DOOM DAYS 【 carl grimes 】

-victoriaspedretti tarafından

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" when i watch the world burn, all i think about is you " 15 year old riley griffin has grown used to... Daha Fazla

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven

chapter four

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-victoriaspedretti tarafından

doom days
chapter four

Riley's head throbbed, a harsh migraine at his temples as he slowly came to. Blinking away his blurry eyes he found himself trapped within a suffocating space, his arms barely able to move. Panic swelled within him.

He was in a row of empty, room-temperature freezers, within the Walmart on Harding Highway. The shelves that had once held goods had been stripped clean. The only gap that remained was the back wall and the sealed exit door which sent more panic through him.

Riley's heart raced as he reached out, pushing against the freezer door yet it wouldn't budge. The once easily breakable glass has been reinforced and Riley let out a sigh of anger and frustration as he grew more panicked.

As Riley's panic subsided, he noticed a shaggy-haired man sitting forlornly at the opposite end of the freezer. The man's strong arms rested on his bent knees. He wore a sleeveless flannel beneath a tattered vest, and his brown pants were torn at the knees. Beside him sat a woman with similar hair, her beige tank top in shreds, revealing cuts along her arms. Her black pants were muddied and marred by cuts, and blood trickled from her scraped knees.

Riley's gaze settled on the pair, and it didn't take long for recognition to dawn on him. Taylor and Jessica. Questions raced through his mind. Where were they? He searched the confines of the freezer, fear clawing at his insides. He couldn't decide if it was a relief to not find them there or another layer of uncertainty in this nightmare.

He stared warily at the strangers and crept away, knowing he had nowhere to run if they attacked. The man appeared careless of his presence, though. His back was against the width wall, so his lower limbs had enough room to stretch ahead of him. His hands were smudged with dirt. The woman seemed more curious than anything, her eyes on Riley every few seconds.

"You're up," a young male suddenly spoke.

Jumping from the abrupt approach, Riley swiveled his head in the direction of the voice, and standing on the other side of the glass was a man, just a few years older than himself he guessed. His copper hair was coifed in the front, and he was carrying an assault rifle.

"Calm down there, kid. What's your name?" he asked, his rifle calmly to his side

He tried to keep as distant from the door in front of him as possible, but the elongated freezer was too thin for him to go any farther back. His eyes darted between the three people near him. The other two caged now had their head raised to witness the engagement happening.

"Not up for talking, huh? That's fine. I'm Wally," He introduced "I'm with a group, the Martyrs. We're not gonna hurt you so long as you listen to what you're told to do; that's just how these people survive."

Riley gulped, his pupils huge from anxiety and the darkness of Walmart. Behind Wally, the wicks of wax candles were sparkling on those that remained.

"We were told about how you got here. Sorry about that. I went through it myself not too long ago. But Flora was just doing her job of being a Martyr; do you know what that is?"

Still, Riley refused to talk, whether it was fear or anger, he couldn't decide. There was a metallic bang in the background, and a woman cursed, her profanity echoing throughout the structure. Seconds later, more conversing commenced, and before long, a pack of people began bickering.

"Don't worry about them. They've been working on getting the back as secure as the parking lot before it gets too cold. All the shelves they took down, they're used for protection now." Wally informed, using his head to point in the direction

Riley shook his head, the pain still lingering as he spoke "Wh... what do you want?"

"As a group, people. As an individual, my family. They're out there somewhere. Judging by how clean you look, I bet you've got people out there too. They'll be okay if they're found and listen."


Wally sighed. "Look, I get that you're scared, but you don't need to be. Now hang tight here for me, and I'll get Harper; she's our leader. Oh, and don't worry about Daryl. He's a gentle giant." He smiled "Maggie, though, watch out. She bites"

The woman scowled but didn't say a word as the Martyr wandered off. Riley faced the survivors way down at the end of the freezers. This time, they made eye contact, and he could maintain it, knowing they were more than likely the two Rick and his people had mentioned.

Bravely, he walked forward, mentally paying attention to his feet with each step forward. The only muscles the man moved were the ones in his neck as he stared at the floor by his boots again, Maggie kept her eyes on Riley.

"Daryl?" He murmured shyly, his hands back in his pockets. "Maggie? I-I know Rick and Carl... and Michonne and Judith. We met them yesterday. They're with my people now. I... I think I can trust you. You can trust me too."

Daryl fidgeted when the teen referenced the Grimes members and the woman with dreadlocks. Maggie perked up, her eyes wide with hope.

"They told me about you two, how you were here with the Martyrs. They and my people teamed up to take them down to get you back. We didn't really have a choice but to trust each other."

When Daryl finished stirring, he wordlessly staggered into a standing position, though he kept his gaze by his shoes until he glanced through the glass. Now, instead of behaving timidly, a vengeance in him made his fearlessness appear. The younger boy was more intimated by him now than before.

"They okay?" Daryl grumbled.

"Rick, Michonne, and Carl were at a patrol post when I got caught, but they were fine the last I saw them, they're safe" He assured. His palms began to sweat quickly and he clenched his jaw looking back up at them "But my- my sister and friend were with me when I got taken and they're not in the freezer, I don't know where they are"

"A blonde and a brunette?" Maggie spoke up, an accent thick in her voice. Riley nodded almost eagerly "I saw 'em with Harper. I think she's using them to help build up the doors"

"Yeah!" Riley exclaimed relief flooding him before panic reclaimed its spot "Fuck, I hope they're okay"

Maggie nodded, her eyes sympathetic and gentle. Riley was about to speak when Daryl put a fist on the glass door beside him, leaning against it as he analyzed the landscape on the other side, which was all he had to do for Riley to comprehend that, from here on out until our escape, he would be in charge.

"I'm Riley. My people won't be happy we got taken but they'll still help." He said cautiously "They're good people. Like yours"

Daryl huffed, then squeezed his palm harder, digging his nails into his skin. He pushed himself off the exit and started to pace back and forth in a short route while Riley stared up at him, his heart beginning to pace faster and his eyes grew wider. Daryl seemed fine and Riley was used to men with a short temper but for some reason, Riley was a little scared.

"Are they gonna be comin' for you?" Maggie asked as she stood up, her brown hair sticking to her face

Riley nodded "We wanted to spend today getting guns, and Penny said that'd be it for the day. They'll probably attack tomorrow."

The imprisoned Daryl halted, taking a minute to breathe audibly. Then, he glared into the shopping center of the abandoned department store. "Nah, that guy, Wally... he's our key."

"How?" Riley quizzed removing his hands from his pockets and gently crossing his arms over his chest.

"You hear what he said? He's got family out there; means he don't want to be here either. Gotta butter him up, work with him, turn him against these pricks."

"And besides you, he's the youngest I think. More willing to side with people his age than older folk" Maggie chimed in

"That probably won't be easy. What if he's been here a while? The longer he's been here, the harder it's gonna be to switch him to our side. And what if he reports us? They might hurt us." Riley shook his head

Daryl averted his solemn sight to Riley, a somewhat sympathetic look on his stubbled face. "Ain't got nothing better. But if ya gotta... blame it on me. You don't gotta get hurt for the shit I pull."


"What?! No! I mean," Riley cut off Maggie with a sigh "I trust you to get us out of here, but we don't need to risk anyone's lives to get away from these people. If we can get Wally on our side, he can help. If not, maybe we can wait for an opening during the attack or before it if possible. Otherwise, we can—"

"I don't wanna hear anymore. Just keep your mouth shut till later. Harper's gonna take you out, show you around, talk to ya. Don't say nothing about this, ya hear me?" Daryl firmly said pointing his index finger at Riley. Maggie sighed in her corner and looked at Riley with pity.

He nodded as if against his will, then sauntered back to his end of the freezers. The oily Daryl stared at him the whole time, then ducked his head again, his fingers curling into a fist until he slunk against the wall and bent his legs to cross his arms on his knees.

Maggie smiled at Riley, ever so gently but he saw it. He gave a wary smile back.

As expected, a woman eventually turned the corner of a shelf and smiled sweetly when she spotted Riley in his extended cell. She had a mix of colored hair with cut bangs that settled nicely above her thick brows, and she had on a discolored green T-shirt beneath a denim jacket.

Marching alongside the lady was Wally, and next to him was Flora, who was just as homeless-looking as she was when she approached them earlier in the day. However, she was acting as if she had not just kidnapped three teenagers.

The female survivor Riley had not personally encountered stopped in front. "Hey, hon. I'm sorry this had to be how we met, but this is how we operate. I'm Harper. Are you hungry?"

Feeling determined, thanks to his discussion with Daryl, he scowled. "No,"

"All right, well, if you change your mind, let me know." Harper said "Flora, go on back out and see who else you can find. We saw more with Daryl, and you said these kids said there was some by the interstate."

"Yes, he claimed they were in that patrol post," Flora recalled. "They're surely gone now, but I'll head that way to search for tracks. Maybe we'll get lucky and hit his home he said he's got."

As the kidnapper stalked off, Harper turned back to the boy, suddenly amused. "That's right!" she exalted. "You do have a home out there, don't you? But you didn't even tell me your name yet."

"I won't," he insisted "Where's the girls I was with?"

"Clearly. Fortunately for me, though, government names aren't important. You see, I'll call you whatever I want, and you'll eventually get used to it, so I'll win in the end, guaranteed." Harper smirked "As for the others, you'll just have to wait to find out"

Riley glimpsed at Wally with a desperate look, but he stared back with no emotion whatsoever. However, Riley noted him keeping out of the conversation instead of butting in for no reason. He looked more considerate than the women.

Then, Harper unclipped a set of keys from her belt, unlocked the glass door closest to Riley, and pulled it open. "Walk with me for a brief minute, boy. Wally, you know the drill to follow."

With no choice, unless he wanted trouble, he left the bullet-proof jail, and Harper locked it back up afterward. She began to lead them toward the front of the hollowed store, whereas Wally posted by the freezers to keep watch over the quiet Daryl and Maggie minding their business.

Riley anxiously looked around the dimly lit store, his eyes darting in every direction looking for any signs of his sister and Jessica. As he did such there were sounds of moving large objects, and a loud rumbling came from the warehouse, where a garage-like door had been raised to the ceiling. Harper and Riley stayed inside, though, wandering toward the deli section in the nearest corner of the Walmart.

Occasionally, people Riley had never seen before would pass by and share a nod with Harper to let her know things were going okay, though none of them were who he'd hoped. Stopping occasionally Harper would pause at a shelf to relight a candle that had burned out or been extinguished by the breeze of somebody rushing by.

"Again, I'm sorry for how we had to meet," Harper apologized, "but this is how we work, hence our name, the Martyrs. We fool the foolish into thinking we need individual help, but we're a group."

"What?" he muttered, too annoyed and worried to be specific.

"We're a group. None of us need help individually. We only play the role of helpless individuals to expand our group. The more we've got, the better we're off, right? Strength in numbers."

Riley remembered his talk with Rick on the railroad tracks. "But why trick people? Can't you just talk to them and make, like, a pact or something? Isn't that what it's called? Just work together."

"Huh," Harper said, impressed, "you're wise for a boy your age. I see where you're coming from, but I don't like that stuff. I want my people within my view; that's not a bad thing to want, is it?"

"That's stupid. It's dangerous to send your people out alone and risk getting killed just to trick people."

"Not nearly as stupid as the people who fall for their schemes, like you."

The teen was boiling on the inside. His anger clouding his judgment for a moment, he reached for his pistol and realized it wasn't in its holster. Riley then realized he needed to remain calm, he couldn't risk his plan with Daryl and Maggie and he had to find his people too.

Harper plucked a flickering candle from a barren counter and held its base as if it were a cup of tea. "Anyway, as you might've noticed, I only send the women out. People are more likely to believe them. The men stay here to focus on construction. You'll be with them after a while."

Riley's anger grew as did his worry. "What about the girls I came with?"

Harper chuckled, the flame of the candle in her hand bounced "Teen girls? Even better. Once they realize they're here for good, we'll send them out too"

"That's fucking dangerous!" Riley shouted louder than he meant to. His glare fixed on the woman beside him as he crossed his arms.

"You watch your tone with me," Harper's carefree expression vanished as she stared back into Riley's eyes. A shiver flew down his spine but he held his head high. "I will not tolerate any disrespect."

The teen stood silently. His expression cold and his eyes never left Harper's. Though, despite his strong demeanor he thought he was absolutely gonna shit himself.

"I'll let this slide. Seeing as you're new, but you try that shit again and I'll make sure you never see your people ever again"

Riley nodded, he didn't know what else to do. He couldn't risk anything anymore. "I-I'm sorry," he apologized quietly "I'm just worried about them."

Harper placed a free hand on Riley's shoulder and squeezed. Her grip was stronger than he'd expected or maybe she meant to hurt him, either way, he wanted to slap her hand away. "I understand that. Follow the rules well and I'll let you talk to one of them. Once we get the rest of your people we can see how that goes and maybe I'll let ya have dinner together"

"You can't just control people," Riley replied shaking his head.

Harper chuckled once more, low and grave before she set the light in a dim spot on a shelf beside the deli market. The two paused where they were standing, and then she faced Riley, her eyes empty. "I can do whatever I want, boy"

Something fell with a loud clang that echoed throughout the store though it was close enough Riley was able to whip his head in the direction it came from. Brown hair and a purple jacket were all he saw before another Martyr shoved the person away with a scold. Hope flickered in Riley's chest. They're still there.

Harper cleared her throat and her cold smile returned "I look forward to seeing the look on your face when you're doing the same shit I am" she said. "Now, let's get you back with the hicks. They've been a bit lonely since their capture."

The whole time Harper took him to the freezers, he glared at her while she walked with a slight pep in her step, full of herself. She unlatched the keys from her hip when the two arrived at the jail, and she mutely demanded Riley get inside. Daryl glimpsed up as did Maggie, relief flooded the woman's face.

Harper shut the door, then hooked the keys to her jeans. "We'll come around with dinner in twenty minutes. Be sure to take advantage and eat up. You'll only get more if you earn it."


A couple of daunting hours later, Riley could see a crescent moon beyond a skylight in the ceiling, its glow illuminating the darkening sky. The three were still imprisoned yet the only conversations that had occurred were between Daryl and Maggie. Wally stood watching on the other side of the doors, his rifle still on his side. The majority of the group had retreated inside for the night.

Riley's hands were slick with sweat as he anticipated the night ahead. His family the main concern at the moment.

He was at his spot in the freezers when he made eye contact with Daryl. He nodded in Wally's direction. Confused, Riley pointed to himself. He bowed his head again, informing him he had to take the first step in initiating the escape. With a deep breath, he stood up. Maggie stood, disappointment on her face.

As if saved by the bell Flora came over, with her appearance as torn and jagged as ever. "Hey, Wally? Anthony wants the prisoners to help with the west side tomorrow."

For the second during his stay, hope flickered within Riley. Maybe he'd find his sister and Jess sooner than he thought.

"What for?" the male Martyr asked. "I mean, last I heard, he was getting pissed from so many people getting in his way. Adding the prisoners to his entourage won't exactly cool him off."

"Yeah, I know, but those biters from the Dollar Tree broke out and trampled some of the weaker defenses by the garden. He's got a new blueprint anyway. Harper wants to get it started ASAP."

"All right, well, you know I can't let them out without Harper's permission, right?" Wally replied

"Of course, I never expect it to be any different, but I know how bad she chewed you out for not being at your post last time. I figured I'd give you a heads up to know to be here in the morning." Flora patted Wally's shoulder


Flora passed Wally a mild salute with her hand, then meandered away but not below she cast a careless glance at the three prisoners. With her back turned, Wally watched her, but he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Riley's boots shuffling on the floor.

"Sorry," he apologized only to help his relationship with the Martyr. "Can I talk to you about something real quick? It's about what Harper told me earlier when she took me out."

Wally shook his head "No, not right now, kid. You should get some rest," he advised. "Harper will probably have you working with Anthony tomorrow. She'll test ya. You'll need the energy."

"Well, it's kinda hard to get any sleep when you've been kidnapped and taken away from the people you actually care about. I don't even know if my friends know I'm alive."Riley muttered. "You feel the same way, don't you?"

"I do, but Harper would make a note of my absence. I just have to believe in my family. They know I'm still in the area. They're only waiting for the day they see me again." Wally responded genuinely "I'm sure yours do too"

"Why don't you tell Harper about them so she can send someone out to find them? I mean, you don't think these people are bad, so why don't you want your family here?"

Wally sighed "Because there's no freedom here. There's food, water, shelter, and plenty of other people, but there's no freedom. You've got to follow Harper's rules. I can't force them under that."

Maggie had stood a second ago and was making her way toward the Martyr and Riley. He hadn't seen her so up close yet and despite the darkness, he could tell she was exhausted. "Ain't got a problem forcing us," she spoke.

"I'm just doing my job. If I do anything wrong, I'd get my ass handed to me. Now I didn't ask for this, Maggie. I was put here the same way you three were. Give it time, and you'll have a job too."

"We got people out there, people you're keeping us from. How the hell are you gonna have family and keep us from getting back to ours?" Maggie's accent echoed throughout the cells

"Because this is my job," Wally repeated. "I don't have to like every bit of it, but it's what keeps me fed and safe. You'll feel the same after a week or two, better if your people show up."

"Yeah, they're showing up," Daryl cut in, sounding assured, "and you best pray you ain't here when they do."

The Martyr picked up on the man's not-so-subtle warning, staring at him dead in the eyes with a growing glower. "Fighting would be a mistake, likely on both sides. Now I don't know what your people are capable of, but I know what we are capable of."

"Dying?" Riley blurted out. His glare poked through his hair that had fallen in front of his face.

Wally tensed at the boy's slip in speech. He stepped away from the freezer but remained within view. Riley's heart started to beat faster, he was getting antsier by the minute.

Eventually, Wally returned to the jail cell. "I know what you guys are up to, and I can't stress enough how much it's a lapse in thought. Harper will look for you; that's how leaders like her are."

"We ain't scared of her, man. She don't know the shit we been through to get here. Hell if it was all for us to end up like this," Daryl cursed. He would undoubtedly kill right now if he could. "Now, you want your family back or not? You ain't getting another chance, I promise ya that."

"We can help you," Maggie said "If you let us"

"Wait, wait, wait," Riley held up a hand "Before anything else happens I need to see the girls I was with."

Daryl ignored Riley, keeping his eyes on Wally, Maggie stood silently with her arms crossed. Wally turned away again but did not wander off. He exhaled, shaking his head. "Son of a bitch," he growled before turning back "The warehouse is empty. We'd have to leave through there, but it's loud. We'll make our escape and book it for the fairground, southeast." he explained "The girls are sleeping by the warehouse, under one of our soldiers 'protection'. We can sneak in there and grab them on the way."

Though he was excited to get his family back, Wally's plan had one flaw he couldn't shake"No, we-we have to get back to Ottawa Metro Park," he stated. "My leader said we'd have to pass Walmart to get to the patrol post. I think that means we have to go north."

"North? We'd really have to kick it into high gear, especially with people on surveillance with snipers. Keep your feet moving, though, and we'll make it to Devonshire. From there, we need to keep running till we can't anymore. These people are persistent, trust me."

With nods from all the locked within the freezer, they paused warily as Wally gathered a key from his leather belt and lined it up with one of the keyholes. He hesitated for a minute, looking at the three, and with a shake of his head he let them out.

"We keep our weapons in the warehouse, by the way," Wally whispered. "We'll take what we can after we get your people but then we've got to go. We'll risk getting caught the longer we stick around."

"Then come on," Daryl urged.

With another huff, the Martyr began to lead them toward the back of the Walmart. Keeping their eyes peeled and ears open along the way, but thankfully it seemed all other survivors were elsewhere. Finally, after passing through the dairy section, they arrived at an employees-only door, the sign hanging upon it had the word "Employees" scratched out with a knife, and below in it stick-like letters was the name Anthony.

Wally urged the three others to hide behind a row of cabinets just out of eyesight then he knocked on the metal door. After some shuffling the door opened with a small creak "What do you want?" a low voice asked

"It's Harper," Wally lied, a false sigh escaping his lips "She wants to go over your blueprints. I'll keep watch on them" he gestured to the sleeping girls just beyond Anthony's back.

Anthony poked his cheek with his tongue and nodded "Of course she would want to this late"

Anthony left the entrance of the door grabbed a pile of papers lazily shoved into a folder and made his way to someplace else in the Walmart. Wally waited a moment for him to be out of sight and gestured for the hidden survivors to come forward. "I think it's best if you go in there" he nodded toward Riley

Riley nodded, eager to see his family again, and walked into the room. Two dirty worn-out sleeping bags lay in a corner of the room, blonde hair stuck out of one of them and a purple jacket laid atop the other. Riley excitedly ran to the bags and dropped to his knees. "Taylor," he whispered shouted, gently shaking the sleeping girl. "Taylor, it's Riley. Wake up"

Instinctively, Taylor jolted up reaching for a weapon that she did not have but calmness came quick when she saw it was her brother. Relief flooded from her as she swung her arms around Riley and held him for a moment "Holy shit" she breathed

"Let's get Jess and get out of here" Riley smiled and his joy was too strong and the light too little to notice the black eye that had begun forming on Taylor's face.

Taylor turned to her side and woke the brunette, confused and sleepy Jessica pulled her jacket over her face and mumbled something no one heard. After a second attempt, she was up. She too hugged Riley as if she hadn't seen him in years.

"This is sweet 'n all but we best get goin'" Daryl interrupted, keeping his eye on their surroundings

After the girls joined, Wally led them to a loading dock door and pushed himself against the entrance, and as soon as Daryl had the opportunity, he rushed to a massive table with a mountain of guns on it. Riley, Taylor, and Maggie joined him while the Martyr and Jessica stayed by the door to keep guard in case anyone heard their intrusion.

The first things Daryl swiped included a crossbow that looked like it had not been washed in years and a quiver of sharp arrows that he skillfully slung over a shoulder. Meanwhile, Riley found the pistol George gave him several months after they met and tucked it away in his holster. Taylor gathered her pistol and knife as well, taking a moment to appreciate the knife. Maggie collected her items as well, her belt hanging on her hips.

"Take what you can get," Daryl ordered. "Don't weigh yourself down."

Riley nodded as he stole two handguns, then an assault rifle that filled his hands. However, he did manage to steal a superb pocket knife with a smooth wooden grip. Taylor also took two handguns and gave one to Jessica. Daryl had the strength to arm himself with real guns but was set on using the crossbow, not taking anything else.

Afterward, Daryl whistled to call over Wally, who jogged to the far back of the warehouse, to one of the enormous doors that was sure to create an auditory disturbance. Daryl was eager for their escape as was Riley, but his anxiety was peaking at the thought of Martyrs finding them.

"Remember, we're making a run for Devonshire; it's the road just across from the gas station in the parking lot," Wally informed. "The Lost Creek neighborhood is big, winding. We'll be hidden while we wait out the foxes. Now on three, okay? One... two... three."

The door flew up to the ceiling with a rattling bang. Immediately, the six took off into the starlit night, never glancing behind them as they crept along the backside of the Walmart. Daryl peered around the corner once they reached it, then guided the rest to the car park.

Spikes made of wood and metal were erected on the pavement, some had undead impaled on them. Their low growls sent shivers down Riley's spine. As they steered clear of the dangers they hurried for the Murphy USA gas station near Harding Highway, the street that branched into Devonshire Drive.

Then, at the intersection Wally, Taylor, and Maggie paused, panting. Daryl, Jessica, and Riley stopped as well, placing their hands on their knees to catch their breath. The group crossed the road and disappeared into the eerily quiet neighborhood of Lost Creek.


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