4. Heartbeat

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It's been a month since the party and Klover was feeling great. The training were hard, the coaching staff made her pass thousands of tests and she didn't fail one, it was the opposite actually, she excelled in every test. They were all proud of her and it felt really good, it was like she was breathing again. She scored on every friendly post-season games and the fans were supporting her like she was always there. She even had develop a routine with Alexia, this one would pick her up every morning and give her a ride back every time after training. But nothing more than some looks and little petting happened between them.

But today was the last training before the first game of the season and not a little one. It was a game against el Atletico de Madrid  for la supercopa. The girls was prepared and focus but Klover was doubting. Her training was messy, she misses easy goal, her passes didn't go in the feet of the others and she had trouble to find a good breathing rythme.

Alexia was worried, very worried. Klover was pale, she looked fragile like if the wind blew a little too hard, she would break. Alexia didn't like that at all. When she received a text from Klover yesterday night to tell her that she didn't need to be picked up, Alexia start to wonder what stupid thing she could have say or done. But with how she is this morning, Alexia thinks that it's something else that is bothering Klover.

During a water break, Alexia approach the cooler like everyone else to take a bottle of fresh water. The only one who isn't next to the cooler is Klover. She is further on the pitch, her hands resting on her knees, not able to breath correctly. Alexia decides to approach Klover but the moment she puts her hand on Klover's shoulder, this one gets up suddenly and run in the facility.

Klover run pathetically, she opens the bathroom door, stumbles in front of one toilets and vomited all her breakfast, which wasn't huge at first. At a moment she feels a hand smoothing her back and a sweet voice telling her that it was okay. After vomiting everything she had in her belly, she stands up, flush the toilet and turn to the sink to wash her mouth. She looks in the mirror. All she sees is darkness and all she hears is voices telling her that she isn't good enough. She doesn't feel anything anymore.

Alexia watched Klover stood up and wash her mouth like she wasn't in the room. She calls her multiples times but it's not like she is ignoring her, no, it's more like she wasn't here anymore. Alexia still tries to call her but she fail to bring her back and she doesn't know what to do when Klover starts to cry and put her hands on her ears like she tried to block a voice.

Alexia took out her phone and try to call Jill but she doesn't have the time that Klover breathing became iregular, like not even one breath was going to her lungs, and she falls on the floor. Alexia took her in her arms, put Klover's head on her heart and tells reassuring things in her ear.

The voices were so loud and the darkness was so suffocating that Klover fell to the ground. The voices was still loud but she was able to hear something else. It was so light at first but Klover absolutely wanted to know what was that sound so she focused on it and the more she focused, the more the sound was loud and the voices so far. She starts to grip something to help her focus and it seems to work because she recognizes the sound.

A heartbeat.

It was a heartbeat. The heartbeat was the only thing that she hears now. The air was finally going back to her lungs. She felt safe.

Alexia was still rocking Klover back and forth. The heavy breathing calmed down, it seems like she breaths normally. The tears are becoming rare. But the grip of her hand on Alexia's training shirt is still strong. But she doesn't care, she knows that Klover is feeling safe.

Klover closes her eyes, still listening to that heartbeat, and when she opens them up seconds later, she sees the bathroom where she vomited. When she looks up, Klover sees Alexia who doesn't say anything. Alexia just kiss her forehead, put Klover's head back onto her chest and put herself against the wall.

They stay like that for at least ten minutes. When Klover starts to release her grip on Alexia's shirt, this one didn't move. She allowed herself to move when Klover wants to get up on her feet but she struggles to find her balance. So Alexia stands up, giving her hands to Klover and help her up. Klover whispers a thank you and tried to smile. Alexia took Klover's hand and guide her to the locker room and puts her inside. A knock on the door sounds and Alexia go to see who is it.

Jonatan, worried by Klover's state, go to the locker room to see how she feels. Alexia open a little the door but not to much so he can't see Klover's state.

"How is she?" He asks worried

"The stress of her first game kicked in, she is not feeling very well, but don't worry I take care of her." Alexia has just done something she swores she would never do, she lied to her coach because what happened wasn't just the stress of the game. It was much more.

"Fine, if you take care of her, then I trust you. You can go home with her. I see the two of you tomorrow morning at the train station." Jonatan finish, leaving right after.

Klover is sitting in her cubby, looking like a ghost. Alexia approach her slowly so as not to frighten her. She kneel down in front Klover, puts her hands on Klover's cheeks, wiping the tears away.

"I'm taking you back home"

Alexia gather her things and klover's one, run to the car to put them in her trunk and run back to the locker room to carry Klover, in a bridal style, to her car. She installs her in the passenger seat, buckles up her seatbelt, and go to the driver's place to ride Klover back home. During the trip to Klover's place, Alexia took her hand in hers and run her thumb on the back of it like she always do. Klover finally fall asleep with the smooth rythme of Alexia's thumb on her hand.

Once arrived, Alexia parks the car, finds Klover's keys and carry her and her things into the building. But where the fuck she lives? Alexia never went to her place, she has no idea of the floor or the door of Klover's apartment. But when she hears the sound of the building hall's door she thinks that she is saved. A little woman, around 80 years old, with big glasses enter the building. When she sees there is someone else the woman turns to Alexia to say hello but she stops in her track seeing her young neighbor almost dead in the arm of a stranger.

"What happened to her ?!" The little woman shouts to Alexia

"She had a bad training and I'm trying to bring her home, do you know where she lives?"

"Of course I know where she lives, she is the door in front of mine"

"Amazing! And which door are you ?"

"Like I'm going to tell you" The old woman tells her harshly


"Who tells me that you are not the one who put here in that state?"

"I swear I am not, she had a hard panic attack and-"

"A panic attack ? Come in young girl" The older woman relaxes after Alexia's words

The woman finally understands that Alexia is not a danger for Klover so she brings her to Klover's door. Alexia thanks her and put the keys in, opens the door and come in the apartment. She lays down Klover delicately on the couch and put her things down. Alexia observes the area where she was. It was a big living room with a huge table for many people to eat and an open kitchen behind her. In front of her there was a big TV on the wall a big window on her left with a big balcony and on her right a cabinet where you can find books, pictures, medals and trophy.

Suddenly she feels Klover stires next to her. The blonde girl opens her beautiful blue eyes and Alexia smiled seeing them again.

"Hi sleeping beauty." Alexia says softly.


"Tell me what you need and I will do it for you"

"I fancy a shower but I can do that alone" Klover says making Alexia laughs

"I was more thinking to make you some food"

"What dish do you propose ?"

"Except my incredible paella, I can make you a tortilla... and before you ask it's eggs with some potatoes"

"I fancy that to now"

"Great, go take a shower and after you will eat the best tortilla you have ever eaten"

"You don't have many competition because I have never eat that in my life" Klover's shout on her way to the shower.

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