The Dragon Prince's Consort

By RMHash

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UPDATES THURSDAYS Desperate people will do desperate things to survive. Wealth, privilege, and power don't al... More

Glossary and Characters


71 11 0
By RMHash

The Dragon Prince sat up, and let the heavy silk blankets puddle in his lap as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees; he looked like a red stone gargoyle at his perch. He studied Fang with a similar intensity as last night, but without the openly curious desire. He was deciding if he could trust her, Fang concluded, and she didn't blame him for taking his time; in some ways he was still innocent compared to other Drass his age and more jaded in others, which was all the more reason to try and gain his trust. If I have to live with this guy, he has to believe I won't get in his way. Fang had no idea if she'd even be participating in the coming talks with the Federation, but her actions would color his dealings with other humans – she'd have to walk on thin ice and hope it wouldn't shatter.

"Do we really have a choice?" he asked her at length, his ears swiveling forward. "I mean, until he steps down my father is the only one who can decide to break it off, so realistically it's not up to us."

"I think we'd be better off if we try," Fang said. "If we don't get along it runs the risk of you not getting your colony going and my freedom, and I'd really rather not go back to being Tias's woman if I can help it." That she had been, even if for only a short time, made her feel dirty; at least Tias had never actually touched her. "To be perfectly honest I have nothing left to lose by being your friend, and you have a lot to gain."

The Dragon Prince cocked his head. "Such as?"

He's smart enough to ask before agreeing, that's good. Better than me. "You said earlier Tias has always been a bully, my guess now is that he's going to be mad at both of us even though it's his fault. Also, if you do get this colony going, show him and your dad that you can do things for the Empire too, you'll have something to rub in his face as well as getting him in trouble. How does that sound?"

Valen pondered it for a while, even as he looked her over in a way that suggested he was appraising her. As a friend? An ally? A pawn? However the evaluation, Fang's life was in his hands and she couldn't do much about it. Wealthy people were all the same no matter how you cut it, all she could do was hope he kept looking after her as he had so far. Finally, he asked "What do you get out of it?"

"Me? Well, I get food and shelter and clothes–"

"No," he shook his head, "what do you get out of being my friend? I have to do those things because the deed of concubinage binds me to it – it's expected whether you're my friend or not. There must be something you get that isn't in the contract, or else you wouldn't be trying so hard to convince me." The corner of his (so sweet and so soft) red mouth twitched up and Fang realized she was dealing with someone wiser than his limited years suggested.

"Um, I also get to learn how to read Drass, and I don't have to live with your brother and his woman. I also don't have to work in a factory or a laundry anymore, and I won't have to sleep with anyone... else..." The moment it came out Fang knew she'd put her own foot in her mouth. She winced as Valen's eyes widened. "I mean, I won't have to do it for money," she added, scrambling. "Look, I had a great time last night, I'd be happy to do it again if that's what–"


"Sorry, what?"

Valen looked down at his lap, his hands bunched in wads of silk. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to do, or think you have to do. Legally speaking you're my..." Again he grimaced at this, as if the prince found himself distasteful. "You might be a concubine on paper, but considering the circumstances it doesn't feel right. It's an unfair situation and I'm not going to press the issue."

"Oh..." On the one hand, that was incredibly magnanimous of him – a different Drass might point to the legitimacy of her contract and demand sex because legally he was entitled to it, but it seemed Valen was no ordinary Drass. "Are you sure? I mean..." She faltered again and wondered why she was pushing it; why was she suddenly worried about being rejected? He's powerful, and I need a powerful friend.

"You're not here by choice," Valen said, twisting the silk in his hands; his ears lay flat against his head and he refused to look at her. "The least I can do is not bother you."

"Bother me?" Ashes, this kid– Did he just assume that everyone hated him? "Look, it's your dickhead brother's fault I'm here, not yours. And if you have to do your part, it's only fair that I do mine – you do your thing with the colony, and I'll stand around and look pretty and do whatever concubines do when they're not on their backs. Which, if you ask nicely, I might still do simply because you're not your brother." 

Now Valen's head snapped up, and his long tail whacked on the bedspread. He winced and reached behind him to pin it down, and Fang smothered a chuckle.

"Tell me something," she asked, "when do you think was the last time Tias's woman let him touch her? Your dad said she's pregnant and she could go any day, I imagine she hasn't felt very sexy for a while."

At first Valen made a face like he'd just bitten something sour. "How should I know? I don't keep track–" He stopped suddenly, and after a moment's thought a look of slow revelation bloomed on his face like blowing air on an ember. "Oh..."

Fang nodded sagely. "Mm-hmm, and how do you think Tias will react when he finds out – or thinks he finds out – that his stupid joke backfired and you're getting all nice and cozy with your new friend? I guess I should say 'friend with benefits' – that's what humans call it when two people who aren't in an actual relationship sleep with each other. If that's something you'd be into."

"Humans do that?" he asked, eyes huge and ears forward. "I mean, I didn't know that was a thing..."

I didn't think so, since you don't have any friends. "Some humans do, but it depends on the friends. But like you said, it doesn't really look like we have a choice, so it's that or we're both sad and miserable, in which case Tias wins."

At that, Valen's ears folded back and his brows drew together. "Hngh, I see your point. But... how will he know it backfired? Surely you don't want me to invite him here to demonstrate–"

"Ugh, no!" Fang pretended to gag. "Total mood-killer. Anyway, what I mean is whenever we see him, you'll do all the stuff you're supposed to do with a concubine – dress me up, take me places, make a big deal out of showing me off – and make it look like you're the happiest guy in the Empire and I'll act like you're the most amazing thing since that sandwich I ate today. It'll drive him crazy but he can't do a damned thing about it." It would ensure that it made Valen look good while his brother could only seethe in silence. Valen's tail whacked again and he slapped it down, but Fang knew she had him. Maybe Yena was right, maybe I do know something about diplomacy. "Sounds like he's on board, how about you? Do we have a deal, Your Highness?"

"Again, I don't think we have the luxury of choice. So..." Valen sighed and pushed his fingers through his hair. "Yes, I'll go along with this mad scheme of yours."

"Don't think of it as a scheme, think of it as a... a business relationship – you scratch my back, I scratch yours. You buy me clothes, teach me how to act like a proper lady and read Drass, I'll help you with your colony and make your brother think you're fucking my brains out every night. It's just on the table for now," she said quickly when it looked like the prince was about to protest. He settled down, but Fang could still sense the tension. Nice of him to at least pretend like he doesn't love the idea. He's just like any young guy – as soon as I mention sex that tail's going a mile a minute. Even now it flicked behind him, excited little jerks that gave away his anticipation that perhaps, if he was a good boy and asked nicely, he might get more than just a taste of what an experienced woman could do for a young Drass male. A sweet, horny, insanely rich one who likes older women and has a nice butt. Among other things...

"Right, so..." Prince Valen began to fidget, looking at his hands and everywhere else except for at Fang. She caught on immediately, but said nothing and waited for him to say whatever he was going to say. "About... I mean, what did you mean when you said you'd act like I was, um, amazing? What exactly does that entail?"

Fang smiled. "Tell you what, it's getting late and you said you're taking me out shopping tomorrow, why don't we get some sleep and I'll fill you in at breakfast?" She managed not to giggle when his ears flopped in disappointment. "Eyah, don't look so sad! I know you're excited, but I'll be a lot more fun to be around when I've had a good night's sleep – you want your new concubine to look pretty and well-rested, don't you?"

Valen looked lost. "Um..."

Be nice, he's never had a girlfriend before. "Yes, Valen. The answer to that is always 'yes'. If it'll make you feel better, you can cuddle with me like you did last night."

"I... can?" Though his ears stayed flat against his head, they angled up like the S-curve of his horns almost at a forty-five degree angle and they trembled like blades of grass in a breeze. Excited, definitely, but cautious too. "I don't want to assume–"

Fang turned and kicked her legs out, lying down and stuffing the pillow back under her head. "Come on, you said you liked how my skin feels on yours." She patted the space in front of her and watched Valen swallow hard. This must be weird for him, having someone say it's okay to touch them. It was cute, though, to watch as he slowly lowered himself down on his side and inched closer, and Fang held still so she wouldn't startle him. Once he seemed settled, Fang nodded and Valen raised an uncertain hand before sliding it between the comforter and her body. She could hear his hearts thudding in his chest, and felt them when his arm came to rest over her side. "There you go," Fang encouraged in a near-whisper. "That's not so bad, is it?"

Valen shook his head, rubbing his face on the pillow, and his arm curled behind her back. His claws, smooth from their gold coating, trailed light and warm over her skin and Fang appreciated the care. She tucked her hands between their bodies and Valen sucked in air, his breath catching. "Your hands are cold."

"Well, good thing you're here to warm me up, hmm?" Valen ducked his chin; it was almost a nod. His choppy hair fell across his eyes and Fang reached up to move it, but Valen flinched and Fang pulled back. "Sorry." What happened to you?

"Hngh, it's not you," he said in a small voice. "When I was eighteen, Tias cut my hair. I... I thought I could challenge him, but I lost." He squeezed his eyes shut in shame, and Fang connected several dots she'd been wondering about since last night.

Of course it was Tias. Asshole. Drass hair is their rank-marker, Tias basically cut him down to a common person. It took years for Drass to grow their hair out, and losing more than a few inches branded them as lower-class. Fang's own hair, by virtue of growing fast and not bothering to cut it, suggested that she had more status than she did. No wonder he looked at me like that last night, he thought I was someone important. "Remind me to spit in his eye next time we see him." Fang settled in, pressing her belly and thighs to his and wondering how she could be more of a comfort to this obviously deeply-wounded prince. With a start, she realized that Valen was looking at her like that right now – his eyes, wide and orange, seemed to glimmer in the dark. "What?"

"You don't think less of me? For my hair?"

Fang shrugged her topmost shoulder, "No, should I?"

"Most Drass would," he told her. Behind her, his arm tightened and pulled Fang a little closer; his hand opened and spread across her back between her shoulder-blades, and his thumb stroked lightly over her spine.

"I'm not Drass, some rules don't apply to me."

"Hngh. You should still be careful, my brother will probably find some reason to start a nasty rumor about you."

"Lucky for me humans can't get scale rot," Fang teased, and watched as a shy grin pulled up the corner's of Valen's mouth. Down by her feet his long tail made wide, lazy sweeps under the silks, brushing against her toes. He likes this, he's never had this much attention before. He seemed to like holding her – though his skin sometimes twitched when she brushed against him, but he'd get used to it. Fang saw hints of the smooth, sexy Valen from last night in the corners of his eyes and the join of his neck and shoulder, felt it in the warmth of his palm and the slow curl of his tail around her foot. Such a sweet personality, nothing like his brother. I wonder where he gets it? He shuffled a bit, and Fang held still as he adjusted. "So... I know it's been a crazy day, and we're both probably exhausted, but I wanted to ask how you're doing. You okay?"

Valen's topmost ear twitched. "I guess, all things considered. This part's nice," he flexed the hand at her back, "though I still don't understand why you'd choose this over making me sleep on the couch."

Honestly, I don't know either. "Better to cry in a star-cruiser than smile on a handcart, you know? And this way we both have a common enemy – and my enemy's enemy is my friend."

"Tias is a formidable enemy to have, I know that from experience."

"Well, at least you're not facing him alone." 

It was getting late, and Fang was realizing just how exhausted she was – she yawned and her eyes drifted closed, and she let herself relax against the warm body next to her. Valen's tail returned to curling around her foot, and his arm behind her back continued to pet slowly. Fuzzily, Fang added, "I hope I'm a halfway decent friend, you look like you could use one." She felt Valen's arm squeeze her gently, and later pull the silk comforter higher up on her shoulders before returning to her side. At some point his nose (or maybe his mouth) touched the skin above her eye, and Fang sank into warm comfort. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, and maybe she'd be able to have something of her own after all.

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