asked Izuku."Yeah, he's there, and he's also there and there and there." Izuku said, pointing around the tunnel, and all might pat Izuku on the back."I see, young man. Well done!" All Might told him.

"You really mean that?" Izuku asked him."Of course I do!" All Might said, and Izuku's glowed brighter like stars. "Now then, what's your name?" All Might asked Izuku."It's Izuku, Izuku Midoriya.", " Well, Young Midoriya. Help me out with capturing this villain." All Might said."Of course I will, All Might, Sir!" Izuku said with a geeky smile. It didn't take long for the two to clean up the mess of the sludge villain.

They had captured the villain in two Coca-Cola bottle. "Well then, thank you, young Midoriya. I must be off now, Goodbye!" All Might said and jumped into the sky as Izuku waved to him goodbye. "This is the best day of my life!" Izuku shouted into the sky and realised something."I didn't get him to sign my notebook." Izuku said and grabbed his notebook off the floor, but once he checked inside, he saw All Might's autograph.

'He must've done it while we were cleaning the sludge up.' Izuku thought and slammed his notebook shut and placed it inside his bag again and went on his mery way. However, when he got near the Tatooine market, an explosion erupted into the sky. This caught everyone's attention, and Izuku ran towards the sight of the explosion.

A crowd had already formed in front of where the explosion originated as Izuku moved through the human maze he heard parts of conversations "Poor kid...", "He's going to die! Can't the heroes do anything...", "Someone has to save him eventually, right?". Izuku had finally made it to the front of the crowd. He was only stopped by the police barricade, and he saw what was happening. It was the same sludge villain that had tried to attack him before, Izuku also recognised who the sludge villain had in mucky Claws. "Bakugo." Izuku muttered to himself, he had to save them even though Bakugo had bullied him all his life l, even though he told Izuku to kill himself time and time again, he couldn't let someone die when he was nearby.

Without a thought in his mind, Izuku rushed past the barricade and ran towards the Sludge Villain. "You, again!" The Sludge Villain shouted and like before, the Omnitrix burst to life projecting the hologram of the werewolf alien he had turned into when his life was in danger just those few moments ago. A greenbflash encased Izuku, and now, in this Alien form, he ran on all 4's and jumped over an explosion the villain used to distract Izuku, but it was already too late for the pathetic villain.

The jaws of the werewolf alien split into 4, and Izuku howled like a wolf on a full moon, sending ground shaking soundwaves into its body, destroying it back into a million pieces. Afterwards, Izuku tore up a fire hydrant in the street, and the fire caused by the explosions was soon put out. Also, thanks to the help of Backdraft. Bakugo was checked up on by an ambulance, and Izuku was approached by three heroes. Death arms, kamui woods, and a new pro hero, Mt. Lady.

"It's dangerous y'know to risk your life without thinking, what we're you thinking?" Kamui woods asked Izuku."You just said he didn't move without thinking. He wasn't thinking at all." Mt. Lady said, "Shut up." Kamui said as Death Arms sighed."Look, kid, you shouldn't concern yourself for someone's safety, especially if there are pro heroes on the job." Death Arms told Izuku, who just looked at them confused and said (He's still an Alien),"I mean no offence when I say this but, You were pretty useless." Izuku told Death Arms and both Kamui and Mt. Lady looked like they were about to burst out laughing.

"I mean, so where those two. The only person who was actually helpful was Backdraft over there cause he helped put out the fire's and the police cause they stopped the crowd from getting any closer." Izuku said, and both Kamui woods and Mt. Lady stopped holding in their laughter and grew different looks on their faces. Kamui's look was like someone just told him they used their toothbrush to comb their hair and Mt. Lady looked really pissed off.

"Well, excuse me for being unable to fit in a one street thick alley!" Mt. Lady shouted, "You could've grown to your normal size and then grow big again and squish the villain or at least use your giant hands to prevent the fire from getting further by moving the cars away. I don't really have anything bad to say about Kamui cause his quirk basically makes him a living tree ninja, so if he got close to the flames, he would've died." Izuku pointed out to the heroes, and Kamui sighed in relief."Thank god, I didn't get picked on." Kamui muttered, and Mt. Lady grew even more pissed off. "That's it, Teen Wolf! You're going to the station and answering some questions!" Mt. Lady said, throwing a cuff on Izuku right arm.

Izuku pulled his right arm up in the air, and Mt. Lady was immediately thrown into the air. "Whoops..." Izuku said,"Kid, just go. We'll just tell you off this time, but if you do it again, you're going to the station." Kamui woods told Izuku."Really? I can go?" Izuku questioned with an eyebrow raised."Yeah." He said to Izuku and Izuku, ran off through an alleyway.

Izuku had transformed back into his normal self and continued his walk home when someone shouted from behind him. "Deku!" Izuku turned around to see Bakugo running towards him.'Oh crap!' Izuku thought. "What, you think that you can hide your quirk from me and then just save me!?" Bakugo said, "I mean, kinda...?" Izuku said, shrugging his shoulders."When we see each other at the entrance exam to U.A. just know I'm gonna beat you at everything!" Bakugo shouted and turned around and strutted away. 'How have I only noticed now that he walks like a thuggish his pants down?' Izuku wondered to himself and continued to walk back home.

Someone shot out from the path in front of Izuku. "Fear not, why? CAUSE I AM HERE!" All Might shouted his iconic catchphrase, but suddenly, All Might was clouded in smoke and replaced by a skeletal figure that shared some of the same features as All Might."Who are you!? You can't be all might!? Are you an impostor?!" Izuku screamed."Relax, Young Midoriya. I am all might. The reason I look like this now is because of a fight I had a long time ago around ten years ago." All Might told Izuku and lifted his shirt up."I sustained an injury so dangerous that even the world's best doctors couldn't get me back to 100%." All Might informed Izuku as Izuku stared at the wound with curiosity as to who could've cause such a grave injury.

"But, that is besides the point as to why I am here." All Might said, and put his shirt back down. "I am here to tell you, Izuku Midoriya, are worthy of having my Quirk." All Might told Izuku as the evening sun glowed bright behind him."Have your quirk? You can't transfer a quirk, that's impossible." Izuku said it was basic Quirk knowledge that a Quirk couldn't be transferred to someone. "Well, that's where you're wrong. You see, my quirk wasn't mine to begin with. It belonged to my master and her master and so on. One For All that is what it is called." All Might said "One For All?" Izuku said with a confused look.

"I saw what you did. When the sludge villain had that young man, you raced in without a moment to think. That is what makes a hero great. They are able to move without thinking because of their kindness and bravery to protect the lives of others that they don't care what happens to themselves. They can smile even at the darkest of times when all hope is lost." All Might said as both of them stared at each other, neither looked away from each other, not even for a moment. "Will you, Izuku Midoriya, become the next symbol of peace?" He asked Izuku."I will." Izuku said, his voice cracking. "Will you save people with a smile?" He asked him."I will." Izuku said tears began to roll from Izuku eyes."Then you, young man..." All Might said as Izuku fell to his knees, crying his eyes out.

Chapter end

Why do I like Endeavour more than Bakugo? Simply because unlike Bakugo, Endeavour understands he can't fix his past mistakes to the point they can be forgotten and he bears those scars of being a bad father and husband in the massive fight against dabi. Bakugo does apologise but unlike Endeavour he doesn't prove to Izuku or the readers why they should accept him as being different cause he doesn't bear the responsibility throughout the manga/anime the only ways we even see him try and change is by him calling Izuku his actual name and give sad looks. It's not to say that Bakugo didn't change the problem is because unlike Endeavour he didn't have to prive himself.

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