By klover_woso11

62.3K 1.9K 33

Klover Van Laken, 26 years old, former player of the Olympique Lyonnais and player for the netherland, is sig... More

1. New beginning
2. Hi Barbie!
3. Passenger Princess
4. Heartbeat
5. Insecurities
7. Burning
8. Matching outfits
9. From heaven to hell
10. The calls
11. Mr Poulsy part1
11. Mr Poulsy Part2
12. Green-eyed monster
13. Listen to me
14. What do you want to do
15. I forgive you
16. The baby

6. Nala

3.2K 97 3
By klover_woso11

Like every morning, Alexia's alarm rings, so Alexia stretch out her arm to turn it off, she pats the bedside table for some seconds until she realises that her hands are not touching her phone. When she wants to lift her head to see where is her phone, she feels a weight on her and a voice came to remind her yesterday's events.

"Can you please stop this alarm?" Klover asks grumpy because she has been woken up from a perfect sleep.

"I try but I can find my phone" Alexia decides to follow the sound and she finally finds her phone in the pocket of her jean.

She looks back at Klover who was back to sleep, her t-shirt pulled up on her waist revealing her perfect ass. Alexia lost herself in her mind and when she comes back to reality, she approach Klover, carress her arm and start to wake her up.

"Klo...Klo wake up, we have to get ready to go to the train station" but Klover move more into the bed, smirking at Alexia with her eyes closed, letting her know that she is awake.

"Klo, you have 5 seconds to get up"

"Or what ?" Klover challenges Alexia

Alexia resists to slap Klover's ass but instead she grabs her by the ankles, pulls Klover towards her, grabs her by the waist and throw her on her shoulder.

"OH MY GOD" Klover screams, stunned by how fast Alexia did this.

Alexia laugh and when she put back down Klover on the floor of the bathroom, she sees the blonde girl smirking at her. Alexia didn't understand immediately why she was smirking but this incomprehension didn't last long. Klover turns herself in front of the mirror, encouraging Alexia to do the same, she locks her blue eyes with hazels ones which are wide open, she tooks her toothbrush prepare it and starts brushing her teeth... with her ass pressed and grindind against Alexia's crotch. Alexia focused on Klover's eyes, trying not lose control. But when Klover bent over to wash her mouth in the sink, Alexia runs to the toilet before Klover could feel anything.

Alexia do what she has to do and when she comes out Klover is in the kitchen, ready, making the breakfast and her bag done in the hall.

"You have a toothbrush waiting for you in the bathroom" Klover says to Alexia, still her smirk on her lips

After the breakfast, they go to Alexia's car, this one still opening the door for the princess passenger.

"I have to go at my mom's place to took my bag" Alexia says to Klover

"You still live with you're mom?"

"No, I just ask her to took my away game's bag when she picked up my dog yesterday, because she lives on the way to the train station"

"I don't know if I ask you about your dog or about your away game's bag" Klover looks at Alexia with a concerned look on her face.

"Let's talk about Nala and not my organisation please" Alexia says not daring to look at Klover

"Oh you called her Nala like in the Lion King, that's so cute!"

"It's because she looks like it and also because it's my favorite disney movie"

"And when I think you're perfect, you're disappointing me again" Klover adds

"What have I say this time?" Alexia asks, used to it

"The Lion King is an horrible movie! don't get me wrong I love it but it's a tragic story how can you say it's you favorite?"

"Let me guess your favorite Disney." Alexia challenges Klover

"You'll nerver gue-"



"I'm sure you're a Toy Story girl but it's a Pixar not a Disney so if I took Disney my guess go to Rapunzel... or Hercules" Alexia says smirking still looking at the road.

"You are getting on my nerves Alexia Putellas Segura" Klovers grumbles, upset that Alexia predicted her so well. Alexia giggles after the answer, pulling up in front of her mom's building.

"Stay here I'm coming back" Alexia says not seeing Klover follows her

Klover do a great job in staying behind Alexia's back so she didn't saw her until they were in the elevator.

"MADRE MIA KLOVER!" Alexia jumps.

"I want to see Nala" Klover affirms

"Do you know that my mom will be here to and that you are going to meet her?"

"Great so like that I will maybe have someone to talk about the fact that you have an away game's bag prepared in advance"

Alexia gives a stern look to Klover, get out of the elevator and knock on the door.

"Alexia, cariño, entra!... Quien es esta niña?" Alexia's mother asks her daughter

"Mami te presento Klover, es la nueva jugadora del barca"

"Hola Klover! Encantada! Entra niña!"

"Hi! Nice to meet you too, sorry my spanish is not on point"

"Don't worry for me, I know how to speak english. I am Eli, Alexia's mother" she tells Klover with a strong accent.

Klover didn't have the time to speak that she feels something bumping into her leg. When she looks down, she sees a little fluffy dog who actually looks like a lion cub.

"Hola! You must be Nala, look how cute you are" Klover says with a baby voice while she picked Nala up.

The dog immediately loves Klover and she shows it by licking every spot of her face. And Klover immediately loved the dog too.

"How a cute dog like you can have a mother who prepares her away game's bag in advance?" Klover smirks.

"ha ha very funn-"

"Yes Alexia good question, you prepares an away game'sback in advance?" Eli asks her daughter a little confuse.

"Please Mami not you"

"See, everyone in this room is confused by your strange habit, I'm sure Nala is too"

" We better get going now or we are going be late" Alexia hurries Klover through the door kissing her mom's cheek on the way

"Bye Eli, it was a pleasure to meet you and bye Nala see you soon princess!" Klover before the doors of the elevator close on her

Alexia put her arms around Klover's shoulder, leading her through the car feeling Klover's look on her, this one linking her hand with the midfielder.

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