King and My Queen๐Ÿ‘‘


8.9K 287 90

Warnings: In my stories Tae is very feminine and Tae breasts and pussy, Then some feminine words will be use... More

Chapter 1 The Proposal
Chapter 2 Preparations
Introduction The Parents and The Couples
Chapter 3 ๐Ÿ‘‘ROYAL ๐Ÿ’WEDDING๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter 4 ๐Ÿ’HoneyMoon๐ŸŒ•๐ŸŒš๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 5 Sassy๐Ÿ”ฅQueen๐Ÿ‘‘
Chapter 6 "Drop the Bouquet" ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 7 ๐ŸŽ… Christmas in the Dark Kingdom ๐Ÿ”ž
Chapter 8 Cristal ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐Ÿ”ž
Not a Chapter
Chapter 9 Mood Swings๐Ÿ˜Ž
Chapter 10 Fun
Chapter 12 Bam is here ๐Ÿ”ž

Chapter 11 The Commoners

345 15 8

(The images are not mine... Give credit to the owners)

Jungkook Pov*

I looked angrily at the voice that had called me while hiding my Tigress behind my back but soon my expression softened when I saw the owned of the voice, "Jisung?? What are you doing here??" I asked my employee who had his head down and avoided looking at me and my wife "Your Majesty... I came to get water for my horse" He spoke with a low and shy voice "Oooh... Wait... You get water for your horse from the waterfall??" I asked in surprise "Yes, The water here is cleaner and fresher, The animals digest better" He spoke with his voice still low but a little more comfortable "Oh so it's not allowed to take bathes" I commented hugging Taehyung under the water" No Your Majesty, You and Queen can bathe, We all bathe in the waterfall the water is running so that's no problem" Jisung said raising his head but quickly lowering it again "Boy can you give us just a minute so we can get dressed?? And we will need you as a guide" I said and Jisung immediately turned around after making a huge reference "Yes Majesty, I'll be right back" He said and hurried out "You always scare that little boy" I heard the sweet voice of my blonde mermaid say next to my ear "Hmm... I already told you he's not a little boy, He's older than you" I said wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him close "I got it, no need to repeat it" He whispered and put his lips on mine but quickly pulled them away and I groaned at the lack of tender contact and I went forward desperately looking for his lips still with my eyes closed "Let's Go Alpha" He said giggled and I opened my eyes finding he already out of the water zipping his pants, And with the white blouse open showing his bra, I made an angry expression and got out of the water fast as a flash "I don't like it when you break out our kisses 💋, I always want your lips on mines" I said approaching him and taking the wet shirt off his body so he wouldn't catch a cold and then replacing it with my dry shirt

(Kook's shirt that Taes dress)

"Sorry I didn't mean it, After all if I took longer you'd probably fuck me into the water" He whispered shyly with his cheeks turning red and making a beautiful contrast with the extremely red mouth and wet pale hair "You're right about that😏I would fuck you and then we'll end making love🤤" I whispered stroking his wet hair and he bit his red lips blushing even more "Stop with this Alpha, And let's go the boy must be waiting" He said and turned walking hurriedly and shy, I smiled closing my pants and soon after I followed him taking my other shirt and putting it on as I walked.

(The shirt tha Kook dress after give the other shirt to Tae)

My Tigress and I found Jisung and the 3 of us walked around the villa while he showed us curiosities about the commoners... I walked with my arm around my wife's waist and he held my other arm for support, Jisung walked in front of us with a bucket of water in one hand and with the other he pointing and showing us the different places... After a few minutes Jisung turned to us still shy "Your Majesty, do you give me a few minutes for me take the water to my horse?? I swear I won't take so long" He asked me and I found myself feeling surprised "You don't use transport to take water to the animals?? Will you take that bucket on foot??" I asked raising my eyebrow and I could see my Queen looking at me and the boy also "Ehh... Hum... Your Majesty we never had transport for that, Our houses are close only the residents who live outside the villa who use cars and carriages, This also helps to preserve the air in our villages not needing to use transport with gasoline all the time and to use the carriages we would have to use our own horses from whom we went to fetch water and who already work all day carrying wheat to the Kingdom" Jisung replied and I felt a little bad not knowing such information "Wheat is not delivered through cars??" I asked indignantly and before Jisung could answer I heard the sweet voice of my Doll answering my question "Unfortunately not my King, Just to balance things in the Kingdom and not have too much pollution it was necessary to approve that the horses would transport at least the wheat to all over the Kingdom, But on each trip the horses always stop and change so that they can rest and feed" My wife resonated intelligently informed me and I asked myself how he knew all this and like he was reading my thoughts he responds softly "I attended the meetings with my Father, Especially if it was about the animals and food" He said making me understand but I didn't really like the idea of ​​seeing horses as transporters, I couldn't even imagine anyone making STORM of a workhorse, But I restrained myself because I knew that this way was really fairer and better for the Kingdoms but deep down I felt a little indignant for not knowing about such information related to the Kindom but also feeling proud at the same time that my wife knew and passed such information in such a sexy and sweet way "Ok then... Hum Jisung I would like to go to your house, I would like to see your parents too, Can my wife and I accompany you??" I asked politely "Of course your Majesty, My parents would love to seen you sir and the Queen too" Jisung said shy and I smiled and turned to my Tigress "Is that ok with you??" I asked looking into his beautiful blue eyes "Yes, I want to meet your people" He said smiling and I pulled him close and kissed his rosy cheek.

Taehyung Pov*

King and I walked side by side to the boy Jisung's house. My husband had told the boy that he would carry the bucket but the boy insisted that he would carry it himself. We arrived at Jisung's house in a few minutes because his house was very close to the waterfall where we were... We arrived at the entrance to his house which by the way was pretty and simple, It wasn't too big but it wasn't too small either

(The House)

Jisung felt turned to me and Alpha and spoke in his shy way "Majesty please make yourself at home, You can come in" He said giving us space to enter his house, My husband holds my hand and we both slowly entered the house, He had to lower his head when he was going through the door because he is very tall and the doorway was not that high... As we entered I felt amazed because it was the first time I had entered a commoner's house in the Kingdom of The Shadows , It was a simple but comfortable and very clean house, It had a lot of furniture and apparently several rooms too, It could easily be considered a middle class house, Jisung had left to take water to his horse and soon he came back to me and My Lord... "Wait just a minute I'm going to call my parents and my brothers, They are washing grapes in the backyard" Jisung said and left, Two minutes later he came back accompanied by a middle-aged couple and 7 youngs, 3 boys and 4 girls, And with Jisung there were 8 children... The 9 people made a huge bow and looked at us in wonder "Your Highness what an honor to have you in our house for the first time, You and the beautiful Queen of course" Said the woman who it seemed to be Jisung's mother smiling at the two of us in a friendly way "Thank you Mina, It's all our pleasure" My husband said calmly "It's really an honor King and Queen, Please feel free, You can have a seat, Would you like a taste of wine?? It's the wine we make for the whole Kingdom" Said the man who looked like Jisung's father while Alpha and I sat on the couch... My King turned to me and looked me in the eyes tenderly "Would you like to try the wine?? They make the best wine in the whole Kingdom" He asked with his face very close to mine and I felt warm "Of course, I love wines" I said softly and Jisung's parents left our field of vision and soon came back with a pitcher of red wine, The man approached me and my husband and filled two glasses of wine for both of us, "Thank you Sir" I said to the man who looked at me politely "Oh no My Queen, You can call me by my name, Call me Marcio" He said making a reference. My lord and I drank the wine and it was really good, one of the best I've ever tasted... Alpha started talking to Mina and Marcio and I watched the conversation attentively and curiously. Jisung was sitting on another huge sofa with his brothers and sisters, I felt the eyes of the youngs in me and everyone was looking at me with admiration except for one girl who was looked me up and down curiously and with an expression that made me uncomfortable 'Envy' It was the that she showed through her eyes,
I stared at her for a few seconds and looked away which was making me feel tense "Baby?? Is there any problem??" Alpha's voice reached my ears and I felt surprised that he had noticed my tension "No, i'm okay, The wine just made me a little slow" I replied no saying all the true, The wine really had made me a little slow but that wasn't the only reason "Okay then" He whispered and squeezed my hand which he held tenderly and I couldn't help noticing that the girl with the dubious look was staring at the two of us almost tearfully, I was beginning to understand the reasons for her exaggerated reactions... Jungkook didn't seem to notice, He just noticed my discomfort, But I reassured him, And he smiles slightly.

Minutes passed and I found myself in the backyard of the commoners with Jisung's brothers and sisters beside me showing me how they made wine in the fields and in the backyard of their house...

(To make white wines)

(To make red wines)

"You're so Gorgeous" Said a girl named Sonmi with innocent eyes "Oh dear, Thank you" I replied shyly
"I wonder what the Majesty must have fallen in you the most" Said another girl named Hanny who had small teeth and looked at me in wonder "It must have been the blue eyes, It looks like a angel" Hanny said "Or the skin, It's as clean and beautiful as a bug" said another taller girl named Lírio "Or the hair, It's pale and silky with a touch of red, I've never seen such a beautiful hair" Said this time a boy called Chenle who couldn't look me in the eye and had his eyes downcast, He looked a lot like Jisung and the others 2 boys called Henry and Jake just smiled at me shyly... I knew they were praising me but I was feeling very shy right now

"An... Eh...Thank you all" I replied feeling my face blush and I realized the girl that looking at me strangely who name is Lilith approaches me "Would you like me to show you more around Your Majesty??" She asked looking at me piercingly and I realized that up close she wasn't as young as I thought but she is pretty like her sisters and brrothers "Of course" I replied politely and the two of us started walking around the house that looked like a small farm "Maybe he fell in love with your lips who is blood red...
Which also reminds me of a poison"

She said bitterly and I looked at her defiantly "How is it??" I asked raising my eyebrow and I realized that she was looking at all my features bitterly but with shining eyes "I can't deny it anyway that you're really Beautiful... And maybe that's one of the reasons he chose you but... You two don't have the kind and a strong connection, Not a connection that binds you both from childhood like he and I have" she said venomously and I looked at her sarcastically "Strong Connection?? What kind of "connection" do you think you have with my husband??" I asked very calmly, After all there was no reason for me to feel threatened by this embittered girl "I've known him since childhood, We're friends and he's always loved my company" She blatantly lied, No future King was allowed to make friends outside the Palace for security reasons, My lord had a certain affection for Jisung but nothing that was against the rules, Before I didn't like this law of Queens and Kings didn't having friendships with the commoners but now I understood the reason, There were people who really lived in a parallel reality... "So you are my King's childhood friend??" I asked even more calmly and she shook her head confirming "Well, I found it very strange two good friends like you two not even greeting each other" I said ironically "He... He... Must have tried to avoid hurting you" She said angrily
"Oh if he is avoiding hurting me then I must be really important to him" I said smiling innocently and she lost the control "Your snake, You're going to pay for stolen him property from me... It's not fair that you're the Queen, You're not even from the same Kingdom as him" She screamed desperately and I kept my calm "And according to you who is more apt to be next to him?? You?? What is just a little girl who likes to play house??" I asked and she advanced towards me "I'm not a little girl I'm 22 years old and obviously could be a better Queen than you" I felt surprised to hear that she is more old than me but I didn't dare to show "Hmm maybe, Maybe you could be a good Queen... But luckily that's not the case, I'm the Queen, I'm the one married to him and the husband is mine, Maybe you cant try your luck with another King... But of course you would had to be born a royalty and not a commoner" I said coldly and she cried desperately with rage, I wasn't very proud of my words but I knew that in some I would have to assert my position and demand respect "You know that if I wanted I could lose you and you could be hanged because of your words" I said cold and calm and she widened her eyes "But... I won't do this because I'm not a violent person and because I don't think your parents deserve it" I said and she threw herself on the floor desperately crying "Queen please... Can you give up of him and leave him to me?? I've wanted to him since the first time I saw him, When I went to visit The castle on the vespers of his wedding... I wanted to see the decoration, But then I came across him arriving at the castle after a horseback and I fell in love, Please understand,
I don't think I can get over him" She cried at my feet and I crouched down towards her "Lilith, This isn't passion nor much less love... You just felt a lust and soon you'll realize that when the true love knocks at your door..." I said wiping her tears "I'll give you some advice... Never threaten someone from royalty like that, Especially if your arguments are flawed and weak, Fortunately I grew up in another Kingdom and my customs are different, But never again dare to do such a thing with someone who belongs to the Kingdom of the shadows" I said and i know that if my husband knew what she just did, He would probably decapitate her or kick her out from the Kingdom
"So be careful, Worry about your family and take care of yourself, One day you'll find someone who worth to you"
I said wiping away all her tears and she heard everything silent and sobbing "Now I have to go... Take care of yourself " I got up and started walking but her voice interrupted me
"My Queen?? Forgive me" She said with her head down "You already have my forgiveness" I said smiling slightly and walked away... I went close to my husband and the two of us were already saying goodbye to Jisung's family, To leave, Alpha hugged me and kissed my face as I approached him making me embarrassed in front of the family "Are you alright my Queen??" He whispered in my ear and kissed my hair, "Yes, I'm" I also whispered... In such a short time he already knew me so well... We said goodbye to everyone and left Jisung's house towards the villa "What do you want to do now?? Eat?? Walk more a little?? Go home??" He asked suckling my neck "Honestly??"
I asked looking him challenging "Yes..." He said stroking my face "Right now...
I want you" I said looking him in the eyes and soon his eyes became more darker "You want something that you already have entirely... You Got me... I'm all yours" He said with a fervent passion in his eyes "I'm the luckiest"
I whispered seductively and he pressed me into one of the trees of the villa

(Imagine the tree that you wanna)

And soon our lips were glued to each other where they deserved to be...
But our kiss was interrupted when I felt something licking my foot.

I'm back Taekooks, I missed you all so much... I hope you guys liked this chapter, Love you guys and #TaekookForever💚💜🔥

Ps:Let me know with you guys wanna a Smut in the next Chapter😏😉💚💜

(The images are not mine... Give credit to the owners)

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