The SOLDIER of Garreg Mach

By GreninJoker

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Following the supposed death of Sephiroth, former First Class SOLDIER Cloud Strife traveled around Gaia searc... More

Prologue: A Skirmish and a SOLDIER
White Clouds: Three Houses
White Clouds: Familiar Scenery
White Clouds: Mutiny in the Mist
White Clouds: Goddess's Rite of Rebirth
White Clouds: Tower of Black Winds
Cindered Shadows: The Fourth House
Cindered Shadows: What Lies Beneath
Cindered Shadows: Danger in the Dark
A/n: An Update
Cindered Shadows: Betrayal
Cindered Shadows: Return to Me
Cindered Shadows: Wolf Pack

Cindered Shadows: Rite of Rising

119 1 0
By GreninJoker

3rd Person POV

After the battle in the colosseum the other day, Byleth had made her way over to the classroom in Abyss. There, Aelfric was looking over some of his notes, stopping once Byleth entered, with a look on her face that showed that she wanted to know something important, the information that Aelfric had, who Byleth's parents really were.

Aelfric: Ah, Professor. To what do I owe this pleasure?

Byleth: I want to hear more about my parents.

Aelfric: Ah, yes, of course you do. I will gladly tell you all that I know. Where to begin... If you have something particular in mind, please ask and I shall answer as best I can.

Byleth: Can you... Tell me about my mother...?

Aelfric: Kind. And wise. I would often see her in the library, her nose always buried in a book.

Byleth: What was my father like back then?

Aelfric: Jeralt was... Very much then as he is now. His knights would have done just about anything for him. Whenever he had time to spare, he would instruct the children of the monastery in combat and tactics. Just like those wide-eyed youngsters, your mother and I made a hero of him in our minds. When I learned that Jeralt and Sitri were to be married, I was quite surprised. Back then, Jeralt was something of a mentor to me. As for Sitri... She found it difficult to express her emotions. It was only when she was gazing at Jeralt that I ever saw her smile... A smile that rivaled the very sun. His tales of the outside world must have seemed like a lifeline for one as frail and guarded as she.

Byleth: The outside world? Frail?

Aelfric: Indeed. She lacked the strength to travel beyond the monastery. The only souls she ever spoke with were a select few within the monastery walls. I can picture it now, the stories he told her... His striking words and his boisterous laugh. Listening to him must have given her a great deal of hope. As for me, I could never have become like Jeralt, as much as I wished for it.

Byleth: You wanted to be like him?

Aelfric: Ah, I suppose I did. He would tell stories from a century ago as though he had lived them himself. No matter how fervently one studies the stories of old, that is no easy task. Professor, you traveled with Jeralt before coming here. You must have seen a great many things, yes? Forgive me for overstepping, but do you not regret forgoing your travels to take up residence here?

Byleth: No... I enjoy my work here. I don't think I'd trade it for the world.

Aelfric: Heh heh, well then! I suppose I have no choice but to assist you as best I can. To shape young minds must afford you a unique perspective on the world. I am certain my unsolicited advice is nothing but a nuisance, but please hear me out... It is my hope that you will live a full life- experiencing the world, fostering strong relationships with people. Do so for dear Sitri, whose wish to experience such things shall regretfully never be granted.

Byleth: That's why you asked me and Brother to teach the Ashen Wolves?

Aelfric: I cannot deny it. It is my own stubborn notion. One that Her Grace will likely not think kindly of. Beyond my personal motive, I believe that you alone can guide my flock to even greater heights. Same with your brother. And perhaps you two will learn from them as well. Ah, but I have taken enough of your precious time. Know that I am here for you, always.

Bowing, Byleth turned away and started making her way back out to the main halls of Abyss, however, as she walked away, Byleth failed to notice that Cloud was hiding just behind the corner, listening in on their whole conversation, learning about Jeralt and Sitri's past. With that, Cloud calmly walked off, heading in another direction to avoid drawing suspicion to himself, waiting for when it would be time to head out once more.


Later on in the day, everyone gathered in the classroom again, talking about the bandits that Yuri and Aelfric had taken in for interrogations. With this, they hoped to find out if the bandits had taken anything important that they would have to get back and why they decided to attack Abyss in the first place.

Constance: Pray tell, Yuri. Did those foul bandits whom we bested at the arena confess to anything?

Yuri: Not a word. And they wouldn't name names. I got the feeling they didn't know much themselves. However, one thing is clear. Whoever hired them is after something here in Abyss.

Balthus: Yeah, that's gotta be it. They must have been on a treasure hunt or something.

Hapi: A treasure hunt here? I don't get it. What is there to find in these dingy tunnels?

As everyone was pondering what the bandits were after down in Abyss, Lindhart seemed to notice a strange look on Aelfric's face, like he was thinking about something, that this talk of bandits had clicked something in the back of Aelfric's mind.

Linhardt: Aelfric, was it? Looks like this is ringing a bell for you.

Aelfric: Well, something does come to mind, but the notion is preposterous at best.

Claude: Never discount a wild hunch. Sometimes they're closer to the truth than you'd think.

Dimitri: Any lead will do, so long as it helps determine our next course of action. Please, go on.

Aelfric: As you wish, though again, it is quite far-fetched. You see, there is a longstanding legend here. It is said that deep underground, below even Abyss, is a place called the Chasm of the Bound wherein lies the Chalice of Beginnings.

Cloud: The Chalice of Beginnings?

Linhardt: I've never heard of it, but chances are it's some kind of sacred artifact belonging to the church.

Byleth: And the Chasm of the Bound?

Yuri: Huh. This is the first I've heard of it... So you believe Abyss is connected to that place?

Balthus: Lots of twists and turns down here, so it's not the craziest idea ever. Must be well hidden though.

Aelfric: I once happened upon an old document that mentioned a ritual called the Rite of Rising. The text was incomplete, so I was unable to achieve a full understanding of the topic. I cannot even guarantee the authenticity of what I read. But it stated that the Chalice of Beginnings is a sacred object crafted by order of Saint Seiros herself. Saint Seiros apparently used the artifact to carry out the Rite of Rising, along with the Four Apostles.

Cloud: And who are the Four Apostles? I assume they're different from the Four Saints?

Linhardt: I vaguely recall reading about the Four Apostles. They were saints... And that's about all anyone knows. Hardly any records of them remain. Few alive even know their names, but these apostles supposedly assisted the Four Saints with their holy work.

Aelfric: It is also believed that Saint Seiros attempted to perform a resurrection using the chalice. However, the ritual failed... The Four Apostles bound the chalice so that it would never fall into a mortal's hands.

Claude: The Rite of Rising, eh? Hmm...

Constance: Ah, yes, the chalice of legend! My father mentioned it to me a very long time ago. A secret treasure of the church... A chalice powerful enough to resurrect the dead... Exhilarating, no?

Dimitri: Quite. It is no small wonder that people are after it.

Edelgard: Even so, we still don't have much to go on. We must gather more information about this legend at once.

Aelfric: I wholeheartedly agree. I will do all I can to track down more clues within the monastery. Although, Garreg Mach's library is so... Well curated, I doubt any further records will be found.

Constance: Wondrous! We shall do all that we can as well.

Everyone nods, knowing that now it would be time to head out again soon, this time, to try and find the bandits to prevent them from taking the Chalice of Beginnings from Abyss for whatever purposes they were planning.

Scene Transition

Afterwards, most everyone split up to explore Abyss and gear up for when it was time to head out and fight the bandits off again. With Cloud and Byleth, the two of them stayed behind in the classroom to finish some lessons before they headed out to keep exploring, but before they went out and explore Abyss in full, there were still a couple of people in the classroom to talk to and see what they thought of what was going on.

Byleth: (Walks up to Aelfric) I've been wondering, how did the Ashen Wolves get their name? They don't seem like they're associated with the Kingdom, Empire, or the Alliance.

Aelfric: The Ashen Wolves got their name from the beasts who guard the Blue Sea Star. The archbishop named the house herself, in fact. In spite of that, it seems she looks unfavorably upon our house of late. This saddens me greatly.

Byleth: A beast that guards the Blue Sea Star? Hm... I don't think I've heard of that.

While Byleth was talking with Aelfric, Cloud made his way near the entrance of the classroom where Balthus and Ashe were talking to each other about what was going on and how they would plan out what they could do for the time being to deal with the bandits.

Ashe: I've only had the chance to speak with Aelfric briefly, but he seems like a respectable man. It's obvious the whole town has a lot of affection for him. Kind of reminds me of Lonato in that way...

After hearing Ashe bring up how much Aelfric reminded him of Lonato, Cloud felt happy for the young boy to find someone else who he could look up to, however, there was a lingering sense of unease, that if someone was similar to Lonato, it could be possible that there was a hidden agenda that could lead to trouble. However, Cloud couldn't think of it for long, as Balthus felt the need to butt in and interrupt their conversation.

Balthus: I've got a lot of time on my hands down here, so I've been venturing even deeper underground. This place is loaded with winding paths and blocked-off tunnels. It's a real maze. Only a few folks even know how to operate the gate mechanisms and hidden passages.

Cloud: Hidden passages?

Balthus: That's what I said. Things will shift without notice here, revealing hidden passages. Walls. Floors. Everything. Gotta stay sharp. Actually, I'll level with you. Yuri and Constance are much better about scoping out that kind of thing, heh.

After finishing up everything in the classroom, Byleth and Cloud prepared to make their way out into the main hall of Abyss to sell a lot of their scavenged gear and items, and also fix their broken and damaged weapons. However, before they could leave to the main hall, a young rogue who had stopped the two professors to let them in on some information that she had come across concerning Aelfric and his growing position in Abyss.

Rogue: I heard Aelfric came to Yuri's rescue in the attack that happened recently. That's just what you'd expect from someone as kind and strong as he is. I can't believe he's single...

Upon hearing about how strong Aelfric was, Byleth and Cloud both made their way over to the main hall of Abyss to repair their weapons and grab more items to heal themselves after struggling with the last several waves in the last battle, at the same time, Death Knight appearing also gave Cloud some cause for concern to grab some more items to help them.

Continuing their exploration of Abyss, Byleth and Cloud ran across a warrior who was discussing the many features of Abyss that she had uncovered, as well as the many intricacies that Aelfric had placed around the place.

Rogue: Abyss is a sprawling place. Some houses, like mine, are actually quite far from the center of town. What brings me all the way here then, you ask? I came to see Aelfric. Even a glimpse of him is said to bring good luck.

After hearing about Aelfric's supposed good luck, Byleth and Cloud continued their way down Abyss, looking around to wherever their students ran off to. After heading further down a little bit more, Cloud and Byleth both came across Yuri and Claude, who seemed to be scheming something together.

Cloud: Claude, you better not be filling Yuri's head with bad ideas.

Claude: If you want to straighten me out, Chief, you'll have better luck with His and Her Highness.

Yuri: (Chuckles) Well, well. The Imperial princess, the crown prince, and the next sovereign duke. Must be exhausting trying to suss out each other's intentions, huh?

Claude: Nah, we get along great. I mean, we kind of have no choice. A petty squabble could start an all-out war. And it doesn't take a fancy title to have a hidden agenda. Isn't that right, Yuri?

Yuri: Cheeky... And off base. (Turns to Byleth and Cloud) What do you think, friends? Do you think I'm off plotting nefarious deeds?

Cloud: (At the same time as Byleth) Yes.

Byleth: (At the same time as Cloud) No.

Yuri: (Chuckles) Ha ha! One isn't very perceptive, and the other is brutally honest... I love it. I won't say who's right though. Even so, that's a bit much, wouldn't you say? I do what I need to get by-nothing more than that. As for the others, they've all got their own struggles, but they're nothing if not trustworthy.

Claude: Humbling yourself while promoting your friends... Gotta say, I don't hate this side of you.

Yuri: Seems we're in mutual neutrality of one another. I like that you keep your cards close. We'll get along just fine, you and I.

Cloud: (Exhausted) Great, there's two of them...

With Byleth patting Cloud on the back to calm him down after realizing he now had to deal with two Claude's at once, the two continued down the line, where they once again found the strange statue and mysterious woman praying again. And, like before, the two professors cautiously approached the woman, to see what she was doing.

Mysterious Woman: There was a time when I did much fighting. Then I was captured. Then... I escaped. My home is far away now. My mother is waiting for me, but returning is... It is far away. I worry that I will be here until I am very old.

With that, the two were once again left completely lost and confused as to what this strange woman could be talking about. Deciding it would be best to leave her be, Byleth and Cloud went off to the side where Dimitri and Edelgard were seen talking with each other, Dimitri having a very puzzled look on his face when looking at Edelgard.

Dimitri: Pardon the odd question, but something has been bothering me for a while now. Your hair... Was it always that color?

Edelgard: That is an odd question. But yes, if you must know, it was a different color when I was a child. How could you know that? Is it possible that we met before the academy?

Byleth: What are you two talking about?

Edelgard: It's... A long story. Now is not the time or place.

Dimitri: Yes, of course. My apologies.

Leaving Dimitri and Edelgard to continue their conversation, Byleth and Cloud both made their way back upstairs some more, coming across the Abysskeeper, who was keeping a watchful eye on what was going on throughout Abyss, making sure nothing suspicious was going on, and no more bandits would get in.

Abysskeeper: Hey, you two. Listen up. I've got something to report. The bandit sightings have stopped. For now. I still won't let my guard down, though! What else... Notice how everyone's in high spirits? Know why? I do. It's because Master Aelfric is here. He's real special, that one. He saved my life and lots of others here too. He's earned some hero worship.

Once again, Byleth and Cloud both heard nothing but love and praise for Aelfric, with Cloud being more and more confused as to the impressive hold that Aelfric had all over Abyss, something about it was a little off putting, like Aelfric was a kind man, yet he was unknown, someone not even Rhea mentioned to others before.

Deciding not to dwell on these weird thoughts, Byleth and Cloud both made their way into the library, where the two of them picked up a couple of books to do some more research, however, they soon came across Constance and Lindhart looking through some books. Lindhart seemingly nearly pulling his hair out in search of something. At the same time, Constance was in deep thought, scanning through several books trying to look for something.

Byleth: You seem stressed, Lindhart. What's wrong?

Linhardt: The Four Apostles... Gah, this is killing me! I'm on the verge of remembering something. I can't shake the feeling that one of their names is... also a food or something.

Byleth tilted her head in confusion about Lindhart's theory about the Four Apostles with that, she and Lindhart continued to talk and discuss about the Four Apostles, leaving Cloud alone to deal with Constance, something he didn't want to deal with.

Cloud: (Sighs) Constance.

Constance: The records should be here some- (Notices Cloud) Oh! Hello, Professor. It's good that you've come. I realized that I missed an opportunity to congratulate myself on my military achievements. But now that you're here, I have an audience for it. Indulge me, won't you?

Cloud: Actually I-

Constance: (Cuts him off) (Haughty laugh) Ahaha! Behold the proof that the utmost honor in combat belongs to none other than I, Constance von Nuvelle! What a relief to get that off my chest! Now, where did Aelfric get to? I must have words with him.

With that, Constance ran off to go search for Aelfric, allowing Byleth and Cloud to just go ahead and leave Lindhart to his research again. Heading back out into the hall, the two professors went over the saloon area, where, once again the grumpy patron was seen sitting around with a half-empty mug in his hand.

Rogue: Don't suppose you're both here for drinks, huh. They aren't any better, I'll tell ya right now. Maybe folks down here wouldn't be so awful if they could get their hands on something worth tasting. Who am I kidding... Nobles are just as bad.

After eating some more of the terrible food that Abyss had to offer, Byleth and Cloud went out of the saloon and ended up bumping into Hapi, who was seemingly waiting for them to exit and find her.

Hapi: You've both only been on the job for a few moons, huh? No wonder you two don't come off as a mindless church flunky. Plus, neither of you don't flap your trap all the time. I appreciate that. I hope you guys never change, no matter how many years you spend with the annoying people up there.

After having a little conversation with Hapi, with her explaining more about how her special powers work. But afterwards, the two professors ended up bumping into an old man, who offered to provide them with some more information about how Aelfric had helped build up Abyss.

Elderly Man: For folks who've lost their homes on the surface, Abyss is all they've got. Place used to be nothing more than a den of criminals who did whatever they pleased. Now, we've got Aelfric to keep an eye on things. He understands that keeping people fed's the way to keep 'em calm.

Leaving the old man to his wisdom, Byleth and Cloud both went back over to investigate the scrap heap once more, however, before they could get there, the two professors came across Hilda peeking into the room next to the scrap heap. This room being the strange mystical room with the crystal ball.

Hilda: (Points to the mystical room) Had a chance to poke your heads in here, Professors? It's a fortune-teller's room! Judging by all her mystical-looking doodads, I think she's the real deal too. I wonder if she does matchmaking. Maybe she can help me sort through my countless suitors.

Cloud: Sure she will, Hilda.

Curious about the fortune teller, Byleth went to investigate and see what all the fuss was about, leaving Cloud to look through the scrap pile again, salvaging some more broken tools and even a shield that was still in pretty good shape.

Afterwards, having wrapped everything up in Abyss, Byleth and Cloud gathered everyone once again, preparing themselves to gear up and head out to find a way to defend the Chalice of Beginnings from the bandits, or whatever may stand in their way.

Scene Transition

After a while, all of the students had gathered in the Ashen Wolves classroom again, with Aelfric standing in front of the rest of the students, a stern look on his face, denying them to leave the classroom and head out to stop the bandits.

Aelfric: The answer is no. I will not allow it. It is far too dangerous.

Constance: Ah, but if we can determine its origin, we may eliminate the very danger that vexes you!

Balthus: You already know this, but there are plenty of folks down here who can't defend themselves. If these attacks keep up, eventually they'll find themselves in harm's way.

Aelfric: Yes, I am aware. However, for the time being, you must promise to refrain from acting recklessly. My dear flock has suffered enough as it is. You needn't take any further risks.

With that, Aelfric walked off, leaving the rest of the students alone to remain in the classroom and stay safe. However, it was clear that the students, especially the Ashen Wolves weren't happy to be locked up in the classroom and Abyss without getting the chance to go out and protect the Chalice of Beginnings from any bandits that would try and steal it from Abyss.

Hilda: Surprisingly overbearing, isn't he? He must really care about you guys.

Constance: Most certainly. Yet if we fail to nip this problem in the bud... I shudder to think of what will transpire.

As the students all pondered what they were going to do now that Aelfric wouldn't let them go out and find the Chalice of Beginnings before the bandits, Byleth and Cloud both walked into the classroom both of them holding a couple of papers they had to fill out first before they could get ready for their duties.

Constance: Aha, it's you! In the nick of time, as it were. Come, let us venture into the deep, deep underground. The chalice of legend awaits!

Byleth: We're going underground?

Constance: But of course! Deeper and deeper still beneath the monastery, to the Chasm of the Bound.

Hapi: Coco... You didn't hear a word Elfie said, did you?

Constance: I surely did, but we must read between the lines. Aelfric wants a solution as badly as we do. And so, we shall seek out the Chalice of Beginnings and present it to the church! If our enemies desire the object, this should halt all future attacks on Abyss! Ahaha! Brilliant, no?

Claude: I'm not so sure about that. According to legend, there's some kind of binding that protects it from would-be thieves. Even if we find it, we can't just walk up and take it unless we figure out how to break that thing.

Constance: Ah, but that is simplicity itself! We shall first ascertain whether it is still bound, and then... We shall release it!

Balthus: But where is this chasm, anyway? I've never even heard of the place, much less seen it.

Constance: As luck would have it, I have discovered yet another secret passage! It appears to go deep underground. According to my superior instincts, it undoubtedly leads to the Chasm of the Bound!

Yuri: Huh. I suppose it's worth a look. I don't care about finding some old cup, but if it could help us protect Abyss, I'll support the cause.

Constance: You surface dwellers do not have anything else to do at present, do you? You'll assist us, will you not?

Cloud: We're busy. Very busy.

Claude: Come on, Chief. We got plenty of time to follow them down that deep, dark tunnel. Admit it. Personally, I'm dying to find out more about this chasm and chalice business.

Constance: Ahaha! Splendid! It is decided. We leave at once.

With that, everyone cheered, ready to head out and search for the Chalice of Beginnings, with Cloud simply sighing and pinching the bridge between his nose in exhaustion knowing that once again, he was getting dragged into an unnecessary fight.


After a while, everyone went further underground, to get to work on searching for where the Chalice of Beginnings could be hidden. However, instead, they all only seemed to just end up getting lost.

Linhardt: (Yawns) Feeling pretty lost right now. How long have we been walking? I'm guessing a full week.

Hapi: A week? Ridiculous. It's been a few hours at most.

Edelgard: Exaggerations aside, if this takes much longer, I'm concerned about our lack of food and water.

Claude: She's got a point. How about we trek a bit farther, and if we don't find anything, we turn back?

Dimitri: Constance... I find it rather curious how quickly you became fixated on the chalice. Care to explain?

Constance: Oh, I... No. Why would I be fixated on a silly little legend... For some supposed ulterior motive? (Nervously chuckles) Ahaha...

Yuri: Ha, you want the esteem. You think this will convince the church to help you restore your fallen house.

Constance: (Shocked) Uh! How could you possibly know that?! Have you been snooping within the confines of my very mind?!

Yuri: "I shall restore House Nuvelle to its former glory at all costs!" Haha! It's practically your catchphrase.

Linhardt: Aha! Just as I suspected. Constance is the former lady of House Nuvelle.

Byleth: What is House Nuvelle?

Linhardt: Until just a few years ago, it was a house of viscounts in the west of the Empire. They had a long and distinguished history.

Edelgard: House Nuvelle lost its status five years ago, as a result of their part in the war.

Constance: Huh. You speak as though it has nothing to do with you.

Edelgard: I fear all I can do is ask forgiveness in place of my useless father. If doing so will comfort you in any way, then please accept my-

Constance: Save your breath. That will not be necessary. There is only one thing that I desire. For the sake of my parents... Who fell courageously and selflessly in defense of the Empire... For them, I shall restore our status, revive House Nuvelle, and return it to its former glory! All that I do, even spending each day advancing my magical prowess, is to that end.

Hapi: And in reward for all that hard work, you were forced to live underground. Life's cruel. It's like you took a shortcut back to the starting line. Or maybe you're just unlucky.

Constance: What are you saying?! I never intended to share... That side of me with you...

Balthus: Look at that! It's a good thing we didn't turn back. That looks mighty chasm-like if you ask me.

Looking off to the side, everyone saw an opening in the cavern. Seeing this, the group all ran out of the cave, entering a large clearing that brought them back to the surface. Walking further out, everyone looked around in confusion as to where they ended up, not sure if it would be wise to turn back and keep looking. However, while the rest of them continued to look up at the sight they ended up in, Constance decided to hang behind under a tree near the entrance to the cave, not coming out to join the others.

Dimitri: Say... Are we beneath the bridge at the monastery? Incredible...

Claude: Huh. I never thought I'd be gazing up at that bridge we've crossed a thousand times from way, way down below.

Yuri: Are we sure this is the right place?

Constance: (Offscreen) It is. I think. I believe. I... Hope?

Edelgard: Constance, why are you hiding in the shade? Aren't you the one who insisted that we find the chalice?

Constance: Fine! If you insist that I join you, then I shall. Satisfied?!

Walking out towards the others, Constance looked... Different. Her face seemed to be cast in shadows, she was also hanging her head low, like she was sad or something. Even her voice had changed, she was a lot calmer... Less haughtey and pompous in her tone, instead like she was constantly having to apologize for everything.

Constance: (Remorseful) ... Oh my. I was quite rude just now... Please accept my humble apologies for treating you so foully. I presumed too much to stand beside such noble paragons. Allow me to dig a hole to bury myself in...

Balthus: Ugh... No matter how deep underground we are, I guess sunlight is still sunlight. Poor Constance.

Byleth: What's going on...?

Cloud: She's not her normal self... I kinda like it like this.

Hapi: This is what Coco's like in the sun. That's why she lives underground.

Constance: I fear I cannot guarantee that this is the Chasm of the Bound. I have almost surely wasted our time.

Balthus: Enough with the self-doubt, yeah? Just put one foot in front of the other. We'll have you back in the shadows before you know it.

Hapi: Cheer up, Coco. We need you.

Constance: And now I have forced you into a state of pity. I feel so very worthless.

Dimitri: I admit, I have never seen anything quite like this before. Is there nothing we can do to help?

Balthus: Hapi, keep Constance moving. If we don't start searching, we'll never find that damn chalice.

Hapi: Fine. I'll just push her a bit, I guess...

Constance: I must ask you to cease. You shall soil your hands upon my filthy back. No soap could possibly- Huh? This feeling... I sense magic in the air. There is something just ahead. The binding spell, perhaps...

Linhardt: I don't feel anything at all... Wait. Actually, I hear something. Something big. And it's moving.

As everyone looked around to find what the source of this magic was, a loud metallic thumping sound echoed throughout the entire chasm, shocking everyone as they all turned their attention to the source.

Edelgard: Perhaps there is something in place that is guarding the chalice.

Another loud thumping sound approached the group, finally revealing the source of the noise. Suddenly, a massive metallic golem-like machine lumbered towards the party. What's more, the golem seemed to have a mark on its chest that resembled the Church of Seiros.

Claude: Yikes! What is that thing? It's like some kind of gigantic toy.

Yuri: I don't have the slightest idea what's going on, but I know it doesn't bode well.

Balthus: I dunno. Could be fun. It's been a while since I've met an enemy that could put up a good fight! Hey, you! Meet your master, pal! I'm gonna pummel you into my own personal shield!

Spreading out atop a small cliff, everyone grabbe their weapons quickly and prepared themselves for a battle that was sure to be even tougher than before. Suddenly though, several phantom soldiers formed in front of them, making things a lot harder than just dealing with all the multiple golems that were lumbering around the area.

After fending off several soldiers and even a golem, the enemies seem to just keep coming at them, not slowing down at all. Already, things were beginning to look dire for everyone, these monsters and soldiers just didn't seem to quit.

Balthus: What's the deal? No matter how many we squash, more just take their place.

Linhardt: Hmm... If those things were created to protect the chalice, there must be a way to deactivate them.

Constance: If I may presume to offer my opinion, the statues may warrant scrutiny.

Looking over the chasm, Claude looked over at the back end of the chasm, everyone saw three statues that seemed to have keyholes on them. With that, there was now a new objective that could be used to possibly defeat these weird golems and find the Chalice of Beginnings.

Hapi: Hmm, there must be a way to activate those things. I bet they require some kind of key...

Marcelle: You who befoul this sacred place-leave now or perish!

Balthus: Sacred place? Sounds like the Chasm of the Bound, all right.

Hilda: I think I may have found the key. That thing over there is carrying it around.

Looking at the golem, or Marcelle, Hilda helped the others realize that the massive golem was the one who had the key, meaning that now they would have to tear it down and grab it so they could find the Chalice of Beginnings.

Spreading out to cover their ground Edelgard and Claude both started to slowly chip away at the barrier that was protecting the golem. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to completely destroy the golem, leading it to try and retaliate by tossing a spear bolt at Edelgard and Claude. Luckily, Claude managed to fly out of the way just in the nick of time and dodge the attack; Edelgard on the other hand, wasn't so lucky, as she got hit pretty badly.

Several phantom soldiers also started running out to charge at Dimitri. Luckily, the young prince was able to fend the soldiers off, allowing half of the army to start moving off towards the other sides of the hill. Dividing their forces to cover more ground, Byleth and Cloud both led a small group of students across the field to try and defeat the phantom soldiers and the golems so they could get the key to find the Chalice of Beginnings.

After fending off a couple of soldiers, the two groups combined all of their efforts to keep the golems from harming them. Luckily, with the help of their battalions, the two teams were able to beat the first two sets of golems on the hill easily and destroy them. With these first sets of phantom soldiers and golems gone, everyone could all move their way down the hill and start their assault on Marcelle.

Charging at Marcelle, everyone all teamed up to knock the golem's barriers off. Luckily, everyone managed to knock some of the barriers off Marcelle, allowing him to become open to attacks. Rushing forward, Claude and Ashe both started firing volleys of arrows at Marcelle, chipping his armor and starting to wither it down. Following up on their lead, Balthus and Cloud both charged the golem, Cloud being able to slice off Marcelle's arms and giving Balthus the opportunity to clash his Hero's Relic together, allowing him to punch Marcelle square in the chest, knocking it over and destroying it.

Yuri: (Grabs the key) Huh... There's clearly something special about this key. Better keep it safe.

After grabbing the key, more golems all charged at the party, additionally, more phantom soldiers started rising up and attacking the group. Deciding it would be best to try and clear a path to get Yuri to one of the levers, Byleth, Dimitri, and Edelgard all rushed forward to clear some of the phantom soldiers out of the way while the rest helped to deal with the golems coming their way.

As Yuri rushed to the lever, the young rogue attempted to use the key on the lock, but unfortunately, nothing happened to lead them to the Chalice of Beginnings. Instead, more phantom soldiers and golems rose up from the ground, surrounding Yuri and causing the others to drop their focus on the other soldiers to help Yuri.

Golem: Vanquish the fools!

Constance: Our failure to use caution is most regrettable. I'm certainly paying the price for it now...

Claude: One key, multiple keyholes... Must be a fellow schemer!

Edelgard: Agreed. This is just the sort of trap your crafty brain would dream up.

Helping Yuri defeat these extra phantom soldiers, the young trickster threw the key over to Ashe, who caught it mid-air and started running to one of the other levers near the back of the chasm to try and find the right lever. Unfortunately, more golems started coming up and launching their spears at the young boy. Thankfully, Hilda and Balthus both worked together to topple the golems and break their barriers, drawing their attention to them while Ashe and Byleth both ran to the levers across the chasm.

Running to the lever, one more golem stood in their way, one that was like Marcelle, a massive golem that once again bore the symbol of the Crest of Seiros. This golem, known as Simone, stood in front of Ashe and Byleth, blocking their way and making it so they couldn't get to the lever.

Seeing this, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude all teamed up to break Simone's barriers and start knocking it over and allow Ashe and Byleth to reach the lever and try again and see if they could find the chalice to make sure things finally end and that the party could finally go back home to Abyss.

Putting the key in, Ashe pulled the lever, and luckily, all of the golem powered down and allowed the phantom soldiers to fall apart and fall to the ground. At long last, finally, the fight was over, just in the nick of time as the others were starting to get tired out and came close to losing.

Yuri: Close call, but we did it. Our efforts paid off.

Hapi: There's something drawn on the rock over there. They look like Crests... Whoa! What's going on?

Suddenly, the ground started to shake, and something seemed to rise from the ground, as well as the strange rock with the Crest started to shine and shake.

Constance: My Crest! Oh, but look at the stone. There's light streaming from it.

Walking up to the back of the chasm, a strange stone on the wall revealed a hole in the middle of it, along with four glowing marks on the corners of the stone, the four stones that represented the Crests of the Four Apostles.

Claude: Look! There's something in that opening!

Constance: Oh! Can it be?

Walking up to the stone, Constance reaches into the hole, pulling out a small ornate chalice, bright gold and decorated in the several beautiful red gems. Luckily, it seemed as though they had all found the Chalice of Beginnings... Or, maybe not.

Balthus: Is that...

Constance: You would know best. It is beyond my ken whether that is the chalice.
Curse my ignorance!

Balthus: Answer the question, will ya? Is it or isn't it?

Constance: That quaking earlier... Some kind of containment magic related to the Crests was in place here. Whether intentionally or not, the chalice was released. I hesitate to suggest that those things were the cause. Oh, perhaps one of our Crests was the key to unbinding the chalice...

Hapi: Care to summarize that?

Constance: My apologies. I have caused you undue vexation by speaking so incomprehensibly. Were I to venture a tentative guess, I would say that this is, indeed, the Chalice of Beginnings.

Balthus: You could have just said, "This is it, all right!"

Linhardt: Forgotten Crests resembling those of the Four Apostles, depicted on a sealed rock wall... Objects that resemble holy armaments and a chalice that gathers magic all on its own... I don't know of any other legends that cover all of that, so this must be the chalice we're looking for.

Constance: A thousand thank-yous for covering my own inadequacy with such a competent explanation.

Edelgard: I'm still not used to hearing you speak in such a manner...

Constance: Forgive me, Your Highness. If I have displeased you, please take my life as a small gesture of atonement.

Claude: Oh, Your Highest of Highnesses, I doth humbly beg of thee to find forgiveness within your royal heart.

Edelgard: (As Cloud smacks Claude on the head) Stop fooling around, Claude. And, Constance, I assure you, there is nothing to forgive.

Constance: Hm?

Looking up to the sky, Constance saw a lot of dark clouds starting to roll into the area. With that, thunder started to boom in the distance, making it so that now it was time to take the Chalice of Beginnings and head back to Abyss to report to Aelfric and see what he makes of the chalice.

Dimitri: I hear thunder. Rain is soon to follow.

Yuri: We'd better head back to Abyss before the storm hits us.

With that, everyone all walked off to head back home to Abyss, however, only Constance remained, stuck in place once she was covered in the clouds shadows again, turning her personality back to normal.

Constance: ...Ugh! It happened yet again. Why must my good intentions always-

Suddenly, another metallic clank ended up being heard throughout the area, shocking Constance as she looked around, realizing something horrifying that could very well endanger all the lives in Abyss.

Constance: Huh? What was that sound?! It cannot be...

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