Tales of Pluto: Sparks Flying

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There are seven dragon tribes: Rose dragons, Nature dragons, Dark dragons, Moon dragons, Star dragons, Light... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Pineapple
Chapter 3: The Star Forest
Chapter 4: Starlight
Chapter 5: Rosar
Chapter 6: Preanberry Pie
Chapter 7: The Journal
Chapter 8: Corruption
Chapter 9: Library Conversations
Chapter 10: Queen Brightness
Chapter 11: Dark Island
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Queen Mythos
Chapter 14: Bamboo's Plan
Chapter 15: The Breakout
Chapter 16: The Dark Palace
Barlow Island
Chapter 18: The Betrayal

Chapter 2: The Prophecy

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When it was time for class the next morning, Sparks had to leave his friends and go to his boring classroom. Sparks heard a lot of rumors going around him. All different dragons talking. And they were all talking about the same thing.

"Yeah! Apparently there's a new prophecy made by this Dark dragon called MightyTalons!"

"But no one knows if it's real or not! I mean, like, come on! A Dark dragon made it!"

"Did you hear!? That dragon that's new here, who got here yesterday is supposed to be the dragon in it! What's his name again?"


"Yeah! That's right! Sparks!"

Sparks was worried about all the rumours about him being in the new prophecy, so he decided to ask one of the Light dragons.

They know the most about Dark dragons and apparently get information about them from a spy on Dark Island. Sparks decided to ask his favorite teacher, Dawn. He walked to her classroom and knocked on the door made out of timber.

"Ow!", he exclaimed, as he had been pricked by a splinter from the door. He licked the blood off his talon, and waited for Dawn to come to the door.

"Dawn?", asked Sparks. Was she in there?

"Come in!", said a nice sounding teacher.

Dawn was a cheerful teacher, who usually taught really well, but didn't really care what the dragons were doing (They were usually not working). Sparks was the only one that paid attention to what she was teaching in her classes. She was optimistic and really kind. Sort of like Pineapple, but not super crazy.

"Hello Dawn! I was wondering if you knew anything about this prophecy everyone's been talking about, that the Dark

dragons made. And I'm supposed to be the dragon in it!", asked Sparks, with worry in his voice.

'Maybe I am the one in the prophecy', he worried. He waited for Dawn's answer, hoping his thoughts weren't true.

"Ah...", she sighed. "Yes. I'm afraid that is the truth", Sparks breathed heavily. Of course. "There is a new prophecy made by the Dark dragons", and Sparks breathed a sigh of relief. Good. It wasn't about him".

"Could I know what it is?" ,he asked.

"Of course! Do you have any friends? You could bring them here at recess and I could tell them!", she replied.

"Sure!", replied Sparks, with a look of worry and happiness because he got to bring his friends.

So, at recess, Sparks got Pineapple, Nightflyer, Sunmaker, and Bamboo, to go with him to Dawn's classroom.

"Uh. Do we have to go with you? I just want to sleep and eat in the corner. This will be super boring", asked Sunmaker.

"Of course we have to go with Sparks! One, he's our friend, and two, it will be super fun, not super boring!", replied Pineapple.

"Yeah. Um, yeah. It'll be fun", said Nightflyer, with a look of worry in her eyes.

When they got to Dawn's classroom, Dawn was already in there, waiting with her roasted camel.

"Hey Sparks! Nice friends you got there!", she said. "So! The prophecy. I think I have it written down somewhere. Just let me..."

"This is going to be awesome! We will hear a prophecy that is made by dark dragons! Awesome!", said Pineapple, excitedly.

"Ah! Found it! So..."

"I'm so excited!", said Pineapple, who looked like she was going to explode with happiness.

" Yep. So excited", said Sunmaker sarcastically.

"Alright, here goes", explained Dawn, adjusting the candles in front of her. "When Pluto rises from the dark, one hybrid who's name is Sparks. Will save the world from the dying, whilst some others may be lying. About the world. About their friends. About how it shall all end. But the hybrid, Sparks, will stop it all. The world will crumble if he falls... There. That's it. Did you like it?!", explained Dawn, in a dark, mysterious voice.

"That. Was. AWESOME!", shouted Pineapple.
Sparks stood up suddenly. He couldn't deal with this. It was about him, just like he thought. Just like the prophecy said, the world will crumble if he fails. But fails what? Sparks still didn't fully understand.

"You okay Sparks?", asked Dawn, and Pineapple, at the same time.

"I'm fine. I just need some fresh air", he replied.
"Sparks, wait!", Pineapple blurts out quickly.

"Just leave him, dear", Dawn ordered, with a look of worry in her eye.

The beach. Calm. Windy, a lot of the time. Quiet. Peaceful. And also a good place to stare into the sky, crying. Sparks couldn't do this. His new friends were awesome. But the prophecy? No. Just no. He had to escape. Sitting up, Sparks wiped away his tears and made a plan in his head. What was he to do? Just give up and let the world crumble, like the prophecy said? Or try to stop the evil it stated, fail, and be humiliated. Sparks had to face the school tomorrow. No matter what happens.

He stood up, his eyes wet from tears, and felt the sand almost crunch between his toes. Sparks walked, trying to rid his head of all his worries, hoping tomorrow would never come.

"BAMBOO! YOU GET YOUR SCALES OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!", Pineapple screamed over the crowd, as Sparks flew into school the next morning. He expected silence as he arrived, but everyone was too focused on what was happening to pay attention to the dark dragon in the prophecy.


"Sparks. If you want to know why Pineapple is yelling at me like she has a week to live is because I ate her 'magic strawberries'. Apparently the magic strawberries keep her out of danger.", explained Bamboo.

"Wow. That's... interesting", replied Sparks. Pineapple was pounding towards them, looking like she was going to kill someone. Probably Bamboo.

"YOU CAN'T HIDE BAMBI!", she said.

"DON'T CALL ME BAMBI! FOR THE LAST TIME!", yelled Bamboo. Now, Bamboo was pounding toward Pineapple as well. Now Sparks knew what made Bamboo angry. Calling her Bambi. All the other dragons in the area were crowding around to watch the scene between Bamboo and Pineapple. "YOU ARE GOING DOWN!", screamed Pineapple. "HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY MAGIC STRAWBERRIES?!" At this, a few dragons in the crowd laughed, as they thought the 'magic strawberries' was a joke. A lot of the dragons were whispering excitedly, while others were whispering cautiously. Sparks, Sunmaker, and Nightflyer were at the front of the crowd. Sunmaker was mumbling.

"I know someone is going to get hurt, and because of my 'powers', everyone will think it was me that caused the problem, and..." Nightflyer was cautiously looking at Bamboo and Pineapple. Bamboo and Pineapple were looking like they were going to try to kill each other, which they probably were.

"YOU ARE DEAD MEAT, BAMBI!!!!!!", yelled Pineapple.

"NOT AS DEAD AS YOU'LL BE AFTER THIS!!!", yelled Bamboo, back to Pineapple.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF GIANT CABOUS IS GOING ON HERE?!" Everyone turned around to look at Crystal, the Sun dragon teacher. She taught hunting skills for some dragons. Which meant she was good at being super quiet (Creeping up to catch the animal). But at times, she could be as loud as a volcano erupting.

"Hi Crystal! Nice to see you! You came at just the right time! Bamboo and Pineapple are just about to kill each other!", said someone in the crowd. Sparks turned to see who said it, and realised it was Lotus. Lotus was everyone's enemy at the school. He was the one everyone would hope not to be partners with in classes like hunting and flying lessons.

Lotus was a Rose dragon, and he expected everyone to love him because he was one of the teacher's sons. Crystal was his favorite teacher, so he tried to be her favorite in front of her.

"Uhhhhh", one dragon groaned as Lotus poked his head out of the crowd.

"Not Lotus!", whispered another to themselves.

"Dragonets! Be respectful! Lotus has done the right thing! Someone could have gotten hurt!", Crystal replies, hoping someone would listen to her, other than Lotus.

"But we want someone to get hurt!", someone yelled out from the crowd.

"Dragons getting hurt is COOL!", shouted another.

"Yes. So COOL", replied Crystal, with a look of disgust on her face. Dragonets these days. "Now get to class. I have a class to teach. Chop chop!" Slowly, the dragonets groaned and moved to their tedious classes.

"Bamboo and Pineapple. You come with me...", said Crystal.

"But what about your class?", tried Bamboo, hoping it would get them out of whatever was in store for them.

"That can wait! Follow me to my office!", replied Crystal, knowing Bamboo's tricks. Pineapple and Sparks exchanged looks as they moved across the rocks, parting their separate ways.

"Arghhhhhhh. This class is the worst. It actually involves WALKING", groaned Sunmaker, as Sparks, Nightflyer and Sunmaker strolled across the yellow, crumbly sand to the lake for Sunmaker's least favorite class...hunting.

According to Nightflyer, they had to walk for ages to get to this 'special' part of the ocean. Then, they had to swim into the ocean to 'capture' the fake fish floating in the water, alone and FAKE. Hunting was really easy, as for one, the 'fish' didn't run away when you approached it, so you could catch it easily, and the ocean water was entirely clear, so you could see the 'fish' from a mile away.

Bamboo loved hunting class, as she always ripped the 'fish' into lots of tiny little pieces. Sparks wanted to see what it was, and Nightflyer hated it too. But obviously not as much as Sunmaker.

Bamboo and Pineapple were still with Crystal, so they couldn't go to hunting.

"Come on Pineapple! Crystal is going to get some stuff from her cave room! Now's our chance! We can ESCAPE! Mwahahahaha!", Bamboo almost yelled.

"SHUSH! We need to be QUIET! THEN we can escape Crystal's torturing grasp!", replied Pineapple, in a yelling whisper.

"Ummm, Pineapple? We're not IN her torturing grasp. We're in her cave ready to be yelled at for almost killing each other", Bamboo whispered back, trying not to rage, as Pineapple was ALWAYS getting on Bamboo's nerves. Suddenly, as the silence began, they could hear Crystal's talonsteps getting louder and louder!

Bamboo nodded, hoping Pineapple would understand that meant to move quickly. But Pineapple had already tiptoed to the cave door, ready to sneak outside. So Bamboo moved quickly after her.

"Stealth mission! Mission of Stealth!", whispered Pineapple, when they were almost out of the teacher's caves.

"SHUSH!", whispered Bamboo back, talons pacing out onto the cold, crunchy sand.

As they walked from the sand onto the dirty, green floor of the woods, Pineapple knew they could talk now.

"WE'RE FREEEEEEE", she yelled. Bamboo winced at the noise, but forced Pineapple more into the woods as she had something to show her... 

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