PAS DE DEUX | Dead Poets Soci...

By cherriasian

9.8K 340 15

❝her dance was watched by the heavens but it was only ever meant for the moon❞ - Himanshu Goel When Henley Ha... More

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430 16 2
By cherriasian

"I can't take it anymore... If I don't have Nancy I'm gonna kill myself."

The boys of Welton sat gathered together in the cave where they've been meeting at for almost a month now during the afternoon of their boring weekend. As per usual Meeks and Pitts worked on their radio any moment they got, Cameron was boasting about his chemistry scores, Todd was watching the events of his friends' lives unfold, Knox was thinking about Nancy, Charlie somehow found another thing to entertain his friends with, and Neil was finding any excuse to get to rehearsals early. The never felt closer than before, and even dead Todd felt as if he had his own place in the band.

The boys were conversing with one another, smoking cigars as they waited for Neil who somehow found a lamp to claim as the "God of the Cave" once he arrived. Charlie, somehow finding his old beret and snagging a saxophone from the music room had just finished his performance for the boys despite the agony Knox was marinating in.

He hadn't seen her since the last time he tried finding her at school in fear of being caught or even in fear of her getting caught. He knew the rules and any other single sex school student would know it too. Boy or girl.

The boys all looked at him suddenly, cigar poking out of their mouths as Charlie spoke first, "Knoxious, you've gotta calm down."

Smoke was starting the fill the cave up quickly and soon there was a foggy lens before the friends' eyes. Knox, so down in the dumps, replied harshly, "No, Charlie. That's just my problem" he scoffed to himself, before looking up "I've been calm all my life. I'm gonna do something about that," he nodded sneakily to them with a grin on his face, pushing himself off the ground and rushing to leave.

Neil, with the God of the Cave in his hands took his cigar out, "Where are you going?"

"What are you gonna do?" Charlie asked too.

Knox turned around with a devilish smile plastered on his face, "I'm gonna call her," he laughed maniacally.

The boys looked between each other before muttering and sounding off their own replies, also pushing themselves off from the ground to follow their love struck friend. Pitts was the first out the door when Charlie started to play his saxophone humorously again but soon the other boys were right behind him.

At Henley Hall, Nancy moaned from Anais's bed, laying with her legs at the wall and with her head hanging from the bed's edge with Anais sitting by her side. Meanwhile, Madeline sat on the other side of the room at her desk, jotting down anything that could come to her.

"I wish Knox did theater," she huffed, holding a notebook above her face as the blood rushed to her head, "I wish I could just see him again - I can't get his stupid face out of my head!" she groaned

Anais laughed, "Maybe we should all take turns in Madeline's spot for a day so we know what its like to have some boy wait for you," she teased.

Madeline rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face as she chuckled, "He's not waiting for me," she denied.

Posters of famous actors, actresses, singers, and musicians were hung up scattered across Anais's wall that Nancy was avoiding to touch while a board of pinned of papers and ribbons were decorating Madeline's side of the room. If there were colors that divided the room even more, Anais was red and Madeline was a mixture of soft blue and beige. The best friends were opposites that brought out another side of one another.

Anais clicked her tongue, "If Eric is jealous then he's waiting for you."

Again, Madeline shook her head in denial about the reality she was secretly hoping for. For the time now after practice was over, he would always eventually catch her before he was needed on stage either by his cast mates calling him or particularly Ginny Danbury who seemed to be a bit upset that Madeline Noyer got everything she could... even a boy.

As much as she wanted to tell her friends about the boy that intrigued her, she felt as if she already learned her lesson with those kind of boys and instead remained on the outskirts of his town. In the moment, face to face, talking to him was something she couldn't avoid even if she wanted to, but behind his back she could never admit she was in fact wishing she could wait for his rehearsals to end too.

Nancy lifted herself up groaning sharply and loudly, "I can't write this stupid poem!" she almost shouted, "How am I suppose to 'look at life differently' if I haven't even properly lived?"

Anais stared at the blonde next to her complete bewildered but also slightly in amusement, "Wha - Nancy, what do you mean?" Madeline asked turning around from her seat.

Nancy threw her hands up, "I should find him. I should find him right? Y'know actually talk to him?" she looked between her friends for consolidation.

"You're gonna go over there?" Anais asked agape.

Nancy shook her head making an assortment of sounds to clarify how horrible of an idea that is, "God no! I - I'm gonna call him," she spoke the idea finally popping into her head, "That's it! Madeline you call for Todd like once or twice a week - this is what I need to do!"

Nancy eagerly slipped off the bed, finding her way out of the room as Anais watched her walk off and Madeline stared at her best friend in confusion. Anais shrugged jumping up from the bed as if to ask Madeline to follow her too, "Is she crazy?" Madeline asked, pushing herself off from the chair as Anais started to speed walk out the door.

With a grin on her face, Anais shrugged, "Yeah," she confirmed, "But she's gotta grow a pair someday."

They stalked down the hall, with the blonde just a few feet in front of them, "Anais! What if he doesn't like her back?" she suggested, worrying about the girl's big heart, "She's never been rejected."

Anais nodded giving her friend a look, "Exactly why he's not gonna reject her," she points out, rounding the corner to find Nancy slumped against the wall next to the phone.

The two best friends stood in front of her, leaning against one another waiting for their friend to do, say, or even try anything at all. Nancy looked between them, a worry suddenly on her face, "What if he says no?"

Suddenly the ring from the phone made the girls jump, Nancy looked at her friends who also stared startled. They shrugged before Nancy grabbed the phone off, "Hello?"

The sudden cut from the other end made her turn back to her friends with an even more shocked stare before putting the phone back to rest, "Maybe that was a sign I shouldn't call him," she breathed out, shaking her head and pacing slightly, "God! This is crazy - I'm crazy! Since when do I chase boys?" she laughed.

Anais narrowed her eyes, "Who says this was chasing?" she said, "Maybe this is exactly the pawn you need to play to get him to chase."

Nancy nodded slowly, not quite understanding if that was the correct terminology yet still understanding what she was meaning to say.

Nancy nodded assuringly, moving back towards the phone before it rang again, "Jesus!" she spoke, turning to the girls in annoyed manner as she picked up, "Hello?" she answered, her rude tone seeping through the phone.

The voice on the other line spoke, "Hi, uh, this is Knox Overstreet."

Knox gulped after speaking his first words, his heart thumping out of his chest as his friends stood to the side of him watching intensely.

Nancy's eyes widened looking at the girls who went to her close, practically shoving one another to be closer to her ears, "Oh! Oh! Yes, hi - this is Nancy. Nancy Rogers. I was actually going to call you!"

Knox lips turned, covering the end as he spoke to his friends, "It's her - she was gonna call me!" he whispered and they all either grinned or looked at him appalled that such a thing could occur for their lover boy.

"You - you were?" Knox replied, his throat feeling like something was bunched up in it as he spoke.

The pair of best friends gave Nancy a confused look as she also stared back at them with the same worry, wondering what to say next and almost agonizing at the fact she didn't plan at all what to say, "Yeah, listen, um..." she looked down at the floor - at her shoes - everything, but her friends, "My parents are... actually gonna be out of town this weekend and I'm gonna be having this party..." Anais and Madeline raised their eyebrows at their blonde friend, "I wanted to invite you, y'know if you wanted to come..."

Knox listened as amazement started to fill his system, "Would I like to come to a party?" he repeated for the boys.

They all nodded intensely, even with Charlie at his front whispering, "Yes. Say yes," he commanded.

Nancy nodded, the adrenaline building up in her system as she tried to get it out of her, "Friday at 7?" she asked again.

"Well, sure -" he spoke in an obvious tone that had seemed to somehow surprise the pretty girl.

Nancy bit her lip nervously, nodding and smiling, "That's great! Um... It's at 4742 Pratt Street - bring your friends and uh... well I'll bring the beer," she laughed.

Hearing her laugh, Knox shook his head breathing out, "Okay great, I'll be there Nancy," he smiled, "Friday night at your place."

"I'll see you then, Knox..."

"O-Okay, thank you. I'll see you..." he rushed.

Nancy nodded, "Bye..." she laughed.

"Bye-" Knox spoke, leaning to rest the phone with his heart beating even fast than before, breathing out slowly before he slammed back into the wall, "YAWPPPPPP!!!!!"

Nancy leaned against the wall, twirling a piece of her hair as her friends eyed her down.

"Nancy," Anais began.

Nancy leaned her head towards her, "Hm?" she hummed.

"Your parents are out of town?" Anais asked.

Nancy nodded, humming again, "Mhm-mhm."

"And there's a party on Friday?" Madeline repeated.

Nancy nodded again with another hum.

Anais noticed her hum change, "There's no party is there?" she questioned seriously.

Nancy twiddled her fingers looking at the ground, humming to confirm that her friend's suspicions were true.

Madeline sighed, brining a hand to her head, "Nancy..." she addressed, "Where, the hell, are we, gonna get, beer?"

Anais shook her head, "Forget the beer! Where the fuck are we gonna get a party? Having half of Henley Hall gone isn't gonna be suspicious at all!"

Madeline nodded, "Nancy - you need to call him right now," she spoke looking at the phone.

Nancy stood between the phone and her friends, "Guys! I can't that's embarrassing! He's gonna never want to see me ever again!"

Anais shook her head, "No. It's gonna be embarrassing when him and his friends show up to a big empty house!"

Nancy shook her head, putting her hands over her eyes, "I'm so fucked," she swore.

Knox breathed out, completely taken aback by the conversation he just had, "Can you believe it?" he asked to his friends, gazing at the ceiling, "She... was gonna call me. She invited me to a party with her."

Knox stared at Charlie who still stood in front of him now with an amusing look, "With all your friends?"

Knox nodded confidently, "Yeah," he breathed out.

Charlie raised an eyebrow, "Well?"

Knox looked down, not understanding what his friend was trying to say, "So?"

Charlie gave him another look, "So you don't really think she means you're going with her?"

Knox looked to the side, realizing that he was only merely invited to her party - not invited to go with her. He scoffed, turning his head, "Well, of course not, Charlie, but that's not the point," he mustered up, "That's not the point at all..."

Charlie stared at his best friend with a serious expression now, "What is the point?"

Knox had no clue what the point was at all, "The point, Charlie... is..." he began, rethinking back to their telephone conversation, "...that she was thinking about me," he adored, "I've met her once, and already, she's thinking about me."

The rest of his friends laughed and chuckled with one another, "Damn it. It's gonna happen, guys," he turned towards them, "I feel it."

He brushed past the middle of the group and turning back to them dramatically, "She is going to be mine!" he flipped his scarf around, "And we... we're going to a party."

Thank you so much for almost 400 reads within just 1 week! I'm so excited to write more - so much that I made a Sims 4 world with all of them lol, screenshots in the next chapter or two.

Also! Sorry if I begin to update slowly - my dog recently just passed and I'm going on vacation soon so shout out to the goodest boy of all who's up running around in circle in the flowery fields rn :) I miss him very much

Love, Cherri

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