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Plié... ​​Plié... Plié... Plié... Plié.

"Where the hell is Nance?"

Madeline's concentration on her barre exercises was interrupted by the voice belonging to her best friend, Anais McKinnon, behind her. A quick look at the girl almost always leads to a double take because if you squint you might see Audrey Hepburn. It was almost always the first thing anyone would say to her when they saw her.

At some point she stopped putting her hair up outside of ballet, but now it was like wherever she went she was easy to spot considering no one else had hair like hers. Of course, not until the other girls wanted to look like her too.

Madeline whispered, "Right there."

The two watched as their blonde friend scurry into the classroom, flashing them a sheepish smile as she squeezed behind Anais, "Sorry, sorry," she whispered to the girl behind her who stared at her confused, "Hi guys..."

Miss Dupont, the ballet teacher stared intensely at Nancy Rogers almost as though she was burning holes in her skull. The long stick between her hands was menacing enough with her angry posture but it was always her sour look that tied it altogether. She walked down the long line of girls once she saw Nancy doing her exercises.

Anais glanced behind her before whispering, "Where were you?" she asked Nancy, not quite understanding how this girl could ever be late.

"I woke up late," Nancy answered, "Gosh, my legs hurt. I haven't stretched since the last time we were here."

It was true. The last time they all did ballet together was at the end of last year - their eleventh grade academic year.

Anais furrowed her eyebrows, "I didn't even see you come in last night. Did you Madeline?"

Madeline shook her head slightly, not even quite remembering what she did last night other than start her first night of relentless studying.

Madeline and Anais had shared a room together for as long as they've been both going to Henley Hall, they hadn't met Nancy until two years ago when she had transferred in from Ridgeway, a public high school around the area. Since then, she's been rooming with Linda James, a quiet and reserved girl who didn't mind Nancy enough to room with someone else.

Nancy explained her disappearance, "Remember I had dinner with the Danburry's last night," she reminded.

"What time did you come back?" Madeline asked, doing another plié.

Nancy thought for a second, "Uh... perhaps ten?"

"Ten?" Anais whispered in an exclaimed manner, "What did you eat? A ten course meal?"

Madeline huffed, "Twenty?"

Miss Dupont's voice suddenly boomed, something along the lines of her stepping out and that the girls should continue their exercises but the three friends didn't mind her.

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