SLIPSTREAM. ➟ 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦...

By -charbucks

1.2M 24.2K 22K

❝ she's fast. ❞ - an alternate universe wherein scuderia ferrari signs the most controversial driver of their... More

➟ epigraph
➟ main lead intros + notes
➟ story structure (UPDATED)
➟ playlist
➟ 00. prologue
➟ 01. rocky starts
➟ 02. battle of nerves
➟ 03. braking points
➟ 04. losing balance
➟ 05. finding grip
➟ 06. keeping cool
➟ 07. yellow flags
➟ 08. winner, winner
➟ 09. sky high
➟ 10. seeing red
➟ 11. crash & burn
➟ 12. apexes
➟ 13. slipstream
➟ 14. possibilities
➟ 15. champagne
➟ 16. charles leclerc
➟ 17. tenterhooks
➟ 18. the good part
➟ 19. paying it forward
➟ 20. cruise control
➟ 21. andrée renaldi
➟ 22. all-star
➟ 23. world stood still
➟ 24. checkered flags
➟ 25. trouble in paradise
➟ 26. fire and fury
➟ 27. champions
➟ 28. to the bone
➟ 29. loose ends
➟ final preface
➟ 30. fated threes
➟ 31. ferrari
➟ 32. dark red
➟ 33. backmarkers
➟ 35. somewhere, somehow
➟ 36. the new gen
➟ 37. the leclercs
➟ 38. the speedy bunch
➟ 39. viva la vida
➟ 40. fender benders
➟ 41. long live

➟ 34. clean air

11.8K 315 400
By -charbucks



THE MORNING SUN BARELY PEEKS through the curtains, as a storm swirls through the Mediterranean coast. The sky cries, the wind howls, and it all causes Andie to stir in her sleep, her fingers curling around the empty space beside her. Her subconscious mind registers that Charles is gone, and she mumbles a half-conscious goodbye, a soft and glum sigh escaping her lips...

Little does she know that Charles isn't en route to Maranello as she assumed. Instead, he's made a detour, one that, at first glance, could be misconstrued as something entirely different.

The plan was to head straight to the Ferrari headquarters, but there was somewhere he needed to be, a certain somewhere that weighed heavily on his mind. Thoughts of infidelity could cross anyone's mind given the circumstances of his strained marriage—but that's far from the truth.

It's a nondescript building, tucked away from prying eyes. Charles enters discreetly, hoping not to be recognized by anyone passing by. His Ferrari rain jacket being the only semblance of shade with him. The waiting room is empty, save for a receptionist who greets him with a friendly smile. He had made the call last night, while Andie was asleep, hoping for a last-minute session.

And surprisingly, Dr. Dumont had agreed to see him this early morning on such short notice.

As he sits in her office, Charles feels a surge of nervousness. The drumming of the rain outside is unexpectedly loud today. He still had his reservations about all of this. He wasn't used to baring his soul to a stranger... but he knew he had to do this. For Andie.

"Charles, so lovely to see you again." Dr. Dumont welcomes the racer with endearment, taking her seat on the plush chair in front of him, "Congratulations on the win yesterday, by the way."

"Thank you, doctor." He smiles warmly, "I couldn't have done it without her."

The therapist then brings out her pen and notepad as she prepares to jot down some notes on their little session, "I'm glad you reached out... how have you been since our first session?"

Charles sighs and unconsciously slumps back in his seat, "I'm... I'm not sure, to be honest. There's so much going on, and I don't know where to start."

Dr. Dumont nodded understandingly, "Well, let's begin wherever feels right for you. What's been on your mind lately?"

The downpour on the window sill doesn't go unnoticed... it was something that helped Charles focus even.

"Just this... this constant fear." He admits, his voice quivering, "Fear of losing Andie, fear of letting down my team, fear of letting myself down. I... I used to keep these fears at bay so well. But now, I don't know how to handle it all anymore."

"Let's unravel these knots together, Charles." She gives him an understanding gaze, "So let's start with that fear. What else can you say about it?"

"I'm just scared of losing everything... and it really just frustrates me that I feel I'm not strong enough to endure it anymore."

"You mentioned that you used to manage these issues well on your own. What triggered these overwhelming thoughts, Charles? The catalyst? The one thing that started all of this?"

Charles then hesitates, his eyes moist with unshed tears. His mind floods with all the heavy and gut-wrenching moments of his life thus far; the arguments yelled, the grievances kept, the trusts shattered, the friendships severed... but as he traces back to the prime agitator that caused him to just lose all sense of control over his life, his heart clenches.

It was a terribly crushing weight on his soul—the soul he once pledged to his wife.

Then he admits shamefully, his voice barely above a whisper, "An empty bottle of coolant..."

Dr. Dumont's expression remains compassionate, but her eyes hold a knowing glint, "And... why is that significant?"

The rain intensifies outside, thunder starts to break... it's as if the heavens were sharing in Charles' inner turmoil.

His words tremble with emotion as he replies, "When I couldn't even remember something so simple and small... it made me realize I'm failing her in all the big things too."


Andie sits alone at the dining table, a sense of isolation creeping over her as she quietly sips her morning tea. The weather's been gloomy all morning and she couldn't help but feel even worse just thinking about it. Another bout of morning sickness had already left her feeling drained, leaving her with a slight sense of queasiness, but she soldiered through it with grace.

And she couldn't ignore how her plate held the remnants of a solo breakfast, a stark reminder of how empty the apartment felt without the presence of her husband and daughter.

As she nibbled on her toast and her senses focuses on the pitter-patter of the rain outside, her thoughts drifted to the events of the previous day—the race, Charles' stunning victory, and her unexpected role as his race engineer. It had been a day filled with excitement, triumph, and a sense of unity within the Ferrari team.

But now, in the quiet of their penthouse, Andie can't help but feel the solitude pressing in on her, as if the weather outside had began to seep into the penthouse to slowly drown her. The emptiness of their home mirrored the growing distance between her and Charles.

But then her thoughts then drift to Cami, the little ray of sunshine who had brightened their lives. She misses her daughter desperately, the sound of her laughter, the feel of her tiny hands in hers. Andie knew it was necessary for her to stay with Charles' mother while she recovered, but that didn't make the separation any easier.

As she idly pushes her food around her plate, her mind finds itself wandering to more melancholy... to the days when the roar of F1 engines had filled her world, when racing had been her life. Those days were long gone, and she couldn't help but miss the adrenaline, the camaraderie, and the thrill of competing on the track.

Her thoughts, however, were interrupted by the cheerful chime of her phone. She picks it up, looks, and sees it's Julien trying to FaceTime her. A bright smile breaks across her face as she accepts the call; delightfully surprised to see the faces of the Renaldi twins filling the screen.

"Hey, you two!" Andie greets them warmly, her heart warming at the sight of their familiar faces.

"Allo, Andie!" Yves chimes, "Congratulations on that epic race yesterday! You and Charles were amazing!"

"Yeah, it was like watching a legend back in action!" Julien adds with equal fervor.

Andie's cheeks flushes with warmth at their words, "Thank you, guys. It means a lot."

Julien leans closer to the camera, his eyes sparkling with admiration, "You should've seen papa, Andie. He was... emotional."

Her brows furrow in surprise. "Emotional? Really?"

Yves nods, his tone softening, "Yeah. He watched the entire race on TV with us and maman."

"We actually thought you weren't there because we didn't see you for the first half of the race." Julien says, "We thought something was really wrong... especially since Charles struggled a lot at first."

"Well, yeah..." Andie replies sheepishly, not knowing how to explain that to them without alarming them with everything that's been going on lately.

Yves then continues,"Anyway, when papa saw you at the pit wall, guiding Charles like a badass, there were tears in his eyes. He was so proud of you."

"And he really misses seeing you out there." Julien adds, his eyes reflecting the same sentiment.

Andie blinks back the sudden rush of tears that threaten to spill. She misses racing, too, more than words could express. The feeling of being at the pit wall, guiding a race to victory, had awakened a part of her soul that had lain dormant for too long.

"Thanks, guys..." She says, her voice soft with gratitude, "I miss it, too. More than you know."

"Why don't you go back? Cami's getting older anyway."

"She's barely a year old, Yves. And I... I don't know. It still feels too soon."

"At least sign up to be Charles' race engineer for now! You have the experience for it." Julien hoaxes, "Some men hate having their wives in their ears but obviously, Charles was grateful for it."

Yves concurs with a vigorous nod, "Yeah, besides. His current engineer just stresses him out anyway. Even I felt like I wanted to jump into the TV yesterday to strangle Xavi."

Andie just laughs at that, not knowing how to respond to that.

"By the way, can we see Cami? We miss our niece. She's probably awake, right?"

Her smile fades and her heart sinks a little.

"Oh... uh, Cami's with Charles' mum right now." Andie tries to say it nonchalantly so they wouldn't suspect anything, "Charles and I have been a bit busy these past few days... you know, with the race weekend and all that."

"It's alright, we understand. But speaking of Charles, where is he? We wanna see Monaco's home hero."

"He's at Maranello right now." Andie feigns a smile, "Ferrari reined him in again. You know how it is..."

Yves frowns slightly, "Wait... so you're all alone right now?"

Andie puts on her best cheerful facade, masking the growing sense of loneliness that was settling within her. She can't help but feel a pang of sadness hearing her brothers' excitement about Charles and their longing to see Cami.

"Yeah, it's just me right now." She replies with a faint smile, "But it's okay. I'm keeping busy."

Julien and Yves exchange glances, their concern evident, even through the screen.

"Andie..." Yves starts cautiously, "You don't have to put on a brave face for us. We know how tough it can be sometimes."

She nods, appreciating their understanding, "I know, guys. Thanks for checking in on me."

They chat for a little while longer, Julien and Yves chatting on about various topics, and Andie listens, interjecting with her thoughts and laughter when needed. She appreciates their efforts to connect with her and distract her from her solitude.

As the conversation winds down, they finally say their goodbyes, leaving Andie feeling even more isolated than before. She fights to hold back the emotions that threaten to spill over. Her pregnancy hormones and postpartum depression seem to harshly amplify every emotion, making it increasingly difficult to control her feelings.

When the call ends, Andie sets her phone down on the table and leans back in her chair. It feels as if the walls of their penthouse are closing in on her, the silence almost suffocating.

And then, as if on cue, thunder cracks and the floodgates open. Hot tears spill down her cheeks, silent sobs wracking her body. She's alone, far from her family, her husband busy with his career yet again, and her daughter separated from her. The penthouse that had once felt like a sanctuary now felt like a cold, empty space.

Even the desolate torrent of falling skies begins to provide her company as if the sad weather had started to pity her already...

It's a gut-wrenching moment of vulnerability, of exhaustion, and of overwhelming loneliness.

Andie knows she shouldn't be pushing herself like this, especially in her condition, but the thought keeps gnawing at her. Maybe she should go to Maranello, be with Charles, and let him know just how much she wanted to fix things between them... but, as it stands for her, Charles still wasn't putting in the effort to mend what's been broken.

But the doctor's orders for bed rest weigh heavily on her conscience.

She wipes away her tears, trying to regain her composure, reminding herself that she needs to prioritize her health and the well-being of their unborn child. She takes a deep breath, attempting to find solace in the solitude that had envelops her once more.

Though deep down, she couldn't shake the impulsive thought that had taken root–that perhaps, breaking the doctor's orders just this once and drive 5 hours to Maranello might just be worth it.

Another roar of thunder.

But then she starts to think... why go through all that trouble for a man who doesn't even seem to be as committed to repairing their relationship—for a man who would, time and time again, choose to run towards his career and leave her behind?

So someone answer her this: what was the fucking use anymore?

Just like the tumultuous weather outside, her heart starts crying, her mind starts screaming, and her body starts wearying.

Her emotions are volatile, so very messy. They were constricting her vision to only see two cryptic options of two far extremes; towards or away.

To endure, or just... let go.

And fate had never been so cruel to Andie before, making her ponder on this.

Meanwhile, as the day unfolds at the Ferrari factory, Charles walks through its halls with a renewed sense of purpose. The notable difference today, though, is that the weight on his shoulders seems a bit lighter, his steps a tad more confident, and his mind more focused.

The weight of his troubles hasn't miraculously disappeared, but the early morning therapy session with Dr. Dumont that morning was nothing short of revelatory for him. He had walked into her office with skepticism, unsure if therapy could truly help him. However, the therapist's insightful questions and gentle guidance had allowed him to see his problems from a different perspective.

He attends some team briefings and testing sessions, listening to the technical details and strategies for the upcoming races, but his mind often drifts to the personal matters he needs to address. The racing world had been relentlessly consuming him, and he couldn't deny the fractures its caused on his life as much as he'd like to focus on the good things... so he's determined to take the first steps.

The pivotal moment comes during a meeting with the entire Ferrari team; Fred, Alex, engineers, mechanics, people from development... they discuss upcoming race strategies, improvements to the car, and the relentless pursuit of the championship. Charles listens intently, understanding the importance of his role within the team, but something had changed within him.

When the opportunity arises for him to speak, he takes a deep breath, and the room falls silent as all eyes turn to their star driver. Charles, looking determined and resolute, his voice carries a weight that commands attention.

"Listen, everyone." He begins, his voice steady with emotion, "I've been a part of this team for over a decade. And God only knows how much passion I'll always have for Ferrari. You guys helped me realize a childhood dream and I can never thank you enough for all the incredible things we've achieved together... I can never put into the right words of how much pride I have for every moment we've shared."

He takes a moment, allowing his words to sink in. The room is silent, every eye trained on him.

"I won my home race yesterday, my wife being the voice in my ears. It was an absolute dream to be celebrating that. But... when you guys called me in last night, right after that incredible victory, it was like a slap in the face." He continues, not hiding his frown, "So I hope you understand that... I need something in return. For everything I've sacrificed for this team."

His statement hangs in the air, tension building. This is uncharted territory for Charles. He's always been the team player, the one willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of victory. But today, he's putting his foot down, demanding something more.

"I understand my responsibilities." He says, his voice unwavering, "But I also have a family. I have a wife and a daughter who mean the world to me."

There's a collective hush in the room, a rare moment of vulnerability from their champion.

"Out of all the things this team has given me, one gift definitely stands out—and that was giving me the opportunity to meet the love of my life... but I'm not asking for special treatment." Charles adds, his voice resolute, "I just... I just want to start coming home early enough to see my wife and daughter still awake."

In that moment, Charles makes sure everyone understands the significance of his name, "Leclerc." It isn't just a name emblazoned on a street in Maranello to commemorate championships; it's a name he shares with Andie and Cami.

And they're an integral part of who he is, and they deserve his time and attention just as much as the team does.

"I know we're in a demanding sport, and I've always been willing to meet those demands. But it's time for a change. I want to be there for my family, to spend time with them, to be a husband and a father. I can't let racing consume every aspect of my life."

His words hang in the air, a powerful statement that lingers in the air. For years, he had been the dedicated driver, always ready to meet the team's needs. Now, he was asserting his own needs, the needs of his family.

The conference room, once filled with the noise of discussions about race strategies and technical details, is now filled with a profound silence. Team members exchange glances, some nodding in understanding, others looking down in shame, feeling guilty for never seeing Charles as more than Ferrari's golden boy.

They realize that behind the racing legend, there's a man who yearns for the same things they all do—love, connection, and a sense of belonging.

It's an emotional moment, a vulnerable plea from a driver who had never spoken up about such things before, who had always put his career first.

Fred breaks the silence with a sincere nod, "Charles... your dedication to this team has never been in question, and we respect your commitment. We'll work on finding a balance that allows you to be with your family while fulfilling your responsibilities. Your well-being and your family's well-being are important to us too. So, on behalf of everyone... we're truly sorry."

Charles smiles as his eyes glisten with unshed tears, feeling an immense weight being lifted off his chest. It feels absolutely liberating, having his team finally understand him and his needs outside of racing.

"Grazie mille..." He breathes out, gratitude filling his wary voice.

Alex, sitting beside him, gives Charles a reassuring pat on the back. It's a gesture that speaks volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the support that surrounds him.

After the meeting, Fred gathers the team once more, calling an early end to the workday. It's a surprise for Charles, who is used to the relentless pace of Formula 1, but he appreciates the gesture. It's a sign that the team is willing to make changes immediately to accommodate his request.

As the team members begin to disperse, Fred pulls Charles aside for a private conversation.

"Charles, I just wanted you to pass along a message to Andie," Fred says, his tone earnest, "She did a remarkable job during the last grand prix as she took over your race. Her experience and expertise shone through, and she saved us when we needed it most. We want to express our gratitude. Please let her know that she did a exceptional job. Ferrari is in her debt."

Charles smiles proudly, knowing just how amazing Andie is, both as a racer and as a partner.

He nods, touched by the recognition of his wife's undeniable talent, "Thank you, Fred. I'll make sure to tell her."

Fred's expression then turns thoughtful, "I've also been having discussions with the heads all morning about this. We'd like to extend an offer, Charles. If Andie is open to it, we'd like her to join us as a race strategy and engineering consultant."

Charles blinks in surprise, not expecting such a proposal. "Race strategy and engineering consultant?"

"Yes." Fred affirms, "We believe her insights and experience could greatly benefit the team. And you could also say it's also a way for us to acknowledge her legacy in the sport. After all, she made her Formula 1 debut with Ferrari."

Charles takes a moment to process the offer. His mind races with the implications of this offer. It's a lot to take in, but he can't deny that it's an exciting opportunity for Andie, a chance for her to rekindle her love for racing in a different capacity.

That... and he'd be able to work with her again.

Just like old times.

Fred's expression softens, apologetic, "I want to apologize, Charles. We called you in today specifically just to discuss this offer. We should have explored other ways to reach out to her."

Charles shakes his head, his gratitude for the team's consideration evident in his eyes, "It's alright, Fred. This means a lot to both of us. I'll talk to Andie about it. I'm sure she'll be honored by the offer."

Fred nods, relieved that Charles understands their intentions. It's a step toward making amends and ensuring that Charles and his family feel valued within the team. The Leclercs are very much solidifying themselves as a racing dynasty of great talent.

"Now, go and head home, Charles. We won't need you until next week I suppose." Fred pats his driver's back, "Enjoy your family time."

Charles smiles gratefully, "Thank you again."

"Be careful out there though. It's raining. You know how fussy Italian rainstorms can get..." His team principal gives him a heads up, prompting Charles to glance out the window to indeed confirm that it was pouring outside.

"I will. And you too." He looks back at Fred, "See you soon."

Charles makes his leave and on his way to his car at the parking lot, he brings out his phone to call Andie up, excited to tell her that he was on his way home and tell her about Ferrari's offer for her.

world champ x2 💖

He sandwiches his phone in between his shoulder and ear as he unlocks his car, getting inside of it. Charles presses the engine ignition button and the Ferrari Pista Spider 480 roars to life.

However, even with all that, his attempt at reaching Andie does not push through.

"The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable."

Charles furrows his brows. Did her phone run out of battery?—no, it can't be. She's just at home. She's supposed to be at home.

As Charles sits in his car, attempting to call Andie again and again, his growing unease turns into genuine worry. Each time he dials her number, the same automated message taunts him.

He decides to call his mother, hoping she might know Andie's whereabouts. His heart races as he waits for her to pick up.

"Coucou, Charles." His mother's voice greets him warmly.

"Allo, maman." Charles replies, trying to keep his concern in check, "I was just wondering... is Andie with you?"

His mother's voice holds a hint of confusion, "No, she's not here. Should she be?"

There's a pause on the other end, and Charles can hear Cami giggling faintly in the background. It's a small comfort, but it only intensifies his worry.

He exhales, feeling a knot tighten in his chest, "No, it's just... I can't reach her, and I thought she might be with you or something. I'm getting worried."

Pascale's concern is audible, "Don't panic, Charles. Maybe it's just a network issue or maybe she's just sleeping. Keep trying. I'm sure she's fine. Try not to worry too much, mon fils."

But worry has already taken hold of Charles. He bids his goodbye quickly and hangs up with his mother.

The sense of dread that had been building inside him now threatens to overwhelm him. He tries calling Andie again, his fingers trembling slightly as he dials her number once more. The same unhelpful message from the operator plays, tormenting him with its vague statement.

Desperation creeps in and as a last resort, he sends her a flurry of text messages, his fingers flying across the screen:

world champ x3 ❤️‍🔥
mon amour, where are you?
i'm worried
please pick up
tell me you're okay

But the messages remain undelivered, each one accompanied by a frustrating "Not sent" notification, outlined in a deriding red.

His heart pounding in his chest, Charles hastily exits the Ferrari parking lot and drives out into the rain-soaked streets of Maranello. Panic gnaws at him as he thinks of the myriad possibilities, none of them comforting. It was a turn of events he hadn't expected that day, and he couldn't help but fear for the absolute worst.

Where could she be?

What was going on?

Why can't her phone be reached?

All these thoughts cloud his mind, reflecting the dark and gloomy heavens above his car as heavy and thick droplets continue to fall. Charles is worried sick. He refuses to believe anything he was thinking of is true. He refuses to believe that he's stepped up a little too late.

He was in a rush to get home to Monaco now. Speeding through the slippery streets... then he comes up at another corner when he figures to call her again.

But then, through the rain-smeared glass, he spots it. A familiar white Ferrari, parked on the side of the road. Charles doesn't immediately recognize it, but as he draws closer, his heart skips a beat.

He knows that car.

And a woman stands by its hood, troubled and soaked by the rain. She holds an umbrella in her hand, a makeshift shelter from the downpour... she was internally cursing at herself for forgetting the coolant a so-called friend had bought for her the other day in her Porsche.

On the other hand, his mind races, trying to process why she's here, all alone and in this condition. She was supposed to be at home, resting. Did she really drive all the way here? He knows she's strong-willed, but this is pushing it—especially with her pregnancy.

But what hits him the hardest is the sense of deja vu once Charles sees her car's engine hood is open... the telltale signs of overheating coming into view, smoke wisping from the V-6.

For a moment, time seems to rewind, and Charles is transported back to the day they first met; under precisely the same circumstances, in this very same town, on this very same road.

The overwhelming nostalgia washes over him, and his heart aches terribly with the memory.

Without a single millisecond to lose, he quickly pulls over and rushes out of his own car, not even bothering with an umbrella as the rain heavily pelts down on him. And there, standing at the hood of her car, is indeed his wife. Her hair is wet and disheveled, and she looks troubled and exhausted.

"Andie!" Charles calls out to her, his voice a mixture of concern and disbelief, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home!"

She turns at the sound of that all-too-familiar voice, her eyes searching her hazy surroundings, an expression a mix of relief and distress on her face. She's holding her phone up, seemingly trying to get a signal, but it's clear that she's been having a difficult time.

After all this damn time, there was still no cell service in this area of Maranello...

"Sta... sta bene?" His voice cracks but still cuts through the crackling sound of the rain hitting the asphalt around them, uttering the same words he did all those years ago, "Come va la macchina?"

He stands there, staring at her, his heart pounding with a meld of emotions—worry, confusion, longing... whilst Andie, her eyes mirroring all the complicated emotions Charles was feeling as well.

Their gazes lock onto each other.

Then the same sense of nostalgia hits her like a ton of bricks.

She's about to speak, but her voice catches in her throat, and she uncontrollably breaks down, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The sight of her, standing alone in the rain, struggling with her car, and crying, shatters Charles' heart into a million pieces.

He doesn't waste another moment. Charles quickly retrieves a bottle of Glycoshell from his car, the same gesture that had brought them together the first time they met.

"Here..." He says, holding out the bottle to her, "I... I think you need this."

Tears continue to fall from Andie's eyes as she takes the bottle from him, her voice quivering with emotion, "Thank you."

Charles takes the umbrella from her hands as they make the switch. He then watches as her shaky hands twist the Ferrari's radiator cap off and pour in the coolant he gave her. The silence between them was defeaning... the storm raging around them only adds to the unwitting tension brewing between them.

As she finishes, the smoke from the engine dissipates into the thick air. She puts the bottle away as she turns to face him, her eyes telling him that she missed him.

And Charles can't help himself any longer.

He pulls her into his arms, holding her close in the pouring rain. He drops the umbrella to the ground as they both find warmth in each other instead.

Charles shuts his eyes and coos quietly into her ear, a sad fondness in his voice, almost like a desperate prayer to the God he didn't believe in, "We have to stop meeting like this."

As the rain pours down around them, he holds her tightly, his shirt now drenched, but he couldn't care less. The echoes of their first encounter on this very road resonate in their minds, bringing them back to that pivotal moment when their lives first intersected.

Andie, her tears mixing with the rain, clings onto him as if he's her lifeline. In the midst of the storm, she finds solace in his presence, just as she did on that fateful day years ago.

"I guess some things never change..." He says softly, his voice filled with tenderness.

Andie's light and precious laughter is a beautiful melody in the rain, and she lifts her tear-streaked face to meet his gaze, "I... must have a knack for getting myself into these situations..."

Charles smiles through the raindrops, his eyes searching hers with an intensity that transcends words, "Or maybe this is how our story was always meant to be."

A pause.

Then it sinks in.

She nods, a faint smile playing on his lips, "We've been through hell and back, haven't we?"

His own grin mirrors hers, even through the tears and rain falling on down their faces, "Yes, we definitely have."

Their faces draw closer, their mouths hovering above each other, and Charles finally leans in, capturing her lips in a quiet kiss that speaks volumes. It's a kiss filled with longing, of love that never wavered even in the darkest times, and of a promise to never let go again.

"Mi dispiace..." He whispers against her lips, those words carrying the weight of all the drag they've been through.

She replies, throwing that heavy load away, "Mi dispiace anche, amore..."

Andie wraps her arms tightly around Charles, and he holds her just as fiercely, as if they can protect each other from any future hardships. The rain continues to fall, but it's no longer a symbol of sadness; it's a symbol of renewal, of love rekindled, and of a future they're determined to face together.

"I don't want to lose us. We'll make this work. We have to." His thumbs brush the tears away from her cheeks, "I love you so much."

She nods as she feels his lips press against her forehead. She shuts her eyes closed, letting the moment sink in, letting herself feel the rain on her skin, "I love you too."

Everything was clear in that moment; a poignant reminder of the twists and turns of fate that have brought them back to this moment, that no matter how many times they meet by the side of the road, no matter how many hurdles life throws their way, they'll always be defined by the inescapable gravitational pull only they have on each other.

For in the midst of all the storms gripping and shaking their worlds, they've found their way back to each other, stronger and more in love than ever before.


Charles had made a quick call to Ferrari, arranging for Andie's white GTB to be towed to a local service center. It turns out that its overheating engine wasn't its only problem and it also turns out that Andie had used the car on a whim, simply for old times' sake, only to realize too late that its maintenance was long overdue.

The engineer in her might have taken a backseat to nostalgia, but obviously, she's no stranger to mechanical troubles.

The hotel lobby is a welcoming oasis after the rain-soaked reunion on the side of the road. Charles and Andie enter, dripping wet and shivering slightly from both the downpour and the emotional rollercoaster they've been on. Their clothes cling to their bodies, a reminder of the downpour they stood in, but they hardly seem to notice as they approach the front desk.

The guests at the foyer, at first, stick up their noses at the bedraggled couple that was dripping rain water all over the expensive marble floor... but as soon as they realize they were none other than Maranello's most prized racing power couple; jaws drop to the floor, hands cover mouths, eyes widen, and murmurs fly.

Charles, with his usual charm, arranges for a room, providing the name "Leclerc" without any need for additional identification. The hotel staff, recognizing the famous Ferrari driver and his equally famous wife, quickly processes their request and hands them a keycard to their best suite without question.

"Your room is ready, Mr. and Mrs. Leclerc." The concierge says with a warm smile. "Enjoy your stay."

Charles takes the keycard, thanking the concierge, and he and Andie make their way to the elevator. It's been a whirlwind of a day, filled with highs and lows, and they're both in desperate need of some peace and quiet.

But as they wait for their lift to arrive, he can't help but worry about her. He takes a long and hard look at Andie; she looked absolutely knackered; circles under her eyes, a pale complexion on her face, her stride not so firm... it was only then again that he realizes she had driven for five hours from Monaco despite the doctors' orders for bed rest. It's a testament to her fierce independence and determination, but it also concerns him very much.

The elevator doors open, and they step inside, headed for their room. As they walk down the corridor, they soon find themselves in front of their hotel room door. It brings them back to the days when they would practically live in hotel rooms back when they were both racing, butting heads on track in the day and getting tangled in each other's arms at night.

Charles swipes the key card at the door and they step into the comfort and warmth of the four cozy walls, a welcomed refuge from the rain outside. They immediately head for the bathroom to change out of the wet clothes that have clung onto their body. And as they do so, Charles can't help but steal glances at Andie as she peels off her soaked shirt and jeans, revealing a hint of the curves that had always driven him wild.

Then he notices her belly starting to beautifully show signs of the new life she was carrying within her... their love incarnated. He couldn't help himself as he brushes past her, hugging her from behind, his palm caressing her belly as he presses his lips against the back of her shoulder and to the back of her neck.

It's a brief moment of intimacy. No words exchanged... they both knew what Charles wanted to convey anyway.

He loves her. So truly, madly, and deeply.

Andie then emerges from the bathroom first, wearing a plush hotel robe that's far too big for her, her damp hair hanging in loose strands around her face. She looks back at Charles, who's still changing, stripping down to his boxers, and can't help but feel a flutter of anticipation bubble up in her stomach. It's been so long since they've been this close—both emotionally and physically.

Charles soon steps out of the bathroom as well, a soft sigh escaping him as he finally gets to be rid of his drenched clothes. Though, for him, he filled out the robe a little more perfectly given his significantly larger frame. His eyes meet Andie's, and he can't help but feel the magnetic pull between them. Their connection remains to be undeniable.

Andie, however, is quick to notice the concern in his eyes. "You're worried about me..." She says softly as she approaches him.

Charles nods, taking her hands in his, "How could I not be? My pregnant wife just drove five hours in the rain, straining herself—yet again—when she's just supposed to be at home in bed, resting, per the doctor's orders."

She looks up at him, a hint of stubbornness in her eyes, "I know, but I just... I needed to see you and talk to you. I couldn't stay put... I couldn't wait any longer."

"Baby, I'm glad you did, but your health is too important to take these risks. You can't be pushing yourself like this." He places a hand on her cheek, "You could've at least told me you were coming to see me. I would've made sure you arrived more safely and dry."

"I wanted to surprise you... but I admit it was an impulsive decision. I just really felt like I was going to go crazy at home." Andie leans into his touch, a grateful sigh escaping her lips, "But I promise I'll be careful from now on. Just... seeing you, talking to you like this, it's made everything feel better already."

"Come here." Charles pulls her into a warm embrace and kisses the top of her damp hair, "I want you to know how much I've missed you. Not just as my wife but as my partner in every sense of the word..."

She leans in and buries her face against his chest, nearly frowning as she replies, "I've missed you too, mon amour. More than words can express."

"I'll be better. I promise... I'm so sorry..." He tightens his grip around her as he rests his chin atop her head.

They stand there in the master bedroom, engulfed in each other's
arms, basking in their renewed connection; allowing an intimacy to blossom again.

Their proximity, the warmth of their bodies pressed together, reignites the familiar spark between them. It's as if they've been given a second chance, a fresh start.

"By the way..." Andie asks, breaking the silence, curious, "Were you leaving work earlier than usual? It was only around 3 in the afternoon..."

Charles runs a hand through his damp hair, looking slightly embarrassed, "Well... the main event of the day apparently was Fred pulling me aside for a quick word. A rather important one, but not what you think."

Andie raises an eyebrow, intrigued, "Oh? What was it about?"

He hesitates for a moment, then decides to be completely honest, "He wanted me to convey something to you."

Andie's expression turns thoughtful, "To me? What is it?"

His excited eyes locked onto hers, "Ferrari's in your debt, love. Everyone was blown away with your impromptu race engineering at Monaco. They said you did such a great job... so they're offering you a position as a race strategy and engineering consultant if you're interested."

Andie blinks in surprise, her mind processing the unexpected offer. She had never expected this turn of events, and it leaves her feeling both flattered and uncertain.

She takes a moment to respond, "Wow... I didn't see that coming."

He smiles warmly at her, "Well, they're well-aware of your capabilities, Andie. Everyone is. You're a racing legend, after all."

The compliment makes her blush, but then she teases, "So... should I go back to Ferrari? Return to where it all began?"

"Horner might feel a little betrayed, but..." Charles considers her question, a glint of playfulness in his eyes, "Maybe it's not a bad idea. Besides, it's where you made your F1 debut... and where you met me."

"Today's been kind of poetic, hasn't it?" Andie lightly chuckles.

His dimples show themselves on the sides of his face as he replies, "It seems so."

She bites the inner of her cheek as she considers the offer... a number of things preventing her from accepting it outright.

"I feel so honored. I really want to give this a shot, love." She starts, "But I don't know... with Cami and this baby on the way... I'm not sure if I can dedicate the actual time and effort this job requires."

"I know... and you can still think about it, no worries. Take all the time you need to consider it." He smiles gently, reaching for her hand, "It's your decision, darling. Whatever you choose, I'll support you, and we'll make it work."

Andie sends over a smile towards him and gives him a small and quick kiss before hugging him tightly again. The moment is laced with a newfound sense of ease and intimacy, but just as the tension begins to build again... Charles' phone rings.

They both jerk away from each other, shooting nervous glances at each other.

No way, is this happening again.

Charles reaches out for his device on the bed slowly, Andie unconsciously holding in a breath as she watches him turn it face up so they could both see who was calling... so one could only imagine the utter relief on their faces as they find out it was just Charles' mother.

"Oh my god..." Charles sighs heavily, feeling his heart calm down, "I was about to throw my phone across this room."

Andie slightly laughs at his tired comment, "You should answer it."

"I will." Charles smiles as he swipes across the screen and puts it on speaker.

"Allo, maman?" He speaks.

There's a moment of silence on the other end, and then his mother's voice comes through, filled with concern,

"Charles, have you reached Andie yet?"

Charles smiles softly as he glances at Andie, "Yes, maman, I did. She actually came all the way to Maranello to see me. We're together right now at a hotel."

"Ah, merci mon dieu... I tried giving her a call myself but my calls wouldn't come through."

Andie's eyes widen as she reaches for her own phone, realizing that it must have died earlier while she was relentlessly trying to find signal.

"It's okay, she's with me and she's fine, the rain just made things a bit... complicated."

Andie then interjects, "Allo, maman. Sorry for making you worry."

"Andie! Lovely to hear from you again, mon cœur. Take care of each other, okay?"

"We will, maman."

"By the way, Arthur and Lorenzo are here with me right now. They're playing with Cami. Would you like to talk to them?"

"Oh, yes please!" Andie jumps at the prospect at seeing her little girl again even if it's just through a phone screen at the moment.

"Alright, let me just turn on my video..."

Seconds later, the phone call turns into a FaceTime call and the first thing they see is a close up of Pascale Leclerc's forehead, causing Andie and Charles to exchanged amused glances.

Then, the phone gets passed around, and they're greeted by the energetic faces of Lorenzo and Arthur. Their enthusiastic voices fill the room as they eagerly show off Cami, who's busy zooming around in a small red Power Wheels car in the Leclerc family living room.

"I'm getting her a toy Red Bull car..." Andie mutters under her breath, a genuine smile still painted on her lips.

Cami's little legs dangle over the edge of the car as she expertly navigates the room. Her laughter and squeals of delight are music to her parents' ears. Andie's heart swells with affection as she watches her daughter, even if it's through a screen.

Charles leans closer to the phone, a fond smile on his face, "Look at her go!"

Cami, still steering her miniature car with all her might, giggles in response. She holds up a toy car and babbles something in toddler-speak, making her parents laugh.

Andie chimes in, "You're doing so well, sweetheart! Go easy on the throttle though!"

As Cami continues to enjoy her little car adventure, Lorenzo and Arthur, who have been watching the screen, suddenly notice the situation on their end. Charles and Andie, standing in the hotel room—wet—wearing oversized robes, with their tousled hair, looking like a pair of drowned rats. Plus, their clothes and shoes are sprawled on the floor, their faces flushed and tired...

"Whoa there, you two..." Arthur winks, making an exaggerated gesture of adjusting his collar. "Didn't realize this was that kind of video call."

Charles and Andie share an embarrassed chuckle, catching onto the younger Leclerc's innuendo.

"We just got caught in the rain." Charles explains, trying to keep things light.

"Oh, I see, 'caught in the rain,' that's what we're calling it now..." Lorenzo adds with a sly grin. "Sure, sure."

"Quick, Lorenzo, shield Cami's eyes." Arthur chimes in playfully.

But just as the teasing is about to continue, Arthur remembers something important, something that has them all waiting in anticipation.

"Oh wait! Before I forget!" Arthur announces with excitement, "Cami has a surprise for you two."

Charles and Andie exchange eager glances, their attention fully on the screen, wondering what the surprise could be.

Arthur lowers the phone toward Cami, who's now stopped her little car and is sitting there with a big smile on her face.

"Coucou, Cami." Arthur encourages her, "Who's on the phone?"

Cami looks at her uncle, then at the phone screen, and with a triumphant grin, she says, "Mama!"

Charles and Andie's hearts swell with joy at hearing their daughter call out to Andie so clearly. It's a moment they've been eagerly waiting for, and it fills them with an indescribable happiness.

But Cami's not done.

She looks at the screen again, points, and with a mischievous glint in her eye that seems to run in the family, she says, "Papa!"

Charles' eyes widen in disbelief, his hand coming up to cover his mouth with Andie letting out a surprised laugh.

This is the first time they've ever heard their baby girl ever say "Papa." It's a momentous occasion, and it leaves Charles beaming with pride and love.

"Oui oui, Cami!" Charles exclaims, his voice filled with emotion, "Je suis ton papa!"

Cami's innocent joy and the warmth of seeing their little girl again, even if it's through a screen, fills the room with a sense of love and belonging. It's a reminder that, no matter the challenges they face, they are still a family, and their connection remains strong.

"I think Charles is about to cry..." They hear Lorenzo snicker in the background.

Andie's laughter fills the room, a joyous sound that's contagious. She gazes at Charles, his eyes glistening with emotion, and she cups his cheek affectionately, trying to offer some comfort.

"Mon ange, mama and papa love you so much." Charles fondly coos, staring at his daughter through his phone, "We'll come and get you tomorrow, okay?"

As Cami giggles and babbles in response to her father's words, Andie lets the joy of the moment sink in. She watches the screen with a loving smile, taking in every detail of their daughter's precious face.

But then, Arthur and Lorenzo's curiosity gets the best of them, and they start to ask questions.

"So, why did you guys have maman take care of Cami for the past few days anyway?" Arthur asks, his tone curious but gentle.

Charles and Andie exchange a glance, their eyes filled with a mix of emotions. They never really explained the reason behind their abrupt separation from Cami, and now seems like the right time to do so.

Andie takes a deep breath and begins, "Well, it's a long story. We had some unexpected things to take care of... and we thought it would be best for Cami to stay with maman temporarily. We didn't want her to be caught up in the chaos."

Lorenzo nods in understanding, "Ah, I see. Well, she's been having a blast here."

Charles smiles at the thought of Cami mentioning them while they were apart. "We missed her so much. But now that everything's settled, we can't wait to have her back."

And then, in the most climactic way, Charles and Andie decide to share their big news. They lock eyes, a silent agreement passing between them, and Andie can't help but grin with excitement. She takes a deep breath, her eyes shining with happiness.

"Actually..." Andie begins, her voice filled with anticipation, "There's something else we wanted to share with you all."

Everyone on the call leans in, curious and eager.

Charles takes a deep breath, his heart pounding with excitement, "We're going to have another baby."

Their declaration hangs in the air for a moment, and then the room explodes with cheers and congratulations. Arthur and Lorenzo are genuinely thrilled, and Pascale can be heard in the background, her voice expressing happiness and excitement.

Amidst the laughter and tears of joy, Arthur can't help but add playfully, "Charles, mate, Cami's barely a year old! And you've already knocked Andie up again?"

Charles laughs along with the others, a blush creeping onto his cheeks, "Uh, well, you know how I like to work fast..."

Their mother's voice comes through in the background, her joy evident, "I'm going to be a grandmother again!"

"We still have to tell the Renaldis so you guys better zip your mouths for now." Charles says, cautioning his family.

His warning doesn't fall on deaf ears, and his brothers nod in understanding. They share a few more words of congratulations and excitement before wrapping up the call.

As the video call ends, Charles and Andie are left alone in their hotel room, their faces filled with happiness and contentment. They exchange a loving gaze, a silent affirmation of the unspoken understanding that now binds them together more strongly than ever.

And then, in the heat of the moment, they share a passionate kiss, their lips meeting as if trying to convey all the love and longing that they've felt during these challenging days so emotionally distant from each other.

Their hands get lost in each other's hair, and Charles even pulls her hair back just ever so slightly to allow him to start leaving marks on her neck...

But just as the moment deepens, as his fingers begin to undo the ribbon on Andie's robe, Charles abruptly breaks it, and a frustrated curse escapes his lips. Andie looks at him with concern, worried that something might have gone wrong.

"What's the matter?" she asks, her brows furrowing.

He lets out an exasperated sigh, "I can't believe I forgot to show Cami something..."

He reaches over to a chair nearby, where his bag is placed. From it, he pulls out a plush teddy bear, dressed in a tiny Ferrari race suit, complete with the name "Leclerc" embroidered on it.

Andie's worry fades, replaced by awe as she takes in the adorable sight. She smiles warmly and lets out a small chuckle at Charles, her heart swelling with affection, "You got that for her?"

It's a small but significant gesture, a symbol of Charles' connection to Ferrari and his desire to share it with their children.

Charles nods, a hint of pride in his eyes. "I saw it at the Ferrari headquarters gift shop, and I thought Cami would love it."

Andie takes the teddy bear in her hands, her fingers brushing over the soft fabric of the miniature race suit, "She's going to adore it, Charles. It's perfect."

She could already imagine this little plush toy growing up with their daughter, embodying her father's love for both racing and her. It warms Andie's heart just thinking about how worn out this teddy bear will be in the decades to come, forever a part of Cami's life... just like how Charles and Andie will always be as well.

After a few more moments, Charles then figures it was time to take the stuffed toy from his wife's hands, tossing it aside in the process.

She was taken aback, her little moment of sentimentality interrupted by his sudden action. But as she looks up at him in confusion, she's met with his burning gaze.

"Okay, now... where were we?" He smirks, taking a step closer towards her, his hand tugging at the already loose knot of her hotel robe.

Andie smiles as she wraps her arms around his neck as passion reignites between them, sharing a long and heated kiss, their bodies pressing closer together. The tension and longing that had built up over the past weeks find an outlet in this intimate moment.

But as things start to heat up yet again, Andie's body reminds her of the changes it's undergoing. Suddenly, a wave of nausea washes over her, and she pulls back from the kiss with a groan, her hand on her stomach.

Charles automatically reaches out to her to keep her steady.

"Baby, are you okay?" Charles asks, concern etched on his face as he brushes a strand of hair away from her face.

Andie takes a deep breath, trying to quell the nausea, "I'm fine, just feeling a bit funny."

Concern washes over Charles, and he quickly shifts his focus from desire to care. He helps Andie settle onto the bed, gently tucking her in, and sits beside her, his hand resting on her forehead to check if she's feverish.

"Is there anything you need? Water? Medicine?" He asks, his voice filled with worry.

Andie gives him a weak smile, appreciating his concern, "Just hold me, Leclerc. I'll be fine."

He nods, lays down next to her, and wraps his arms around her, pulling her close, her head resting on his chest, allowing her to hear the soft thumps of his heart. They cuddle cozily on the bed, the earlier passion replaced by the tenderness of concern. Charles strokes her hair and whispers soothing words, reassuring her that he isn't leaving any time soon.

"Rest, love." He whispers, "I'm right here with you. I promise."

And for once... after all this time, Andie felt like she can count on his word again. She tilts her head up to press her lips to his jaw.

"Je t'aime, mon amour..." She whispers.

And he replies, "Je t'aime plus que tout... je suis à toi."

They then hold each other in a profound silence, a timeless moment where words are no longer needed, for their hearts can finally speak the same language again. Andie's nausea gradually subsides, and she closes her eyes, relishing in the sensation of being in Charles' arms, feeling safe and cherished, something she had yearned for so long.

In the stillness of the hotel room, their minds wander back to the poetic irony of their reconnection earlier that day. It's as if fate had conspired to bring them together once more, just as it did all those years ago on the streets of Maranello when "Marc" lent a helping hand to "Nicollete."

But today's encounter wasn't merely about fixing a car; it was about healing their wounded souls, reaffirming the love that had never truly faded, and building a future together. The weight of their shared history, the trials they've faced, and the depth of their emotions converge in that sacred moment.

As they lay there, their bodies intertwined, they silently pledge themselves to an unwritten future. They know that love alone cannot smooth out all the rough edges of life, but together, they are prepared to tackle anything. And as they close their eyes, they fall asleep knowing that they have, once again, discovered the power of their bond, and it will guide them through whatever lies ahead.

In each other's arms, they had discovered the perfect conditions amidst the downpour out their window, where their hearts could turn better, love better, and be better.

And just like a well-tuned race car slicing through clean air, that precious space of empty track ahead, they felt the exhilaration of freedom, the thrill of newfound clarity, and the promise of endless possibilities. So in this quiet moment, they cherished the open road ahead, ready to navigate all the inevitable twists and turns together, hand in hand.



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