Blood Sex Magic

By AniLa8216

73.6K 1.6K 627

Mina is a witch. Due to an accident with her powers she ended up in the throne room of the Volturis. Soon it... More

Meeting the magick in your life
Discovering the History and Future
What the Future holds for you
Date with Demetri
Date with Marcus
Nothing is as good as ancient orgie
Making future plans
The God of War
Family time
Once upon a time
Dresses, Love, Lust and Pain
History bonds
Dancing with the Devil
of Gods, Monsters and Men
Nothing is as steady as the change
Marrying a Gladiatore
Cuddling with the wolve
Bloody Blood
Family Bonds
Being a father is hard, becoming a father is easy
Lost Daughter
Love bites slowly
The royal Family
Birthday Girl
Midnight Awakening
The Crown Prince Wedding
The 12 Gates Of The Underworld
Children of Ares
Boys will be Boys
Tactics of the Queen
The calm before the storm
In Death lies New Beginnings
New Love New Lives
Bloody Rose
Know your place
Painting Lessons
The Pharaoh's Harem
Death, Dead, Undead
The Underworld

Praise the Night

956 21 12
By AniLa8216

Okay my sweet Coven! I have decided that we are a coven niw and I just adopet you all. So, this it part one of a giant update. Part two will come later today. Fasten your seatbelts, keep hands, legs and arms inside while going on a wild ride. Btw: 15,100K ?!?!?!?! I'm crying out of joy!
Caius was moving without making any sounds.
He was one with the shadows and the night. The most feared vampire king was strolling around the many corners, stairs and alleys of the ancient city of Volterra.
When he reached a large abandoned villa at the end of town he sniffed in the air. The smell of rain and something dark and dirty like wet dog fur could be smelled and ... something salty, copperly, warm and - hell was that blood?!
Caius strolled through the former garden that was now nothing but a wild meadow at least. The smell gets stronger near the ruins of the villa. The vampire king moved elegantly up the rotten wooden stairs of the veranda before he entered through the open door. The smell led him deep into the silent villa. Caius found himself in front of stairs made of stone which leads down into a dark hole of a former basement.
The scent was definitely coming from inside.
The vampires saw perfectly in the dark. His cold fingertips brushed over the top staircase. Several small scratches could be seen. Too big for a cat, too small for a dog. The pattern of scratches could be seen to lead inside and outside of the basement and say had been getting bigger. Too big for a giant dog now. Caius whistles into the silent night air.

It sounded like something was moving fast and stumbled over things that could be heard before three young wolves came face to face with an ancient vampire.
The fur would be snowy white if it was washed. The red eyes were a terror like contrast. The rosy nose finally gave them away.
"Ragazza?" He asked. When he saw the wolves shaped back into the three girls he was retrieving he wanted to cry.
Once he had hunted the children of the moon to nearly extinction. And now he had to be in this place.
The girls looked at him with big eyes. Waiting what he would do.
"What are you?" He asked the one question he was mostly afraid of.
The girl to the left was beginning to shape back into her wolve and back.
"Wolves. Yes. Lupo...which kind of lupo?"
Caius wished he had Aro with him. He could read them and tell him. Caius was sitting down, next to them. He watches with them into the night. Waiting for the answers to come.
Suddenly the clouds parted and released the moon. The crescent moon. Caius' view fell on the three wolves that were sitting next to him in the silver moonlight. It takes several hectic views to the moon and the wolves which is shaped happily back into girls and again in to wolves to register that this was the answer.
Children of the moon could only turn into the wolve like beasts under the spell of a full moon. The girls were just shapeshifters.
"You are shapeshifters" he told them with pure relief.
The way the three wolves held their heads told him that he could read to them the phone book of Rome and he would get the same reaction.
A thought came to his mind. What if they were never taught to speak?
The smell of rotting blood got him back to reality. He made his way down the basement to find a pair of teenagers dead. The three young wolves were wagging happily with their tails. One was raising a paw and taped on the dead bodies before chewing on the hand.

"You are hungry" Caius runs his fingers through his hair. He came to the conclusion that it was time to play poker.
He let his fangs grow to their full length, lower to the bodies and rip the throats, wrists, and stomachs open. The wolves were watching him and as soon as he moved back they were at the bodies, licking the blood and eating the raw meat.

When they were finished and only bones were left they moved close to Caius waiting for the next action of him.
The vampire moved to the gardens and the wolves were at his side.
When he would take them with him now, something an innervoice was demanding, he could talk them off as albino Shepherd dogs. And then? Then they would be in a castle full of vampires. Caius pulled his smartphone out of the pocket of his black dress pants with a bitter face.

Aro and Marcus were still in the shower, Caius escaping into the night went unnoticed.
Aro's hand was softly caressing Marcus cock. His fingertips run gently over the hard flesh, bumping over the thick veins, gliding smoothly over the softer tip. They were standing as close as possible, chest touching chest while Aro's head came to rest at Marcus' collarbone. Marcus had nestled his nose into Aro's wet black straight long hair humming under the touch of the smaller vampire. Marcus' hand was running up and down on Aro's back while his other hand cupped Aro's balls, massaging them softly.
When they both lifted their head to enjoy a french kiss they were both starting to pump the cock of the other. Just when Aro wanted to knee down and blow Marcus' cock the ringing from his phone stopped every action.
From the special ringing he could tell it was Caius.
Caius? Wasn't he in the next room?
"What happened to our precious little boy at this time?" Marcus voices his thoughts.
Both vampire kings were moving out of the shower, black fluffy towels wrapping around their hips.

"Yes, my sweet boy?" Aro's voice was luring through the speaker.
"Aro? Is Marcus there too?" Caius' voice was thin and sounded like he was losing his nerves soon.
"Yes, we are both here. What happened, where are you?" Aro moved into the role of the leader immediately.
"I met someone," Caius blurted out.
"Great. Eat them and then come back we are missing you under the shower". Aro gave playful advice.
Caius growls and hissed at the smartphone.
"Little warrior... WHO did you meet?" Marcus was way more diplomatic.
"Aro, you have seen the three little children in my mind-?" He was getting hectic.
"Yes. They looked exactly like him." Aro was speaking to Marcus more than to Caius.
"They are shape-shifting into albino wolves. They are albinos. They are no children of the moon. I have seen them shifting tonight with my own eyes, they are non-verbal and just small children. I...I..I can't leave them here, they are eating human flesh and drinking their blood. They didn't got those bodies open they would have starved" Caius was really losing it now.
"Oooookay. Take a deep breath. Are they with you now?" Marcus questioned calmly. Both ancient vampires and formal Gods knew what would happen if Caius would really lose his shit and Ares would take over the situation. Last time Caius snapped, Rome burned down. Happily there was a Cesare called Nero that was said to be a little weird and so the rumors weren't questioned that Nero had burned Rome down himself.
Or the Trojan war. Another example of what was happening if Ares was set loose.
"Yes" Caius' voice was steady now which made Marcus freeze for a second. That was not Caius the ancient vampire king, the General of the vampire army of the Volturi coven,no. This was his original self. Ares. The God of War. Spend some time with someone and you will get to know them. And after more than 3000 years of joined vampirism they had gotten to know each other. Marcus knows that Caius was too afraid to lose something that was his dear so he pulls out all the violence he was capable of to protect it. He would go to war for it.
"They are your soul-children" Marcus says with a warm smile in his voice. He could see those bonds forming and he was sure it would settle in soon.
"Whether Aro or I would hurt our nieces and nephews. Bring them here, get them safe. There will be no problems. I will inform the coven so nobody would been startled by seeing white wolves" Marcus played his cards.
"Okay. Thanks, can-"
"We are coming and collect you sweet Ares. No need for a war tonight. Don't move" Marcus ended the phone call.
Aro was already dressed in his black dress pants, dress shoes and a black button up shirt, the last button was undone. His still wet hair was put up into a messy bun. Aro ripped the door open just to address the guard in front of it
"Emergency meeting. Everybody in the throne room. NOW!" He barked his orders.
Marcus was dressed in tight blue jeans, dress shoes and a white button up shirt while his brunette hair was put into a ponytail with a black velvet ribbon.
The two Kings were the last ones to arrive at the crowded throne room.
Demetri and Felix were standing in front of the thrones, both just wearing black jogging pants. On Aro's throne was Mina sitting with a still sleeping Juliette in her arms. Jane and Alec were standing next to her ready to defend her.
"Buonanotte my children" Aro greeted his coven.
He sits like a playboy on the armrest of his throne.
"We want to inform you that our dearest Master Caius is coming back to us in the company of his soul-childrens. They are happen to be three and looking like our dear Caius. They are still young children but they already are shape-shifting. They shift into the form of white wolves with red eyes. They are feeding on human food and human bodies. No harm is to come to those children or I will not hold Ares back. He will defend his family." Closed his monologue.
"Oh, more tiny beings," Mina smiled happily. She knew she couldn't have children of her own, nevertheless she had always wanted to be a mother and now she was going to be a six time mom. One child was missing after all she thought to herself. The number 7 was one of the most powerful magically.

"Hasn't she enough things to play happy family with?" Heidi throws a tantrum.
Mina gazed at her, never had she expected something like that to happen.
"Filia!" Marcus' voice boomed through the round walls of the throne room.
"Seems to be the night of unplanned events" Marcus talked more to himself than to the audience.
"Heidi is my soul-daughter. We have shared this bond for at least 200 years now. You are my daughter Heidi. No matter what happens and will be happening in the future. Mina is my truemate just as Aro, Caius, Demetri and Felix are. Jane and Alec are my niece and nephew. I love you all. We have discussed this matter the last few days and nights very often Heidi, please try to be open" Marcus tried to talk to her.
Mina's mind was working at light speed.

"I love your father very much Heidi as I love my children. I never gave birth to any of them but they are my children. I love them as my own, I accept them as my own, I love them and cry with them and I will always step up for them to defeat them, if they trust me and want that. I'm not stealing your father from you nor will I be your mother by force. I would be happy to have a big daughter and I'm here for you with open arms" Mina says to her.
Heidi's face stayed hard and cold.
"No thanks" she hissed.
Demetri was nearly losing it now.
In a flash he was in front of Heidi and restrained her.
"Show your Queen, your Crown princess and princess respect" he hissed deadly at her while squeezing her jaw.

"Demetri" Mina called for him to not escalate the growing tension.
"Cheops of Egypt!"
Demetris head snapped to her just to see that her presence had shifted too.
She had Juliette passed to Felix and was standing in front of the throne. Black wings were nearly touching the ground, her eyes were darker. She looked deadly. A black dress was ending at her bare feets, decorated with golden greek symbols. The most shocking thing was that she was now wearing the diadem Felix gave her as a wedding gift, topped with blood dripping red roses.
"I said - enough my Pharaoh"
"Persephone - my Goddess" he bowed to her.
"And you, Heidi. Do whatever you want. Your father will still be there for you as I am. But listen, I WILL defend my family at the minimum insult" she speaks with authority while she shifts from her godly presence to her witchy form.

When have you thought to tell me that!?! She thought about Marcus over their mindlink.

I'm sorry I failed you.
You didn't fail me. Just...
She is difficult. She is afraid of being rejected and hurt. She wants to trust you. She is seeing the change in the twins. She is seeing your love, she wants it so bad, but....old habits die hard.

"Dismissed" Aro ordered and the coven fled from the throne room.
"Drag Caius' ass back. Please" Mina begged for Aro and Marcus.
"On our way my Queen" Aro kissed her forehead before he and Marcus vanished in vampire speed too.
Jane had robbed Juliette from Felix's arms and carried her happily into the rooms in the family quarters from Aro, Mina and the twins. Jane loved being a big sister and she wanted to take care of her little sister. Even if she was just sleeping.
Felix and Demetri had eyed each other long enough to be sure about what to do next. Mina was moving down the stairs from the podest where the thrones were standing when they flashed at her side, each one grabbing an upper arm and dragging her away like she was being kidnapped.

Caius was watching the moon and the wolves playing in the silver light. They were two girls and one boy. The boy had found a row of bugs which he was sniffing at when Aro and Marcus entered the garden.
They moved at human pace not wanting to bother the young ones.
"Grazie" Caius said without letting the bunch of wolves out of his sight.
"Everyone is informed and fine with it. Mina is happy to be a mother of six, maybe seven soon". Marcus laid the situation down.
"You told her about Heidi?" Caius was perplex.
"No and yes. Heidi snapped. Demetri snapped and caused our little goddess to speak a powerful word and everything calmed. Now we need to get you home". Marcus smirks while he crunches down and lets one of the female wolves sniff his hand. After two hours where the wolves were bonding with the kings and Caius the vampires stood up ready to get home. Each grabbed one wolve, tugging it close and flashes back into the castle at vampire speed.

In the meantime Demetri and Felix and dragged Mina into a very destroyed chamber of Demetri.
"Oh my gosh what happened here?!??!" She was shocked. A destroyed bed, ripped pillows, shattered commodes and cracks in the ground.
"The same is about to happen to you. Down on your knees!" Demetri smirks devilishly.
Mina was on her knees before she could actively think about it.
"Open your pretty mouth little one and don't you dare even gag" Demetri smirks evil.
With one hand he freed his long and thick member by dropping his pants to the ground.
"Yes my savior, mio diavolo" she smiled seductively while opening her mouth wide.
As soons as her rosy lips parted Demetri inserted his cock into her mouth. He grabbed her hair and started to fuck her mouth deeply. She wasn't able to do anything herself. Demetris iron grip on her hair hunted in a good way and with him, towering over her, his eyes pitch black she knew this would be a lesson in really rough sex. Mina knew that Demetri was really Dom towards her, just as Caius. He loved to play with her, be her Daddy, take care for her but he loves to slap her ass unt bloodied bruises in shape of his hands could be seen and fuck her balls deep so she thought that his stone hard cold cock must be ripping her stomach open anytime soon.
Now the former Pharaoh was fucking her deep throat in a speed that wasn't human speed anymore. One of his hands lowered around her neck and squeezed her throat a bit. Felix was watching carefully what happened, he would interfere if needed.
"There is our needy vixxen" Demetri smirks as he shoots his first load of cool cum down Minas throat. She swallowed everything and presented a clean mouth to Demetri.
"Good girl" he praised her while he lifted his hands to caress her hair.
Demetri lifted her so Felix could undress her. With a naked witch in his arms Demetri moved to the unbroken leather couch. He takes a seat while Mina sits over his lap.
"Daddy, I can ride really well!" She made puppy eyes while biting down on her bottom lip. She was ready and wanted him.
Demetri just hummed in a disagreement while crossing his arms behind his head. His sandy dark blonde hair was styled spiky upways at the ponytail making him looking even hotter.
The vampire moved his hands over her curves, gliding over her waist, cupping her breast and pulling her close to him.
"I promise this will be the only soft moment in the next hours during sex but damn you were so powerful in the throne room, so hot and so beautiful. I love you" he sealed his vow with a deep and soft kiss.
Felix had moved in the meantime without making any sound and was now sitting between Demetris spread legs kissings Minas back while his hand caressed over her folds making her moan. She wanted to turn her head and look at Felix when Demetri caught her chin with his hand faster.
"Eyes on me cara mia" he demanded.
Felix was rubbing her clit hard with his long thick fingers making her moan and moving her hips. She needed something inside her. Now.
"Needy, kitten?" Demetri chuckled.
"Daddy pleaseeee"
"Pleaseeee - for what?"
"Oh fuck it. I need your fingers, better cock inside my pussy right now. Please fuck me. Use me like a doll, or as I'm your personal bitch but please fuck me now" she was sure she was dripping from her wetness by now.
Felix inserted three of his fingers inside her, making her wince and rolling her hips.
He growled at her warnings.
But Mina was already too high at the sensation so she rode his fingers, demanding more.
"More. Please give me more of my strong gladiatore. Fill me up. Please oh fucking yes" she was bouncing on his hand.
"Slow down gattina or Felix while might bite you in your sweet soft ass" Demetri smirks.
Felix was merciful and gave her his little finger too. Her sweet nectar was running down his hand, dripping on Demetris thighs.
Felix kissed her back and trails his cold hit kisses down to her bouncing butt cheeks. When Mina was distracted by that he inserted his thumb too and made a fist inside her pussy. He pushed his fist deeper inside her while he take a bite at her waist. Minas eyes grew big when she realized that Felix was fisting her nearly easily. Demetri smirks smugly at her.
"Such a brave and good girl. You have owned a treat for you. A little thing that would suit you greatly" he smiled while presenting a nipplechain to her. The small claws at each end of the chain made of pearls were shaped in form of vampire fangs. Fangs that were biting into her hard nipples. Demetri sucked at her left nipple first. Making it grow even harder and her getting more wet.
When her nipple was hard and erected, being at its most sensitive he let that claw snap and bite into her nipple making her moan and whine at the same time. He moved with the same treatment to her other niple making it painfully hard and needy to let the claw snap again and put the chain so in place. Her overstimulated nipples were torn to each other, pulling at her bouncing boobs. Each time her boobs bounced in different directions she hissed at the lust filled pain.
Demetri hooked his right pointing finger around the pearl made chain and pulled on it, making her scream.
Felix was fisting her at a fast speed now feeling her walls moving in waves and trying to milk his hand.
"After you cums on Felix's hand I will dick you down" he promised her.
Mina was rubbing Demetris cock with her smaller hands fast, wanting him to be as needy as she was. She was pumping his cock fast when Felix closed the wound on her waist and moved the angle he was thrusting his fist inside her a bit.
She felt her climax coming closer like a super wave at the coast and then everything happened at the same time. Demetri pulled harsy at the chain, slapping her boobs, choking her slightly while Felix slapped her ass into a pattern of bloody bruises. And she cums. She cums hard on Felix hand, she even squirts so hard she cums.
Felix pulled out his fist, pushed her ass up and drank her juice while licking her clit and causing the next orgasm in no time.
Demetri lifted her and turned her so she laid with her stomach on the couch. He grabbed her hair again and pulled her head back while she arches her back for him to grant him deeper access into her. Demetri slammed into her. He loved the doggy position very much, making him be in control and dominate her easily.
He pushed her back a bit more down when he felt that he wouldn't be able to keep it at a human speed. No. He wanted to fuck her at vampire speed.
Demetri pushed her whole body down and into the leather seats while he started to let his demon lose. His cock slammed faster and faster inside her until he let the leash of his demon fall down. He covered her mouth with his hand while he held her down with the other. He fucked her at vampire speed. She moaned, whined, winced and cried out loud. He cums fast and hard. During his fifth orgasm he slowed down until he held still.
"You took me so good, my precious little girl. I'm sorry, have I hurt you much?" He asked, his voice still rough.
"Can you do it again Daddy?"
"Baby... you are my mate. Perfetto for me" he smirks happily while kissing her head and neck.
Felix had jerked himself watching them fucking in front of him.
"I have an idea..." she smiled a bit shyly.
"Tell us all" they encourage her.
"Gag me and fuck me together in vampire speed. I want to be in a vamp-sandwich with you"
"And who do you want where?" Demetri asks her while kissing her shoulders.
"Felix in my pussy and you... fuck my ass" she giggled.
Felix immediately moved with a red gag-ball in his hand. He placed it in her mouth and closed it behind her head.
They were standing with her in the middle of the crashed room. Demetri presented her with spread legs to Felix while he impaled her with his giant cock. Mina crossed her hand on his neck, or at least she tried it.
Demetri lined up with her After and entered her delicate body.
They gave her some time to adjust to the feeling before they moved. First they moved slowly, then at human speed.
"We will never let you fall. You are safe with us" Felix kissed her forehead and they turned the speed up. Mina could feel the blue bruises forming form the hard grib of their fingers on her softer flesh while they reached vampire speed and fucked her hard.
She felt so full. She wanted to scream, to moan, to praise, to curse, to hiss and sob at the same time.
The witch couldn't tell how long she lasted before she passed out due to the overstimulation.

Felix and Demetri had caught her safely when she had collapsed. Demetri was the first to pull out of her. Felix had lifted her up and let his cock slip out of her devine body. The immortal gladiator carried her towards Demetris bathroom where said vampire was waiting, running a hot bath for them. Mina's body looked worse. Different types of bruises were already showing, bloody fingerprints looked like rose petals on her skin and several bitemarks were blooming.
Demetri got in first, ready to take Mina from Felix. Felix passed Mina onto Demetri getting himself inside the bathtub.
Minas small feet hitting the water made her humm and toss her head to the side like she was searching for her mates.
Demetri placed her between his legs, resting her back on his chest. He was making sure that she would not drown. He had taken off the chain and placed it into the sink to clean it later from blood sparks.
Felix and Demetri eyed each other.
"Can you believe that we got that lucky to have her as ours?" Felix asked into the silence.
"No and I'm waiting for the day that she sees us as the monsters and demons we are. Look at you, you are a God Felix. The roman God of War put into the shape of a former human now undead vampire gladiator. I was once a human, yes. A Pharaoh who messed up terribly" Demetri lowered his eyes and stared at the bubbles on the hot water.
"You never told me your story amore. Care to share?"
"Oh great, so you can be the first to run away?!" Demetri hissed at his mate.
"Listen Mr. Drama I'm not running away from you. A story for a story, deal?"
"Ok...okay. So....I was a human. My Father the former Pharaoh of Egypt, Pharaoh Snofru, had died. It was my time to take the throne of Egypt as I was the first born. The crown prince" Demetri smirked sarcastically.
"So I was taught and educated my whole lifetime to take the reins from my father. Back in those ancient days it was normal for magic to exist and for the Gods to exist. The priests at the temple from my father had taught me about magic and the line of magic that runs into the veins of the ruling family. The tombs of the Pharaohs were always covered in spells to wake them up again and to lead them into the realm of the dead. Sooooo.... That's the part where I messed up. I was standing in the tomb of my father and read those spells out loud. Each spell is personalized for the dead King of the tomb. Sooooo. I managed to channel the one and only God Amun himself. Accidentally. But it was like our laws today just moving on was no possibility. I had thrown myself into the realm of the Gods. Amun is THE God. He is the God of creation, the King of the Gods and the God of War. Funny thing, right? Amun offered me a deal. I would come back into the human realm but at a price. He would turn me into an undead demon. A creature of the night - that's what vampires were known back at those times. I would get back, be crowned Pharaoh and would 'vanish' when it's time. The priests later told stories about my changed look. My red eyes were a symbol for the demon that had consumed my soul and hosts into my body, the wars I led my troops in were the proof of the bloodthirsty creature I became. I was 28 when I met Amun. 12 years later I needed to vanish. As a parting gift Amun blessed me with my tracking gift so I would always find my way in the world. In the same year I was found by Aro, Caius and Marcus. I have been at home here in Volterra ever since." Felix had watched Demetri closely.
"Thanks for telling me my love. I have some questions." He paused, waiting for Demetri to be okay with that.
"The little witch called you my sun due to the Re thing and the Pharaoh being a God..."
"Ah yes. It's correct. My real name, the one my mother gave me, was Khufu. Cheops was my name while being Pharaoh. I become Cheops, the God King as Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is a living God. And my Pharaoh, Cheops, was the reincarnation of the God Re. Re is the God of the Sun. The most important thing to him was that life was possible. Without him nothing could grow and life. She is right and I must say I love it." Demetri smile.
"Can you do magic?" Felix smirks.
"I have never ever tried anything after the thing with Amun."
"Why Demetri?"
"It's Demetrius, as you shouted so lovely before. Aro came up with a new name for a new beginning. So I fitted the Greek optic and Demetrius came to my mind. Demetri is just more modern"
Felix moved closer to him and kissed him and his lips.
"Te amo meum solem" Felix whispers while caressing Demetris cheek.
Mina was still passed out when they both started to wash her body softly.

A knock was heard and the next second Alec was standing next to them.
"Woha. What happened here?!"
"Just amore my son. How can we help?" Demetri tried to distract the teenager while Felix tried to hide Mina.
"Have you seen Mom? Wa - is THAT MOM?!?!"
Caius was standing in the crashed room next to the bathroom in less than a split second, flanked by Aro and Marcus.
Caius growled possessively and aggressive.
"What have you done?"
"Nothing without consent" Demetri hissed and offered Aro his hand.
"It's true. Hell what a wild kitty she is" Aro smirks smugly.
"I'M HERE!!!" Alec screamed and covered his ears.
"It's my mom you are talking about. Listen Jane is reading to Juliette and we have finished everything. Only the cooking and baking is needed to be done. I guess mom will sleep a bit now so we can surprise her when she wakes up" Alec rambled before he left the scene.
Marcus was grabbing a big towel and wrapped Mina up. He carried her bridal style, her pale skin was more of a white now and the bruises would be seen for a little bit longer. She was laying in his arms and made it really look like the picture of the male vampire and his human bride after he went brutally down on her.
Marcus carried her into their all charged chamber and put her into bed. Mina cuddles herself deep into the warm and fluffy bed sheets. Before she drifted away into sweet dreams.

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