Tim Wright × Brian Thomas × F...

By KJS1Drogovic

237 19 1

I do not own Marble Hornets!!! I am just using there characters!!! I have already watched Marble Hornets!!! I... More

Brief History
Entry #1
Entry #2
Entry #3
Author's Note
Entry #5
Entry #5.5: Tim Wright
Entry #6

Entry #4

26 2 1
By KJS1Drogovic

Word Count: 3,257

◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ I'm still alive!!!


Tim's Thoughts

As I watch her drive off I begin to cry. She was the only other person that can understand me.

Now I'm stuck with Jay again. I sat in the passenger seat and cried. Jay got in the car and started to drive off. That night I cried myself to sleep.

The next day was slightly better, but I still am depressed about yesterday. Jay tried cheering me up, but it doesn't work.

Thana was one of the closet people to me. Losing her is like losing a family member or something along those lines.

" Tim. I think I know where the tape went. "

I look at Jay and walk over to him.

" I think (Y/N) has it... Or that hooded person... "

Jay was on his laptop typing and looking through some random footage.

" Or that other masked person. Who knows Jay. "

I replied as I sighed and looked at the footage.

" Let's hope (Y/N) doesn't have it... She isn't going to talk to us any time soon. "

Jay said with a sigh.

" I don't think she'll ever talk to us again. "

I said as I sat down on the bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked back at the footage.

" Wait... I think she does... Look at her pants. "

I said as I pause the footage and point.

" I think she has two Tim... She has two tapes. "

Jay said looking at me.

" How are we supposed to get the tapes? If she gave back the necklace I have given her... Then there is no chance she'll talk to us. Trust me... I know... "

I said in a low tone of voice.

" Is she normally like this? "

Jay asked as him looked back at the footage. I shake my head.

" No... She only does this when she feels mentally unstable, or something happened... "

I said as I think about the question. 

" Do you know why she feels mentally unstable? "

Jay asks looking at me. I shrug and look at her through the footage.

" Can you turn up the brightness? "

I asked looking at her closely. Jay brightens it and I look closer.

" Are those... Bruises? "

I asked out loud as I look at Jay.

" Yeah... Those are bruises... "

Jay says confirming my suspicions. We both look at each other and look back at the footage.

" But what are the bruises from? "

Jay asks me as he looks in my direction. Jay instantly stands up and grabs the camera and runs out of the hotel room.

I look and follow after him. I grab the key card and close the door run after Jay.

I turned on the chest camera and look at Jay through the darkness of the night. He was running after the hooded person. Jay was shouting for the guy to stop.

As I caught up to Jay the guy turns into the woods. I follow after him as Jay tries to catch his breath.

I follow after him and managed chase him into an abandoned building. He runs into a room as I continue to chase him.

I run into the room and is met with a punch to my face. I grunt and fall to the floor. The guy tried to run, but I grab his leg making him trip.

I scramble to my feet and pin him down. The hooded guy struggles to get free, but I keep him pinned down.

Jay comes not long after and helps me tie him up. I search his pockets and find a pill bottle, a tape, a picture of Thana with stains on it, and a note.

I open the note and read it out loud.

" She isn't doing any better. You made her hurt more then you know. She will come for her revenge. She may not look, or think the same after this. I want to make her feel better. "

Me and Jay look at each other.

" What does this mean? Who are you talking about?"

Jay questioned the hooded person. He looked in Jay's direction then to the stained picture of Thana that's on the floor.

" Why do you have a picture of      (Y/N)? "

Jay asked as he looked on the floor. All the guy did was shrug and sit there.

" Answer the damn question! "

I shout getting impatient. He gestures the letter towards the stained picture of Thana.

" So you're talking about (Y/N)? "

Jay asked as the guy nodded.

" What are you planning on doing to her?! "

I quickly question as I grab him by the collar of his shirt. He let's out a low chuckle as he hangs his head. I look at Jay.

" Answer the question, or else... I'll take off your mask. "

Jay said as he reached for the black cloth. The guy stopped chuckling and looked at Jay.

The guy sighed and gestured to the stained photo of Thana. Me or Jay really didn't look at the stained photo, so Jay picked it up and immediately turned red.

Then the guy let out another chuckle as Jay looked away and handed me the photo. I let go of the guy and grabbed the photo.

I looked at the photo and saw Thana naked from a far. I blush slightly, but I punch the guy. He let out a grunt and fell to the floor.

Then we head a metal pipe being dragged on the floor, and then whistling. Me and Jay hid and left the guy on the floor. We are still able to see the guy.

As the sound grew louder it came to stop, but the whistling continued. The guy looked at the person and tried to get up. The pipe was tossed towards the guy.

I then we see the same girl with the skull mask walking towards the guy. Jay was moving to try and find something useful.

The girl tilts her head and picks up the stained photo of Thana. She shook her head and slapped the guy which made him growl.

She then began to untie him, but he tackled her and pinned her down. They both struggled with each other. I turn to look at Jay.

Jay was examining a tape that was slightly damaged, and then handed it to me. I took the tape and also examined it.

I put it in my pocket and looked back at the two people. She was on top of the guy, and she was having little to not trouble.

The guy places his hands on her waist and she grabbed his wrists. The guy then chuckled and rolled on top of her pinning her down on the ground.

He grabbed both of her wrists and held them above her head. His other hand went from her throat all the was down to behind her knee.

He pulled her closer to himself so me and Jay looked at each other. Then we both stood up and began to try and sneak away.

The girl looked at us as me and Jay were exiting the room we were hiding in. The guy let go of the girl and quickly stood up.

The girl sat up as she slowly stood up next to him. Silence was all you can hear in the room besides Jay's breathing.

His breathing was slightly becoming panicked as his hands began to tremble. The girl changed her stance to something more suitable for fighting.

The guy did the same thing as he balled his hands up into fists. Jay slowly backed up as he moved the camera down, but to where it was still able to record.

I stayed in the same place as Jay backed up towards me. The hooded guy took a step forward while the girl stayed in the same spot.

We were standing for what felt like hours until the hooded guy punched Jay. I instantly hit the hooded guy, but was tackled by the girl.

The hooded guy pinned Jay to the floor as I struggle with the girl.

" I... Hurt... You... But... I... Ended... Up... Hurting... Myself... In... The... Process... "

It kinda sounded like she was struggling to speak. I was confused by this, so I ignored it and continued to struggling to get away.

I then rolled us over so I'm pinning her down. She squirmed under me as I tried to look at Jay. He was knocked out and being tied up.

I look back at the girl and got an idea. I struggled to turn her over, but I managed to do so. I then grab her wrists and pin them behind he back.

I looked around and saw some nearby wire. I tied her hands together and stood up. I grabbed her and she continued to struggle.

I stood her up and grabbed her throat. She stopped for a second, but continued to struggle slightly.

" Hey! Let's make a trade. "

I said loudly to get his attention. The guy looked and stopped. Jay groaned and woke up, and looked around.

The hooded guy took a step forward. I slightly squeezed her throat which made her choke slightly.

He took a step back and began to untie Jay. He untied Jay and took some steps back. I began to cough slightly.

Jay stood up and stumbled over to the camera and picked it up. I let go of the girl and began to cough harder.

" Tim? "

Jay asked as he walked over to me. I leaned against the wall and continued to cough harder. Jay took out some pills and gave them to me.

I took the pills and the coughing began to stop. I grabbed the pill bottle and took some more pills which made the coughing stopped completely.

The girl walked over to the hooded guy. He untied her and threw the wire. The girl then stumbled and held her head.

She groaned in pain as she patted her pockets trying to find something. She leaned against the wall then slide down.

The hooded guy picked her up and carried her away.

" Should we follow them? She looks like she needs medical help.. Right? "

Jay asked looking at me. I looked at him and shook my head.

" That's their problem Jay, not ours... We need a new place to stay... We can try moving from hotel to hotel again... If that doesn't work then we have to find another place to stay. "

I responded as I sighed. Jay looked back then sighed.

" Let's get out of here... "

I began to walk out of the abandoned building. Jay followed after me. We got to the hotel room and Jay started packing.

I went into the restroom and sighed. I looked at myself in the mirror and hung my head.

" I found a hotel... It's called 'Hudson Hotel' is that a good place? "

Jay asked through the door. Then a memory came back.

" No! Not that hotel... I saw the hooded guy there, so we should avoid that hotel. "

I lied not wanting to go to the hotel.

" Oh, ok. Well there's no other hotel. "

Jay said through the door.

" Also are you ok? You have been in there for a bit. I'm almost finished packing. "

Jay asked sounding concerned.

" I'm fine. I got lost in a train of thought. Sorry. "

I sighed and washed my face. I then walked out of the bathroom.

" Is there no other hotel? "

I asked looking at Jay. He shook his head and sighed.

" I also found something else when we were walking back... I think you should take a look at this. "

Jay said sounding slightly concerned. He then handed me a file. It had a circle with an X through it. I take the file and open it.

" (Y/N) (Y/L) wait... Is this Thana's file? "

I asked as I looked flip through the pages. Jay nodded and stood up.

" And look at this. It's similar to your file, but she doesn't cough... She has migraine type headaches. It causes her to have frequent nose bleeds... Then her personality completely changes like she is a completely different person. Similar to a split personality. "

Jay explained as he flipped to specific pages of her file. As I read the information I couldn't shake the feeling on how similar her information looks to mine. I look at Jay as he explains more information.

" Jay... Does she also take the same medication as me? "

I asked looking back at the papers.

" It doesn't say, but the pill is described to be identical to yours. It also has the same effects as your medicine. "

Jay said as he flipped to a page and showed me. I look at it and look back at Jay.

" That explains why I found a pill bottle that looks similar to mine at the cafe... "

I said as I sit down on the bed. I the stand up and walk towards the door.

" I'm going to the store. "

I said as I grabbed the keys and walked out of the hotel room. I  open the car door. I then get in the car.

I sit the car for about five minutes then put the keys in. I turn on the car and drive to the store.

(Y/N) Thoughts

You wake up in my bed and look around. You see a guy with a yellow ish hoodie exit your room through the window.

So you rush over to my widow and see the guy climbing down your house. You watch the guy walk as he walks away from your house.

He turns around the runs into the woods behind your house. You stay there stunned for at least 10 minutes.

You then regain your senses and change out of your cloves clothes. You shove your clothes under the bed. You take off your mask and kneel down.

You then put the mask under your bed and hide it with the other things under the bed. Then you move the floor board on accident.

You shrugged and put your clothes in it along with the mask. You sigh and take the tapes out of your pants.

You then decided to look through the tapes you have. You decided to look through the tape that says

" I know who you are. "

As you watch the tape you realize something. You can't let Jay or Tim to see this tape, so you grab the tape and put it with your mask and clothes. Then you look at the tape that has

" Useless. "

Written on it. The tape shows the hooded guy placing the recording you as you slept. Then it cut to when you were blacked out.

It recorded you for about 10 minutes, and then it got sped up. Three hours pass then you move again.

You get up and walk to your bed and move the floor board and grab your mask and clothes and started to change. It soon cut off when you fell down the stairs.

You saw yourself trying to crawl away. You heard a knock at your door so you quickly took out the tape and hid it under the floor board.

You walked out of your room and down your stairs to get to the front door. You open it and we're greeted by Tim standing outside of your house.

You felt your heart pounding in your chest as he looked at you.

" (Y/N)... I umm... Hate to ask, but... Me and Jay need a place to stay... We are running low on money as well... So we can't afford to get another hotel room... Can we... Can we stay here? "

Tim asked slightly sounding desperate. You felt your heart shatter when he used your name.

You took a deep breathe and looked at the floor. You looked back up at him as you saw a sad look on his face.

" I'll leave then... "

He began to walk away. You felt tears in your eyes, but kept them in your eyes. You leaned against the door frame and hit your head.

" Wait! "

You shouted after him. He turned around as you made eye contact. You can see some hope in his eyes as he fully turns towards you.

" I... I guess you can stay her. "

You said with a sigh.

" I know you would do the same for me in this situation... "

You mumbled as you saw a small smile appear on his lips.

" Wait... Where is think 2? "

You asked slightly making fun of them. You notice that Tim slightly took it as an insult.

" Back at the hotel. "

He responded as he walked over to the car. He turned on the car and pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

You couldn't help, but smile knowing that you can attempt to apologize to Tim.

You close your front door and go upstairs to your bedroom. You went under your bed to fix the floor board, so you can't see it.

Then you waited for Tim and Jay to get to your house. You were happy, but then you thought about your headaches.

You know your going to do two pills per hour in order to prevent your blackouts from happening.

You get up and walk over to your bathroom and open your medicine cabinet.

You grab your pill bottle and take two pills out and swallow them. You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror.

" How the fuck am I going to do this...? I have one extra bedroom... Oh right, my couch can turn into a bed... I think... Oh well... This also means more food for the house... And maybe less hours for work... My doctor appointments... I haven't told the doctor about my blackouts so, I'm fine... For now at least... "

You sigh and rub your eyes.

" Why is life so hard...? "

You mumbled as you looked in the mirror. You then noticed the thick red blood running down your clothes.

" Ahh fuck! This always happens at the worst times! Damnit! "

You yell as you rush over to your table and sit down. You lean forward and firmly pinch the soft part of your nose, just above your nostrils, for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

You lean forward and breathe through your mouth. Then you spit out any blood that collects in your throat or mouth into a bowl. You stay seated up right as you wait for the blood to stop. You hear a knock at the front door.

" Life really loves me today... "

You said sarcastically.

" The door should be open! "

You shout as you stay seated. You hear the doorknob twist and the front door opens.

" Uhh...(Y/N)? Where are you? I thought you would open the door yourself? "

Jay calls out as you roll your eyes. You stop pinching your nose to check if your still bleeding, and you still are.

" I'm kind of busy right now, and I'm in my kitchen! "

You punch your nose again and groan in annoyance. You can hear Jay wondering around for a bit till he found the kitchen.

" One, where can we leave our stuff? Two, what are you doing? "

Jay asked tilting his head.

" I'm having a nosebleed, and you can leave your stuff in the living room. "

Jay nods and walks off to where he thinks the living room is.


I am so terrible sorry I haven't posted in awhile!!!
I promise to try and post some more!!!

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