
By vachi_metawin

969 51 38

(adjective) in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy. A story about four boys, brought together by circ... More

Chapter 1 - All sanity kissed goodbye
Chapter 3 - Two can play that game

Chapter 2 - Not this fucking shit again

142 9 0
By vachi_metawin

The boys sat beside each other in an interrogation room at the precinct downtown. To say they were nervous would be an understatement. Thyme couldn't stop shaking his leg, his hands fidgeting in front of him. His thoughts so mixed up, he wasn't even sure what was going on in his head anymore. Ren, who was sitting on Thyme's right, was very well aware of where they were and what it could possibly mean.

Not to sound too optimistic but their company didn't have any public event that required them to have a police intervention anywhere in the near future. Even if for whatever reason this was about their company, why would they contact Ren and not Thyme? It just didn't make any sense. Nothing did, not unless they considered the possibility of news from the old case. A case that Thyme made sure wouldn't close until they found what they were looking for.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting gentlemen." Spoke a man in his late thirties, walking into the room with a file in his hand. He closed the door shut and placed the file on the desk in front of him. "Lieutenant Perry." He introduced himself, extending his right hand forward to greet them. "Ren, sir." Ren stood up to greet him, his right hand meeting the lieutenant's own in a firm grasp. "And please do not apologize. I'm sure you had your reasons." He said with a polite smile on his face.

"Yes, I needed to sort out some last minute details before I could speak with you." The officer replied, now turning his attention towards the shorter man who was still settled in the chair beside Ren with a scowl on his face. "And this... is?" The officer was familiar with the face but he couldn't quite put a name on it. "Thyme." Ren looked at his friend, sighing at his antics. Why can't he just behave for once? We are here for ourselves after all. The least he could do is try to act civil. "This is my friend. Thyme Akira..." He started but the officer interrupted him. "...Paramaanantra."

Lieutenant Perry could now recognize the face that was quite literally everywhere. The magazines, the tabloids, the news channels, the internet and social media, you name it all. Being a twenty three year old CEO of one of the fastest growing tech companies in the world was no joke. Though not a multinational corporation yet, the company had reached a point where it could be globalized. However an official decision on any sort of international ventures was yet to be taken by the board, if at all they ever planned on going global, that is.

Nouvelle Tech began as a small startup about five years ago by a few university students. It was initially based on a user interface, AI recognition software that was created for the purpose of keeping track of the students entering or leaving a classroom. However, with time, this software seemed to have achieved a very high accuracy of about 97.3%, generating a gradual increase in its user base. Thus, paving the way for a groundbreaking technological solutions' company, the Nouvelle Tech.

Thyme looked away with a bored expression, he was interested in why they were here and nothing else. All this was just a waste of time. Was it even about him? Or was it just something else that Jade could've very well taken care of? But then why call Ren? Why not him? "Can we skip the pleasantries? What are we here for?" He seemed to have run out of patience, or he probably just didn't want his thoughts to wander any more than they already had.

"Yes... but I must ask," The lieutenant sat down on the chair opposite the two men and looked at Ren. "Are you sure you want Mr. Paramaanantra here? It is a very sensitive matter and I need the approval of the complainant before I discuss anything." Thyme looked at him like If Ren didn't want me here, why would he bring me in the first place, are you stupid or what? However, Ren understood that the officer needed to ask that as part of his job. So he nodded and said, "Yes sir, I want him here." The officer smiled and looked down, opening the file in front of him and looking it over before lifting his eyes to meet that of the nervous young men. They tried not to lose their composure but it proved to be quite difficult.

"Mr. Renrawin Aira, you had filed a missing person's report around four years ago, is that correct?" That question appeared to have caught their complete attention. "Yes." Ren immediately replied, hope blossoming in his chest. "Methas Jarustiwa." Thyme interjected, leaning forward and placing his arms on the desk. "What about him?" He did not want to assume anything yet. Yes, he was glad to have some news about the case but at the same time he could not help but wonder... It's been four years, could it possibly be any good news?

"Yes. Methas. We received a call yesterday from the neighborhood hospital, about an unidentified injured man that was admitted there right after he collapsed in front of their gate. We did some investigation and his face seems to be very similar to the photo you had submitted with the complaint. Having said that, we haven't had the chance to speak to him yet, nor confirm his identity. The hospital prohibits us from invading their patients' privacy when they are still recovering."

Thyme stood up and turned away from them, taking a few steps away from the table, he needed some space. His hands ran through his hair and rested at the back of his neck, fingers intertwined and eyes on the ceiling, trying to process what he just heard and keeping those desperate tears of relief at bay. Ren took a few minutes to even react to what he'd just heard. His face turned away, staring at the wall not knowing what he felt. Relief that maybe they finally found him or fear of what might've happened to land him in the hospital the first thing ever since he went off board. He decided to break the silence in the room after a few minutes, "Is he okay?"

The lieutenant looked at them both, he could almost feel their emotions. "He has been asleep ever since his surgery but the doctors say that he will be fine." Ren looked up at the officer and Thyme turned around, still rooted to the spot. "What happened?" Thyme questioned, his voice a little demanding. "He was tortured, we think. For a very long time too. Most of his scars, the doctors say, look a little old. I think we should assume he has been suffering for months, if not years. He was also stabbed, which is why he was operated on but we don't really know what happened. But, he should be awake soon. We were actually going to pay him a visit after this, for his statement."

They did not want to believe what the officer just said. Ren took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. It's okay. He thought. At least he's alive. Whatever else, we will deal with it together. Like we always have. "Can I request to accompany you, officer?" He asked. The lieutenant nodded at him. "Yes, you can." The officer nodded and got up. "I'll give you both a minute." He closed the file. "I'll be out front, waiting." He said, to which Ren nodded gratefully and stood up to shake the officer's hand again. "Thank you very much Lieutenant Perry."

Thyme was lost in his own head. Not paying any attention to the retreating man or his friend who was now looking at him. Stabbed? Tortured? Who would torture him? And why? He was just a boy? And for how long had he been suffering while we lived our lives so peacefully? What am I going to tell Kavin? Am I going to tell Kavin? Do I want to put him through that again? But I have to tell him. He has to know. He can't not know. After all that they've been through... Kavin deserves to know. "I have to call Kavin." He just said.

Ren did not respond to that. He didn't know if it was a good idea to call Kavin or not. Especially about this. Right now, all he wanted was to be at the hospital. But he waited for Thyme. Because he was scared to do this alone. True, Kavin as he is right now, was not Ren's favorite but he was still their best friend and he deserved to know. Regardless of whatever happened or will happen after.

"He's not picking up. I'm gonna go look for him." He announced, making a move to leave when Ren stopped him with a hand on his chest. "Wait. Where will you go? Text Jade, maybe he is home." Ren spluttered. He was not going to go with Thyme, looking for Kavin. He wanted to go to the hospital. Now. But he also didn't want Thyme to leave him alone to face this by himself. Besides, wasn't going to the hospital more important right now? "Ren. I need to talk to him. Face to face. He needs to know. And I don't want to break the news to him over the phone." Thyme looked at Ren, pleading silently to understand him.

I understand that but I need you here Thyme. I'm scared and I don't want to do this alone. So for once could you acknowledge that I'm your best friend too and stay here with me? For once can you not forget me? Kavin can wait. He doesn't know anything yet and we can tell him together if you just wait. Is it possible to hate the people you love so much? Your family? Is it okay to want to hate them just because they don't seem to care the same anymore? Is it okay to hate them for letting you grow up so soon? But that was not what he said.

"Call Jade and ask for help. I'm going to the hospital" He said and turned around, leaving Thyme behind. What's the point in trying to stop him from going to look for Kavin anyway?

Thyme drove away from the precinct still trying to get in touch with Kavin but there was no response at all. His calls and texts went unanswered. Maybe he's still in that meeting. But this is important. I can't just sit here and wait for him to get back to me. So he dials Jade instead. Jade knows our schedules anyways. I can just ask her where Kavin's having his meeting. Two rings later she picks up. "Thyme." She greets him with nothing but his name. "Jade. Can you send me the address to Kavin's meeting? Like right now."

"What meeting Thyme?" She asks him, sounding genuinely clueless. "What do you mean 'what meeting'? You're the one who keeps track of all this. Check his schedule." He replied, quite confused why Jade had no idea of a meeting. "Thyme, he has no meeting scheduled for today." She replies instantly. "There must be a mistake, check again." He just said, starting to worry a bit. Let's just say that he doesn't exactly trust Kavin on his own.

"Thyme. I'm the one who sets up meetings for all of you. I know for a fact he has no meetings today or I would've accompanied him to make sure he turns up. However, if you want I will track him down." She spoke in a stern voice, not liking the way her boss seemed to doubt her. She was the best at what she did. She was perfect and loyal and very professional, and everyone knew it. There was no reason to question her.

"I'm sorry." Thyme apologizes immediately. He knew it was wrong of him to speak the way he did. And he liked and respected Jade too much to make her feel otherwise. "Please find him." He requested, no it was desperate. He was desperate. Why? What have you done to me Kavin? A few taps away on her iPad and Jade's voice comes through the line, "He is here Thyme." She sounded a little confused. "What?" He thought he heard it wrong. "He's here. At home." She clarifies.

"Well what the fuck is he so busy with he cannot even pick up my call?" Thyme was lowkey pissed but he took that left turn, steering the car towards their house. He's been trying to reach Kavin for awhile and it should've been obvious that it was important with the amount of texts he sent and the calls he made. Why is Kavin so irresponsible sometimes? Why can't he fucking take anything seriously that's not about the fucking company?

Jade knew Thyme could lose his shit for the littlest of things when it came to Kavin. So while she left her office and set out to find Kavin in their enormous, fancy residence she spoke to Thyme. "What's going on anyways? Why are you so keen on..." She trailed off as her eyes landed on a figure sitting on the bar stool, leaning at the counter, resting their head on their left hand while swirling a glass with their right. Thyme noticed how Jade had stopped abruptly while talking. That doesn't sound like a very good thing, Thyme.

Taking a deep breath, he asked, "What is it, Jade?" He knew not to expect anything good. "Kavin's at the bar." He grit his teeth and stepped on the accelerator. "I'm on my way. I'll be there in 10. Keep an eye on him but don't get close, he might snap. I will handle it." With that he cut the line. Best not wait for Jade to reply. It wasn't like she was gonna reply and risk getting noticed by Kavin.

Kavin was tired. He just wanted to pass out. Why is it so hard to just live? His head lay on his left arm that was on the counter, beside his abandoned suit jacket. The other, playing with the empty glass in front of him, his fingers tracing the rim. He wanted to pour some more whisky for himself but he was too tired to move himself. He sighed. Such a fucking loser. Can't even get myself a fucking drink. How pathetic. Can I get any worse than this? He scoffed and found it in him to reach out for that whiskey bottle behind the counter.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He heard a voice from behind him as his fingers touched the glass bottle. "Why are you here?" He questions back, grabbing the bottle and tilting it over the glass, not really surprised by the other's presence. "You said you were going for a meeting." Thyme sits beside him and snatches the bottle away, spilling some of the liquid on the counter top. "I lied." Kavin shrugs, chugging down whatever little alcohol he had gotten into the glass before that too would be taken away.

"Why?" As suspected, Thyme pulled the glass away from his hand and put it far out of his reach. "Because I'm a bad guy, Thyme. I'm selfish and I don't give a fuck about anyone or anything but myself, so why do you?" He scoffed, turning away from Thyme. He may say he didn't care but deep down he couldn't even face his best friend. Ashamed was not even close to how he felt every time this happened. "Not this fucking shit again." He heard Thyme muttering.

Thyme had just about enough of his bullshit. He took ahold of Kavin's arm and dragged him off the stool and away from the bar. "Stop. What are you doing?" Kavin protested but let himself be taken away because he simply did not have the energy to stop Thyme. However, he got no reply from the man. He just kept walking forward with his hand still holding Kavin's arm. Kavin figured not to try and even bother asking again because he'd just be exhausting himself for nothing.

Thyme stomped all the way to the staircase and turned to face Kavin. "Are you sober enough to take the stairs or do you want me to carry you up there?" The sarcasm was so obvious on his face. He knew Kavin wasn't that drunk but he didn't want to let go of a chance to taunt him. Pissed as he was, dealing with Kavin proved to be quite difficult in the past couple of years. And he'd learned a thing or two. Sympathy got him nowhere. It was the brutal words that got him any sort of reaction at all. Just like now.

"My legs work perfectly, thank you." Kavin snapped and pulled his arm out of Thyme's hold. He walked ahead of Thyme and up the stairs towards his room. He was a little out of it so he didn't notice Thyme following him all the way into his room. He turned to close the door when Thyme entered the room. "What do you want now? I'm in my room and you've already taken the alcohol away from me. The least you can do is leave me alone so I can get some sleep."

"Shut up." Thyme pushes him to the wall and starts unbuttoning his shirt. "Woah there. Desperate much?" Kavin smiles cockily, his head falling back to rest on the wall behind him, enjoying the way Thyme's fingers felt on his torso and he wasn't even touching him yet. The nerve. "Shut the fuck up Kavin." Thyme was beyond furious. Everything is a fucking joke to him. His fingers pushed the shirt off those wide shoulders and his fingers went down to Kavin's pants.

When he felt his pants being unbuttoned, Kavin's own hands went down to stop the other from going any further. He looked at Thyme and smiled, "Slow down there babe... any other time I'd be happy to do this but I'm really not feeling it right now. Sorry." Thyme looked at him in the eye and pushed the cold hands off of his own. "I said, shut up." He just said and continued getting rid of the pants. He then took off his own suit jacket and threw it on the bed before rolling up his sleeves.


A/N: First of all I would like to apologize for the delay. And this won't be the last time so I can't really say but thank you for sticking around? Also like the only reason this chapter is out is because I have exams otherwise I might've taken longer. I am aware I haven't updated in very long. But I won't promise it won't happen again because I only ever get the time and inspiration to write during exams. This chapter was kinda tough to write because I'm beginning to realize that I'm making someone so toxic that I hate it but also like the world is not like without toxicity in each and every corner so it seems realistic and that's why I stuck with it. Believe me it will be better. Also like I've said before, everyone's stuck up with their own shit and I will deal with all of it but for now this is how I want to put it out there. Thank you once again for sticking around and don't forget, TPWK:)

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